Topsy: The Startling Story of the Crooked-Tailed Elephant, P. T. Barnum, and the American Wizard, Thomas Edison

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Topsy: The Startling Story of the Crooked-Tailed Elephant, P. T. Barnum, and the American Wizard, Thomas Edison Page 33

by Michael Daly

  buys American Museum (See also American Museum)

  Car of Juggernaut and

  Centennial Year and

  childhood of

  circuses of

  Columbia and

  considers purchasing Forepaugh’s circus6

  Cooper & Bailey’s Great London Circus and

  death of

  Diamond and

  East Bridgeport and

  elected to Connecticut state legislature

  Elephantine Expedition and

  enforces law

  exhibitions of in early years

  father of

  Fire Annihilator project and

  Forepaugh-Barnum joint New York show

  Forepaugh competition and

  Forepaugh’s beauty contest and

  Forepaugh’s first American-born elephant and

  Forepaugh sues

  Forepaugh truce of 1882

  genius of

  Hack Bailey and

  Hawley and

  Howe partnership and

  Ivy Island and

  Jerome Clock Company and

  Jumbo and

  lecture tour of

  lessons in deception

  life on the road and

  merges with Cooper & Bailey’s Great London Circus

  Forepaugh reaction to

  obituary of

  photographed by Brady

  pro-Union stance of

  publicity and

  “rat bills” and

  renames show

  Vanderbilt and

  Vivalla (Antonio) and

  “white” elephant and

  Barnum & Bailey Circus

  elephants of, filmed by Edison’s crew

  purchased by Ringling Brothers

  Barnum Museum Company

  Barnum’s Asiatic Caravan, Museum and Menagerie

  Barnum’s Monster Classical and Geological Hippodrome, at Madison Square

  Barnum’s Museum, Circus and Menagerie. See also American Museum

  Bartlett, Abraham


  Battle of the Dwarfs

  Bentley, Rev. William

  Bergh, Henry

  Berliner, Emile

  Big Charley

  Big Liz

  Big Sid

  Big Tom


  Blitz, Signor

  Blount, James Fielding


  given to Philadelphia Zoo

  Topsy and

  Bostock, Frank

  Boyton, Paul (Fearless Frogman)

  purchases Topsy

  Sea Lion Park and

  Brady, Mathew


  Harold P.

  on danger of alternating current


  designs electric chair

  Edison and

  electrocution experiments of

  Kemmler execution and

  Westinghouse and

  Joshua Purdy

  Brush electrical system

  Bull hook (ankus, elephant hook)

  Bunker, Chang and Eng (the Siamese Twins)


  Canada. See Romeo

  Captain Boyton’s Sea Lion Park

  Car of Juggernaut (Great Car of Juggernaut)

  Cataract Construction Company

  Centennial Year

  Barnum and Forepaugh circus performances during

  Ceylon, Elephantine Expedition to


  Chicago. See also Topsy

  Chief (Forepaugh’s elephant)

  Chief (Robinson’s elephant)

  Children, treatment of those “adopted” by circuses

  Chiquita the Doll Lady



  appeal of

  arrival of in new town

  cruelty at

  “fixers” at


  movies at

  pickpockets at

  “privileges” at


  S.O.S. call in

  striking tent

  swindlers at

  traveling (See also Elephants, travel and)

  Civil War, circuses and

  Clark, Bernard


  Clofullia, Josephine Boisdechene (the Bearded Lady)

  Cockran, W. Bourke

  Coffin, Charles

  arranges Thomson-Houston merger with Edison General Electric Company

  first electric chair and

  industrial espionage and

  Westinghouse and


  Coney Islad

  Coney Island Museum





  Conlin, Thomas






  Thomas Abthorpe

  Cooper & Bailey’s Great London Circus

  acquires Craven-trained elephants

  acquires Great London Show

  Bailey assumes part ownership of

  Brush electrical system and

  Rice response to electrifying

  competition with Barnum

  hires Craven

  merges with Barnum’s circus

  Forepaugh reaction to

  tours with Hebe and Columbia,

  Craven, Stewart

  on Addie Forepaugh

  Cooper & Bailey’s Great London Circus and

  death of

  elephant riding and

  Forepaugh and

  Hebe and

  Howes’ Great London Show and

  Isaac Van Amburgh’s menagerie and

  Mabie Menagerie and Show and

  Romeo and

  Chicago escape of

  meets for first time

  mistreated by

  relationship with

  thoughts on

  Topsy and

  training philosophy of

  Cremorne Garden Circus

  Crowninshield, Jacob

  Custer, George Armstrong

  Czolgosz, Leon

  Dan Rice’s Great Show. See Rice, Dan




  J. H.

  Dawron, Dora

  Day, Charles

  Deacon, Lily

  Diamond, John

  Dick (elephant)

  Dickens, Charles

  Dickens’ Place (Almack’s)

  Diehl, Mayor Conrad

  Dodero, Louis


  Dundy, Elmer “Skip,”

  partners with Thompson at Pan-American Exposition

  Topsy and

  East Bridgeport, Connecticut

  Edison, Thomas Alva (See also Edison General Electric Company; War of Currents)

  “airship” Luna and

  character of

  childhood of

  death of

  Electrical Execution Act and

  finances of

  incandescent light bulb and filament trials

  invents portable movie camera

  iron ore separation project and

  Kemmler execution and

  kinetograph and

toscope project and

  miscellaneous projects of

  Paris trip of

  phonograph project

  publishes anti–alternating current “rat bill,”

  storage battery displayed

  Tesla and

  Thomson-Houston merger and name change and

  Topsy’s execution and

  view of himself and his work

  visits Pan-American Exposition

  vitascope and

  War of Currents and (See also War of Currents)

  on Westinghouse

  Westinghouse’s engine spurned by

  X-ray machine of

  Edison Electric Illuminating Company of Brooklyn, 277–78

  Edison Electric Light Company, 184, 198. See also Edison General Electric Company

  Edison General Electric Company. See also Edison, Thomas Alva; Edison Electric Light Company; General Electric Company

  Cataract Construction Company and

  early competition with Westinghouse

  electric chair and

  electricity’s mobility demonstrated

  electrifies first private house

  electrocution experiments

  merges with Thomson-Houston

  name changed to General Electric Company

  publishes anti-alternating current “rat bill,”

  tests first electrical system in New York City

  Edison Tower (Tower of Light)

  Egress, The

  Electrical Execution Act

  Edison and

  special commission and

  Electrical executions. See also Electric chair

  Edison and

  experiments with

  Electric chair

  Brown and Kennelly and

  Edison funds building of first

  Electrical Execution Act and


  execution by

  Westingthouse dynamo and

  at World’s Columbian Exposition

  Electric companies. See also Edison General Electric Company; Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company



  alternating current vs. direct (See also War of Currents)

  Brush system

  in Cooper & Bailey’s Great London Circus

  Rice reaction to

  demonstrated in parade

  Edison’s system

  demonstrated at Philadelphia Electrical Exhibition

  exhibits of, at World’s Columbian Exposition

  first central power system

  New York’s 1879 system debut

  Pan-American Exposition as celebration of

  private homes and

  safety of alternating current

  Feeks’s death and

  Tesla’s motor and

  Elephant, The. See also Elephants

  Elephant hook (ankus, bull hook),

  Elephant Hotel (Elephant Colossus)

  site leased by Thomas and Dundy

  Elephantine Expedition

  Elephants. See also name of specific elephant

  aggression in males

  musth and

  alcoholic beverages and

  apprehension signal of

  behavior of under stress

  birthing behavior of

  bodies of

  capturing wild

  Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) and

  death of herd members and

  restiveness of, at Luna Park

  in England

  in Europe

  family life in

  family life of

  matriarchal society of

  feet of


  birthing behavior of

  matriarchal society and

  reaction of to musth

  first elephant in America


  mating in captivity

  memory of

  musth in male

  protectiveness of

  punishment methods

  “burning method,”


  railroad accidents and

  sea transport and

  separating mothers and babies

  social relationships of

  birthing behavior of

  death of herd members and

  family life of


  musth and

  swimming ability of

  training philosophy of early trainers,

  travel and

  treatment of, by circus personnel

  trunk and lungs of


  view of character in mid-1850s




  Sanderson on

  Elephant sanctuaries

  Emery, William



  of animals during tests

  by electric chair

  Electrical Execution Act and



  as public spectacles

  traditional methods


  big swim

  encounters fishermen

  escape attempt of

  moved back to Luna Park

  at police station

  restiveness of at Luna Park

  “Father of the American circus.” See also Howes, Seth B.

  Feeks, John E. F.

  death of

  Edison’s response to

  Westinghouse’s response to Edison

  Fire Annihilator project

  Flatfoots, The

  Foot, Commodore

  Forbach, Adam. See also Forepaugh, Adam

  acquires Mabie Menagerie and Show assets with O’Brien

  changes name to Forepaugh

  early career of

  purchases Romeo

  retains Rice


  Adam (See also Forbach, Adam; Forepaugh’s Circus; Mabie Menagerie and Show)

  “American-born” elephant and

  America’s first beauty contest and

  background of

  Barnum and Cooper & Bailey merger and

  Barnum competition

  Bolivar given to Philadelphia Zoo

  Centennial Year and

  changes name from Forbach

  circus-oriented crimes and

  competition with Barnum

  considers selling to Barnam & Bailey

  Cooper & Bailey’s electrical innovations and

  Craven and (See also Craven, Stewart)

  death of

  dishonesty of

  dissolves O’Brien partnership

  electricity and


  elephant acquisitions of

  Great Centennial Show

  Great Railroad Strike of 1877 and

  joint New York show with Barnum (1886)

  leases his elephants

  leases Madison Square Garden site

  Montague sues

  railroad cars built for

  “rat bills” and

  renames show post-O’Brien split (See also Forepaugh’s circus)

  Rice retained after O’Brien split

  Romeo kept after O’Brien split

  sues Barnum

  Topsy and

nbsp; tour of 1879 begins

  tries to buy Jumbo

  truce with Barnum (1882)

  western circus tour of 1877

  “white” elephant and

  Wild West Show of

  Adam, Jr. (“Addie”)

  animal-buying European trip

  final circus days of

  training philosophy of

  “Patsy” (See Meagher, M. J. [“Patsy”])

  Forepaugh & Sells Brothers Show (Bailey ownership)

  created by Forepaugh-Sells merger

  filmed by Edison crew

  hit by major storm

  movies shown at

  Forepaugh-Meagher. See Meagher, M. J. (“Patsy”)

  Forepaugh’s Circus

  Barnum circus compared to

  Barnum competition and

  Barnum considers purchase of

  Centennial Year and

  circus-oriented crimes and

  competition with Barnum

  Craven and

  exhibitions at

  new name for

  “redcrossing” and

  Romeo and

  size reduced

  Trowalla and

  western tour of

  Williams and

  Franconies Hippodrome

  Fuller Electrical Company

  Gaylord, J. B.

  Gem of the Sky

  General Electric Company

  Cataract Construction Company Niagara Falls contract and

  name changed from Edison General Electric Company

  World’s Columbian Exposition and


  Gerry, Elbridge T., 201

  Electrical Execution Act and

  electrocution experiments

  Gillespie, George

  Forepaugh’s “white” elephant and

  Gilmore’s Garden. See also Madison Square Garden

  Gold Dust

  Goliath, Carl

  Gramophone Company, phonograph of

  Grant, Ulysses S.

  Great Car of Juggernaut (Car of Juggernaut)

  “Greatest Show on Earth, The,”

  becomes “The Great Moral Show,”

  Great London Show. See also Cooper & Bailey’s Great London Circus

  acquired by Cooper & Bailey

  Great Railroad Strike of 1877

  Griffin, Dr. J. (Levi Lyman)

  Hagenbeck, Carl

  Hamilton, Richard “Toby,”

  “Handsomest Woman in the World,” contest



  Happy Family, The, 61–62

  Hawley, Henry,


  Heth, Joice

  Howes, Seth B.

  Barnum-Howe Elephantine Expedition

  Barnum-Howes partnership begins

  Barnum leaves and goes solo

  Great London Show and

  as overseer of Barnum’s 1850 road show

  purchases assets of Barnum’s Grand Colossal Museum and Menagerie

  Huffman, Henry


  Indian Congress


  Iron ore

  discovered in Minnesota


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