Message from Heaven

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Message from Heaven Page 3

by Lydia Rose

  The three women were sitting at a table chatting when Nadine’s phone buzzed in her pocket. She looked at the screen and saw Kim’s name. “Excuse me a second,” Nadine said standing to find a quiet corner to speak. “Hi.”

  “Hi.” Kim could hear the noise in the background. “Where are you?”

  “At the bar with my friends.”

  “The women I met the last time?” Kim asked.


  “Want company?”

  Nadine thought for a moment and asked, “Aren’t you getting together with your own friends or something?”

  “No. If you don’t want me to come over you can tell me Nadine.”

  “No, that’s not it. You are welcome to come over and spend some time with us,” Nadine answered quickly.

  “I’ll see you in fifteen minutes.”

  Nadine walked back to the bar and took a seat without acknowledging the phone call. She picked up her drink and took a sip.

  “Who was on the phone?” Amber finally asked.

  “It was Kim,” she answered, but didn’t elaborate.

  “You two became friends?” Cheryl asked.

  “We have. She’s on her way here.” Nadine looked up. “You don’t mind, do you?”

  “Of course not.”

  Nadine was happy that she had decided to dress in her knee-high leather boots and black jeans. Her red cashmere sweater had a large scoop collar that showed off her slim neck. She was sitting there daydreaming when Amber bumped her shoulder.

  “Have you two become more than friends?” Amber asked grinning at her friend.

  “I told you I’m not interested in dating someone ten years younger than me.”

  “Yeah because there are so many drawbacks to that,” Cheryl said laughing. “Like a lot of sex being at the top of the list.”

  “Would you stop,” Nadine said pointing with her finger. “Please don’t embarrass me tonight.” She turned when she heard the door open. Even in the dim light their eyes met instantly. Her hand came up in a wave with a returning smile. Walking over to the bar she stopped in front of the women. “Kim, you remember Amber and Cheryl?”

  “Yes. It’s good to see you both again.” Kim gave each of them a one arm hug and now walked over to Nadine where she put both her arms around her and pulled her close. “Hi,” she said softly into her ear.

  “Have a seat,” Nadine said pointing to the stool next to her.

  “No,” Cheryl jumped in. “Nadine slide down a stool and let Kim sit here. We want to get to know her better,” as she pointed between herself and Amber.

  “Yes, we would,” Amber added smiling.

  Cheryl now motioned the bartender over. “What do you want, Kim?” she asked.

  “Vodka cranberry, Kathy,” Kim said with a smile at her friend.

  “Tell us about yourself?” Cheryl asked once the drink was in front of Kim.

  Kim took a long swallow. “What do you want to know?” she asked looking at Cheryl out of the corner of eye.

  “Oh, you know, the usual.” Her grin egged her on.

  “I’m twenty-seven, single.” Kim shrugged. “I’ve lived in New Jersey all my life.” She grinned. “I do enjoy traveling, but New Jersey will always be my home.”

  Nadine was surprised to hear that Kim traveled. Where does she get the money to do that?

  “Where have you been lately?” Amber asked.

  “I was in California a few months ago visiting friends,” Kim answered and watched the knowing smiles on the women’s face. They think that is the only way I can afford to travel.

  “Do you have a lot of friends in different states?” Nadine asked this time.

  “Some,” Kim answered and changed the subject. “How long have you two been together?”

  Amber jumped in on this question. “We’ve been married for three years, but we met in college so we’ve been together for seventeen years.”

  “It must be nice to find your soulmate so young,” Kim said looking at the women.

  “It is so nice,” Amber said as her eyes looked at her wife and smiled. Her hand now rested on Cheryl’s thigh. “We’ve been trying to find Nadine’s soulmate for years.”

  Hearing Amber’s comment, Nadine nearly spit out her drink. “Yeah, Amber. You’ve done a really good job with that so far.” She leaned over to Kim. “They have no idea what kind of woman I’m looking for,” she said whispering into Kim’s ear.

  “I heard that,” Cheryl said sneering. “We can’t help it if you’re so picky.”

  “Picky?” Nadine said leaning toward Cheryl. “I’d have been happy if you ever introduced me to a woman who had a brain in her head.”

  “What was wrong with Carol?” Amber asked.

  “Carol? You have got to be kidding me. I never met someone as self-absorbed as she was,” Nadine harrumphed. “The two times we went out, she never opened her wallet to pay for anything. She thought I was her personal ATM machine.”

  “How could we know she was so cheap?” Amber asked.

  “That’s why I’ll stick to finding my own date,” Kim said seriously.

  “Where are you going to find this dream woman?” Cheryl asked laughing. “You never want to go to any other bar but this one and as you can see there is no one in here.”

  “I’m very happy with my life. Not all of us are meant to climb aboard the ark two by two.” She looked at Kim. “I’m sorry. You must want to run from this conversation.”

  “Not at all. It’s been very enlightening.” Her smile opened wide when she looked at Nadine.

  Cheryl leaned over to whisper in Kim’s ear. “I wish you a lot of luck trying to break down her walls. Don’t tell her I said this, but she is worth it.”

  “What are you telling her?” Nadine asked perturbed.

  “None of your business,” Cheryl answered sticking out her tongue.

  Nadine got up and walked toward the bathroom. She hated to leave Kim alone with those two. No telling what they’d tell her, but she needed to go.

  “Now that’s she gone, we can talk to you freely,” Cheryl said. “So, you like her?”

  Kim nodded. “She says I’m too young for her.” She gave them a shrug. “She also thinks I don’t have any ambitions in life.”

  “Nadine has always been like that. She can’t stand it when someone finished college and then takes a job that has no meaning. Nadine doesn’t care that the person might love their job.” Cheryl let out a breath. “I think she’s afraid if she doesn’t strive for the best, she’s failed.”

  Kim nodded again and watched as Nadine walked toward them.

  “How much shit did you tell Kim about me?” Nadine asked looking directly at Cheryl.

  Cheryl laughed out loud. “Were your ears burning?” She turned to her wife. “Would you like to dance?”

  The two women walked to the empty dance floor. “Are you ready to run yet?”

  Kim turned on the stool and looked directly at Nadine. “Not from you.” She looked toward the dance floor. “Would you like to dance?”

  “I don’t dance,” Nadine answered without looking at Kim.

  “That’s not dancing. It’s just moving on the dance floor,” she said with a chuckle.

  “Thank you, but no.”

  Kim knew Cheryl was right. It was going to be very hard breaking down those walls around Nadine’s heart. Then Cheryl’s words played in her head. She’s worth it. “I’ll ask another time.” Kim noticed the slight smile on Nadine’s face. Yes, she definitely would ask her again.

  The evening came to an end much too soon and the foursome walked outside to the parking lot.

  “It was nice spending time with you, Kim,” Cheryl said putting her arm around her.

  Amber now hugged her and then she hugged Nadine. “I like her,” she said into her ear. “Give her a chance.”

  This left Kim and Nadine alone as Cheryl and Amber drove away. “Thanks for letting me share your evening,” Kim said shyly. “I like your friends. Cheryl is a nu

  “Yeah, that is one word for her.” Nadine smiled as she said that. She was about to walk away when Kim reached for her arm and pulled her into a hug.

  “Good night, Nadine,” she said as she released Nadine.

  “Good night. Text me when you get home so I know you are okay.”

  Kim grinned. “Playing mother again?”

  “No. I just want to make sure you’re safe.”

  They both got into their cars and drove away.


  Nadine walked toward her kitchen to grab a cup of coffee from the pot she started before showering and dressing. Well, dressing was stretching it since all she had on was a pair of grey sweats, white socks and a long sleeve grey and pink shirt. She hadn’t even bothered to put a bra on since she was just going to relax on her couch. Nadine opened the refrigerator trying to decide what to eat when her phone dinged.

  Are you awake? Kim’s text asked.

  Yes, she answered and pressed the send button.

  Are you hungry?


  How about some warm scones with homemade jam?

  Where are you?

  Standing outside your door.

  Nadine put her phone down and walked toward the door. She opened it quickly to find Kim. “What are you doing standing there? Get in here and feed me, woman.”

  Kim followed her toward the kitchen. Her mouth suddenly dry from seeing how Nadine was dressed. The brown hair had been pulled into a messy pony tail that made her think she had just gotten out of bed. That is if she hadn’t smelled her fresh scent. “I hope you don’t mind I just dropped by?”

  “Not when you brought food with you.” Nadine reached out for the bag and placed it on the peninsula. “Coffee?”

  Kim nodded her response and watched as Nadine reached up into the cabinet and grabbed a coffee cup. She watched her pour the coffee and turned around. It was now that Kim noticed the woman standing there wasn’t wearing a bra. Her nipples pressed against the cotton material and she automatically licked her lips.

  “Sugar or cream?” Nadine asked bringing Kim out of her daydream.

  Kim nodded without words and watched as Nadine went to the refrigerator to retrieve the half and half. “Thanks,” she said when Nadine put the sugar and cream in front of her. Now she watched as she reached into the cabinet to retrieve two plates and knives for the jam.

  As Nadine’s back was to Kim she grinned noticing how she had admired her appearance from the moment she opened the door to her guest. “Have a seat, Kim,” she said pointing to the stool. “So, what are your plans for today? The pantry?”

  “No. I thought I’d hang out with you today,” she said with a grin and then watched the shocked look on Nadine’s face. Her hands came up. “Hey, I was only joking. When we’re done with breakfast, I’ll be out of your hair.”

  Before Nadine could respond, her phone dinged again. She picked up the phone and read the message. A smile crossed her face. “Amber and Cheryl want us to have dinner at their place tonight. Are you up for more probing from Cheryl?”

  “Are you sure she invited me too?” Nadine showed her the text. “Do you want me to go?”

  “I wouldn’t have asked you if I didn’t,” she said still smiling.

  Kim returned the smile. “Sure.”

  “Great.” Nadine began to answer the text and waited. “Dinner is at seven. I’ll pick you up.”

  “That isn’t necessary, Nadine. I’ll meet you here at six-thirty. Does that give us enough time to get to their place?”

  “Yes.” Nadine was going to insist that she be allowed to pick her up, but then she realized that Kim may not be thrilled for her to see where she lived. “Okay. It’s a date then.”

  “A date?” Kim asked grinning as she picked up her scone.

  “A dinner date with some friends,” she answered rolling her eyes.

  After breakfast, Kim walked toward the door. “Thanks for sharing breakfast with me.”

  “Thank you for bringing breakfast. I’ll see you at six-thirty?”

  “It was my pleasure,” she said smiling. “Especially if I can see you dressed like that again.”

  Nadine looked down at herself and now remembered she wasn’t wearing a bra. Her hands came up to her chest. “I guess you’re a boob girl?”

  “Boobs, ass.” Her smile grew. “I like all of a woman’s body.” She moved closer to Nadine. “I love everything about your body.”

  “Go away, little girl or I might change my mind about the invitation.” Kim’s jaw dropped open. Nadine was now laughing and closed Kim’s mouth with her finger. “See you later,” she said giving Kim a quick hug.


  The last thing Kim needed right now was for Nadine to see where she lived. Her deception might not sit well with Nadine and she wasn’t ready to test that theory right now. She walked into her kitchen and poured a glass of orange juice from the bottle in the refrigerator. Moving to the living room, she pressed the button on her phone.

  “Kim. How the hell are you?” Kim’s friend Sam asked.

  Sam had been her best friend since they met in their senior year of college. He was pre-law and unlike Kim finished his degree in law. “I miss you, friend.”

  “What’s wrong?” Sam asked knowing something was wrong with her friend.

  “Oh, you know.”

  “No, I don’t know. Let’s have lunch and you can tell me all about her,” he asked knowing she wouldn’t turn him down.


  “Tina’s place. I’ll meet you there at noon.”

  “See you then.” Kim put her phone down and finished her juice.


  Sam was already seated when she walked into the small café. “Hey,” she said as she took her seat at the table.

  “I ordered you a soup since they have your favorite. You can order something else when they bring the soup over,” he said picking up his coffee cup.

  “A bowl of soup is enough,” Kim answered as the soup was placed in front of her. “Thank you,” she said to the waitress.

  “What’s going on?” Sam asked, unwilling to wait until Kim finished her meal.

  “I met someone.”

  “Well, I figured as much, but what’s the problem.”

  “She’s ten years older than me,” Kim answered bringing the spoon to her mouth.


  “And she doesn’t want to date someone as young as me.” The spoon went back to her mouth. When it lowered to the bowl again, she added, “She also thinks I’m poor.”

  Sam began to laugh. He looked at Kim and then laughed again. “Are you playing the poor girl again?”

  “No. Nadine just assumed that because I volunteer at the pantry and haven’t told her anything else.”

  “She thinks you have a crappy job that you’re embarrassed to tell her about?” Sam was enjoying this.

  “Yeah. Something like that.”

  “I knew that money would cause you a load of problems. Yeah, it’s great to have financial freedom, but you can’t know if someone likes you or your money.”

  “Yes,” she said softly. “Besides, Nadine seems materialistic. She dresses to the nines.” Except for the way she was dressed this morning, she thought. “Nadine is looking for a woman that is financially secure and has ambitions.”

  “You have the secure part down and I wouldn’t say you weren’t ambitious. Look what you do for the pantry,” Sam pointed with his straight finger.

  “Yeah, but I can’t tell her any of those things, you know, about the financial security.” Kim’s hand went to head. “I can’t even tell her that her dad is my financial advisor.”

  “You really like her?” Sam finally asked.

  “A whole lot.”

  “Then maybe you should tell her.”

  She looked at her friend. “Then I’ll never know if she likes me or not.”

  “The money again,” he said shaking his head. “I think you should give me all yo
ur money and then you won’t have to worry about the girl.” He looked serious for a long minute before he couldn’t hold it any longer and began to laugh.

  “Funny,” she answered finally smiling.

  “Besides the age and the money thing. Do you think she’s warming up to you?”

  “I’m having dinner with her and her friends tonight. Her one friend keeps trying to pry information out of me.”

  “Well, Nadine? Is that right?” Kim nodded at his question. “Nadine obviously likes you enough for you to hang out with her friends.”

  “We’re friends,” she said with an obvious smirk.

  “Friends is a good way to start a relationship.”

  “Yeah, but I want to hold her hand. I want to kiss her and not stop.”

  “There is only one thing you can do.”

  “I’m not telling her about the money.”

  Sam shook his head and rolled his eyes. “I was going to say the only thing you can do is kiss her at the end of the night.”

  “I can see it now. I kiss her and she slaps me or as she sees me moving toward her and she steps away.”

  “You will know more after you try. If she doesn’t slap or move away from you, she might be softening. She might like you too and is fighting her arguments about you.” Sam leaned across the table. “Have you got a better idea?”


  “Then you’ve got nothing to lose.”

  They finished their lunch and Sam pulled out his money waving away the argument he would hear from Kim. She had helped him open his own law firm after working for someone else for two years. He owed her a lot and he showed his appreciation every way he could. “Call me tomorrow and let me know how it went.” Then he grinned. “If she takes you to her bed, you can call me when you come off cloud nine.” He bumped his shoulder to her.

  “Yeah, like that’s going to happen.”


  Kim pulled up to find Nadine waiting out front for her. “Hi,” she said as she approached her car. “Do you want me to drive?”

  “No. Please get in.” Kim watched as Nadine opened the back door and placed a bakery box on the back seat.


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