Princess of Thieves

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Princess of Thieves Page 24

by Bella Beaumont

  Stecker watched him stumble off the gangplank in apparent defeat. He hurried to the lip of the ramp and called down: “And Fil!”

  The boy turned.

  “Chin up! You were doing so good . . .”

  Filtray gave him a sad smile, wiped at his face, and straightened his back. Then he wandered away from the docks.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  When Stecker said, “You should get out of here before you’re seen,” it was already too late. The person who had shadowed Filtray from the Sleepy Ox, through the quiet streets to the docks, was hiding behind a ramp and watching the entire interaction between Stecker and Filtray.

  It hadn’t been hard for Bino to discover where the Siblinghood would pop back up after leaving the tunnels. Rink and Commander Infew had managed to smoke them out, but they’d only gotten one man . . . a naked, annoyingly handsome man who went to the dungeons kicking and screaming.

  And Bino knew that the Siblinghood had a history with most of the taverns and brothels in the town. They were the typical base of operations for the group, who always skipped from one place to the next as the hearth got hotter.

  So, Bino had ventured from tavern to tavern—opting for the poor district, as the Solver Siblinghood was wont to do . . . they wouldn’t exactly fit in at a rich establishment—and eventually found the correct house of liquor.

  Now, he had more news to send to the king. He hoped Cartherus Sefyr would be appreciative of all his efforts to bring him knowledge of his stepdaughter, because Bino badly wanted a position in court. He was tired of slumming with the rest of the peasants in odorous brothels and sticky taverns.

  He needed some vertical mobility, and his skills at collecting information would bring it to him. He could see himself as a Royal spy or agent some months down the road . . . perhaps infiltrating the Geread Kingdom to extract intelligence from those heathens.

  The thought made him giddy with excitement.

  But he made sure to keep to the shadows, relatively, while he trailed Filtray Naggan through the winding streets.

  Eventually, the boy had come to the docks, and Bino had to control his excitement even more when he saw the de facto leader of the group, Stecker, appear on the foredeck of that decrepit pirate ship that shrouded itself as a merchant’s galley.

  Perhaps, when he reported his findings to the king, Bino could also uncover the treachery of the Wolfpack as well, just to further his esteem.

  Yes, the king will have to accept me then, after all I’ve done for him, Bino thought, stroking his dark beard as the two thieves conversed on the deck of the ship in the distance, out of earshot.

  It didn’t matter what they had to say.

  There’s no doubt in my mind that the princess is holed up on that ship. Stecker has taken her there, as a diversion, of course . . .

  While the city guards search tirelessly for the primary members of the Solver Siblinghood, he has slunk away into the shadows with the princess.

  Does he plan to stay there until the search blows over? He must know that that will never happen! Or does he plan to sail that ship into the sunset, with the princess as his captive?

  Either way, I must report my findings to the king. Tomorrow is when the trade-off arrangement is supposed to take place, but there’s no way Stecker and his minions plan to arrive there on good faith.

  The lad’s not foolish. Not that foolish, anyway. It would be a bloodbath.

  Thirty thousand Royal Sterlings will not be trading hands, so . . . the Siblinghood must have a back-up plan. Right?

  He stopped caressing his tangled beard and froze in place. The young man was ambling down the ramp, seemingly lost and saddened by whatever news he’d just been given.

  But at the bottom of the gangway, Stecker called down something that cheered the dandy up.

  The fop pumped his shoulders and started walking down the street with purpose.

  And doesn’t the boy look ripe for the picking? Juicy and . . . Bino bit his bottom lip and grunted to himself. Sashaying with that full ass for all to see. I’m sure he wouldn’t march with such confidence if there were more people out and about . . .

  Bino glanced up from underneath the gabled overhang where he hid. Daylight is fast approaching. I must be off to give my reconnaissance to King Cartherus . . .

  THE MAN WAS NOT AS stealthy as he thought he was.

  Not for Filtray Naggan, who had lived the formative years of his life as a thief and criminal—learning the wily ways, the artful scheming, the covert strategies, from his forebears.

  In fact, Filtray had known he was being followed the moment he stepped out of the Sleepy Ox. It was the deadest part of night, when hardly even the rats were slinking around town.

  When the door to the tavern shut for a second time quickly after Filtray’s departure, it wasn’t hard to put the facts together. He didn’t bother to look behind him even once during his journey to the docks—he didn’t need to. And he also knew he wouldn’t have seen anyone.

  But just because someone knew how to creep in the shadows, did not mean they were skilled agents of subterfuge.

  Ever since being caught unawares the first time, during the Siblinghood’s frantic escape to Reesnala’s inn, then the tunnels, Filtray had stayed on high alert. His guard was up.

  As he left the gangplank after talking with Stecker, and walked down the street, the corner of his eye caught movement in the shadows far to his left. He spotted the mysterious man’s whereabouts, but kept going as if he’d seen nothing.

  Once he passed the shadow, he hurried his pace, but took a different route back toward the Sleepy Ox.

  He knew the man would be keeping pace, slinking in the shadows like a ghost.

  He didn’t know who his follower was, but that didn’t matter.

  Most men were the same—and in the moments before dawn, when hardly a single soul stalked the streets . . . it was a time when the most depraved things could be kept secret.

  And could be done in public.

  Filtray marched with the presence of an oblivious man, even as he swung his girlish hips left and right, knowing that his stalker was keeping a keen eye on him.

  And when he reached the Sleepy Ox, he continued right past it—the first detour that probably startled the stalker.

  He could hear the faint patter of footsteps now, trailing behind him, trying to gain on him, perhaps even trying to outpace him.

  The man must have been thinking, Where is this dandy going? He’s missed his stop!

  Why is he heading into the richer part of town? Doesn’t he know he doesn’t belong there?

  I must beat him to wherever he is going!

  Eventually, Filtray reached a thoroughfare that bottlenecked in one direction forward, before it opened up to the wider streets of the merchantile district in the distance. However, halfway down the street, two parallel alleyways snaked off to the left and right, providing the only means to get out of the one-way street.

  Filtray dipped into the mouth of the left alleyway, making sure to move so he’d be seen. He hadn’t tried his hand at stalking the shadows like his predator, at all, so why attempt now?

  BINO CREPT DOWN THE street, realizing that he’d been duped. He could have turned around and backtracked to a different road, but that would kill invaluable time. And wherever the fairy was going, he needed to be stopped.

  It almost seemed like he was . . . heading to the castle himself!

  Does he plan on revealing his intelligence to the king?! Has he betrayed his comrades?

  Perhaps I’ve underestimated this shrimpy little man.

  He clearly knows I’m following him . . .

  But Bino couldn’t stop himself. He needed to be the man who broke the news to Rink and King Cartherus, or else this would all be for naught.

  He watched his grand dreams of walking through the lavish courts, tipping his hat at the giggling noblewomen, flipping a gold Royal Sterling to the musicians before biting into a juicy, ripe apple . . . he watch
ed that all slip away in his mind.

  His breath caught in his throat with a sharp gasp when the boy darted to the left, into an alleyway.

  Bino gulped, feeling fear for the first time in a long time. He had always had a cool, calm presence—sitting in the smoky rooms of the brothels and taverns, silently watching as the men and women debased themselves, nursing his mugs of ale.

  Yes, he had partaken in his own depraved acts, of course, but those were all behind closed doors. His memory was particularly fond of this little fop, when he’d been stuck to the end of Bino’s thick cock, bouncing in the air and begging to be used by his “master.”

  Bino growled to himself. He couldn’t let cowardice take over.

  Not now!

  Emerging from the shadows, he hurried toward the alley, making sure to keep five paces away from it, walking with a hesitant gait.

  As he crossed the mouth of the dark walkway, he squinted his eyes.

  A short, quick figure sprinted out of the alley, directly toward him.

  Bino fumbled and before he could unsheathe his dagger, the boy had embraced him, wrapping him in a tight hug that squeezed his arms together.

  Bino’s eyebrows jumped as he stared down at the cute younger man, whose head only came up to his chest.

  “Oh, Master, I knew it was you!” Filtray exclaimed, pressing his head against Bino’s chest.

  When the dandy looked up, his eyes were misty, the smile on his cherubic face wide and inviting.


  “I’ve been waiting to find you again!” Filtray squealed happily. “Searching for you, in fact! Oh, Master Bino, you don’t understand what you’ve done to me!”

  The confusion on Bino’s face must have been palpable. He stuttered, shocked, still wrapped in the grip of the youngster, his arms pinned to his sides. The little one was stronger than he looked.

  “G-Get off me!” Bino sneered. He snagged Filtray’s skinny arms and pushed him back.

  Filtray made a sad cooing sound, his smile flipping. “B-But, please?”

  “Please what?!” Bino shouted, holding Filtray at arm’s length.

  “I must be used by you again! I beg you, Master, fill my naughty hole like the first time! I’ve never felt such greatnesss—before or since! S-So thick . . . and dominating . . . your heavenly cock is a true wonder to my eyes!”

  Filtray’s face lit up as he spoke, so enthusiastic that it caught Bino off-guard. The way the boy described their coalescence—the disgusting acts they’d indulged in . . . it made him sound half-mad with lust, but also incredibly . . . arousing.

  Bino had never had anyone speak about him in such a way, in such high regard.

  Feeling a twitch at his groin, his pants getting suddenly tight and confined, he grunted. The hard hands that held Filtray in place, they lightened.

  Filtray was backpedaling into the dark alleyway now, and Bino found that he couldn’t release his hands from the boy’s shoulders. He was being led away.

  Gulping, Bino tried to blink his arousal away. He tried to remind himself why he was heading to the king in the first place.

  T-To do . . . good! Yes, to retrieve the princess!

  He frowned.

  But . . . if he’s here, with me . . . then he can’t be at the king’s court, spilling all his secrets, can he? So, what’s the harm?

  It was all coming together now. With a shrug, Bino followed the boy into the alley.

  Yes, I can turn this little slut into my obedient cockwhore one last time, can’t I? Before I ruin his life, I can fill his greedy asshole and turn him into a mindless cum-slave. Snorting, he thought, He’s halfway there already! Just look at that despicable glint in his eyes!

  “Oh, you little bitch,” Bino slurred darkly. The overhanging buildings cast shadows into the alley, hiding their bodies. “You can’t resist being a dumb cocksleeve for a better, more superior man, can you?”

  Filtray shook his head fervently. “N-No, Master. I simply can’t help myself. You’ve . . . pegged me just right.” He winked as he backed up into a barrel, his face twisting with slight pain.

  But that quickly confused face only turned Bino on even more. With sudden aggressiveness, he shoved Filtray against the barrel.

  Filtray licked his lips, then put his hands on the rim of the barrel and hoisted himself up. His feet dangling off the edge, his wide rump ballooning out on the flat surface of the barrel, his face was now at an even height with Bino’s.

  Bino fumbled with the front of his breeches. The tightness within was becoming too much to bear, and this little minx was only making things worse with his acrobatic, frilly movements.

  Filtray smiled at him, his eyes shooting downward as Bino’s large cock flopped out. The dandy rolled onto his back, so he was completely reclined on the barrel with his head draping off the other edge.

  Bino hesitated. It would have been so easy to reach over and slide his dagger across that supple, pale throat right now . . . completely revealed and helpless.

  But his base desires took over—especially when Filtray lifted his legs toward the brightening sky and yanked his pants down to his knees.

  As Filtray’s pants went up his raised legs, to his knees, the boy’s puffy buttocks spilled out. The confinement of his breeches had made the pasty ass smaller than in reality—the cheeks drooped over the edge of the barrel.

  Filtray’s little balls didn’t reach very far down his taint, leaving his pink asshole completely exposed as he parted his cheeks.

  Looking around his own hips, Filtray stuck his tongue out and smiled at Bino.

  The bigger man growled and took his cock in his hand. It became stiff in his warm palm within seconds. It protruded out and curved upward. He took a step forward, waddling as his pants were still around his knees.

  He knew that, even if people were to wake up and pass by this alley right now, it would simply look like a man having his way with a whore—a completely common occurrence that meant little, even to Royal guards, and hardly warranted a second glance.

  He would take care of himself, stir this boy’s guts up, and leave him ass-up in the alley, dazed and covered in cum. Then he would continue to the king’s castle and report his findings.

  And then he’d probably never see this boy again, because he and his friends would be finished . . .

  Bino smiled cruelly as he stepped forward and laid the bulbous tip of his hard cock against the boy’s inviting anus.

  Filtray let out a ragged moan as Bino entered him, his bent neck bending even more, until the back of his skull touched the side of the barrel, exposing the big lump in his throat.

  Bino gnashed his teeth together and surged forward, propelling his thick cock into that supple, warm asshole. Filtray yelped as his anus was spread far apart, the skin nearly tearing.

  “Your silly bumhole is still as tight as the first day I destroyed you, little boy!” Bino growled. His legs felt weak, so he leaned forward against the barrel with his knees and wrapped his fingers around that graceful, skinny neck.

  Filtray struggled to take the man’s wide girth inside him, and as the shaft sunk deeper into his rectum, gliding over his prostate, he let out a small sound in his throat. His tiny cock twitched, spewing droplets of cum over himself, the fluids leaking down the curve of his overturned asscheeks.

  Bino had his head between Filtray’s raised legs, and the big man started pounding away.

  The barrel shook as Filtray’s vision darkened, then became fuzzy. He blinked to stay conscious, fighting through the pain—it was dry and big, the cock impaling his rear-end, but he was used to such things.

  Sala’s glass tool, for instance, had been just as big, and she was twice as imposing as this man!

  The clack of the barrel’s rimmed bottom landing and shaking on the pavestones echoed through the alley.

  Filtray caught his breath just as Bino’s hand went around his throat. His eyes widened as the man put pressure on his neck and Filtray’s face turned red.

>   The dandy clenched his hands on the sides of the barrel, so he wouldn’t fall or be pushed off from Bino’s incessant, ramming thrusts. His legs were bending back toward himself, his flexibility on full display as his insides were rearranged and pushed from the thick cockmeat.

  Throaty moans escaped Filtray’s lips, sounding less like a man than a frantic animal. Despite his subterfuge, the big man did feel amazing inside of him.

  The frolicking, urgent anal sex continued, and Filtray’s body was quivering, his little dick flopping around everywhere as Bino held him in place by the neck and asscheeks and delivered his powerful, grunting lunges.

  He tried to say something and couldn’t—his airway was blocked off. Tears ran down his cheeks, wetting his entire face.

  Bino was given more room to maneuver as Filtray spread his legs further, around the man’s torso rather than resting on his shoulders.

  “D-Deeper!” Filtray finally managed to croak, and Bino loosened his hold over the boy’s throat.

  Bino chuckled hysterically as his thick meat-slab drilled the puckering asshole, making the skin of Filtray’s anus dive at the edges as it suctioned in and out.

  The wet sounds were impossible to stop, and they were getting louder and lewder.

  Filtray wrapped his dainty legs around Filtray and put both hands on Bino’s forearm, trying to push that hand upward.

  Finally, Bino released his grip and raked his hand down Filtray’s slender chest and stomach. His fingers came to rest on top of Filtray’s jumping cock, and his fist closed around it and jerked the little flaccid penis wildly, until it hardened in his hand.

  Filtray squeezed harder with his calves, urging Bino forward. “Fill me like the little slutty pixie I am!” he wailed. He stared up at the blue sky, unseeing—daylight was officially here.

  Bino acquiesced to Filtray’s begging, fitting his entire cock inside the boy’s inviting ass tunnel and then holding it there so he could shoot his load deep into his guts and stomach.

  At the same time as the explosion rocked his asshole, Filtray sat up from the barrel, using his powerful abdomen muscles and using Bino’s leg-locked body for leverage.


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