Diane R. Jewkes

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Diane R. Jewkes Page 18

by The Heart You Own

  Hawke stood, still holding Kara in his arms despite her protest that she was perfectly capable of walking the few steps to her bed. Leaning over, he gently laid her on the bed, placed a soft kiss on her forehead and admonished her to do as Consuelo said before leaving the room to find Case and Alec.

  • • •

  He met Case at the top of the staircase. He described some of Kara’s injuries to him and asked to speak with them after Case had checked in on Kara.

  Continuing out the front door, he headed toward the barn where Joe and Austin were talking with some riders who had just come in. Alec walked away from the group as he saw Hawke approaching.

  “The bastard grabbed a horse and took off before anyone knew to stop him. How is Kara? Has she been able to tell you what happened?”

  “She didn’t have to tell me,” Hawke spoke low, trying to control the seething anger. “She is black and blue from his handling of her. Her father, you, and I will be meeting shortly to discuss what to do.”

  Hawke walked over to Joe and Austin to see what news they might have. After explaining what Kara had said to him, and what Black had done to her, he found himself holding Austin back from riding out in the night to hunt the man down himself. He decided these men should be included in the meeting with Case.

  After setting men to watch around the perimeter of the house and barns for the night, Joe accompanied the men back into the house to the study.

  Case met them at the bottom of the stairs, telling them Kara had fallen asleep, and Consuelo was staying in the room with her for the night.

  Chapter 25

  “The chances of catching Black now are next to impossible.” Case poured himself a whiskey and sat behind his desk. “I’ll notify the sheriff to wire all the other towns.” He watched Hawke pace angrily around the room like a caged cougar. “But you have to understand, this is an untamed land and if a man doesn’t want to be found, he won’t be.”

  “Case is right,” Joe said. “Much as I’d like to put a bullet in the bastard, he’s probably halfway to Mexico by now. He’s got no reason to hang around here. He knows he’s a dead man if he does.”

  Hawke paced over to the sideboard, poured a whiskey and tossed it back in one gulp. The thought of Kara’s bruised flesh whipped his anger. He heard what her father and Joe were saying, and the logical part of his brain agreed, but the primitive part of him, the part that already saw Kara as his, would not be calmed, wishing he had crushed the worm’s throat.

  Alec, who had been strangely silent, stood and placed his hand on Hawke’s shoulder. “I know you,” he said softly, “and I know how deeply you’ve become entangled with Kara. You have to let your desire for vengeance go. It won’t change what happened to Kara. Or,” he looked his friend straight in the eye. “Bethany. I think you realized after we confronted Tompkins. You can’t change what has already happened. You can only go forward.”

  Alec’s calm insight caught Hawke by surprise. Lowering his glass to the table, he felt totally drained, like he had been running mile after mile, chasing an adversary who could never be caught. Sitting, he thought about everything that had happened since this trip had begun. He had been wrong about so many things: Tompkins and Bethany, Kara, and himself. He had thought himself able to control any situation. Instead, a slip of a girl with an inner strength that continually amazed him had turned his world upside down. And now he was being told he could not do anything about the animal who attacked her. It galled him to let it go, but he knew Alec was right. It was time to go forward. He knew now where he wanted to go.

  Looking at Alec, Joe, and Austin, he nodded. “Could you give me a moment with Case? I have something I need to speak with him about.” He smiled at Alec and shook his head. “Sometimes, Peyton, your insight amazes me.” Clapping him in a gruff hug, he said, “Thank you, my friend.”

  Hawke turned back to see Case watching him with an unreadable expression.

  “Sir.” he began. “I would like to talk to you about Kara.”

  Case watched him quietly.

  “I have come to realize I have developed feelings for Kara.” He searched for the right words. “After the events of this evening, I have also realized I want to protect her from anything harming her ever again. Not,” he added quickly, “that you have not always protected her before.”

  He felt a calmness steal over him, knowing the words he was about to speak were right and what he needed to say. “I would like your permission to marry your daughter.”

  Case sat back.

  “What makes you think she’ll marry you? She was not happy with your buying interest in the ranch. What have you done to change her mind?”

  “I believe she has gotten past her initial resistance to my being part-owner, and if we marry, then she will still have ownership. To tell you the truth,” Hawke sat back in his chair realizing he didn’t know the answer either. “I’m not sure she will marry me, but I would still like your permission to ask.”

  A slow smile spread across Case’s face. “Son, it’s not my permission you need. It’s hers.”

  Chapter 26

  Kara awoke with a groan. She stifled a yawn as pain flashed across her jaw. Rising slowly, she walked over to her mirror to assess the damage. Looking in the mirror she bit back a curse. The swelling on her cheek and the purplish-black bruise coloring her skin stood in stark contrast to her normal skin tone. Touching her jaw lightly, she winced at the tenderness. Her hand slid down to examine the ring of bruises around her throat. Those already had a yellowish tint to them. Clearing her throat, she was glad there was no soreness inside. Slowly she pulled down the neckline of her nightgown to examine her breasts. She thought Hawke’s reaction would prepare her for what she would see. Still a gasp of dismay escaped her lips as she saw how extensive the bruising was.

  “Damn.” Her breast was almost completely black and as she looked further, she could see the bruising continued onto her rib cage. Her anger grew the longer she looked at the damage. She turned to get dressed. She felt off balance, fearful. A part of her wanted to weep and cower in terror, but she quickly tamped those down.

  This only proves it, she thought, her fury mounting as she began pulling on her pants. Men think they can do whatever they want to a woman just because she’s a woman. Well, not me. She winced as she raised her arm to put on her shirt. I’ll be damned if I’m going to fall apart because of this. I’m stronger than that. She braided her hair careful of her tender scalp.

  With a last adjustment to her shirt Kara left her room.

  • • •

  Striding purposefully into the dining room, she stopped at the sight of the men sitting at the table. Heat flooded her face as Hawke looked up at her. The intensity of his gaze reminded her of how he had held her and kissed her and how upset he had been seeing her bruises. She recalled the way she had sought sanctuary in his kiss.

  The men rose as she approached the table, concern on their faces.

  “Kara, sweetheart.” Her father hurried to her side, preventing her from heading to the kitchen. “You shouldn’t be out of bed.” His arms, warm and strong, encircled her. The comfort they offered almost made her cry. She threw her arms around him and rested her head on his chest, relishing the love she felt.

  Lifting her head she looked into the dearly loved face. “I’m all right, Papa, really. I’m a little sore but I don’t want to stay in my room. I need to be working.”

  Case’s eyes searched hers. Stepping back he looked her over from head to toe. Though she had tried, she knew he could see the bruising around her throat. She knew Consuelo told him about the rest of her injuries. She saw the fury in his eyes.

  “Kara I am so, so sorry,” he whispered. “I should have never let this happen to you. I promise I’ll see you are never hurt again.”

  Kara searched her father’s eyes. “This wasn’t your faul
t.” She was surprised at the guilt she saw on her father’s drawn face. “How could you think you had anything to do with this? It was unprovoked. Papa, the only person at fault in this is Black and he’s gone.”

  “No.” Case cut her off. “No, I’m at fault. It’s the way I raised you. I should have never let you run wild or work the ranch.” He caressed her unbruised cheek. “You are a young woman, and should have been here in the house, or married with a husband to protect you. I should have put my foot down. I should have known something like this could happen … . ”

  “I can’t believe you are saying this.” Kara stepped back out of his embrace, appalled at what she was hearing. “You can’t mean that! Just because I’m a woman you think I need to be protected and watched over … . ” Disappointment was bitter on her tongue. Her father had always been supportive of her independence. He admitted he didn’t always understand her desire to learn the business of running a ranch, but he had never, never said anything so demeaning before. She had grown up with the example of strong independent women around her. The world was tilting beneath her.

  Now, one incident, and he wants to wrap me in cotton wool and lock me up.

  “The ladies in the women’s movement were right.” Her voice was strained. “You men. You’ll try to find any excuse. No, you don’t want us to be independent; it would be too frightening for you. All you want is to keep us beneath you.” Leveling a glare at the men sitting mute at the table, she returned her attention to her father. “What happened last night was frightening, I’ll admit it. But it is no reason to try and take my freedom from me. Saving me from one man just to say I should be owned by another makes no sense.” She took another step back. “I will never be a man’s possession, and I will live my life on my terms. No man will dictate to me how to live. Not even you!” Furiously, she turned and stormed out of the dining room.

  • • •

  “Well, Hawke, I guess this is going to make it a wee bit difficult for you to ask her to marry you, isn’t it?” Alec said, casually buttering a biscuit, and biting into it.

  Chapter 27

  Kara slammed into the kitchen, wanting to be as far away from that group of condescending, overbearing males as possible. Grabbing a biscuit from the counter, she was heading out the door when Consuelo called to her.

  “Mija. What is going on?” Worry wrinkled the woman’s brow. “You should still be in bed resting. I was just preparing a tray for you. You should not be up; I can see you are still upset from last night … come sit.”

  “No, Consuelo, I am not upset about last night. I am upset about today. About my father thinking because of last night he should lock me up in a house and throw away the key, or better yet, marry me off to some man and let him keep me locked up. I know most women are raised to be obedient helpmates, but not me! I want to have the same freedoms as a man. I know bad things can happen, but I refuse to live my life relying on some man to protect me from everything — even myself.”

  Bob entered the kitchen, stopping by his wife and resting a comforting hand on her shoulder.

  “Miz Kara, I know you ain’t been raised like other girls, and you got some strange ideas, but you know your Papa is only looking out for what’s best for you.”

  “What is best for me,” she snapped, “is for people to quit telling me what is best for me and thinking I’m incapable of making my own choices.”

  “Your father just doesn’t want to see you hurt.” The soft voice came from behind her. Kara turned to see Hawke leaning against the doorway calmly watching her, his eyes hooded and unreadable. “And neither do I.”

  Stepping closer to her, Hawke looked directly into her eyes, his gaze intense. “The sight of your injuries has upset your father more than you realize. No father wants to see his child in pain or injured, and the sight of your bruises has made him feel he has failed you in some way.”

  “No,” she whispered. “No, he has never failed me.”

  “It’s his love for you that makes him want to see you protected.”

  Realizing she had been the one to overreact, Kara moved to go speak to her father, but Hawke’s hand on her arm stopped her.

  Standing so close, the memory of his warmth as he cradled her in his arms and to the night in the hotel and the heat of his naked skin next to hers washed over her.

  Looking into his eyes she felt her thoughts were as naked to him now as her body had been then. The heat of desire sparked in the gray depths, and she could feel him caressing her naked skin. Disturbed he could make her feel so vulnerable and forget her anger with just a look and a touch, Kara broke eye contact, pulled her arm from his grasp and moved past him.

  • • •

  She felt better after she had apologized to her father. She loved her father and would do what he asked, within reason, to be safe. He had understood her need to return to her normal activities, and with a few compromises they had come to an understanding. She stepped onto the porch ready to go back to work.

  “Hey, kid, are you sure you’re prepared to use that thing?”

  She looked up from buckling the gun belt around her hips at Austin, who was leaning nonchalantly against the wall.

  “Well, you and Papa taught me. What do you think? It’s been a while since I’ve worn one, but I still remember how to use it. Besides,” she smiled, “I really don’t think I’ll need it. It’s just to make Papa feel better. I’m sure that coyote is long gone.” Nodding her head towards the holster strapped around his slim hips. “I see you have decided to wear yours.”

  In general the men didn’t wear a pistol, preferring to have a rifle in a scabbard tied to their saddle.

  “I’m not the only one. If he isn’t smart enough to have already made tracks out of here, there are plenty of people ready to put him out of our misery.” Austin stepped up to her, placing his hands on the leather belt and adjusted the fit for her. “Including me. And if he is still around.” He grinned as he stepped back to observe his handiwork. “The sight of a woman armed with a Colt would probably scare him to death.”

  Kara laughed, glad he was here. Austin always made her feel better, less worried.

  It didn’t surprise her to see Joe and the other hands had already donned holsters. Her father had told her until Black was caught, or they were sure he was gone, the men were going to be armed and guards were going to be stationed. He also informed her that she would not go anywhere without an escort. He assured her it would only be temporary.

  She was surprised however, to see Hawke and Alec mounted and holding her horse. She raised a questioning brow to Austin who shrugged.

  “I have to get back home. Hawke and Alec have decided to keep you company.” He gave her a quick peck on the cheek, trotted down the stairs to his own horse, mounted and with a wave rode away.

  • • •

  Hawke dismounted and climbed the stairs to her. The sight of her standing there with a gun belt strapped around her hips, but still managing to look so feminine, made his gut clench. What was he going to do with her? After her tirade this morning, he knew he couldn’t just come right out and tell her … or even ask her to marry him.

  He had heard most of what she had said in the kitchen. She had made her feelings about belonging to a man crystal clear. Unfortunately, the sight of her standing there staring at him nervously, sapphire eyes large in her face, looking so vulnerable, caused an overwhelming surge of protective and possessive desires to roar through him. He wanted to sweep her into his arms, carry her back to her room and prove to her that she needed him.

  She would probably shoot me if I suggested it, he thought. Knowing she was worried about him bringing up the night they made love, he decided to put her mind at ease … for now.

  “Alec and I were thinking you might show us some of the training techniques you use for your horses.” Looking into eyes narrowed with suspicio
n, he smiled, knowing she was looking for a trap. “We have been quite impressed with the way you and your horse work together so effortlessly.”

  He knew he would have to get past her reticence to regain her trust before he could reach the passionate woman underneath. But he wanted more than her passion. He wanted all of her, needed her to surrender to the desire they shared, to the love lying just beneath the surface. It might take patience and possibly a small deception on his part, but he was willing to take the gamble. Thoughts of making love to her and feeling her come apart in his arms again had filled his mind since that night. Even when she was not near, her scent lingered, drawing him like a wolf to its mate. She would be his.

  Taking advantage of her hesitation, Hawke took her hand and led her down the stairs, all the while asking her questions about horse training. The feel of her hand, small and warm in his, increased his determination to get through her barriers. He could give a tinker’s damn about horse training right now, but she was beginning to open up and answer his questions and he knew this would be a way to get past her guard.

  As Kara continued to explain her techniques and answer their questions, Alec got into the spirit of the day and appeared impressed with her knowledge. There were so many facets to this woman. It was going to take a lifetime to know them all. Hawke smiled at the prospect of lessons to come.

  “So you’re telling me.” Alec’s voice broke his reverie. “You think your horse can outrun Titan? I find that rather hard to believe.”

  The two were in an animated discussion of racing. Alec was an aficionado, an owner and breeder of thoroughbred racers.

  “Only at the quarter-mile distance,” Kara clarified. “The breed is called Quarter Horse for a reason.”

  “That’s because they are only a quarter the size of a real horse.” Alec snorted.


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