The Light of God

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The Light of God Page 2

by Michael W. Huard

  Light nodded at his explanation and considered asking him why he was here, why he had become fallen, and if he truly would ever want to redeem himself. She could perhaps find common ground, and offer some sort of forgiveness, fully from those above. She had the ability to offer him compassion, and change his view, yet, would he even listen?

  But, before she offered anything, Intina warned her, “He is not the compassionate type. Give onto him no favor.”

  She instead tried something else. “Then tell me this dark angel. Who has triggered such actions as to make Earth grounds a place of confusion and disarray? If it be your master then tell me such.”

  Palastine laughed in a deep sinister tone, “Ha Ha, Yesssssss, it is always he who gets the blame...even if there is no proof. You'll soon see that you’re searching in the wrong place, and there is nothing, or no one, here that is responsible. Perhaps you should look in your own inner circle. Word has it that one of your own kin has broken the laws of Heaven.”

  She contemplated his words, as did Intina. Before she was able to reply, something, or someone, had made a wall of force surrounding her and Palestine. Intina had been cut off.

  The phoenix immediately tried to fly up and over the barrier, but his efforts were to no avail. The bird was trapped my magic; dark magic, from the lieutenant of Lucifer.

  He could only look on as Palestine now had a huge, cocky grin on his crooked and razor sharp-toothed face.

  He looked over seeing the futile attempt of the fire bird to get inside. “It seems a little birdie is cut off from us now. He’s in a cage my dear; the time for talk is over. I have had enough gibberish yapping”

  Immediately swords clashed once more.

  The two went right at each other, over and over. The lieutenant tried to lop her head off but Light dropped underneath his cut, diving to her right, and rolling back up on her feet.

  She cried out, “Why do you attack me if you also ask me to leave, you are a wicked and confused agent of Lucifer. Back off and I shall now leave as to your wish.”

  The large, dark angel licked his lips and with a stern look he offered his only explanation, “Because I can.”

  Again the two clashed, this time he swung low to take Light’s legs out, that which she parried twisting her sword to the side defending against his swipe. His powerful strength allowed him to hook around her sword and he tried to knock it from her hands; but her grip was unyielding.

  So he came down upon her raven-haired head instead as she slightly stepped back, at a right angle, making him just miss by inches; thus coming back with her own swing slashing across his cheek. Crimson blood gushed from his wound and as he touched it with his free hand; he licked it upon his tongue.

  “Ewwwww, good one,” he announced, “there’s fight in you angel girl; and I love it!”

  He then came back at her with a flurry of swings to the left, to the right, and trying to stab into her chest. She slapped his blade to the side and cut down on his wrist, but it wasn't enough, he still kept coming pressing her up against the invisible force field wall near them.

  He then swung right for her face and as she blocked, his thick, black blade stay attached to hers, locked in a struggle of angel strength. Palastine continued to push and push until he had the Angel of Mercy down to her very knees. He then positioned the black sword awfully close to her throat.

  That's when out of nowhere the force field shattered in shards of some sort of glass-like mineral, the massive blast sent both the angels onto to their backsides.

  With a wild scream, Intina then raised himself with full wingspan above and over the evil angel.

  The phoenix dived with everything he had at Palastine; but just before he could make contact, Palestine teleported away.

  Back together, the companions both were very concerned. Light nodded at Intina, “Once again you are my savior, thank you my friend.” The orange bird looked puzzled.

  “I was not the one to break the force field.”

  Light now was the one puzzled.

  Chapter Three

  There was an obvious reason any agent of Lucifer would come for her. She needed answers and knew there was but one place where she could get them. She had to speak with the Holy Ghost once more.

  It would be the fourth realm where she now flew upon; Michael’s realm, where he, the greatest holy figure besides God, resided. She lowered herself to the most beautiful of gardens, those that anyone could ever wish to witness even in an immortal lifespan. It was there she saw him; for the archangel knew all who entered his home, and she was no exception.

  She bowed low before the tallest of celestials, he, who today who wore a magnificent suit of silver armor.

  “I had a feeling you would seek me out.” Michael nodded while motioning to Cyreen to rise and stand before him. “You have come to the conclusion that a regent of Lucifer knows more than meets the eye. Let me guess, you ask my permission to travel to lowest of levels for the important answers you so desire?”

  In truth Michael knew all along that the bane of God, Lucifer, was meddling. Yet he hardly had reason to confront him. In all aspects nothing had really happened yet. The word of God was showing up again on Earth and that really wasn’t so bad. He also had very little time to offer to petty things on the in the various galaxies he kept an eye on.

  Cyreen tried to keep her composure. She was an awe of who was speaking with her. He was so beautiful; his hair black, like hers, almost touched the floor, and his eyes were crystal blue, and as bright as the sun. She swallowed, and explained. “I do believe that the answers I seek, those I need before offering any mercy to anyone or compiling true answers, do lie down below.” She took a long breathe, adding, “I humbly ask your permission to seek them out.”

  From his side Michael drew forth a large set of keys; those he held before her were known to all as the keys to Heaven and Hell; The Prince of Light; he himself, Michael, their bearer.

  He took one key in particular from the ring. It was a black metal, seven pronged, and rather large specimen. He held it up before Light and Intina. “I must caution you both; there is the greatest of danger when searching through the abyss. The lower you go, the higher the dread. I will not, this time, be able to offer a hand. Take this key; take it at your own risk, for it shall open the doors to the seven layers. I can only hope you find what you’re after.”

  Cyreen’s eyes lit up. She had done it! She had the courage to ask, and it was happening. She was playing the game with those of the highest order. As proud as she was, she still felt very nervous in his presence. She did not know what else to say. She now knew as well, it was he who helped Intina break free from the prison earlier.

  Before she could leave, Michael asked, “So I like your new name. It’s easier to say then the whole title I have given you. Light... it’s fitting for you, and anyone with such a worthy name deserves companion.”

  Cyreen, swallowed hard. What was the Archangel insinuating. Was he to take her as his lover, to bed her now, to make love to her in the Garden of Eden? She was more nervous than ever.

  It was then Michael gave her the biggest of grins.

  “You amuse me young child. For one such as myself, we do not make love; we are love. You see there is no sex, or mating among the upper echelon, we only become one with those we covet. It’s hard to understand until it happens to you. But when it does, you must realize you have given your immortality away. One day perhaps you will understand.”

  “I was speaking of Intina; he has been most helpful, has he not?”

  Cyreen felt foolish, who was she to imagine a lustful romp with Michael.

  She changed the subject quickly answering, “He has been awesome!”

  Michael nodded, “I have to say, I am proud of you. But I must remind you, as the Angel of Mercy, be it Light now, all must be considered, even when at times you are hard pressed to give forgiveness. God forgives all who repent!”

  Those words would truly never leave Cyreen’s mind. He had
told her this before.

  Together she and Intina left now, their remarkable, yet deadly journey would go on.

  Chapter Four

  “I don’t care if the Earth is in danger. That place has been watched for century after century. I have proclaimed it my playground now! So you, my most trusted ally, soldier, and the hand of the first true Archangel, yes you Palastine, must destroy this woman; she could foil the fun!”

  The mighty angel of the abyss bowed to Lucifer. “I shall obey and I will not fail you again, sire.”

  Lucifer was sunken in, his chest caved in from the dehydrated heat, yet his sinewy muscles were still as rugged and firm as any in existence. He had the horns of punishment on his head and the largest of black wings, bigger than any in the entire universe; his mere presence astounding. He traced a line about his lieutenant’s wings and they become a fiery red in color. He then commanded a long barb whipped tail to appear connected to his elite soldier as well.

  “Now you are ready, he added. You look better the part my dread soldier. She comes soon. Put an end to her and return for your reward; one of a thousand naughty earthy female souls, all yours to mold, enjoy, and fold into your perverse ways.”

  The tall, now, red winged, demonic angel Palastine bowed once more. “Your wish is my command, lord Lucifer.”

  He knew better than to mess up this time.

  He would first send more of his own minions after this meddling female celestial. He asked all to take her alive, to bring her to him so that he may taste in the nectar of her bodily assets. Then with his new found powers, he would vanish her from eternal life itself.

  If she was compassionate as his instincts told him, a test or two was in order for the pale raven-haired problem child; a test to suck her spirit away. Then his minions would kill her and that pesky flame bird. He would send his best, and looked forward to the results.

  He had a plan and it now time to begin.

  LIGHT ENTERED THE GATES of hell. The atmosphere here was almost beyond imagination, even for an angel of her powers.

  The fires of a black sea welcomed her and her companion, and seconds after they arrived, troops marched towards them. Intina took Light on his back and together they rode into this forsaken army. He picked up tremendous speed and she waved her heavenly blade through them, none were left standing.

  She was invigorated since meeting Michael again. “Now that was some kick ass shit, my friend! Did you enjoy that as much as I did?” Intina looked back at her, his eyes wide and his face full of the black demon blood of soldiers they had downed.

  “That was a rather interesting experience, and yes, I liked it.”

  They then reached a new area, more quiet as it appeared. She dismounted and walked some now.

  Intina was always by her side, or flying about scouting when called for. It helped her ease the tension she so readily had walking on the grounds of the dark devil.

  The two would converse telepathically. “There is a line of lost souls up ahead my gentlewoman. Each is buried in black coal and none can move but inches. All cry out for help and this line goes on beyond my vision."

  He was right. The line looked to go on for quite some time as the companions began the trek near them. Beside them now, each one reached out to them asking for favor of forgiveness or for another chance at life.

  Intina had never seen anything like this, so many people wishing that they had lived a life different than the one they had chosen and acted out.

  “This is a test,” he said to Light, “each and every one of these are earthlings or from somewhere similar in the galaxy. All, I am certain, will continue to cry out for you to somehow save them.”

  Light then stopped and spoke to one individual, he who was knee-deep in the burning molten coal of muck holding him in place.

  “What is it that you are here for,” she asked the man who had little hair left, other than a sprinkle running down the sides of his cheeks?

  He reached out and grabbed ahold of her ankle, “I didn't do as I wanted to. I left my children to live their own lives because they were not what I desired, but I made a mistake. I wanted them to be in my mold, but they were their own individuals. So, I didn't go about seeing them in my lifetime and now... I weep every day for what has happened. I turned away from them out of my own ego, and I drank my life away sitting alone in my anguish.”

  Light knelt down before this man, “I must ask, why you have been sentenced here?”

  The man lowered his head in shame.

  “I did in my drunken stupor...well... I hurt people. I have killed people without even knowing it and I could not stop! I've done it over and over again; innocent people have lost their lives... even children, lost to those who really loved them so dearly. All perished by my hands in my stupidity of drunkenness.”

  Intina was disgusted at this foul and failure of a man. “He is a wretched creature if any I have ever seen.”

  The lost soul then asked, “Is there any sort of mercy that anyone could bestow upon me, or is this how I shall dwell for eternity?”

  Intina shook his long-beaked head. “To take the lives of those that are innocent was something that was as serious as anything could be. This fellow was doomed.” He thought. He had no clue what Light would do for him if anything at all.

  Thousands more were in line waiting for her too. The phoenix lowered his head, if this was a line for mercy and each was heard from, they would be here for decades.

  Then he snapped out of his own despair. This was undoubtedly a diversion, a blocking of the path to stop her from gaining any information into the lower levels. Intina was already explaining such to his companion.

  In her head she heard him say, “We cannot help all these people. It is obvious that their crimes will horrendous and, even though they may feel regret, it would take us forever to listen to each person's story. We must move on.”

  Light turned to her phoenix companion with deep thought, “You’re correct. We cannot listen to all here because we have a mission. Yet, we have listened to this man. Just helping one lost soul, perhaps, could make a difference in the future.”

  The large bird was silent, wondering what difference could really be made.

  He looked on as Light pulled the man from the black muck that he was entrenched in.

  “For everything that you have done wrong in life, there is only but one way to repent, and that is to offer love. So I give to you this gift for all the wrong and bad that you have done, I will send you to Earth to offer an act of kindness; one to those that you have so badly wounded.”

  The old man appeared so hopeful at her words.

  The angel went on, “On completion of these acts of love and kindness, you will be granted time to see the ones you so dearly missed; to see those that you let life pass you by. You will be given the opportunity to tell them that you love them, that you have done things that you are not proud of, and wish that things would have definitely been different.”

  The man shook his head up and down weeping loudly now.

  Light continued, “I will at least grant you the chance to tell them before you are gone that you were thinking about them and, no matter what had occurred in the past, you still love them. Do accept my offer as the Angel of Mercy?”

  The older man was beside himself, he dropped to his knees, still crying yet happy at the opportunity to go back to Earth. He grabbed the angel before him by the legs looking up and thanking her over and over. “Oh my God, this means so much to me, thank you, oh thank you!”

  She then helped him up and sent him upward to safer grounds and then back to Earth.

  Intina tried to understand compassion. It was not easy to comprehend, even for him.

  Chapter Five

  A swirling tornado of fire, smoke, and black soot danced about before the pair‘s feet once they passed by many more reaching out hands. They had moved on and reached what appeared to be another pivotal section in the abyss.

  “This is it,” spoke Light,
“we have to go down there. For the deeper the depth, the more sin dwells. He can try and hide, but we will find him, I just know we will Intina.”

  The bird gulped at such a portal, but trusted Light.

  The duo jumped through, she was not afraid, and he was by her side in whatever happened. As they came to a new region, to both their surprise, it was not as they had assumed such a lower pit of hell would be.

  A single child, a little girl, sat on a rock in a field of yellow-brown grass. The sky was bluish-gray and no one else was about.

  They could have stopped for many within the lines of hundreds and hundreds of others above, those asking for assistance, but Intina pushed Light along so that they may enter another realm. Be it here, deeper into the abyss. Now they came upon a single lost soul, a little girl who was all by her lonesome, sitting in this field.

  The companions noticed many dried up flowers as they drew near the child.

  On what now looked to be a rugged wooden bench, not a rock, she sat.

  In her head Light heard her phoenix sidekick make note that this was undoubtedly another ploy to slow them down, to distract them, or even put them on a path to where they would not want to go.

  She returned thought to her companion. “You don't know that for sure, she may offer something, perhaps this is the clue we seek. I mean, we don't really have a direct path to finding out the plan the Lord of the Abyss plots. That is, unless we confront him. I say we talk to her.”

  The girl was perhaps six years old. She was chained fully by the legs and around her neck to a thick wooden bench. For miles and miles dead dried out flowers now appeared around them. There was no sun anymore and a gloomy shadow came about.

  The little girl tried to smile as the Angel of Mercy came upon her. She looked at the woman and then Intina and asked, “What is it that you have as you're traveling partner, what kind of bird is he?”


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