Beholden to You

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Beholden to You Page 3

by Sexton, Carlie

  “I can handle the annulment for you if you want,” Neil said.

  “Well I don’t know if I want an annulment. Nat and I had a few minutes at breakfast before you arrived, and it turns out we both came on this Vegas trip because of each other. I really like her and want to get to know her better.”

  “Dude, Natalie’s in a vulnerable place right now and you’ve known her for what, five minutes?” Mitch snarled. “You hardly know anything about her.”

  “We can figure this out, Mitch,” Neil said. “Everything is going to be okay.”

  “Natalie’s been through more than most people and I don’t want to see her get hurt, that’s all,” Mitch said, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms.

  “Well, I’d like to be there for her. I know she’s lost her parents, her sister…she has to face the killer in court. Maybe she could use my support and who knows, things could work out.”

  “There’s more than that,” Mitch said sighing. “She was in love with a guy who broke her heart pretty badly, and she hasn’t dated since. He shredded her, man, and I don’t want to see her get hurt again. So you better be damn sure if you are going to pursue her.”

  “Neil can vouch for me that I’m a stand-up guy and I’m not a player. The last relationship I had lasted two years.” Damn, who was this guy? Her attack dog?

  “Okay, fair enough. So what’s your plan?” Mitch asked.

  “I’m not sure. I really want to date her, but we’re already married.”

  “Nothing’s stopping you from dating her,” Neil said. “Don’t mention getting an annulment again and just see what happens. Pull out all the stops and sweep her off her feet.”

  I took in what Neil was saying. “I can always count on you to come up with a plan. Thanks, bro.”

  Chapter 5: Natalie

  The massage relaxed me and I was hoping I wouldn’t have to answer too many questions about Mac. But, Kate and Charlie were so giddy about being brides it seemed they just couldn’t help themselves. We had made our way to a fabulous shopping center and the questions began.

  “So, is Mac a good kisser?” Kate wanted to know.

  I smiled coyly. “Yes, he is.” I didn’t want to say too much on the subject, but feelings for Mac were beginning to well up inside of me.

  “I could tell last night and this morning that he really likes you, Nat. Do you think you could see yourself with him?” Charlie asked, as we approached Victoria’s Secret.

  “Maybe…I don’t know. It’s been a long time since Ty, and I’m finally over him. I think I’m ready to move forward, and so far, Mac has been amazing.” Staying vague might be the ticket here in this conversation. Plus, I wasn’t sure if I was trying to convince them or myself I had moved on.

  On one of the racks near the entrance, Kate found a beautiful white negligee and showed it to us. The entire bodice was lace with beads sewn onto it.

  “That’s gorgeous. You should try that on,” I commented.

  “I think you should try on some things too, Nat. I have a feeling you’re going to need some lingerie in the near future,” Kate said with a smile.

  I looked bashfully at Kate and said, “I could use some new bras and panties.” With that statement, my two dearest friends went into hyper drive, selecting items for not only themselves but for me as well. A sales girl approached us, took our items, and started a fitting room for each of us.

  After trying on what seemed like half the store, I had three bra and panty sets and two nighties. Kate and Charlie had an arm full of beautiful items. We made our purchases, and found a much-needed Starbuck’s to refuel.

  We ordered our drinks and each selected a sandwich. Once we sat down, my mind wandered to Jessica and the many times we went to Starbuck’s. Charlie seemed to read my mind and asked, “How are you holding up, Nat?”

  I knew what she was referring to, as with good friends, there was no need for elaboration. “Today is the first day I haven’t cried,” I said. “Being here with all of you, and getting to know Mac, has been a distraction I really needed.”

  Charlie reached over and grabbed my hand. “We’re so glad you came with us on this trip. It wouldn’t be the same without you.”

  “Me too,” I admitted. “To be honest, as much as I want to support you both in your weddings, Mac was a motivating factor for coming this weekend. I wanted the opportunity to get to know him better.” I just didn’t have any idea how much better that was going to be.

  Kate leaned back in her chair. “How are you feeling about going to court next month?”

  “I’m not looking forward to it, but I want justice for my sister. If Justin hadn’t been high, then maybe he wouldn’t have lost control of the car. The District Attorney is going for manslaughter.”

  “I’ve decided to cut back my classes and be part-time next semester, so I can go with you,” Kate offered. “When does the trial begin?”

  “That would be so great, but it’s scheduled to begin on January fourth. You’ll be in Maui,” I said, feeling the anxiety of this upcoming ordeal resting on my shoulders.

  “Oh, Nat, I had no idea. Maybe the girls from work can take turns going with you on their days off,” Kate said.

  “I’ll see what everyone has going on,” I said. But the truth of the matter was I expected to go through the trial alone. Like usual.

  We finished our sandwiches and decided to do more shopping. It was carefree and easy, and nothing had felt that way for weeks. Nothing, except being with Mac. Kate and Charlie each had an agenda of finding outfits to wear for wedding related occasions like bridal showers, rehearsal dinners, and honeymoons. It warmed my heart to see them so happy. When all was said and done we all had our arms filled with shopping bags. I found a few cute outfits which I hoped to wear on dates with Mac.

  We returned to the hotel to relax before dinner. It was late afternoon and we knew the guys would be back soon. Walking into my room, I set the alarm, and immediately laid down. I was sleeping within minutes.

  Chapter 6: Mac

  The entire car ride back to the hotel all I could think about was Natalie. It was imperative I talk to her before we went out with our friends. Our conversation had been interrupted earlier, and I wanted to make certain she wasn’t uncomfortable with our situation. I had dated enough women to know that sometimes they say one thing and really mean another, or they just change their minds for reasons that were beyond my comprehension.

  I knocked on Natalie’s door uncertain of what I would find. After a moment, she answered wearing a robe. Her smile indicated that she was happy to see me. I felt relief, as that was the response I was hoping for.

  “Hey Nat. Did I catch you at a bad time?”

  “I was just taking a nap. Come in,” she said, opening the door wider.

  I walked past her and made my way to the small living room area. I sat on the sofa next to her bed. She followed me and sat next to me which I took as a good sign. “I just wanted to finish our conversation from this morning. I want to make sure you’re feeling okay. You know, about us, about everything.”

  “That’s so sweet of you, Mac,” she said, placing her hand on my arm. The feel of her touch had more of an effect on me than I was expecting. “I’ll admit that this morning I was upset, but our talk at breakfast put me at ease, especially since we both came to Vegas for the same reason.”

  She looked so open and carefree, that all I wanted to do was scoop her into my arms and kiss her. “I’m going to lay my cards on the table, no pun intended. I like you. I have from the moment you walked into the Statton’s kitchen. I’d like for us to get to know each other better and I want to start dating you when we return to San Diego. How do you feel about that?”

  Natalie looked down at her hands for a moment. When she looked up at me she had a coy smile on her face. “I’d like that.”

  I was so happy I acted on impulse. I leaned in and kissed her, gently at first, but then I couldn’t hold back and I invaded her mouth with my tongue, strokin
g hers in an erotic dance. My hands found her waist and I pulled her toward me, positioning her on top of me, her legs straddling my hips. She kissed me back with a passion I hadn’t experienced before, like she had been dying to be kissed and I was the cure. I untied her robe and slid my hands around her ribs. She was wearing a tank top and boxers. I debated running my hands over her breasts, but in light of her inexperience, I didn’t want to move too fast. So I just continued kissing her, pulling her body close to mine as she moaned in my mouth, causing my blood to overheat. I wanted her and I wanted her bad.

  Natalie pulled away and said, “We should slow down. I’m not ready to go this fast.” Her face was flushed, and her breathing, ragged.

  I looked into her beautiful blue eyes and moved her hair off her face. “All I want to do is kiss you. Hold you. I don’t want to do anything you are going to feel uncomfortable with. I’m not in any hurry.”

  Natalie put her forehead to mine. “Thank you. I know this isn’t ideal for you, but I appreciate you being so considerate of my feelings.”

  “Well, my mom raised me to be a gentleman.”

  “I can tell. You’ve been amazing to me from the moment we met.”

  I nuzzled her delicate nose with my own for that compliment, and decided I better get out of her hotel room if I was going to have a shot at staying a gentleman. “I better go since we have to meet for dinner in less than an hour.”

  “Okay,” Natalie said, as she got off my lap and sat next to me.

  I got up before I changed my mind, and made my way to the door. “I’ll see you soon.”

  “See you soon,” she echoed.

  Chapter 7: Natalie

  The evening was going to be casual, so I put on my jeans and the off-the-shoulder black top I bought earlier while shopping. My black high heels finished the ensemble. Thinking about Mac kissing me left me breathless, and I knew I wanted more alone time with him. Being with him made me feel like life might hold a promise of light again. No games, no drama, only Mac and his sincere heart. He had a hold on me and it had nothing to do with our secret marriage. He was kind, considerate, generous, loving, and I was beginning to realize I wanted him. More than that, I needed him.

  The agenda tonight was to have dinner and see The Blue Man Group. I took a moment to reflect and Jessica came to mind. A wave of grief crashed over me as I recalled the events of her death, and I couldn’t stop the tears from falling. Dying in a car crash at the hands of her high boyfriend was so senseless. Her life was over and I was never going to see my baby sister again.

  Mac understood my loss since his parents died when he was seventeen. He’d had Neil’s family to look after him and Jessica and I’d had the Millers to look after us. They were our parents’ best friends and had filled a void for us, had faithfully supported us through my mom’s death, and then my dad’s. They were a God-send in my life. Mac was, too. Strange how I had no idea how much I needed Mac until he came into my life. I hope I don’t lose him. It seems like everyone I love ends up leaving me. I am not sure if I could survive another loss, and already Mac seemed so important to me.

  I made my way down to the lounge where we were meeting before going to Planet Hollywood for dinner. I was early, hoping to have a glass of wine and a few minutes to myself to calm my nerves. Sitting on a bar stool, I ordered a wine spritzer. Before I knew what had happened, a handsome gentleman, a few stools down from me, bought my drink. The bartender informed me my drink was paid for as I took out my wallet. I looked over and there he was, sitting right beside me, invading my space.

  “Thank you for the drink,” I said, taking a sip.

  “No problem. My name’s Cory,” he said, extending his hand to take mine. I thought he was going to shake my hand, but he kissed it instead. “What’s your name, gorgeous?”

  “Her name is Mrs. Carter,” Mac said, standing behind Cory. Cory turned and saw Mac there with a pissed off look on his face.

  Cory put his hands up slightly. “Sorry man, didn’t know she was married.” He moved away quickly and that was the end of it, or so I thought.

  “You let that man buy you a drink?” Mac asked, not knowing what had happened.

  I shook my head. “He paid for it before I even realized. I took my wallet out to pay for it, but, he already had. I didn’t know…” I couldn’t seem to complete my sentence. It was as though I had cheated on him and felt guilty.

  Mac sat down and took my hand. “I’m sorry. I saw that guy hitting on you and I wanted to beat the shit out of him. I didn’t like that he was sitting next to you, talking to you, breathing the same air.”

  A small smile spread across my face. His jealously made me feel cherished… protected…in a caveman kind of way. I liked it and I wanted to have more of this feeling. “It’s okay. I wasn’t happy he was talking to me either, and I was just about to tell him I was waiting for my boyfriend. But, you saved the day and I didn’t have to.”

  Mac’s boyish grin melted me on the inside. Kissing him in my hotel room flashed through my mind and I blushed a little.

  “So, you think of me as your boyfriend?” he asked, with a glint in his eye. He had interlocked his fingers with mine and placed our hands on his thigh.

  “Honestly, I guess I do.” The words came out, but I wanted to reel them back in. How was he going to react to my statement?

  “Good, because I definitely want to be your boyfriend,” he said, pulling my barstool closer to his. Our legs were touching and Mac planted a gentle kiss on my lips. His lips touching mine made me tingle all over and I suddenly wished we were alone. Our evening was already accounted for with our love-bird friends, however, who would probably be fashionably late.

  Within seconds of each other, our cell phones rang. I answered mine, and it was Charlie calling to say she wasn’t feeling well and they were going to stay in and order room service. When I hung up, Mac was just ending his call, too.

  “That was Neil. Kate’s not feeling well, so they are staying in and ordering room service.”

  I chuckled. “My call was from Charlie, saying that she wasn’t feeling well and they are staying in and ordering room service.”

  We both laughed at the transparency of our friends. “Looks like we have some matchmaking going on. Neil made sure you and I were already together before he went into his explanation.”

  “So did Charlie,” I said, with my eyes locked on Mac’s. “What do you want to do now?” I asked, knowing that could be a loaded question.

  Mac’s devilish smile sent my mind in a thousand directions. I thought he might suggest we stay in and get room service too, but he didn’t. “Let’s go to dinner like we planned, but not Planet Hollywood. Maybe we can find a quiet Italian place,” Mac suggested.

  “I love that idea.”

  Mac called the bartender over. “Do you know of any out-of-the-way Italian places for a quiet dinner?” he asked.

  The bartender told us about Mamma Mia’s. He said it was old-fashioned home cooking with a romantic ambiance. Mac and I were off to get a cab within minutes. The evening was going better than I expected. We arrived at the quaint little restaurant that was off the beaten path. The serene atmosphere was calming and a woman’s voice crooned The Man I Love in the background. I felt my shoulders relax as my surroundings washed over all of my senses. It had typical Italian flair, and we were seated in a circular booth toward the back. It was like being in my own private world with Mac. Having him all to myself was both scary and thrilling at the same time. We both scooted into the booth and Mac was so close to me, I could inhale his manly scent. It had intoxicated me earlier. I had no doubt my infatuation with all things Mac would continue throughout the night.

  Mac ordered a bottle of wine for us and we perused the menus for a moment. I made up my mind quickly, so I turned my attention to the delicious man sitting next to me. Mac closed his menu too, and took my hand in his. An electric current radiated through my body when he touched me. In that moment, I was glad we were married, so I could give m
yself over to him without breaking my promise to my mom. It was fascinating I felt relieved by that thought. Interesting turn of events from just a few hours before.

  The waiter brought the wine and took our order. “Now that we’ve got that out of the way, I want to propose a toast,” Mac said smiling. We each picked up our glasses and Mac began, “Here’s to many quiet moments like this.” We clinked glasses, each took a sip, put our glasses down, and Mac looked at me with blazing eyes. Before I could even breathe, he took my head in his hands and began kissing me. His tongue was sweet like wine as it stroked mine. His kiss was urgent and passionate, like he had been waiting a hundred years to press his lips to mine. My heart was beating so fast I thought it might pound right out of my chest. As the kiss slowed Mac put his nose to mine playfully nuzzling it. “I feel better now,” he announced.

  I laughed and said, “I didn’t know you weren’t feeling well.”

  “It’s not that. I just needed to kiss you.”

  “I needed you to kiss me, too,” I whispered shyly.

  The waiter appeared with our bread and salads. The moment had been so powerful I was glad for the food to arrive. Kissing Mac was amazing, but I was torn between slowing down and tearing off his clothes. I was surprised at myself for having such extreme feelings. I was all over the place and I didn’t know what to do about it.

  “So, beautiful Natalie, could tell me more about yourself and your family? On our drive out here, it was fun talking about our childhoods and telling stories, but I want to know about the things that have made you who you are.”

  “I want to know more about you, too.” I took a sip of wine knowing that sharing the tough times was going to be difficult.

  “When I was nineteen, my mom was diagnosed with stage four ovarian cancer. It was a shock to all of us because we didn’t have any family history and she was only in her forties. Usually women develop it later in life. At first, we were hopeful the doctors could help her. She had the best oncologist in San Diego caring for her. She was so sick when we took her into the hospital, the doctors decided to wait to do a hysterectomy until after several rounds of chemo. My dad was beside himself with worry, but he put on a brave front for all of us. He had always been my mom’s rock.”


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