Cross My Heart

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by Jaime Russell


  Cross My Heart

  Copyright © 2019 Jaime Russell

  Edited by: Nikki Reeves of Southern Sweetheart Author and Book Services

  Proofreader: R. Corcoran

  Cover Design: Chelle C. Craze of Crazy Bird Imaginations

  Photographer: Shauna Kruse of Kruse Images & Photography: Models & Boudoir

  Models: Matthew Hosea and Stephanie Pietz

  Formatting: Jaime Russell

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite eBook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the work of this author.


  I’m dedicating this book to my one true love Shawn Russell. You’ve been there for me from the beginning of this journey. When I’m down on myself, you encourage me every time I want to quit. You love me unconditionally. I don’t know what my life would be like without you in it and I don’t want to ever imagine you not in my life. Thank you for believing in and most importantly loving me. You’re my weirdo!


  To you reading this book, thank you for taking a chance on me. You give me a chance to keep doing what I love to do. Writing is like breathing to me. I can’t imagine doing anything else. I have my bad days when I want to give up but if I couldn’t bring the voices in my head to life, I’d be lost. Thank you for believing in me and sticking with me as I find who I am.

  Nikki Reeves thank you for being patient with me and understanding when it comes to my vision of what I want with my stories. You help get me where I want to be. You’re make me a better writer.

  Robyn Corcoran I want to say thank you for being in my life and my friend. You’ve been with me for so long in this journey and supported me without a doubt.

  Chelle C Craze thank you for your talent of design. You take a picture, my ideas and turn it into a masterpiece. I don’t know how you do it and wish I had an ounce of talent that you do. I didn’t know this picture could be as beautiful as it is. I’m so glad that we’re on the same team.

  Shauna Kruse, I don’t know whether to thank you or hurt you. I didn’t want to write a cowboy series but this picture you took was so inspiriting that I started writing and couldn’t stop writing. I know it took me forever to write this book, but I needed it to be perfect. I hope my words can do this photo justice.

  Matthew Hosea and Stephanie Pietz two of the most beautiful people in this world. Not only does this photo speak volumes on so many levels, I’m lucky to have been able to meet you many years ago in Louisville, Ky. Thank you for being an inspiration for me.

  To my Hooligans Fireball shots all around.

  To my Misfits thank you for your constant support and love. I’d never give up and it’s all because of you.

  My family you’ve gone above and beyond for me with my writing. You accepted my craziness, my friends, and love every minute of this wild ride. I couldn’t want a better support system/cheerleader than you. I can’t wait for the future with all of you beside me.










































  All about the author



  I sniff the top of my daughter’s head while she’s in my arms as I breastfeed for the first time. I never knew how much my life would change that one night, when I met Rhett, at the restaurant in San Francisco. When I’m with him, I’m always in a state of a fairytale. I love it, and now, I have Lucy.

  “You are surrounded by a lot of people who are crazy and wild, but know that they will protect you with everything they can, and they will love you with every ounce of their heart and soul. Buckle up Lucy, because you’re on a bumpy ride called life with the Livingston’s,” I chuckle.

  “It’s not that bad.” Rhett says, standing in the doorway of my hospital room.

  “Really? Do you not remember the twisting road that brought us to Lucy? Also, let's not forget about our wedding day.” We laugh, thinking about what a disastrous day it turned out to be. “Lucy, I’m going to tell you a story about how you came about without all the naughty parts.” I say, kissing the top of her head.

  Rhett sits down in the recliner, propping his feet up on my bed. “I’m ready for story time with Charlie.” He smirks, and I glare at him.

  “Once upon a time, in a far-away land in California called San Francisco, there was a beautiful princess named Charlotte. She had long, blonde hair, blue eyes, and a passion for cooking. She couldn’t find a job in the kitchen that made her happy, so she worked as a waitress. One day, her sister, her sister’s best friend, and Charlotte’s best friend decided to move to a new area to start their dream life. The night before they left Charlotte got called into work, and she met this man, who she couldn’t get out of her mind. She danced with him, spent the night getting to know him, and then she left for Texas. She didn’t even know if she’d ever see him again.” Lucy unlatches from my nipple, and I burp her. She rests in my arm, as I tell her to buckle up, because it’s about to get entertaining.


  Three years ago

  “Fuck!” I grunt, as I pound on the sink. I’m seeing stars from burning my shin because I was distracted. I really need to get Rhett out of my mind, because now, I’m imaging him in the kitchen with me. I can’t fuck this up. I look up once more to the voice of the man, who sent shivers up my spine from the moment he sat down at my table in the restaurant I was working at in San Francisco. I stare into his eyes, and I’m frozen. This can’t actually be real, can it?

  “Rhett?” I whisper still believing my mind is playing tricks on me.

  “Charlie, what are you doing here?” Rhett laughs, as he walks towards me, picking me up by the waist to spin me around. I can’t believe my luck. He’s actually in the kitchen with me.

  “I work here. What the fuck are you doing here?” I ask, as he sits me back down on the floor, but my shin rubs up against his jeans. “Son of a bitch,” I say, grinding my teeth together, as I limp over to the restaurant size refrigerator to look for some pickle juice. “Apple juice, orange juice, butter
, jam, milk,” I mutter to myself. When I look over my shoulder, Rhett is leaning against the counter with his arms crossed staring at me.

  “Oh, don’t mind me. I’m just enjoying the view,” he winks.

  “Pickle juice!” I squeal, as I limp over to the sink and grab a paper towel to wet it, so I can place it on my burn. I struggle to get it without sitting on the floor, so Rhett puts me up on the counter.

  “This isn’t sanitary, and if the board of health came in, they would fine the ranch at least five thousand dollars.”

  “Fuck the fine. I’ll pay a million dollars.” Before I realize what happens, Rhett kisses me with so much power, and I moan, opening my lips and letting his tongue take control of my mouth. He removes my green t-shirt from my jean shorts, as I feel his hands, rubbing up and down my back. He stops at my black lace bra, and I push him away.

  “Stop, please. I’m not fucking you in the kitchen of my workplace. Wait, how did you find me?” I pant, jumping down off the counter and putting some space between us, grimacing at the pain on my leg.

  “I own this ranch with my brothers.” My lips form an “O” shape, as I catch up with what he’s saying. Holy shit. He’s my boss!

  “I quit.” I say, walking towards the backdoor of the kitchen, so I can leave, but Rhett grabs my wrist.

  “I decline your resignation. Let’s take a step back, before you do something that we’ll both regret. This is great actually. Neither one of us wanted to be apart from each other, and now, we can be together.” He smiles, and it reaches his beautiful eyes, as I shake my head, trying to clear my head from everything.

  “I need to get this mess cleaned up and redo breakfast, before the staff comes in. I really don’t have time to discuss this with you right now.” I bend down to clean up the mess of biscuits and gravy, and Rhett tries to help me. “Please don’t. Just go about your day, like I’m not the chef. Why don’t we talk after today is done? I’m nervous already, and knowing it’s your ranch, I’m even more nervous. I have a lot riding on this job.”

  “What do you have riding on it?” Rhett’s tone is so sincere, as he rubs the back of his hand down my jawline. I smile at him and lean in, kissing him quickly.

  “Talk later? We’re moving in this weekend, and I can’t wait for the girls to know this news.” I laugh, but my stomach is in knots right now.

  “Hey, I’ve given you orgasms and made you see stars, so this job is yours.” He says, winking at me. When he stands up and walks towards the back door, I throw a biscuit at him, hitting him in the head, as I giggle. “Still not going to get fired, but nice try.” I roll my eyes.

  I spend the next two hours making what feels like three thousand pounds of biscuits and gravy for breakfast. When the staff finally start coming in I have my back to the door, as I’m getting everything set out into the barn where it’s set up like a mess hall type feel, when I’m suddenly lifted off the floor. “Well, if it isn’t the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.”

  “Tucker!” I squeal, as he puts me down, and I hug him.

  “I couldn’t believe my ears, when Rhett told me you were here. I wanted to come running, but he wouldn’t let me. I’m so glad to see you. Is Maddie here, too?” He’s looking around me, as I shake my head no.

  “Sorry. Maddie’s at the hotel job hunting, and I need to talk to Karen today to see what the owners of the ranch have decided about the fees for the house and what not.” I smile up at him.

  “Oh, I’m pretty sure that the owners of the ranch will give you anything and everything you want.” Tucker kisses the top of my head, as he starts dishing out breakfast.

  I meet everyone, as they come in. I don’t remember all their names and faces, but I’m sure I’ll get to know them. I’m told that this is the group of ranch hands that live here and are full-time. I only have to feed them breakfast and lunch. At lunchtime, I will have more workers coming in, who work in the fields.

  Once everyone is settled, I walk around with coffee, asking if anyone needs refills, and some look at me like I’ve sprouted two other hands.

  “Ma’am, they’re not used to someone coming around serving them extra coffee.” A young boy says, smiling at me.

  “Oh, okay, and please don’t call me ma’am. My name’s Charlie.” I set the coffee on the table, holding out my hand for him to shake it. He takes it, as he lets me know that his name is Eddie. I keep going around the tables, when I feel my cheeks get warm. I turn around, and Rhett has his eyes on me, so I smile at him.

  “Can I get you something, Mr. Livingston?” I say sweetly, with a smile on my face.

  “Oh, do you take special orders?”

  “Only for the exceptional ones,” I say, leaning into him to flirt a bit.

  “Well, I’ve always been told I’m the exceptional one in the family.” Wes stands behind me, and I can’t help but smile, when Rhett frowns.

  “Wes, I was wondering where you were. You been hiding from me?”

  “No, ma’am. Rhett’s trying to keep us apart. He knows you’re really into me and not him. I had to break it to him on the plane ride here.”

  “Oh, Wes. I should tell you she kissed me twice in the kitchen earlier this morning, while you were already outside. So, I guess she chose the smart and good looking one.”

  “Oh,” Wes says, clinging to his heart, like he’s having a heart attack. “Charlie, you’re breaking my heart. However, will I go on?”

  “I’m sure some cowgirl will feel bad for the broken-hearted cowboy, and then she will want to repair it,” I state, patting his heart.

  “Oh, this could work. Come sit and tell me more.” Wes puts his arm around my shoulder, as he leads me to where the food is on the island. “Will you be my wing woman?”

  “You know, when Macy used to break up with someone, and then she needed to find someone to help her get over that woman, we used to go to the gay clubs. I pretended to be her ex, and then I’d break up with her right there, before leaving. She always went home with someone.” Wes’s eyes light up.

  “You’re coming with me, when we go out next.”

  “No. There’s Maddie, Dana, and hell, even Macy to use. Charlie is mine.” Rhett clears his throat, laying down the law, and I smile.

  “Are you always this territorial, or is it just for me?” I smirk at Rhett as a bell rings, like the one when you were in elementary school, letting you know it was time to go to school, but I can’t tell where it’s coming from. “Seriously?”

  “Yeah, it’s more for the kids’ program, but we’ve learned that it helps keep the staff on a schedule, too,” Rhett tells me, as Wes and Tucker get plates to sit down together. “Grab a plate, and then come sit with us.” I grab a small plate and sit down next to Rhett while staring across at Wes and Tucker with big grins.

  “Shut the fuck up,” I tell them, as I start to eat.

  “Have you done a lot of exploring yet?” Tucker asks with a mouthful of food.

  “A little. We found a coffee shop near the hotel that’s heavenly, a great bookstore, and a bar that does line dancing, which has me eager to go. I’m pretty excited, because we’re actually going to explore shopping, after work today.”

  “Can we come? I would love to see the look on the girls’ faces, when we show up.” Tucker laughs.

  “I don’t mind. I’ve been tempted to message Maddie, though. I still can’t believe it.”

  “I’ve missed you,” Rhett says, grabbing my hand.

  “He’s been miserable, and Maddie said you have been, too.” I nod in agreement.

  “Where’s all your stuff?” Wes asks.

  “Oh, it’s in the hotel parking lot. We’ve kept the truck, since I knew we were moving into the house this weekend on the property somewhere. Karen said she’d show me around.”

  “I’ll show you around. You two don’t mind, do you?” Rhett asks his brothers.

  “No, go ahead. Today is a light day. We can even help you move in today, if you prefer to move now,” Wes states, pushing his pl
ate away.

  “That’s nice of you, but we want to look around and clean it first. I’m sure you have kept it clean, but Maddie and Macy are OCD about natural products and chemicals. They like to use sage in unfamiliar places. Plus, the hotel has this amazing jacuzzi tub in my suite, and I hate to give up just yet. And the answer is no,” I say, pointing my knife at Rhett, who waves his napkin in surrender. I know exactly what he is thinking about us and the jacuzzi.

  “Oh, Ms. Chandler. It seems you have met the owners,” Karen Masters, who is about fifty-years-old with light brown hair and brown eyes, and she stands about 5 '4, says, as she walks up. The boys immediately stand, when she fully reaches the table.

  “We actually met in San Francisco the weekend we were there for Quinn’s wedding,” Rhett tells her, and she looks me over with a smirk, and then looks back to him. She knows, and I feel my cheeks redden.

  Shit. Why me?


  I couldn’t believe my eyes this morning, when I saw my Charlie, standing right in front of me. I’ve been thinking about her none stop, and now, we have a chance to be together. After she kicked me out of the kitchen, I made it my mission to find Wes and Tucker. I pick up the walkie talkie, “Wes and Tucker, what's your location?”

  “Down by the lake checking on the pasture.”

  “Okay, stay there. I’m coming to you guys.” I jump on the John Deere four-wheeler, heading down to the lake. I just can’t believe my luck. I’ve spent the last four days sulking, and I even pissed Quinn off for most of the wedding, since I couldn’t get Charlie out of my mind. I tried talking to her about it, but she didn’t want to hear it. Savannah is the one who told me that everything will work out.

  As I drive around the property, I’m in awe of how beautiful the grounds are here. I’m also very thankful that we’ve been able to do as much as we can for our community. The community really stepped in and helped us, when our parents died, and they also helped Quinn out a lot in the beginning.

  “What’s up, fucker?” Tucker says, taking his cowboy hat off, wiping the sweat off his forehead.


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