Cross My Heart

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Cross My Heart Page 7

by Jaime Russell

  My hand is on Charlie’s thigh, as I pull out of the country club parking, squealing my tires. As we’re heading back to the ranch, my fingers drum on her thigh, as I move my way up to my favorite place to be, Charlie’s pussy. I run my hands lightly over the thin fabric, blocking my finger from sliding in, so I move it.

  Charlie’s so wet for me, and I feel my cock, straining against my zipper. She moans, as my finger lightly separates her folds, before sliding into her. This time we both moan. “Rhett,” Charlie moans, laying her head back on the head rest.

  “Thank God,” I tell her, as I pull in the ranch driveway. I try to slide my finger out of her, but Charlie clamps her thighs together. “Someone not ready?” She shakes her head. “Baby, it’s either we get naked here, so everyone can see, or we get up to our bed.” She quickly moves her thighs and kisses me.

  I barely shut off the truck, before she’s out of it, racing to see who the first one upstairs will be. We get to the front door at the same time, and I grab her hand, pulling her back to me and kiss her. She starts to remove my shirt from my jeans. Charlie’s dress buttons in the front, so it’s going to be so much fun to get her naked, after I get inside and have her coming on my cock.

  “Inside now, please,” she says into my lips, as I’m leaning against the door. I search for the door handle, and as I open it, we both remove my shirt and start to unzip my pants to free my cock, since I’m not wearing anything underneath, because I did intend to see Charlie, as soon as I got back. We’re laughing, as we stumble in the door, but when we turn around, we’re frozen where we stand.

  “Quinn.” I sigh in frustration. Charlie lays her head on my back, and she swears. “What are you doing here?”

  “We needed to talk about Emma. Plus, it’s the Fourth of July bash. Hi, Charlie.” Quinn pushes me out of the way to hug her. I fix my belt, as I sigh, trying to count in my head to get the raging hardon in my jeans to go away. “Think of Mark and I having sex on your bed.” Quinn laughs, as she walks into the kitchen.

  “Yeah, that did it,” I say, as I walk into the kitchen. “How are you?” I bring her into a hug, before walking to the fridge to find something to eat. I swing my head from side to side, before looking over my shoulder at Charlie with a childlike smile on my face.

  “Seriously?” She laughs, as she pushes me out of the way. I kiss her, before stealing a bottle of water and sitting at the kitchen table.

  “What about Emma?” I watch, as Charlie brings out the fresh veggies to make a salad. She goes to the freezer, bends over looking for something, and I lean to far right to watch her. I look up her long slender legs that go on for miles, and I’m imagining those legs wrapped around my neck, while she’s on the island, and I’m licking her pussy good. Quinn looks towards the fridge and smiles. “Sorry. She’s very distracting.”

  “Have you talked to Katy about lawyers, visitation, or child support?”

  “No. I see her every day at the country club for lunch, and then I call her at bedtime. She wants to come to the family ranch BBQ, but I doubt that she’ll let her come to that. Mr. Stillman is still pulling the strings,” I rattle off to Quinn.

  “He’s always going to be doing that, even in death. He has a hold on her. Has she talked to you about child support?” Quinn asks.

  “No, because then that means court. Lawyers will get involved, and Katy will have to come clean about being with the boy on the wrong side of the tracks, and then hiding Emma from me.”

  “Does that bother you?” Charlie asks. “You keep making comments about being from the wrong side of the tracks. Do you want their opinion to be different of you?”

  “Yeah, I do. I don’t want to be known as that boy anymore,” I tell her, as she comes to sit on my lap.

  “Baby, you’re always going to be known as him, if you keep thinking of yourself that way. You’re not from the wrong side of the tracks. You and your siblings were dealt a shitty hand, which would have broken most people. Not only did you all survive, but you guys went to college, kept this ranch in the family, made it successful, and still managed to be the best of friends with each other. You, Rhett Livingston, are Emma’s dad now, so start acting like it.” I kiss her, and then hug her tight. Those words mean more to me than she will ever know.

  “Thank you. I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” It’s the first time we’re saying this to each other, but it feels right. I know it’s sappy, but she needs to know it.

  “Aww, you two make me sick.” Quinn laughs. “Where are the other two asshats?”

  “I’m not sure. You know how they are. So, do I bring up the child support with her?”

  “You could do that and go from there. I also think that you should start a trust fund in her name, too,” Quinn tells me, and I let her know that I did that already. “Do you want a visitation schedule?”

  “I do, and I want my family to know her. She got on my phone, and texted Charlie for lunch, so she could meet her.”

  “I think you should reach out to Katy and ask her and Emma to come for a Sunday dinner, so she can meet her aunts, uncles, and your girlfriend. It’s been a month now.”

  “I’ll try, but I can’t promise anything, because Katy wasn’t happy. She thought that I was trying to ambush Emma. I really think her dad is the one who is going to be the impossible one. I hope your lawyer friends here are ready for a battle.” Quinn nods.

  “I’m going to wait until tonight or tomorrow because of it being Katy’s dad’s birthday and all.” I make a face of annoyance with an eye roll, as Charlie puts a grilled chicken salad on the table for the three of us.


  “If you ever break up with him, come live with me. I’ll leave Mark for you, and I’ll definitely go into the lady pond for a chef like you.” I can’t help but laugh.

  “Stop trying to steal my girlfriend. My God. First, it was Tucker licking her, and now, you trying to take her home. She’s mine!” Rhett laughs.

  “Wait, let me think this over. Hot successful lawyer or hot sexy ranch cowboy? This is a really hard choice.” I start to laugh, as Rhett gets up from his chair to stake his claim on me. He kisses me with authority, and then bites my neck.

  “Can you kiss like this? Because I’m addicted to his kisses.” Quinn gets up to lean over to kiss me, but Rhett pulls me away.

  “Hell no.” Quinn and I laugh.

  “I love messing with you, but seriously, Tucker keeps raving about your homemade BBQ sauce. Mark can’t wait to try it.”

  “It’s a family recipe that I tweaked. My grandfather was a master BBQer, so I picked up on things from him. I’m excited for my first Livingston Ranch BBQ, especially to kick off the summer with the kids.” I’ve been working with Karen a lot to go over everything. I have training for the next two weeks in Dallas with Karen, Dana, and Wes. Maddie’s guru finally found her something here with an ex-past life or something, and she starts tomorrow.

  “Alright, I’m heading out for a little bit. I need to get some things for the training.”

  “Okay, baby. Call me later.” I nod, as I say bye to Quinn and walk back to the house. As I get closer, I hear laughter and celebrating, so I jog up the stairs and open the door, seeing my dad standing there with my mom.

  “Dad. Mom. Hi.” I smile at them and awkwardly hug them. “I thought you weren’t coming in for a couple of more weeks.”

  “We’re not really here. I wanted to stop in and see my girls, before heading off for a cruise for two weeks. I knew you had the training, and Maddie has her new job,” my mom tells me, as she pats the spot next to her. “So, tell me everything that’s going on.”

  “Are you still just a cook for a bunch of losers?” My dad yawns, and I roll my eyes.

  “Actually Dad, I’m a chef. I run the entire cooking program for the ranch, which includes the summer camp program for kids, and on weekends, I cook for children with special needs. In fact, the training that I’m going to will give me a better understanding of how to work
with children with special needs. It’s going to be a great two weeks. Dana, Karen who runs the ranch, and Wes are going, too. I have a garden that’s as big as a football field. I also have a booth at the Fourth of July festivities as well. I’m very happy doing what I’m doing.”

  “It doesn’t hurt that you’re doing the boss,” he snaps.

  “Will you stop it? You promised,” my mom reprimands him. I do an internal fist pump that my mom is actually standing up for me.

  “When she comes in looking like that, how do you expect me to be quiet?” I look at my outfit, and I’m still wearing the sundress with my hair in a ponytail. I don’t have the just fucked look because I didn’t do anything.

  “Dad, I don’t know what I look like, unless you’re talking about how happy I am. I’d love for you to meet Rhett, Wes, Tucker, and their sister, Quinn. This has been a great opportunity, and my relationship with Rhett has nothing to do my job. He isn’t even my supervisor, and we made sure of that, because we didn’t know if we’d make it or not, even though I think we will.”

  “See, dear. They have thought of everything.” The sarcasm in my dad’s tone is starting to piss me off.

  “I’d love to meet everyone.” My mom’s genuinely happy for me, so I hug her. I get out my phone and call Rhett.

  “Hey, baby. My parents are in town for the night and would love to meet you, your brothers, and Quinn.”

  “We’re all here sitting on the front porch drinking. Come on up. We can take them out to dinner, and I’ll make the boys behave themselves.”

  “And you, too.” I laugh into the phone, because when we go to restaurants, we like to christen the bathroom.

  “I can’t make that promise, but I’ll try.” I can tell he’s smiling. I tell him that we’ll be up soon and hang up.

  “Dana, Macy, we’re going to do dinner out with the parents. Are you in?”

  “Sure, if it’s okay with your parents. We don’t want to intrude.” Dana treads lightly.

  “I’d love to have dinner with everyone.” My mom smiles. She always used to come visit us without my dad all the time, and she loves our friends.

  “I’m paying, so you don’t have to worry about anything. You can order anything Dad, including the lobster.” Maddie laughs at my joke. Dad wouldn’t let us order lobster, because it was too expensive for us, when we were teenagers.

  Maddie and I get into the car that my parents rented with me behind the steering wheel, as Dana and Macy are in our car behind me. We park next to the guys’ truck. “I want one.” I tell Maddie, as I run my hand over the bed of the F350.

  “I know. You should look into getting one. It’d be good for you with having to buy food, so you don’t have to take one of the boys’ trucks.” I nod and smile, as we walk around the corner, seeing Rhett laughing with his brothers and sister.

  “Hey. There’s my beautiful girl.” Rhett gets up, walks over to me, and hugs me.

  “Hi there. I’m sorry about this,” I whisper into his ear. We talked a lot about him meeting my parents, and we both wanted to wait. I actually kind of wanted to avoid it all together. “Guys, I’d love for you to meet my parents.” I start introducing everyone.

  I’m holding my breath waiting for someone to say something stupid.

  God, please don’t let anyone fuck this up.


  I’m not good with parents. Once they know all about my past, they keep their daughters from me.

  “Hello, sir. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Ma’am, it’s nice to finally put a face to the voice that I’ve talked to a few times.” I smile.

  “Hello. I’m Quinn. Your girls are amazing. I’m so thankful for all four of them for being here. They keep the boys in check and have been a tremendous help to Karen as well.”

  “Well, I’m starving. Are we eating at the steakhouse?” Tucker asks, as he chugs his beer.

  “Yeah, that sounds fine with us,” Charlie’s dad answers Tucker. Quinn goes in to grab her purse, and then gets into the front seat of the truck. We’ve all been drinking, except for Quinn, so I’m glad that she decided to drive. Macy gets into the truck with us, and Dana gets in with Charlie, so we can take two vehicles.

  “Macy, what am I looking at with her dad?” I ask, looking at her.

  “Don’t take anything personal, when it comes to him. He holds Charlie to a higher standard than the Pope. No one is good enough, not even Charlie. Maddie is the golden child, and she’s the most difficult one with her free spirit.”

  “Okay so, if he doesn’t like me, take it as a compliment?” I laugh, and she nods and shrugs. My phone starts to ring, and I see Emma’s name come up. “Hello.”

  “Hi, Daddy.”

  “Well, hello princess. How was your day?” I ask her, knowing that she spent the day with her grandfather.

  “It was boring. Grandfather made me go to a play in Dallas, and we’re here overnight. I’m calling to let you know that I won’t be home in time for our lunch.”

  “Oh, that makes me sad, but I understand. Are you staying in a hotel?”

  “I am, and Mom is taking me swimming. She’s making me get off the phone now. I love you, Daddy.”

  “I love you, too, princess. Have fun in Dallas with your mom and grandparents.” She hangs up the phone, and I make sure it’s disconnected before talking. “Katy pisses me off. I couldn’t have a visit with her today, and now, I can’t tomorrow either.”

  “Why?” Quinn says, looking into the rearview mirror at me.

  “It was Stillman's birthday, so he took them to Dallas for the night. It must’ve been planned. Katy was so pissed at me because Charlie and I had lunch at the country club. Emma wants to meet Charlie so bad. I mean, she even messaged her from my phone.”

  “We need to get a schedule together, and she needs to be able to come to the ranch. Is she coming to the BBQ?” Wes asks.

  “I have no clue. They will let me know, I guess. What kind of crock of shit is that?”

  “Who are they?” Quinn asks.

  “Katy and her dad. He is in charge, but her mom is still on my side, though. I bet I could get her to bring Emma to the BBQ. I wonder if I should do that, or invite Katy to come with Emma to see the interactions.”

  “I think you should talk to Charlie,” Macy chimes in.

  “Why?” I’m not sure what Macy is getting at right now.

  “Charlie’s your girlfriend, so you need to make sure that she’s okay with Katy being around. It can be intimidating having your past staring at you, especially knowing that she’s not the first one to give you a child.”

  “I don’t think Rhett needs to put Charlie, before his daughter.” Tucker turns to look at Macy.

  “I didn’t say that. I said Katy. I’m the daughter of divorced parents. My parents never put me first, and they would always use the other one to hurt each other. I’m just saying, please think about Charlie and her feelings, when it comes to your ex, and believe me, she’d never be the one to come between you and your daughter. If you think that, then end it now.” We pull into the parking spot, and I sit in the truck for a couple of minutes, before getting out to meet up with everyone. The steakhouse isn’t too busy, so we get in right away, and everyone is already seated, when I come in.

  “Sorry about that. I had to deal with something about the ranch.”

  “We just ordered drinks, and I ordered you a beer.” Charlie smiles at me.

  “Thanks, baby.” I kiss her cheek.

  “Everything okay?” She leans in to whisper, as her father stares me down, and I nod.

  “Good. Did Emma call?”

  “She did. She’s in Dallas for her grandfather’s birthday, so she’s missing our lunch for tomorrow.”

  “I’m sorry. I can try to have lunch with you, before leaving for Dallas, if you want.”

  “I’d like that, but no country club. I have the perfect place for us.” I smile.

  As we get our drinks, we start placing our orders. Our antics of goofing off with e
ach other, has Quinn and Charlie’s mom laughing. I even saw Charlie’s dad smile a couple of times. The women start talking about doing some shopping, before we part ways, but I look at Charlie’s dad, and he motions for me, so we excuse ourselves. We stand at the bar, as he holds a scotch in his hands.

  “So, tell me. What are your plans for my daughters?”

  “I’m in love with one of your daughters. Charlie makes me feel alive, and I want to be a better person, when I’m around her. Maddie annoys my brother, so that’s always a plus for me.” I chuckle remembering her antics with him. “Charlie is very important to me, and I care about her. I want her to be with me, here at my ranch.”

  “As your chef?” He scoffs at me.

  “She is my chef, yes, but if you are you asking me if I’m going to marry her someday? The answer is yes, but right now, wouldn’t it be better to get to know each other than to rush into something? I want my first marriage to be my only marriage, and Charlie makes me feel alive. I want marriage and kids, and that’s because of her. I never wanted that before, until her.”

  “Why hire her as your chef then?”

  “I actually didn’t hire her. My ranch manager did that. It was fate that brought us together, after we met in San Francisco. I’m not perfect, and I’m never going to be, but I’ll try to be the best that I can with her.”

  “Who is Emma?” I stare at him.

  “Emma’s his daughter.” Charlie touches my arm. “It’s none of your concern, as he just found out about her. Are you two done talking about me? Dinner is over, and they want to go shopping.” She rolls her eyes. “You want to go with us?” Charlie bats her eyelashes at me. She knows that I can’t say no to her.

  “Fine, but I’m not carrying the bags.”

  “Sure, baby.” She taps my chest. “Daddy, are you going to come with us?”

  “No, just drop me off at the hotel.”

  “Can I hang out with him at the hotel?” I whine.

  “Sorry, you already said yes.” She kisses me, as I pull her tighter into me.


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