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Page 6

by Anise Storm

  Not wanting to hear her half-assed apology, he cleared his throat. “I don’t care what you have to say anymore.”

  Just then, Finley received a text message and actually managed to seem blindsided like he had been. The man focused suspiciously on Hannah. “Tucker International landed the account. Where do you work again, baby girl?”

  Baby girl? Tucker International? Thaddeus was trying to fill in the blanks. Then he saw the guilty expression on Hannah’s face, it all made sense.

  “Tucker International. You were representing them in New York City. For fuck’s sake… You were sent there to distract me. While we were kissing in the elevator, your bosses were making their move.”

  The betrayal continued to cut deep, and he found himself growing angrier by the second. And he wasn’t the only one. Finley stared at her, shook his head then said Thaddeus’ name. He turned then felt the crack of bone and heard Hannah shriek.

  Realizing Finley had punched him, Thaddeus balled up his own fist and returned the gesture, smirking as Finley’s head fell to the side. Then Hannah’s presence was forgotten. He was in the middle of a bar fight.

  He and Finley exchanged blows until, finally, they were separated by some other bar patrons. Thaddeus wiped the smear of blood off the side of lips, scowling when he realized Hannah was gone.

  Finley realized it too and, pushing away the men holding him back, he turned to the pissed off bartender. “The girl… Did you see where she went?”

  Thaddeus chuckled. “She has perfected the art of escape, man. If you do happen to find her, the two of you can have each other.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  This night had turned into a disaster of epic proportions for her. Having nowhere else to go, Hannah made her way back to her office at Tucker International. Both Thaddeus Remington and Finley Wetherall hated her. That much had been obvious from their expressions. She had never seen either look at her the way they had tonight, and somehow she felt as if she’d deserved it. She turned the desktop lamp on, and the flood of tears she’d been holding back broke free.

  She truly had no idea either man knew the other or that they hated each other. In hindsight, she could see how it might happen. Both men were successful and ambitious. Hate might have been too strong a word for whatever negativity she’d sensed between them, but there was definitely no love lost, for sure.

  Dropping her face into her hands, Hannah tried to erase the last half hour from her memory, because it was becoming too much to take. Thaddeus had accused her of cruel and despicable things. That had cut her deeply, but seeing Finley had believed them had hurt even more. Now that she had time to fully comprehend the situation, despair filled her.

  Thaddeus honestly believed she had been sent to spy on Remington Industries for Wetherall Communications. In addition, he also believed she’d slept with him and later used his feelings for her to toy with him so her bosses could land what they called ‘the deal of the decade’ earlier this afternoon. Even though it all sounded ludicrous, she could see how bad it looked somehow. She could have tried to reason with him, but, knowing him the way she once had, it wouldn’t have made a difference to him anyway.

  The crack in her heart grew longer. A part of Hannah truly did love Thaddeus. Despite her efforts over the past few months, she had never stopped loving him. Deep down inside, those feelings were the reason she had never been able to fully commit to Finley. Subconsciously, she denied it herself, but now everything was out in the open, there was no need to hold the feelings back any longer. “Thad, I’m so sorry,” she whispered before breaking down again.

  And Finley… God, how she loved him, too. Hannah had never had many friends, but he had always been the one true and constant one. They shared history and, because of it, her alleged betrayal of him would be even harder for him to forgive.

  Looking at one of the pictures of the two of them together, Hannah ran her finger over his smiling face. “I’m so sorry, Sir.”

  “Sorry for what, Miss Brinkley?” Stanley asked, entering her office. Swiftly wiping at her tears, she forced herself to smile.

  “It’s nothing important,” she lied, each word making the need to vomit even stronger. “I’m just having a bad night.”

  He stepped inside and closed the door. Something felt off, and Hannah tried to pull herself together. She used to rely heavily on instinct, but somehow along the way she must have abandoned it completely. Now, however, the hairs on the back of her neck rose, and she straightened in her seat.

  “Are you sure that’s all it is, Hannah?” he asked, and the way he said her name had her rising to her feet. If she didn’t have bad luck, then she would have no luck at all. All she had wanted was a place to suffer in private other than on the street where she’d find herself once Finley got home to the penthouse.

  Thankfully, Brian opened her office door and looked suspiciously at Stanley for a minute before turning toward her. He reminded her so much of Isaac Calhoun from Remington Industries, who had felt like a father figure to her.

  With whatever plans Stanley had initially hoped to have thwarted, he grumbled and exited the office, leaving her alone with Brian.

  “Are you sure you’re okay, Hannah?” His concern was genuine, and she was about to lie again then she realized he might be able to help her. “You were so happy when you left this afternoon.”

  “I know,” she told him, pausing to wipe away the last few tears from her cheek. “A few things have happened since then, and I need to leave town.” Hannah lowered her lashes, hoping he wouldn’t want to know why. Rehashing the earlier scene at the pub with him was not in her plans.

  “Leave? I’m not sure I follow,” he replied. His confusion was evident in his tone of voice. “Is something wrong?”

  Hannah had to think of an explanation quickly, so after breathing deeply, she forced her voice to stay calm. “I actually need to return to the States for a while. I’m upset because I love my position here at Tucker International and hate to have to leave so soon after getting hired.”

  “I’ve actually enjoyed your presence here in the office, Hannah,” he told her, then looked to be considering something. A grin spread across his face and he walked over to her. “Since the Anderson deal has been wrapped up, we’re moving on the Lincoln one. I was going to send one of the other girls in the office to Chicago for a few weeks to handle some administrative work at that branch of Tucker International.”

  “Chicago,” she said, almost not believing she hadn’t hit rock bottom after all. Hannah had always wanted to visit the Windy City. It wasn’t Atlanta or New York, but that was a good thing. She would be less likely to run into Thaddeus Remington there than in either of those places. She would also put some distance between herself and Finley Wetherall. The best part was that she wouldn’t have to go home to Plano and explain to her parents how she’d fucked up her life once again.

  Her mother had been devastated after she’d told her the engagement to Greg Wallace was off. Having casually mentioned Finley in conversations with her, then to have to explain it hadn’t worked with him either would crush the poor woman and make Hannah feel like even more of a disappointment than she already did. Afterward, she would probably try to ship Hannah off to some convent in the middle of nowhere.

  “If it will help you, I’ll be glad to put in for your transfer.”

  Brian didn’t know how much that offer meant to her. Eventually she would have to reconcile her feelings for Thaddeus and Finley, but work would provide the much-needed distraction in the meantime.

  “No, it is the perfect place for me to go,” she assured him. “So how would the transfer work?”

  “Naturally, since this is a temporary assignment, Tucker International will front the cost of relocating and set you up in a corporate apartment. I’m not sure how soon you plan to leave, but it will take a couple of days to get everything processed and in place for you. You’re welcome to stay here in London until it’s complete or leave for Chicago, if the need is

  Brian didn’t understand what a godsend this would be.

  “If possible,” she told him, placing her hand on his arm before continuing, “I’d like to leave tonight. I’ll get a hotel until everything else is in order.”

  “Very well, dear,” he told her. Then he reached for a piece of paper and a pen, quickly scribbling a name, address and phone number onto it. “Derek Hostler will be the one you report to, and here is the address to the local office there. It’s in the center of downtown, so there should be many area hotels to choose from until we get you an apartment in the same vicinity.”

  Taking the page from him, she nodded in agreement. Work would not only provide a distraction, but she hoped it would also give her the space to heal her broken heart.

  “I appreciate everything you’ve done for me,” she said.

  “You’re welcome, Miss Brinkley. Have a safe trip.” Then he turned and exited the office, giving her time to pack up the few things she would need.

  Hannah left all of the files in the file cabinet then placed the keys to it inside an envelope that she sealed and would leave with Brian. She had tried her best to avoid Stanley and, after the weird encounter this evening, she would make sure to keep doing so.

  The only real items of importance she had were the photo frames with pictures of her and Finley. Running her thumb over his smiling face, the reality of the situation and what she’d lost sank in. He was more than a boyfriend and Dominant. He was probably the best friend she’d ever had, and now everything was ruined between them.

  But there was no need to dwell on that right now. In time, hopefully, he’d realize that she wasn’t the person he now believed her to be. The time and space between them should help in that endeavor, as well. She picked up the phone to call a cab, then went downstairs after it arrived. She had the driver take her back to the penthouse.

  Please don’t be here right now. She repeated her silent prayer over and over again. Hannah asked the man to wait then went inside to gather what she could of her stuff. She hadn’t brought more than a few suitcases and a carry-on bag to London, and she wouldn’t be leaving with any more than that this time.

  The penthouse was silent, the same condition it had been in when she’d left for work that morning. It meant Finley hadn’t been home yet, which more than likely meant he could be on his way. Using that for motivation, she dragged the two large suitcases out of the closet and started tossing what she could inside them. Hannah didn’t even try to pack neatly, instead stuffing them until full.

  She hung the strap of the smallest bag over her shoulder then wheeled the two larger ones down the hallway, stopping near the door. It took her a minute to find something in her purse to write with and on, but once she had, Hannah wrote one single word, ‘goodbye’, then left her set of keys.

  Hannah grabbed the carry-on bag and felt her earring get caught in her hair. Setting the bag down, she removed the jewelry then set them on top of her note. He’d recently given them to her, but there was no way she could keep the gift now. She took one last look around the place then headed back downstairs to the waiting cab.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Finley was in a piss-poor mood by the time he arrived home to his penthouse that night. After the altercation with Thaddeus Remington, he’d gone back to his office, unsure of what he’d say or do once he got home and found Hannah there. Complete disbelief still filled him. He’d finally connected the dots and realized she must have mentioned to Thaddeus seeing him that night at the W Hotel in Atlanta. Then the two of them had cooked up a scheme to get him to let her back into his life.

  It was a good thing now that he had never told her how much he loved her and always had. Right now, he was the main one feeling like a fool and that bitterness was his own. For all he knew, Hannah and Thaddeus were on their way back to Atlanta.

  Shaking his head as he unlocked the door to his penthouse, he realized it couldn’t have been true unless the man was a better actor than he gave him credit for. Something akin to devastation had been reflected in Thaddeus’ eyes, and that feeling of betrayal had to have been mirrored in his own. It was still hard to believe she had duped not one, but the two of them. Where did the girl I fell in love with go?

  It didn’t matter anymore because it was over between them. How he’d ever be able to even look her in the eye was a mystery to him at this point. He stepped inside and in addition to the deafening silence that greeted him, the first thing he saw was the pair of earrings he’d given her for Christmas and her keys. He found a single word scribbled messily onto a piece of paper underneath.

  The aching pain in his chest only grew after he realized she’d run. Guilty people usually did, so it shouldn’t be a surprise to him. Somehow, though, it was. Maybe it was the fact that he’d thought he’d finally made it out of the friend zone. She was his submissive, for fuck’s sake. Evidently that type of commitment meant nothing to her.

  Storming into the kitchen, he grabbed a bottle of something from the liquor cabinet and went straight to his bedroom. After he got inside, he removed most of this clothing and lay across the bed. Finley picked the bottle up, opened the top then took a large swig of the alcohol. Feeling the burn of the whiskey while it slid down his throat did nothing to dull what he felt in his chest.

  Face it, man. You’re a fucking fool. Finley growled, knowing his inner voice was right. Where Hannah was concerned, he’d been every bit the fool and more. He should have realized that the two years they had been apart could, and had, changed her. He’d still been living in the fantasy world where she was finally his in every sense of the word.

  He’d already imagined how she’d look on the day of their wedding. She would walk down the aisle in a long white dress, adorned with his grandmother’s pearls and her long chocolate locks pinned neatly atop her head. She would smile and, in that moment, every guest there would know why he loved her so much.

  He’d also imagined her lying in the hospital, their son—his heir—nestled in her arms. Finley wanted many children, all with her beauty and his values. Whenever he entertained the daydream, he’d look down on her and honestly proclaim that she’d never appeared more beautiful to him.

  Bloody hell! The inner voice of his cursed, almost to mock him. It wasn’t the only thing that did. Taking another swallow of the whiskey, he closed his eyes and heard her whimpering and mewling while he worked her toward a climax. But as he focused in on the image, it wasn’t him she was beneath.

  It was Thaddeus Remington. He could see her nails raking down the man’s back while he fucked her, bringing her to the edge and granting her an orgasm Finley had felt was only his to give. He tried to erase the vision of her lips parted as a scream slipped past them before she convulsed in Remington’s arms. Afterward, they would lie there and she’d smile.

  Finally, having had enough of that, Finley forced his eyes open and threw the bottle across the room, not even fazed by the sound of shattering glass. He had no idea what, if anything, he’d broken besides the bottle and, to be honest, he didn’t give a damn, either.

  Where did everything go wrong? This morning had started much like any other, with him waking her up with a forceful thrust. She’d fluttered open those long lashes, revealing her doe eyes. Then he’d pinned her arms above her head and started to move. Maybe it was the emotion he felt for her, but no other woman had ever felt so perfect wrapped around his cock. He had often made love to his girl for hours.

  Hannah had always taken everything he had to give her. This morning had been no exception. Closing his eyes once more, he tortured himself further with the memory of her pussy, slick and tight, greedily grasping his cock while he’d thrust inside her. Her entire body had trembled while she’d waited for his permission to explode. And explode she had, squeezing him so tightly when she’d shattered. Incoherent words had slipped from her plump lips. He almost smirked, remembering what had come next. It was only after another man’s name echoed off the walls that his eyes flew op

  Finley had already thrown what was left of his alcohol across the room and he now regretted the decision immensely. He reached down for his cock, which was painfully engorged at this point. Just the thought of her body and being inside her had been enough to make him hard. Unfortunately, the thought of her screaming—not just another man’s name, but one he hated with a bloody passion—hadn’t been enough to kill his erection.

  Forcing himself not to stroke it, he instead raked his hands through his hair. Hannah Brinkley had played him like a fiddle, and he’d allowed it. His own father had once told him women were merely possessions to be used and discarded. Maybe if he’d listened to his old man then he wouldn’t feel like such a lovesick fool.

  In an effort to force himself to forget about her, Finley tossed the pillow that smelled like her shampoo onto the floor. He had bigger fish to fry where Wetherall Communications was concerned. Losing one or two accounts here and there didn’t make or break his legacy, but they did sour the reputation he’d worked so hard to maintain.

  It was time to play hardball, and that was exactly what he planned to do. Tucker Industries and, by association, Hannah, would pay for what they’d done to his company. It was time to get back to the ‘take no prisoners’ reputation he was known for. If he could destroy Remington Industries in the process, then it would be an added bonus. Everyone who crossed him would pay dearly, but first, he’d ensure that Wetherall Communications landed the Lincoln and Scarborough accounts before finally getting his revenge.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Thaddeus had only been home for two days and he’d thrown himself into Remington Industries’ work like he had after Hannah had broken his heart the first time, much to the chagrin of his two partners. Martin and Isaac hadn’t even needed to ask how things in London had gone, because one look at his face had told them everything.


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