Jordan's Justice: A New Adult Sport Romance (Tessa and Jordan Book 2)

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Jordan's Justice: A New Adult Sport Romance (Tessa and Jordan Book 2) Page 6

by T Christensen

  Of course, she admitted wryly, her apartment was the exact opposite. It was like too much living had been done there, and it was more than time to update it. Their walls had started out white but had never been repainted in the twenty-six years she’d lived there. Now they were more of a dingy yellow. They’d had the same oversized tan suede couch since she had been in elementary school. If she had to guess, her mom and Sophia had bought it secondhand. All the nap was worn off, and most of the cushions were indented.

  Tessa stopped abruptly in the office doorway, and her mouth went slack. It was like she had stepped back in time. Jordan paced the office as he talked on the phone, but he wasn’t in a suit. He wore black joggers and a California Wolves basketball T-shirt that clung to his chest.

  This had been Jordan’s go-to outfit in college. She ran her eyes over him. He looked bigger, firmer, and more ripped now than he did four years ago.

  She snapped her head up, suddenly aware that Jordan was no longer on the phone. Averting her eyes, she stepped over the threshold and lingered by the wall. When the silence stretched, she gradually turned her head toward him.

  As soon as Jordan captured her wide-eyed gaze with his intense one, Tessa’s breath caught and she couldn’t look away. Jordan prowled toward her, and her heart took off like a jackrabbit being pursued.

  He caged her against the wall. Tessa closed her eyes to escape his magnetism, but it only enhanced her body’s reaction to his nearness. It was like everything in her strained toward him.

  Her body stilled in anticipation of his touch, and her breasts swelled. They ached to be removed from her suddenly too-confining bra. Her lips parted, and her heavy breathing was the only sound in the room.

  A calloused finger burned a path from her cheek to the corner of her mouth. All of her senses focused on that finger. Tessa sucked her bottom lip in to rein in the desire to suck it into her mouth.

  “Do you like what you see, Tessa?”

  The husky question burned across her skin. Tessa squeezed her eyes tighter, unsure of what to do or say. The air crackled between them, and when his firm lips settled on hers, Tessa gasped at the spark that lit up her entire body.

  Jordan deepened the kiss, and as soon as she felt his tongue, her body became molten lava. It was like she had been dormant for a hundred years and she was finally coming alive. She molded her body to his.

  Jordan filled the distance between them and settled his hands on her hips, lifting her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and moaned when his bulging cock found the exact spot to relieve her aching core. Tessa’s hips started moving to find more of what she craved.

  Jordan growled, and the sound woke up her brain. What the hell was she doing? This was the man who insisted she was a lying, moneygrubbing bitch. Tessa jerked her lips off of Jordan’s, lowered her legs and pushed against his rock-hard chest. Breathlessly she demanded, “Stop.”

  Jordan’s entire body stilled, and Tessa held her breath. After what seemed like five minutes, he lifted his head and stared at the ceiling before lowering his narrowed eyes to her. Slowly, as if insinuating it was his choice and not because she asked, he dropped his hands and backed away.


  Chapter 13


  Jordan could see Tessa’s pulse pounding in her neck as she watched him with wide eyes. She hadn’t moved from the wall, and if she knew what was best, she would continue to be wary of him.

  Ever since they’d met again at the fundraiser, she’d bounced between vulnerability and anger. The anger pissed him off, and the vulnerability amused him. Tessa could pretend to be defenseless, but he knew she was far from it. It entertained him that she kept trying to use that card to play on his sympathies. Those days were long gone.

  It angered him that she even thought she had the right to be mad. He was the one with all the reasons to be angry. She was the one who had taken the money. If she’d gone to the press, the story could have ruined his career before it had even started. Now she had the audacity to be upset with him.

  When he had looked up after his phone call and seen that look of longing on her face, he didn’t even remember forming the thought of pinning her to the wall. His dick had pointed him in that direction, and he had gone.

  He’d forgotten the lure of Tessa, and he couldn’t do that again. Jordan had every intention of having her, but he couldn’t do it without calculation. What had just happened had been more consuming than he’d remembered. He’d fucked a lot of girls as they were in abundance at games, but none had fired his blood up as much as her.

  The air crackled between them, and he’d had enough. Jordan spun on his heel and made his way over to his stock of scotch. He could feel her eyes boring into his back, and then her tentative voice reached his ears.

  “Can I have one of those?”

  Silently, he reached for another lowball glass and poured. He tensed as he heard her walk toward him. Jordan turned and extended one glass toward her. Tessa’s fingers had a slight tremble as she reached for it. The tightness in his chest relaxed minutely at the sign of her uneasiness. He couldn’t be fully at ease because he knew Tessa was a master at manipulating him.

  As he silently watched her, Tessa took small sips and breathed deeply as the flush in her face slowly receded. The latter couldn’t be faked, and he jumped at the idea forming as he sat at his desk. Jordan could use her body’s reaction to him against her. For once, he would use her to get what he wanted. And using her body was something he would definitely enjoy. He could fuck her out of his system, and she would get a taste of her own medicine. Having her bent over his desk at his mercy was something he looked forward to.

  Jordan’s mind clicked along as he reached down to adjust himself, thankful he sat behind the desk. He made sure his face was carefully blank and not showing any triumph. Jordan motioned for her to take the chair in front of the desk.

  As soon as she sat, she firmly declared, “That was a mistake.”

  Jordan kept a smirk from forming. Of course she thought it was a mistake. It showed her one weakness. He steepled his hands under his chin and studied his prey. Her lips were swollen and her nipples stood out, begging him to reach out and tug them. The way Tessa was white-knuckling her glass told him her head might believe what she said, but her body was on board with his plan.

  He locked eyes with her, and instead of acknowledging her statement, he made his own declaration. “I want to tell Jordis this weekend.”

  Tessa opened her mouth and then snapped it shut. She raised her glass and downed the contents. Immediately, she bent over and coughed.

  Jordan sat back, observing and making mental notes. Keeping her off-balance was another strategy to add to the list. While she was still recovering, he continued, “I’ve been out of her life long enough. There is nothing to be gained by waiting. I’ll stop by in the morning, and we can talk with her.”

  Tessa’s watery eyes met his cool, detached gaze as disbelief radiated from them. He narrowed his eyes and told her without words that he was dead serious. She slowly shook her head and raised her gaze to the ceiling. It looked like she was praying for intervention, which made him want to scoff. Now that he knew about Jordis, there would be no more hindrances. He wouldn’t stop until he had what he wanted.

  His patience was drawing to an end when Tessa finally lowered her head and looked steadily across the desk at him.

  “We will not be telling her anything.”

  The rage exploded in his chest and in an icy tone he said, “Then I will see you in court.”

  This was bullshit. He was going to tell his daughter she had a dad, and he was done trying to be reasonable. Wait, maybe she wanted something else.

  “How much?”

  Her eyebrows crinkled together, and then she exploded out of her chair. Before he could blink, she leaned across the desk, inches from his face. Her voice radiated with indignation.

  “This isn’t about money, you arrogant ass. It’s ab
out getting to know your daughter, developing a relationship, and then telling her. I’m thinking about Jordis, and all you seem to be thinking about is getting one over on me. This isn’t about us.”

  No one talked to him like that, especially her. Jordan stood and towered over her. “I’m thinking that I’m tired of my daughter living in a dump and not knowing she has a father.”

  Tessa flinched, crossing her arms over her stomach and straightening. From across the desk, she steadily met his gaze with a hurt expression. He extinguished the flame of guilt that arose. What he’d said was true.

  “Jordis has always had everything she needs.”

  A million cutting responses sprang to his lips, but he forced them down. As much as he hated Tessa, he wanted to know Jordis. Insulting her would not get him what he wanted. He needed to be smarter.

  Jordan sat down and leaned back in his chair. Making sure his voice was bland but curious, he asked, “How would you propose this goes?”

  She remained standing, eyeing him like he was a lion about to pounce. He was still attempting to lure her back. Inch by inch, Tessa lowered herself into her chair.

  “What I was trying to say,” she began haughtily. Jordan raised his brow. Tessa took a visible breath and started again without the tone.

  “We can take her places together, like the park or zoo. You can get to know each other in environments she’s comfortable in. When you’ve established a relationship, we can tell her together that you’re her father.”

  He didn’t like the idea of spending time with Tessa, but he could begrudgingly admit that Jordis would feel more comfortable if she was with them.

  “Fine, but pre-season starts soon. It will be harder to get together, so no putting this off.”


  Chapter 14


  Discreetly, Tessa inhaled a big breath of relief and tried to recharge her withering body. Being with Jordan was like coming face-to-face with a pit bull. You were always on guard and trying to figure out the best way to approach him before he attacked you.

  That kiss had thrown her for a loop. It was the last thing she’d expected from Jordan, and it had taken her a while to get her brain back on track. She was still discombobulated, and it scared her how easily she had forgotten how little respect Jordan had for her.

  Now that they had agreed on how to proceed with Jordis, it was time for her to go. She needed to be away from Jordan and get her equilibrium back. When she turned away from the desk, he stood up.

  “Where are you going?”

  Tessa looked up, surprised at his question. “Since we’ve decided what we’re doing, I’m going home.”

  Her eyes widened and her gut clenched as Jordan took three steps around the desk to reach her side. When his arm curled around the small of her back, hummingbirds buzzed around in her core. What was he doing? Why was he touching her?

  Tessa forgot her confusion when Jordan gave her a gentle nudge toward the door. They had a fragile peace that she didn’t want to disrupt with questions. She followed his lead, hoping he was going toward the elevator.

  When they were there he asked, “When should I pick up you and Jordis tomorrow?”

  She took a step away from Jordan. His touch distracted her. Did she miss why he was picking them up?

  “What for?”

  “I liked your idea about the zoo, but we should go early before it gets too hot. How about nine o’clock?”

  Tessa took another step back, farther away from his magnetism, and she got her phone out to look at her calendar. This was really happening. Jordis was going to officially meet her dad. It was something Tessa had never thought would happen, and she was apprehensive, but she buried her fears. She would take it one day at a time.

  Tomorrow was Sunday. The only thing she had was cleaning, but not until later that night. She usually spent the day making meals for the upcoming week and doing laundry.

  “Okay.” Tessa paused to take a deep breath and gather her courage. “When I introduce you to Jordis, I’m going to tell her you’re a friend of mine. I think it will be less pressure on both of you if you can just be friends first.”

  She held her breath as Jordan studied her. As soon as he gave a quick nod, she let it out.

  “That’s fine, as long as you understand she will be told that I’m her father soon.”

  Tessa quickly agreed and then changed the subject. “We’ll meet you at the zoo. It’s out of your way.”

  “What are you driving, so I know what to look for?”

  Tessa shook her head. “We’ll take the bus.”

  It was only a brief pause, but the air thickened around them.

  Jordan responded in a hard tone, “No. I’ll pick you up.”

  “It’s not a big deal, Jordan. We take the bus everywhere.”

  He stiffened. “My daughter is not taking the bus anywhere anymore.”

  Tessa tried to swallow the rising anger, but it could still be heard. “Don’t be a snob, Jordan. There’s nothing wrong with taking the bus, and we don’t do it often. We usually walk to wherever we need to go.”

  Jordan walked into her space and nudged her face up to his with a finger under her chin.

  “Once the public knows that I have a daughter, she won’t be safe from the paparazzi and fans. You will no longer ride the bus.”

  Memories of people staring at Jordan wherever they went when they were in college flitted through her mind, and she reluctantly agreed he was right. Now she had to figure out how she and Jordis would get around without the bus.


  Jordan stepped back, and the air cleared. “Good. I’ll see you tomorrow morning at nine o’clock.”

  Tessa nodded and slipped into the elevator, eager to put some distance between them.


  Chapter 15


  “Do you like my mommy?”

  Jordis’s innocent question to Jordan did nothing to cut the tension present ever since Tessa had opened the apartment door. They had made it down the complex stairs and out the door before Jordis broke the uneasy silence.

  Tessa and Jordan hastily glanced at each other and promptly split to each side of Jordan’s Hummer. A different truck than in college but still black and ginormous.

  Jordis pulled on her hand, reminding her that no one had answered her question. Tessa opened the back door and was relieved to spot a car seat. Before she lifted Jordis up, she took a deep breath and waded through her minefield of a question.

  “Remember I said Jordan is my friend?”

  She nodded, and Tessa continued, “That means I like him.”

  Jordis’s face scrunched up, and Tessa sighed internally. The inquisition had just gotten started.

  “I love Nana Jessica and Nana Sophia. They my friends. You love Jordan?”

  Usually Tessa liked her daughter’s curiosity, but not today. She stole a glance at Jordan, who was in the driver’s seat. He grinned like this was the best thing he’d ever heard.

  “Jordan, does this mean you love me?” Tessa asked as innocently as Jordis had.

  She lifted Jordis into her car seat and buckled her up, pleased that she had wiped the smile off Jordan’s face. He didn’t get to be a bystander if he wanted to be a dad.

  To her frustration and amazement, he looked in the rearview mirror to catch Jordis’s eyes.

  “You’re very perceptive, Jordis.”

  Tessa watched her daughter’s face scrunch up again before she climbed into her seat. “What is p-p-perkepive?”

  Jordan slid into traffic before answering. “Per-cep-tive means that you are very smart to ask that question.”

  Jordis beamed. “Mommy, I smart.”

  Tessa’s heart melted at the look on Jordis’s face. “I know, sweetie. You keep getting smarter and smarter the bigger you get.”

  Unfortunately, she didn’t fall for the distraction. “You love Mommy?”

bsp; Jordan tried again to answer the question to her satisfaction. “All friends should love each other, Jordis.”

  “You love Mommy?” she wobbled out.

  Tessa twisted in her seat and resisted the urge to hop in the back and give Jordis a hug and a kiss. The stupid truck was so big she couldn’t even reach her hand back to touch her daughter.

  Instead she explained in a gentle voice, “It’s not like I love you, Jordis. There are all different kinds of love. We have family love. I would do anything for you, no matter what it is. Friend love means you care deeply for each other, but you might not always be in each other’s lives.”

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Jordan white-knuckle the steering wheel, and he cut in, “But I will always be in your lives, so you should consider us family.”

  Tessa opened her mouth to tell Jordan to be quiet. He was confusing Jordis. Jordan shot her a warning look before the words came out, and she snapped her mouth shut.

  “You get me Merida?” Jordis’s lip trembled as she asked Jordan.

  There was the master manipulator Tessa knew and loved. Jordis turned her bright blue eyes to Jordan, and Tessa could practically see him squirming in his seat. Before she could interject, Jordan answered, “Of course I can get you Merida.”

  Tessa’s fingers itched to grab Jordan and shake him. Instead, she glared. He couldn’t buy Jordis’s love. She dialed down her glare to sternness and switched her attention to Jordis.

  “No, you’re not getting Merida until you decide which toy you’re going to give away.”

  Jordis turned rigid and balled up her fists. “No, I keep toys.”

  “Then no Merida,” Tessa answered firmly.

  “Yes, Merida!”


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