The Last Kings 2

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The Last Kings 2 Page 12

by C. N. Phillips

Tay ignored the whores around the table, instead he waited for the woman to come back from the restroom. Once she was seated, he leaned in to a few of the other runners around and whispered something to them. He then nodded his head toward the table with the women and they understood the threat.

  “I thought Khiron had them hoes killed?” One of them asked Tay.

  “Clearly not,” Tay said, placing his hand on the gun at his waist. “But the way I see it, this is a way to climb in ranks boys. We gon’ handle these bitches tonight and take their heads to Khiron when we’re done.”

  The men subtly watched the women until they finally paid their bill, leaving a hundred dollar tip apiece, and got up to leave.

  “All right, let’s move out,” Tay said. “You bitches stay here.”

  “Bitches? And you think you getting some of this pussy?”

  “Carmen, shut the fuck up! I need my phone bill paid! You tripping!” another one of the girls exclaimed.

  Paying them no mind, Tay, followed by the other three men, casually walked out of the restaurant. As soon as the night air hit them, they had their guns drawn.

  “I thought I seen them walking toward that Audi right there,” one of them, Lee, said.

  However, the gold Audi was still parked with no one in it. Tay looked around and smacked his lips as he pulled up his sagging Levis.

  “Where these bitches go, man? Khiron gon’ flip shits when he finds out we seen these hoes and didn’t kill ’em!”

  “Fuck that nigga!” a voice called in the distance right before gunshots rang out in the parking lot.

  The men were sitting ducks. They had walked right into Devynn and Adrianna’s trap. Instantly, two of the four men dropped, while the other ones tried to jump for cover. That didn’t do them any good though, especially since they didn’t know where their enemy was firing from. The men thought they were being discreet the whole time they were scoping the women out, however it wasn’t Adrianna’s first time around the rodeo. As soon as Devynn left to go to the restroom she noticed the spark in one of the hustler’s eyes. It was the look of a man who had just come up on a plug. She then noticed Devynn’s tattoo showing and instantly put two and two together. When they walked out of the building together she briefed Devynn on what she thought was about to happen, so the two split up. Sure enough, they were followed out the door, and they both knew what had to be done.

  “Fire back, pussy-ass nigga,” Devynn said and ran up on one of the men hiding behind a Suburban.

  She had literally come out of nowhere, and he didn’t have time to react before her right fist connected with his jaw. When he fell backward, she raised her pistol and made it bark. The back of his head instantly blew away, and the concrete under him was painted red.

  “Too late now,” Devynn said, ducking low. “One more to go.”

  She peeked around the truck and saw that people in the restaurant were ducking under their tables because of the sound of the gunfire. She wanted Adrianna to hurry up and kill the last nigga so they could hurry up and get out of there; she was sure somebody had called the police.

  On the other side of the parking lot, Adrianna was in an all out gun war with Tay.

  “Bitch, I can’t wait to tell Khiron The Last Kings are back in his city! He’s going to gut you mothafuckas alive! Then Tay is going to be the last king!”

  “His city?” Adrianna said and got on her back to roll under the shot up Cadillac she was hiding behind.

  She did so just in time, because Tay stepped around the vehicle and fired his gun.

  “You missed!” Adrianna aimed her pistol and squeezed the trigger twice, catching the heavy set man in both of his ankles.

  “Ahhh!” he yelled and dropped painfully to the ground.

  When Adrianna rolled from underneath the car she hurried to her feet so she could kick Tay’s gun far away.

  “Kings don’t die, motherfucker!” she said before she put two slugs in his face.

  “C’mon, A!” Devynn yelled from across the parking lot. “We gotta go!”

  Adrianna didn’t need to be told twice, and ran to where they had dropped their bags. Swooping them up, she threw Devynn’s purse to her and dug into her own so that she could find her keys.

  “What about the cameras?” Devynn asked, nodding toward the four dead bodies spread along the now bloody parking lot.

  Adrianna clicked the button to unlock the car doors and shook her head.

  “Ray used to do so much business here, those things don’t work! Come on!”

  Adrianna pulled off from the restaurant, burning rubber, and drove like a mad woman back to the direction of the house. Her adrenaline was pumping, and she had to admit, it wasn’t in a bad way. It had been so long since she had used her gun that she was almost positive cobwebs were growing on her bullets. Tay’s words added more fuel to the fire of her heart; they had to reclaim Detroit. Khiron had these little niggas parading around like they were really somebody.

  “I gotta pull over and switch these plates real quick,” she told Devynn, coming to a stop on the side of the road and popped her trunk. “I don’t know if anybody in the restaurant got my shit. Especially with those loud girls in there.”

  “Okay,” Devynn nodded, looking down at the blood spots on her shirt. “A? What we gon’ tell Sadie?”

  “Easy,” Adrianna said before she stepped out of the vehicle. “We don’t.”

  * * *

  “Sir, the helicopter is ready,” the high pitched voice of a young woman filled the air.

  Don Rivera stood in the doorway of the patio at his 15,000 square feet estate as he looked on to the helicopter that would take him to his private jet. Don was a very handsome older man. Although in his midfifties, there were no wrinkles on his face and only a few grays in his dark brown hair. It was safe to say he had aged very well. He stood there, suave in an Ermenegildo Zegna all-black suit, and his brown eyes watched the young beautiful Dominican woman walk away from the helicopter and toward him. Her hair blew wildly in the wind from the propellers, and her pink dress threatened to rise, exposing her secrets beneath. Don barely took notice of it; he had already enjoyed the sweet goodness between her thighs the night before.

  “Thank you, Rachel,” Don said to her with a small smile on his thin lips.

  Don and his black suits walked past her into his large backyard and toward the loud helicopter. Although they would not be taking the trip with him, they knew to be by his side no matter how short of a distance he had to walk. Once at the steps of the helicopter he turned back to the house and saw Rachel standing there, waving good-bye with a big smile on her face.

  She was in heaven; all her dreams had come true. Although she was much younger than Don she was almost certain that she loved him, and if not him, she was for certain in love with his money. She met him on a random night on the town and the two of them had been seeing each other for a few weeks. She knew that Don would make sure she was taken care of and her family would finally be able to live well. The expression on her face spoke volumes of happiness. She couldn’t wait for Don to leave just so he could hurry back home to take her shopping for more summer dresses.

  Don waved back to her before he motioned to one of the Dominican men to come forward. There was only one woman that would ever hold Don’s heart, and they had parted years prior. Nobody could ever or would ever replace her in his eyes, no matter how hard she tried. When the man was directly in front of Don’s face, Don looked him in his eyes, giving him a message the young man understood completely before Don could even speak.

  “Kill her, and make sure he’s on the next flight out,” Don said, right before he got into the helicopter and the door was shut behind him.

  * * *

  The sound of fire crackling and the smell of burning wood evaded the air of an elegant Detroit home. Vinny sat in the living room of his house he hadn’t visited since the last time he saw Ray alive. Nobody knew of this home except him and a few of his most trusted accomplices. Vinny had a
house in almost every state, simply because he moved around entirely too much to have one main home. They were all decorated with taste, but all different from each other, except the master bedroom. His bedroom in every home, despite the size, was decorated the exact same way. All black furniture, a king-sized bed centered against the wall, and a seventy-inch television hanging directly on the wall in front of him. On the wall above his bed was a painting; the Mona Lisa as a reminder of his heritage.

  He sat, staring into the fireplace, lost in his own weary thoughts. He didn’t know how badly losing The Last Kings operation would hurt him until it happened. He anticipated somebody eventually coming for his protégé, but he never thought they would be able to knock him off of his throne. Vinny invested in Ray without asking for anything in return but loyalty. He made so much money off of Ray he didn’t need to conduct business with anybody else if he didn’t want to. And he didn’t want to. Vinny was pleased to hear that Sadie wanted to bring the cartel back to life and was more than willing to provide the ammunition and man power to help her. He knew that they were about to fire the second shots in the war. The first shot was when the Dominicans decided to give Khiron their work and assist him in taking over every spot in Detroit. The blatant disrespect was something Vinny would not tolerate. Vinny never felt the need to cut Don Rivera in on his dealings with The Last Kings because he was their connect, no need to add more hands in the pot. It was a selfish move on his part, but if the shoe was on the other foot he was almost certain that Don would do the exact same thing.

  Being the plug was all that Vinny had to do when Ray was alive. Everything else, Ray did by himself. It was his genius that birthed The Last Kings; Vinny could not even feel entitled if he wanted to. It was Ray that kept money in all of their pockets.

  “If I want to stay wealthy, then I have to make sure the people around me are rich.”

  And that was exactly what he did. The way Vinny felt was that if Don wanted to get in on the business trade with The Last Kings then his place was to go directly to Ray. If Ray decided to cut Don Rivera in, then it wasn’t Vinny’s place as a man to be angered. Still, it was comforting to know that Ray would never do something like that, his loyalty to Vinny was too strong. The fact that Don would start a war behind a man who used a woman to do his dirty work was the only thing that had Vinny’s mind boggled. Either Don’s grip on the game was loosening or there was something bigger that Vinny was missing.

  Vinny could only guess what the Dominicans had in their plans. He had known Don for years, and he knew what the supreme vision was. Don Rivera’s dream was to create the super cartel; one big cartel that controlled numerous cities. He wanted his work to spread like a virus so that no matter what happened there would be a never-ending money flow. However, he never could get it right. The world was too hungry and selfish to come together, for him anyways. Without even trying to achieve that, Vinny swept his dream from right under Don’s feet and made it his own reality.

  Unknown to the Dominicans, Vinny still held a lot of cards in Detroit. Like the fact that he was still able to enter the city without being detected and he never needed a disguise. His name held weight and he had many ears planted in Detroit. Vinny knew everyone involved in Khiron’s operation, all the way down to the names and addressed of the little runners he had working the corners. When your money was tall it didn’t take much to get a background check on anybody. He used this knowledge to find out where the meeting between Khiron and Don would be held. Not only that, but he also got the blue prints to the whole building within thirty minutes. All Sadie had to do was get her hands on them and it would be a done deal. When it came down to doing what needed to be done she was thorough, much like her big cousin.

  Chapter 16

  It had been too long since my last conversation with Legacy, and I was happy to see him walk through the doors of my house Sunday morning. He was the only one who was able to keep me level headed. The closer we got to the day of the meeting the more unsure I became. I was holding a lot of weight on my shoulders, and until then I never really thought about the aftermath. If everything went as planned, then I would rightfully claim my throne as the leader of The Last Kings. Even though Ray and Legacy believed in me I often questioned myself. I knew that no matter how hard I tried, I would never be Ray. I felt that by taking his crown I would only be walking in his shadow. That wasn’t what I wanted. I wanted to make my own way and walk the footsteps of my own path. The catch twenty-two was that I didn’t know how. When Ray was in charge he ran things smoothly like it was nothing to him. Being a boss came naturally to him. But me? It was true that I was used to people following me, but I always had Ray to leave the trail of bread crumbs. When he was alive I looked up to him figuratively, now I had to literally look up to him; but physically he wasn’t there to guide me.

  “I would ask how the trip here was,” I started grinning up at Legacy. “But that is the least of my interests right now. You are all here in one piece, and that is all that matters. Come on, we’re all in the dining room.”

  Legacy, Lace, Ghost, and Smoke set their bags on the ground so that they could follow behind me. They must have learned from the last meeting because they all introduced themselves. I noticed Lace looking uneasily at me and I saw the bullet wound on her arm had healed quite nicely. I let everyone sit down first before I took my seat at the head of the table. It was time to inform everyone of the plan in my head.

  “Don Rivera is either on his way here, or he’s already here,” I started. “Either way, this is the only real chance we have to get all of this together. We have the blueprints of the whole building that Khiron and Don Rivera will be in, and we have a tracking device in Mocha that will show us exactly where they are in the building.”

  I paused and looked at everybody’s faces. They were all staring intently at me, and I continued.

  “This isn’t going to just be a run in, pow pow, and the job is done. It sounds easier than it will be. The Dominicans aren’t stupid, and in their country they are above the law. Their cartel is powerful. Foul play is to be expected, because much like us, they just don’t give a fuck. Don Rivera is going to have the place swarming, so getting to wherever he is will not be like walking into a candy store.”

  I was prepping them for a real war. It wasn’t like a typical street war with just guns and shit. Ray had once told me about the first war between the Italians and the Dominicans. It ended in a stale mate after two blocks were blown up. These people weren’t for play-play, they were the real thing.

  “Where will the Italians be?” Smoke asked. “You said we had powerful allies.”

  “They will be there waiting for my signal,” I answered. “They can’t show their faces too soon, otherwise our window of opportunity will be lost. Don Rivera can’t feel that there is a set up happening at all. Not one Italian face will be seen until he feels comfortable in his setting.”

  They all nodded their understanding.

  “I planted a tracking device inside of Mocha just in case I am wrong, but I have a feeling I know where they will be meeting at.”

  “Where?” Legacy asked me from where he sat next to Lace.

  “The rooftop,” I answered.

  “Why the rooftop?”

  I paused for a second and slowly rotated my head to all of the awaiting eyes. I nodded my head slightly, knowing that they were waiting to hear how and why I was so sure.

  “Because that’s where I would meet at. So Smoke and Ghost, I’m going to have you two positioned on top of buildings around the hotel with a few of our Italian friends. You will be our snipers. Adrianna and Devynn, you will be disguised as maids; you two will be our eyes and ears. The rest of you will be with me. We’re the shooters. I just have one request: Khiron is mine. Period.”

  Everybody, including Lace, nodded their heads. The rest of the day we finished prepping and got all of our weapons ready. It didn’t dawn on me until almost six o’clock what was about to happen, but I stopped any negative thou
ght from taking over my mental and I got dressed. Once I was fully dressed I went down to the artillery room to get some extra clips just in case. I heard voices, and upon realizing they belonged to Legacy and Lace, I slowed my pace until I reached a complete stop. I normally didn’t eavesdrop on conversations, but when I heard my name I just couldn’t help myself.

  “You trust her?” I heard Lace ask.

  “With my life,” Legacy responded.


  There was a pause.

  “The same reason I trust you with my life,” was his response. “She doesn’t know how not to be loyal. Her eyes don’t lie.”

  “Do you love her?” Lace’s voice was meek and uncertain.

  “Like a sister,” Legacy said, and there was a noise like he had just set down his gun. “Come on, ma. You know you the only one for me. Come here. The relationship that Sadie and I have is a close one, but it is strictly platonic. Even she recognizes the love that I have for you, but you can’t see it?”

  “I just have never seen you this way with another woman, Legacy . . . and you let her shoot me.”

  “Listen, ma. To you, Sadie might be a woman. But to me, she is a nigga—a nigga to be respected at that. We all gotta learn our lesson in the game somehow,” Legacy chuckled.

  I heard her give a small laugh, and that surprised me.

  “Yea, she got my respect after that shit,” Lace said.

  “I love you, Lace.”

  I didn’t need to hear the wet kiss to know what was about to happen in that room. I just hoped they didn’t fuck on top of the grenades and blow us all up. I smiled knowing that Legacy trusted me with his life, and I was shocked at Lace’s question. I never pegged her as the insecure type, but I guess if I saw a woman as close to Tyler as I was to Legacy, I would have some questions as well. When I heard a low moan from Lace’s mouth I knew it was time to make my exit. I could grab what I needed before we left; they needed that moment of peace. Walking back up the stairs I noticed Ghost coming down them. I grabbed his arm quickly and shook my head.


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