Persuaded (Jane Austen Diaries)

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Persuaded (Jane Austen Diaries) Page 6

by Jenni James

I covered the phone with my hand. “Gregory.”

  “Shut up!” she hissed. “Are you kidding me? You’re gonna tell him about me, right? You have to.”

  “Hey.” Gregory chuckled into my ear. “Sorry, I didn’t recognize you.”

  “Oh—hi, Gregory.” I feigned surprise. “You needed Kylie?” I smiled at her and walked forward.

  “Yeah, sure, if she’s around.”

  Kylie shook her head, stepped into the bathroom, and slammed the door shut.

  “Uh, well, she’s in the—the shower right now. Can I have her call you back?”

  “Okay. This is her cell, right? You can just have her call me back on the number that’s on the screen.”

  His phone number. My heart was pounding so fast I thought it would explode. With a deep breath, I nodded my head and then realized he couldn’t hear me. “O–okay, that’ll be great. I’ll let her know.” Tell him. Just get it over with and tell him.

  “Thanks. You’re awesome.”

  He thinks I’m awesome. My hand began to shake as I clutched the phone tighter. Then, before I lost my nerve, I blurted, “Oh! Uh, Gr–Gregory, I wanted to tell you something.”


  His voice sounded so good. I closed my eyes and swallowed. “Well, you know how Kylie’s not around at the moment?” What am I saying? Just spit it out.

  “Um, yeah?”

  “I—uh, anyway, I just wanted to say before she comes back, that she, she—uh, she—”

  “She—?” I could hear the grin in Gregory’s voice and it nearly disarmed me.

  Say it already. “Look.” I attempted a chuckle but failed. With another deep breath I plowed on. “Kylie likes you. I mean, a lot. S–so, if you want to ask her out or something—I’m not saying you have to, just if you do, she’d probably really like it.” There. I said it. I held my breath and waited for the verdict.

  Gregory was quiet for a few seconds before saying softly, “Oh. Actually, that’s what I was hoping to do—ask her out.”

  My heart flew to my feet and I caught the phone from slipping out of my hand just in time. I don’t know why it shocked me so much to hear him say it, but it did. It hurt, too. “Great. She’ll love that,” I croaked. After clearing my throat, I rushed on. “Well, anyway, I’ll let you go. I’m sure you’re really busy—and I’ll let her know you called, okay? Bye.”


  I froze. “Yeah?”

  “Uh—nothing. Thanks. Bye.”

  A little while later, I handed Kylie her cell and hovered in the bathroom doorway as she pushed “send” to call him. I tried not to panic when I heard her laughing into the phone. Gregory loved to make people laugh. After the third flirtatious giggle from Kylie, I walked back over to the bed.

  Their conversation lasted longer than the rest of her previous conversations that afternoon, which was really saying something. I attempted to block it out by pouring over the fascinating lives of beautiful celebrities. Kylie wasn’t much of a reader, and gossip magazines were about as sophisticated as her reading material got. I was doomed. There was no way I could completely zone out the conversation going on. Why am I here? How do I get myself into these situations?

  I sighed and pushed the magazine away and stared up at the light blue curtains hanging above the bed. The whole room was done in a blue and white motif. Kylie was all about subtle femininity. Even though the focal color was blue and the walls were blue, it was soft and inviting and not overwhelming at all. I had to admit I liked the effect. She had simplistic lines and shapes everywhere, from the curtains, to the area rugs, to the furniture. Nothing was overly girly. It was the ultra-feminine accent pillows that really gave the room a boost. Well, that and her collection of art deco black-and-white prints of 1940’s and 1950’s movie stars. Right now Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn beckoned me to smile back at them. I took a deep breath and gave it a try.

  If I turned slightly to the right, I knew I would see Judy Garland and Vivien Leigh also trying to coax me into enjoying myself. I didn’t turn to the right. Instead I tried to rationalize my emotions.

  It would only be normal that Gregory would want to go with Kylie. He wasn’t mine, after all, and besides he fully deserved to have a girlfriend. In fact, he deserved a girlfriend who was pretty and laughed at his jokes, one whose family could mingle with his, and someone who loved him. If I knew Kylie as much as I thought I did, she was already halfway in love with him. It wouldn’t take much more to push her over the edge. Actually, her best quality was that she was consistent and loyal. Gregory would never have to wonder if she really had feelings for him. Once she made up her mind, there was no going back. See? They’ll be perfect for each other.

  “Oh my gosh! I’m going to seriously die right now!” gushed Kylie as she plopped on the bed next to me. Her smile was so bright it caused my eyes to water. She propped herself up on an elbow and showered me with the praises of Gregory.

  I smiled.

  “So he asked me out for tonight. Can you believe it? Tonight! He wants to take me to the movies and then dancing. And I mean, I know it’s your first night here and all, but I figured you wouldn’t mind. I mean, hello? We’re so gonna be together for like two weeks. So you don’t really mind, right? I mean, you don’t consider it rude or anything?”

  Tonight? Inwardly I snapped. No, no. Go ahead and leave me all by myself in your house. That’s not awkward at all. And then I thought of what I would be saying if the roles were reversed and I was the one asked out by Gregory. I did the only sensible thing a girl could do in such a situation, I kept smiling. “Nah! I’m happy for you. Seriously. Go and enjoy yourself. Don’t give me another thought. If I’m not awake you better tell me all about it in the morning, okay?” As if I’ll be able to sleep before she gets home.

  “See, I knew you’d say that! Totally. You are as easy to read as a book. I always know what you’re thinking and just what you’ll say. Always. You’re the best.”

  My smile began to feel strained. “Thanks.”

  Kylie jumped off the bed and headed towards her walk-in closet. “I’m really too nervous and excited to eat, but I’m sure my mom stashed the fridge with tons of stuff for us. You don’t mind fixing yourself something tonight, do you?”

  No, I always wander around houses that aren’t my own and help myself to their kitchens. “Sure.” Suddenly, I didn’t want to play my typical role of Barbie consultant. I figured Kylie was a big enough girl to get herself dressed without asking my opinion on every outfit. Besides, she’d just given me the perfect out. “Well, I’m a little hungry—I’ll go head downstairs and see what there is.”

  “Okay.” Her reply came out a bit muffled.

  She was probably picking out the shoes first. I hurried down to the kitchen.

  After poking around a bit and finding enough stuff to make a decent sandwich, I went to work. In a few short minutes the mess was cleaned up and I was carrying my miniature Dagwood-sized sandwich and tall glass of ice water to the family room couch. I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, then scrolled through the channels until I came across one that featured comedy reruns. Perfect. Laughter is the best medicine. I was just getting into a really funny rerun of Third Rock from the Sun when Kylie came downstairs, looking as gorgeous as ever.

  “Wow! You look pretty.”

  “Thanks. Did you eat something?”

  “Yeah, I made a sandwich.”

  “Okay, good.”

  “So when’s Gregory coming?”

  “He said he’d be here in about five minutes. Are you sure I look okay? I mean these shoes aren’t too much, are they?”

  For a moment I centered my thoughts on her red high-heeled pumps that peeked out from under her skinny jeans. “They look great.”

  The doorbell rang. I froze, wishing I could hide. Technically, the family room wasn’t anywhere near the entryway, though, so he couldn’t see me from here. I just hoped Kylie wouldn’t think it was important to bring him back to say hello.

/>   Obviously the thought never crossed her mind.

  “Well, bye, Amanda. I’ll see you later.” She leaned over the couch and gave me a hug. Her sweet Jennifer Lopez perfume wafted all around me. “Oh, and if you get creeped out being here alone, I’ve got my cell, okay? I’m just a phone call away.”

  “Okay.” Creeped out? Yikes.

  A few seconds later, I heard Kylie greet Gregory and then the front door close. I waited a couple of minutes to make sure they had gone before I walked through the dark, silent house and locked the door. By the time I made it halfway back to the couch and the safety of the cheerful television, I’d started to run. I literally jumped on the couch, having made it there in record time, and then laughed at myself for being afraid of an empty house. I’m such a dork.

  The rest of the evening was uneventful and very safe. Actually, thanks to the wonderful world of television, I didn’t even realize how late it was until I heard the front door unlocking and voices drifting behind me through the still house. Voices? Yep, definitely plural. Ah! You’ve got to be kidding me. Gregory came in with her. I instantly straightened in my seat and ran my fingers nervously through my hair before I noticed the throw blanket and threw it on my lap to hide my shaking hands. Just in time. I turned and smiled up at Kylie.

  “Hey, Gregory was right.” Her smile was tight. He was just behind her. “He said you’d still be up. I told him I didn’t believe it, but look, here you are.”

  I didn’t know quite what to make of her speech. She was almost too bright in her mannerisms, too nice. Obviously, she wishes I was in bed. I answered hesitantly with a faint “Yep, I’m here.”

  Gregory’s behavior as he approached Kylie’s side was just the opposite. His dazzling smile beamed down on me as he cheerfully asked, “Did you enjoy your evening?”

  Watching old reruns was great—you have no idea. There isn’t anything else I wish I could’ve done. Nothing at all. “I . . . uh, yes. Did you? I mean, did you guys have fun?”

  “We had an awesome time. I wish you could’ve been there!” Kylie gushed. All at once she came alive as she dragged Gregory over to sit with her in the sofa facing mine. “The movie was so funny. You would’ve loved it! And then the dancing—the dancing was so cool. Gregory took me to this amazing restaurant that had country dancing.”

  “Country dancing?”

  “Yeah! Did you know that there’s a country swing? Oh my gosh! It is seriously the most fun dance ever. You have to try it.” Kylie was so animated and happy I’d almost forgotten she’d seemed peeved I was there when she first came in. This was like a completely different person. I could see Gregory really liked the effect her enthusiastic smile had on her features. His eyes never strayed from her delighted face.

  I smiled. When Kylie is really happy, her physical features change. She becomes so real in that moment, it makes up for all of the times when she’s hiding behind a mask.

  “Look! Gregory even bought me the CD of the band that was playing tonight. They were so good. I loved them.”

  I thought you hated country music. “Can I see?” I brought my hand out from under the blanket and took the CD from Kylie. “Wait, they’re from Durango, aren’t they?” I hadn’t realize the band had a gig in Farmington.

  “That’s where we went!”

  What? “Wait a minute. You guys went to Durango, Colorado?”

  “Yeah.” Kylie laughed.

  “But isn’t that like an hour away?” I turned to Gregory. It was only midnight, and I wondered just how fast his Mustang could go. There was no way they made it to Durango, to the movie, dinner, and then dancing in that amount of time.

  “It’s only half an hour when you use the Wentworth’s private jet.” Kylie’s smile was smug.

  “Are you kidding me?” My jaw dropped as I stared at Gregory.

  He chuckled. “Nope. It only took us twenty-five minutes.”

  Doesn’t anyone but me think about saving the environment? What about global warming, people? Okay, so truth be told, I was jealous. More than jealous. I was positively green with envy. Doesn’t every girl fantasize about a totally hot guy whisking her away in his family’s private jet to enjoy a romantic date? I mean, hello! What girl wouldn’t love that? And with Gregory of all people.

  Eight: Rise and Shine!

  On second thought, I think I am ready to go to bed now.

  “Psst . . . Amanda? Are you up yet?”

  “Huh?” Groggily, I rolled over and squinted at the bright sunshine pouring into the bedroom. “What time is it?”

  “It’s ten already. Hurry and wake up, sleepyhead.”

  “Ten?” I sat up. Ugh. I’d had a rather rough night, full of nightmares of crashing airplanes and all sorts of things. I never slept well when I wasn’t in my own bed. I squinted and tried to locate Kylie. Without my contacts, the room was a sea of blue.

  “Yep, it’s ten!” Sometimes Kylie was a little too perky for me. “I’ve been dying for you to wake up all morning. I’ve got the best news in the world.”

  I grabbed my glasses from the nightstand next to the bed and slipped them on. Finally, I was able to see my friend. She was sitting at her vanity table facing me, but she looked like she would burst out of the chair at any moment. She was already dressed, with makeup on and everything.

  “So what’s the news?” I yawned, rubbing my face to try to wake it up.

  “Wow. You look tired. Wake up! I want you to be coherent when I tell you everything.”

  Is she bouncing in her chair? I glanced over. Kylie was bouncing, all right. “I am coherent. I think.” I chuckled and rubbed my face again. “What’s up? Are you gonna tell me, or do I have to wait until after I’ve showered and stuff?”

  “Okay, okay. I’ll tell you!” In less than a second she had bounded out of the chair and onto my bed.

  Whoa! Way too perky for me.

  “Ethan emailed me earlier. He’s invited the whole group who went four-wheelin’ to come and watch him next weekend in Moab for a Jeep competition!”

  I was awake. “What? Are you kidding? Next weekend?” I wondered if I could get out of work.

  “Yeah! Isn’t it great? I mean, how fun will that be?”

  “Wait, I thought the four-wheeling stuff happened in May.”

  “This is a private competition. Apparently, a guy from Moab was there when Ethan won the championship, and he’s challenged him and a few winners from other states to go against his Jeep.”

  “No way.” I sat up straighter. “That is seriously cool.”

  “Yeah, there’s even a trophy and prize money, too.”

  “How many days does it go?”

  “Well, it looks like we’ll all leave on Thursday morning and come back Saturday night.”

  Wow. My parents will probably freak. “I—uh . . .”

  “Don’t worry about your parents, either.”

  “Good grief. You’ve already talked to them?”

  “Yeah! They’re all for it, especially since Sydney’s invited too. They think it’ll be a great way for you two to bond.”

  “Are you kidding?”

  “I know, right? Like, sometimes I swear your parents are seriously clueless.” Kylie giggled. “Oh! And guess what? Collin’s got an aunt and uncle who have a huge house there. They hate the dust so they move back up to Farmington every summer, which means it’s open for us. Collin’s already checked and they have no problem with us staying there.”

  “Really? Wow. That’s super nice of them.”

  “Well, I guess from what I’ve heard, Collin’s family is just happy he has friends. So they’re more than willing to help out.”

  “They actually said that?” I tried not to laugh.

  “Yeah, that’s the rumor.”

  “So what’s the house like anyway, do you know?”

  “I know it has a pool and a huge guesthouse attached to the property. The guys have already volunteered to take the guesthouse so the girls can have the main home. And there’s an old married co
uple who live there permanently.”

  “Really? What do they do?”

  “I think he’s the gardener and she’s the cook, or something like that. But I bet it’s mostly to make sure nothing happens to the place while they’re gone. That’s another reason Collin’s aunt and uncle have no problem with a group of high school—slash—college-aged kids using it for a weekend. They know we’ll be chaperoned.”

  “Going to Moab for the weekend. Wow, that really does sound fun. I mean, I could use a vacation.”

  “Ya think?” Kylie laughed. “It sounds awesome! Like, I can’t even believe how much fun it’s going to be.”

  “So you really think my parents are okay with it?”

  “Of course. Your dad’s even offered to give you and Sydney a couple hundred dollars.”

  They’re really hoping we’ll bond, aren’t they?

  Instantly, Kylie was back to business. “Okay, so obviously we have a lot to do since we leave in like three days. But the top on my priority list is getting a new swimsuit. We have to do that as soon as possible, especially since there’s going to be a pool.”

  Did I pack a swimsuit? Do I own a swimsuit? “Uh, Kylie, I don’t think I brought mine.”

  “No worries. You can totally wear one of mine. It’s no big deal. Now hurry up and get ready.”

  “Do you have a one-piece?”

  “I can tell you this much, if I do, you can have it. It probably hasn’t been worn anyway.”

  Knowing Kylie, I was sure it hadn’t.

  Much later, after following her to almost every store in the Animas Valley Mall, I was grateful to be sitting in the overstuffed chair in the Farmington library during children’s reading hour. Today the kids had picked out a couple of silly Froggy books, which I read first. I loved it when they laughed at the crazy antics of Mr. Frog. There was something so cute about the kids’ laughter that day—I don’t know what it was, but I couldn’t stop giggling along with them.

  “I love For-oggy!” exclaimed a cute little dark-haired boy. “He’s sooo funny!”

  “I know.” I leaned over and ruffled the boy’s hair.

  “What are you gonna pick, Miss Manda?” asked a sweet redheaded little girl. “You gots ta pick somefin good!”


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