Persuaded (Jane Austen Diaries)

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Persuaded (Jane Austen Diaries) Page 16

by Jenni James

  “Well, don’t they look cute together? Sean has got to be proud of himself. Have you ever seen such a perfect couple?”

  Sean looked over and winked at me, and I knew he could hear everything they were saying. Who couldn’t? They were speaking loud enough.

  “He’s worth a pretty penny.”

  “He’s worth more than that and you know it. Plus, he’s not bad to look at, either.”

  “He-he! I’ve always preferred such dark and mysterious coloring. But don’t tell Clarence.”

  “Shh! You’re so bad, Enid.”

  “What? I may be almost dead, but I’m not blind. That boy is hotter than a pavement in July, and it sure looks like Amanda has noticed. Good for her.”

  Sean looked over at me again and this time smiled weakly, apologizing without words. Now he looked just as embarrassed as I was. Gregory stood up.

  “Gregory?” I grabbed his hand. “Aren’t you going to stay?”

  “Why?” He looked past me toward Sean and then back at me again. “There’s no reason for me to stay anymore.” And then he stormed out of the auditorium.

  Oh my gosh! Gregory is jealous of Sean. I couldn’t believe it. He’s actually jealous of Sean. He does love me. Gregory does love me! I have to admit, my first reaction to his reaction was happiness. Supreme joy. In fact, I was downright giddy. So much so that I think I may have given Sean the wrong idea when I smiled at Gregory’s departure. Oops. But honestly, I could not have cared less what Sean thought, even though I hoped I wouldn’t hurt his feelings in the long run.

  The rest of the second half of the concert passed in a blur. I couldn’t tell you who played or who spoke to me or who drove me home. Honestly, I was on cloud nine. It was only later that night, while I crawled into bed, that more serious emotions took hold.

  Okay, yes, he does love me. But he thinks I am in love with someone else. How in the world am I going to convince him otherwise?

  The question actually kept me up half of the night. By the morning, though, with the sun pouring cheerily into my room, I realized that even though Gregory and I were in a complete mess at the moment, I had hope it could be fixed. I mean, everything happened for a reason, right? Well, if it wasn’t meant to work out, Gregory wouldn’t have come back to Farmington in the first place. So chances are, we are meant to be together. I just have to convince him that I love him.

  Twenty-Two: Silver Lining

  Two days later I received the call that Kylie was coming home. I still hadn’t had a chance to come up with something for her, but I did make her favorite peanut butter cookies. Later that night when I went over to her house, I was shocked at how pale and fragile she looked.

  “Hello, welcome back! I’ve brought your favorite.”

  Kylie smiled calmly up at me from her bed as I handed the plate of cookies to her. The scar on the side of her head was still red and garish. I felt horrible for her.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” she chided. And then she chuckled. “I’m sure I look like Frankenstein, but you don’t have to point it out.”

  Oh my gosh. “Kylie, I’m so sorry. No, you don’t look that bad. I’m just grateful you’re here. If you had any idea of what went through my mind out in Moab, you’d—”

  “Don’t. Stop thinking about it. The doctors, the nurses, Collin, Gregory . . . they all say I have you to thank for my life. Everyone said if you hadn’t acted as you did, I would be dead. So really, Amanda, you could say anything to me—you could tell me I’m the ugliest freak of nature—and I would be still love you and be indebted to you.”

  “I would never—!”

  “I know, I know you wouldn’t. You wouldn’t hurt a fly.”

  “I wish we could all go back in time and erase that whole day and start over again.”

  “Don’t! No. I would never want to go back in time,” Kylie said. “Ever.”

  I was confused. “Never? What do you mean?”

  “I am more of a person now than I ever was. Amanda, not only did you save my life, you brought me back to create a whole new life for myself. I can see now why Gregory loved you. I can see it! Really. And I know now that Collin is the most amazing man on earth. Sitting in that hospital bed really helped me to evaluate my life. I feel as though you have given me a second chance. A chance to prove myself—and to the world—that I can be the Kylie Russell I’ve always wanted to be.”

  “Wow.” She has changed.

  “Don’t you see that I would’ve never seen Collin for who he was, had it not been for the accident? I am so grateful that it happened. I love him so much. I really do feel sorry for Madison, because in the end, she is the one who is missing out.”

  “I’m glad to see you are so happy.”

  “I am happy! I’m happier than I have ever been before.”

  “So what made you—you know?”

  She laughed. “Start liking Collin?”

  I nodded.

  “Um . . .” She paused a moment and chewed on her lower lip, then grinned. “I don’t know. It was a million little things—like him reading to me when I was upset or frustrated, and making me laugh when all I wanted to do was cry. He took the time to really get to know me, to talk to me. Even when everyone else would get bored and leave the hospital, he stayed. I can’t explain just when, or where or how, but Collin really, really helped me to see what I wanted in life. He taught me what truly unselfish people are like—what you are like. Just by his example, I realized what an amazing friend he was.”

  “So when did you know that you wanted to marry him?”

  Kylie beamed. “I don’t remember the day. I just remember him walking into my room, with this smile and another bouquet of tulips—my favorite flowers—and it was like a light bulb went off. All at once it hit me how cute and wonderful he really was, and in the next second, I couldn’t imagine ever being without him. I must’ve looked like an absolute freak—you have no idea—all bandaged up and dazed. When he asked if I was okay, I told him no. Worried, he asked what I needed.” She giggled. “I told him I needed tulips. So when he handed the flowers to me, I shook my head and said, ‘Not these tulips. I want your two lips, right here.’ And then I pointed to my mouth.”

  “Are you kidding me?” I chuckled.

  Kylie giggled again. “You sound just like Collin! That’s exactly what he asked me. Once I convinced him I wasn’t joking, he didn’t waste any time.” She sighed and fell back on her pillow. “He is the most amazing kisser—you have no idea!”

  “Really?” I grinned. I didn’t know what else to say. I had never seen Kylie like this before. It was so cool.

  She smiled up at me. “That’s when he told me he had been trying not to, but falling for me anyway. It’s like fate threw us together.”

  “I’m glad you’re happy, Kylie. He’s a really cool guy.”

  She smiled softly and nodded her head. “I know. Thank you.”

  I stayed and talked with her a few more minutes until it looked like she was getting tired. I decided to let her rest and promised to come again tomorrow. At her bedroom door I met Collin.

  “Amanda, can we talk?”

  “Sure? What’s up?”

  He waited until we were out of earshot and down the hall a bit before he answered. “It’s about Kylie. I was wondering if you would help me with a present for her.”

  “Yeah, I would love to help. What did you have in mind?”

  “Well, I, uh . . . Well, I had a lot of time to think in Moab.”


  “And well, a lot of it was in Kylie’s hospital room while she was asleep, or in the waiting room when I couldn’t be with her. So, since I only had my phone with me—”

  “Oh my gosh, Collin! You wrote a song for her?”

  “Yeah.” He looked down at his feet and blushed. “I was hoping that maybe you could—that maybe you could help compose it for me?”


  “You know, so I can sing it at the welcome-home party that Gregory’s parents ar
e throwing for her.”

  How cool is that? “Really?”

  “Yeah, could you help me? Would you like to help me? Well, if you don’t, I understand. I mean, I realize you’re probably busy and—”

  “Oh, sorry. I haven’t answered because I’m in total shock. I think this is the coolest idea ever. I would love to help you. When do you want to work on it?”

  “Uh—now, if it’s okay.”

  I glanced back at Kylie’s closed door down the hall and then at my watch. It was 6:45. “Um, sure, okay. Now will be fine.”

  “Great! There’s a piano at my house.”

  “Oh, your house. Um, okay.”

  “Will that be a problem?” Collin asked as we started to head down the stairs.

  “No, no, it’s fine. I can follow you. I’m just a bit worried about finding my way back.”

  “Gregory’s house is closer—he said he has a piano. Do you want to go there?”

  “G–gregory’s house? Do you think that would be okay?”

  “Sure, I’ll just call him.”


  “Yeah, hang on.”

  I watched as Collin pulled out his phone and stepped away from me. My heart sped up just thinking about going to Gregory’s house. All at once I was nervous and beyond excited.

  “You’re sure? Great,” I heard Collin say. “We’ll see you in a minute. Bye.”

  We’re going. We’re going. We’re going! “So what did he say?” I tried to sound calm and like I hadn’t just eavesdropped.

  “He says no problem. Do you need a lift?”

  “No, I brought my dad’s car. I’ll just drive home from there.”

  “Great! Let’s go.”

  Once there, we were greeted warmly by Gregory’s mom.

  “Hello, Amanda! How are you? Did you enjoy the concert?”

  “Yes. Thank you so much for inviting us.” I looked around but didn’t see Gregory anywhere.

  “Hello. You must be Collin, right? Kylie’s fiancé?”

  He smiled and shook her hand. “Yep. That’s me.”

  “Well, welcome! We are so happy to have you. Gregory said you’d be using the piano—it’s back here.”

  We followed her to the music room, and I felt a pang at the sight of the piano in the room where ours used to be. It wasn’t a grand piano like we had, but it was a beautiful upright. I immediately walked up and trailed my fingers over the keys. They were in tune and it was a bright cheerful, instrument.

  “Gregory told me that you are quite gifted on the piano.” Suzanne watched as I played a few chords.

  “I’ve just had a lot of practice at it, nothing more.” I smiled up at her from the snug little bench.

  “I’m sure he would argue with you on that point. He says that you are extremely naturally gifted.”

  I looked down and willed myself not to blush. I was just about to answer her when she spoke again.

  “Right, Gregory? Didn’t you say that Amanda was naturally gifted?”

  “I did.”

  His deep voice above my head caused my fingers to still in their playing. I looked up and met his gaze and slowly smiled at the way he stared at me. “You’re here,” I said quietly.

  “I couldn’t resist.”

  “Resist?” I scrunched my brow in confusion.


  My heart stopped. “Me?”

  Gregory closed his eyes and shook his head slightly. He smiled ruefully and looked right at me as he answered, “I meant your playing. I promised myself I would leave you alone, but when I heard you tinkering with the keys I couldn’t help it. I’m here. You are very talented, Amanda. You dragged me all the way from the library.”

  “Oh, you’re welcome to stay. Really, you don’t have to worry about bugging us. I don’t mind.” Please stay!

  “Uh, really?”

  Collin jumped in. “Sure. Maybe you can be our third ear and help when a passage needs work.”

  “Okay. Let me get my laptop and I’ll sit on the couch while you guys practice.”

  “Do you mind if my hubby and I listen too?” asked Gregory’s mom.

  I glanced over at Collin, who shrugged. “Yeah, I guess if you want to,” I said, surprised at how comfortable I felt in their home. Maybe that was because it had always been my home, or maybe because I knew the Wentworths were just normal, nice people. Whatever the reason, I was more than happy to play for them. Gregory came in with his laptop and sat down on the sofa closest to the piano.

  “What are you working on, dear?” his mom asked.

  “What? Oh yeah. Just answering some emails for Dad. I’m playing his secretary the next few weeks until Barbara comes back from her daughter’s house.”

  “That’s right. I forgot Barbara hasn’t been in. So, Dad finagled you into working for him, huh?”

  “Something like that.” Gregory laughed. “I asked him if he needed any help, and this is what I got stuck with.”

  “I’m going to get your father—maybe he can lend a hand.”

  “No, it’s fine. I don’t mind doing it. In fact, it’s kind of relaxing. But go get him anyway—he has to hear Amanda play.”

  Collin walked over and distracted me enough with his new song and ideas for its melody that I had almost forgotten anyone was there with us. It wasn’t until Collin left the room to revamp the second verse that I overheard Mrs. Wentworth talking again.

  “Well, I still think it’s a good thing they’re getting married, Charles. Remember us? We couldn’t keep our hands off each other! We needed to get married or we were going to be in trouble.”

  After Mr. Wentworth’s chuckle, I tried to zone them out but couldn’t. Suzanne’s whisper was just loud enough to make it hard to think of anything else.

  “Besides, nothing annoys me more than two people who are in love with each other and do nothing about it. It’s pure stupidity, if you ask me. When someone is in love, they need to just get it off their chest and say it. I can’t stand when people brood about it and never do anything. I say ‘yay’ for Collin. I don’t care what the Ellises say about it, either. If Collin loves her and knows she’s the one, then who are we to judge him? Who does Veronica think she is, anyway, calling up Katie Russell like that? That woman needs to mind her own business. She has no idea what has happened to that girl—none.”

  “Shh! Amanda is sitting right there. What if she heard you?”

  “Oh no! Do you think she did?”

  I promptly began to flip through a couple of music books.

  Gregory’s mom nervously added, “Well, Charles, I’m going to head into the kitchen and clean up a bit. Let me know when they start playing again.”

  “Sure, sure, I will.”

  I waited until Mrs. Wentworth left before I turned to lift the lid of the bench and pull out more music sheets. When I glanced up I saw Gregory hard at work on the laptop and wondered what he thought of his mother’s outburst.

  “Gregory, how’s my email coming? Are you almost through?” his dad asked, interrupting my thoughts.

  “What?” Gregory glanced up at me and then at his dad. “Oh yeah, just a minute. I have one more to finish and I’ll be done.”

  “Well, when you’re through I have something I need you to look at. A couple of my pay statements are off, and I was wondering . . . ”

  Gregory didn’t even glance up when he answered, “Yeah, no problem. I’ll look at them.”

  “So, Amanda, are you coming to the party for Kylie?”

  “Of course.”

  “Gregory’s thinking he needs to head back to Phoenix soon, so he may not be there, but that won’t stop us from having a party.”

  I willed myself not to look over at Gregory. He’s leaving?

  Mr. Wentworth stood and walked over to me. “I have some news for you, Amanda. I hear a certain someone will be coming, too. That oughta make you want to come, eh? To see Sean?”

  Gregory’s laptop dropped to the floor. He didn’t even glance at me when he picked it

  Oh no. “No! I mean, no,” I said. “It wouldn’t matter to me if Sean was there or not. I would go because of Kylie.”

  “Oh? Not because of Sean? Are you sure about that?” Mr. Wentworth winked.

  “Yes. Very sure.”

  “Well, I’m done now,” Gregory said in a rush. “Where’s that problem you were having in the office, Dad?”

  “Yep. Let me show you which one I mean.” Mr. Wentworth patted my shoulder. “Excuse us, Amanda.”

  I looked over at Gregory but he was gone. He hadn’t even said goodbye! I watched his dad walk out of the room. Then, just as quickly as he’d left, Gregory came back in again.

  “Just a sec, Dad, I think I left something in here.” He walked over to the couch where the laptop was sitting and looked pointedly at me. “Amanda, would you like to check your email? You can use my laptop if you want.”

  “My email?”

  “Yeah. If you want.” He motioned toward the computer and then left the room.

  Twenty-Three: You’ve Got Mail!

  Hesitantly I walked over to Gregory’s laptop and looked down at it. Did he write me? I wondered. Was that last email he was writing for me?

  Thankfully the room was empty as I sat on the couch and placed the open laptop on my lap. It was already on the home page of my email program. Taking a deep breath, I entered my address and password, my fingers shaking. With another click I was in my mailbox—and there was Gregory’s email waiting for me. He did write! I opened it quickly.

  To: Amanda Ellis

  From: Gregory Wentworth

  Subject: (None)

  I can’t hold it back anymore. I have to say this, and email is the easiest for me right now. I know that you’re seeing Sean, but tell me I’m not too late—that I haven’t lost you. You can have me. I’m yours. I love you more than I did three years ago. There has never been anyone but you. Yes, I’ve been stupid and angry, but I’ve never stopped loving you. You were the only reason I came to Farmington. I could’ve stayed in Phoenix and continued working the summer for our company, but I had to see you. I had to see what would happen if I came, if there was even a chance for us. Couldn’t you see right through me? Didn’t you know what I really felt? I thought for sure you must’ve realized what I was doing all along. I love you! Say, you’ll be mine.


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