Bastards and Angels (Sinners Book 2)

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Bastards and Angels (Sinners Book 2) Page 12

by K. Renee

  “You piss any bitches off enough to frame your ol’ lady and kill your ex-wife?”

  “Fuck, no. The bitches I’ve fucked over the last few months never got more than my dick for an hour or so at the most. None even knew I had kids or Trix. The only one that makes sense is-” He cuts me off before I can even say his name.

  “There is no fuckin’ way he would set you both up for that shit.” He grits his teeth, and I can tell I’m pissing him off.

  “Then bring that cocksucker back in here and have him tell me to my face that he has nothing to do with this shit. He is the only one that doesn’t want Trixie and me together. He’s the one that’s pissed that Bex is mine and not his.” Prez leans back in his chair, and I can see the wheels spinning in his head. He doesn’t want to listen to me about Ro and I get that because they are like brothers. But he can’t just ignore me either.

  “Fine, I’ll talk to him. If I don’t find reason to believe that it was him, then you need to back the fuck off.” He stares at me and I give in, nodding my head. Trix made me promise not to kill that fucker if it was him and I’m going to grant her that, for now. If shit proves that he’s the one that made me lose time with my kids, then there is nothing that will stop me from going after him.

  My phone starts to ring and, when I pull it out of my pocket, I see Trix’s number on the screen. “Yeah, babe?” I answer on the third ring.

  “Are you coming back soon?” Her voice is quiet and it makes me nervous.

  “Why?” I ask, looking up at Prez.

  “I just need you,” she whispers. Her voice cracks, and the hairs on the back of my neck stand. I get out of the chair without another thought and make my way towards my room. Prez is right on my heels as I come up to my door and swing the fucker open. When we get into the room, I see Trix’s hands duct taped behind her back and a note taped to her thigh. I scan the room, see Blade still sleeping soundly, and Bexley is in her crib watching us.

  Prez checks the bathroom, and I make my way over to Trix. Pulling my knife out, I cut the tape and slowly pull it from her skin. She whines a little when I rip a piece off of her. Ending the call on her phone, I pull her body to mine and just breathe her in. “Who the fuck did this to you, Trix?” Stavros growls.

  He picks up Bexley and brings her over to Trix as she takes a seat on the bed. I grab the note from her thigh and open it.

  I am closer to you than you know. I can get to them no matter where you hide them. I will get what I want if it’s the last thing I do.

  She doesn’t answer him, and I can see the tick in his jaw as he waits for an answer. “Who did this baby?” I ask, as calmly as I can.

  “I have no idea. I was asleep when he came in here. He had a mask on.” I look over at Prez and he frowns.

  “You didn’t see any tattoos or anything that would make you recognize him? A smell? Fuck… anything?” he grits out. I cut him a look, and he doesn’t say anything. I kneel in front of her and force her to look me in the eyes. I can see the scared look in her eyes, the same one she had when we talked about almost being attacked.

  “Babe, did you notice anything? Did you fight back and scratch him?” Her eyes light up and she nods her head.

  “I scratched him when he was trying to tie my hands behind my back.” She points down to her forearm and Bex starts to cry. I take her from Trix, and she tucks her face into my neck. I run my hand up and down her back until she falls back to sleep.

  “I’ll get all the men here and check them for any scratches. We might have to put you guys in hiding till we figure this shit out.” Trix scoffs at that, and I silence her with a look.

  “Fine. Let me know what you find out,” I bite out. I watch him walk out the door, turn my attention back to Trix, and I see the frown on her face.

  “That note says that nothing is going to keep this guy from us. Why put us in hiding if it isn’t going to do anything?”

  “It might be safer to keep you guys out of sight. We don’t fuckin’ know who got in here. We will find the fucker.” Her hands grab my face, and force me to look over at her.

  “I don’t want them touched by this. I know the type of men you and Stavros are. I’ve seen the damage you’ve done before, and I’ve heard about what happened when Harlyn and Stavros where with…” she trails off. My mind flashed back to the damage she is talking about. When Trix and I started fuckin’, she worked at a strip club as a dancer in addition to coming to the clubhouse to fuck the brothers and me.

  Ever since the day I met her, I’ve had this crazy protective streak for her and I hated knowing that she was fuckin’ anyone other than me. I ended up putting a stop to it when I couldn’t take that shit anymore. I had her quit the club, and I was the only one allowed to take her to bed anymore. I refused to share her anymore.

  The damage she’s talking about was right before I forced her to quit the club.

  Walking into Letti’s Gentleman’s Club, I see my girl on the stage. Her shift started twenty minutes ago, and I would have shown up before she got up on stage, but I got stuck with a fuckin’ run that one of the brothers flaked on. The fucker said his ol’ lady was having a baby, and couldn’t leave her side. Pussy whipped bitch.

  Trixie is sliding down the pole as I walk towards the stage to take my seat. When her eyes see me, she gets a relieved look on her face. Her eyes move towards some fuckin’ prick sitting at the other end of the stage, and I already know that there is going to be trouble. Grabbing my phone out of my pocket, I dial Tarek’s number and tell him to stop by before I kill some fucker at the club.

  His response is quick and I know that he’s going to be here before I can do anything. If anyone has ever had my back, it’s been him. We’ve been thick as thieves for as long as I can remember. Hell, we’ve been through a lot of shit in our pasts and there is no one I would rather have on my side.

  She crawls towards me, and I pull a hundred from the stack of bills I pulled out of my pocket and lean closer to her. The loud music is blasting in the speakers and the only fuckin’ thing I can focus on is her. Her sexy as fuck red hair is curled and spilling down her back in long, loose waves. The tiny black garter set against her pale skins gives me a hard on. I love when she wears black. Her barely there g-string leaves little to the imagination. My eyes scan her body, and I notice the bruise on her thigh.

  I go to stand up, but she puts a hand on my chest and pushes me back into my chair. “Not here,” she whispers. I tuck the bill in her garter, and her hand comes to the back on my head. Her fingers run along the shaved side of my head before she grabs ahold of the longer top and pulls my head back.

  “You better tell me who left this mark on you.” She nods slightly, and puts her tits in my face.

  By the time Tarek finally shows up, Trix is done on stage and I was watching the fucker at the other side of the stage who was staring at her. He looked pissed when he saw the way she was with me. If I was a betting man, he’s the fucker who put his hand on her.

  “What the fuck was so important?” he bites out. He must have been getting laid to be this big of a dick.

  “She has a bruise on her thigh that wasn’t there this morning. So, unless you want to let me kill the motherfucker, I suggest you stick around a little while.” He shakes his head and leans back in his seat. He knows my temper, and me, especially when someone touches what’s mine.

  “Fuck, I don’t get why you don’t just claim the bitch already. You fuckin’ act like she’s your property.” I look at him, and I can see the grin starting to form on his face. Dick.

  “I am,” I grunt out. Some bitch comes around with drinks and sets two in front of us. She winks and I just ignore her.

  “You can’t claim her if you already have a wife, dumb fuck,” he barks out in laughter.

  “I can do whatever the fuck I want,” I growl. Before he can say something else fuckin’ stupid, she comes strutting out of the back in a bustier and these boy shorts that cling to every curve of her ass. As she’s making her
way towards me, the guy from the other side of the stage intercepts her. She pulls back from him, and he tightens his grip on her. Getting up, I make my way towards her. Her eyes meet mine over his shoulder. I grab his shoulder, and he turns around to look at me.

  “What the fuck do you want?” he spits. His accent is heavy, almost like he’s Russian or something. Trix tries to get out of his grip, but he doesn’t let her go.

  “I want you to get your hands off my girl.” He looks me over, and then turns to walk her somewhere else. I grab his shoulder again and, this time, I don’t say a word. When he turns, I punch him. He lets her go and I grab her arm, pulling her behind me. His eyes land on me and he comes at me. Pulling my knife out of my pocket, I put it into his thigh. He yells out something in his native tongue, but I have no fuckin’ clue what it means.

  His hands go to his thigh and he starts to talk shit. Before he can say too much, I raise my knife up and point it at him again. “You go near her again, and I won’t hesitate to put this in your throat.” The bouncers grab him and pull him out of the club. I can still hear him yelling as they pull him away, but I don’t give a fuck. I now have her in my arms, so nothing else matters.

  By the time we leave for the night, I know that fucker is going to come at me. I can feel it in my gut when we walk outside the club. When I lead Trix over to my bike, I can hear his footsteps behind me. I see Tarek come closer, and I turn before he can strike. Trix yelps in the background, and I grab the asshole’s arm and snap it over my knee. The bone cracks and he screams out in pain. I push him away from me, and I feel her hands on my back.

  “Oh my god,” she breathes.

  He gets up again with the knife in his other hand. He comes at me, and this time I take the knife from him easily and I jam the fucker in his neck. Blood squirts onto Trix and me. She starts to scream, but Tarek puts his hand over her mouth to quiet her down. I don’t need anyone else seeing this dickhead on the ground. I grab his arms and drag him towards the back of the building and pull out my phone.

  “Yeah?” Prez barks out.

  “I need clean up.” I don’t give him any more than that and my location.

  My phone beeps and when I look down at the screen I cringe. “Hey Mica,” I answer.

  “Hey, asshole. I’m pulling up to the clubhouse. I need to talk to you.” I wrap my arm around Trix in a protective manner, and I don’t even know why. She looks up at me and gives me a questioning look, but I ignore it.

  “Alright, I’m here.” She hangs up without another word, and I go over to wake up Blade. I don’t want them left alone again. Trix grabs Bexley and comes back over to me. We walk with both of the kids towards the bar area, and I see Mica already standing there talking to Prez and Romeo. Trix’s hand touches my waist and she looks up at me with a questioning look.

  Walking straight towards them, I come to a stop in front of Mica and Romeo. “Hey asshole,” she greets me. She looks over at Trix and sticks her hand out. “You must be the woman who this fucker would go to jail to protect.” She doesn’t say it nearly as badly as I expected her to. I expected more venom in her voice than there is right now.

  “I have a name,” Trix says, grabbing my arm. Mica grins and looks back over at me.

  “I know you do. Trixibella Marie Rawlins, thirty year old single mother of two beautiful children. You worked for Letti’s Gentleman’s Club a few years before you gave birth to your first child: Elec Blade Briody Jr. He looks an awful lot like his daddy. And this little one…” She pauses and brushes her fingers gently over Bexley’s face.

  “This little beauty is Bexley Makena Briody.” I notice the way Ro flinches at the mention of Bexley’s last name. He still wants her to be his. This adds to the fact that he might be in on it.

  “Congratulations, you can read a file.” Trix deadpans. I can’t help but chuckle at her response. “Does that make you some kind of genius? Or just good at reading?” I can see the smirk on Mica’s face and I just wait. Trix doesn’t need me to fight her battles for her, and she wouldn’t want me to.

  “I like you,” she finally says after watching Trixie. “This asshole needs someone who will put him in his place every once in a while.” She comes closer to me, leaning in to whisper in my ear, and I feel Trix tense besides me. “I take back what I said when I first saw you in jail.” She pulls away and, when I look down at Trix, I can see the jealously written all over her face.

  “Told you, you were wrong,” I murmur. She smacks me in the arm and Blade wants me to let him go. I set him on his feet and he runs over to Prez. Prez picks him up, and wraps his arms around him. Trix pushes her way in between Mica and I. I wrap my arms around her and Bex, pulling them both closer to my body. Ro looks away from us, and then says something to Prez, before walking away.

  Bexley reaches out and grabs a piece of Mica’s hair and tugs on it roughly. I grin and Mica doesn’t even let it faze her. She’s always been great with kids.

  “So, what are you doing here, Mica?” I finally ask. Prez hasn’t said a word, and it makes me nervous.

  “They found some evidence and I need to go over it with you.” I nod my head and release Trix. Before I follow behind Mica towards the back room, I kiss Trix on the lips.

  “I’ll be right back.” She goes to say something, but I kiss her again to silence her. “Don’t question it. She means nothing to me. You are the only woman who matters to me.” Her eyes never leave mine and, when she finally nods at me, I leave her standing there with Prez and the kids.

  Walking into the spare room that is used more as a place to fuck than anywhere else, I see the look on Mica’s face. She looks uncertain of the information that she’s about to share and it makes me nervous. “What is it, Mica? You typically don’t have this gloomy look on your face when you want to talk about my cases.”

  She blows out a breath before she puts a file in front of me. “I know you probably don’t want to believe this, but the pictures don’t lie.” I reach forward and grab the file off the small table that she’s standing next to. Opening it, I see a stack of photos. I scan through them quickly, and I have to keep myself from blowing up. She fuckin’ lied to me.

  Grabbing the most incriminating one, I storm out of the room and grab her by the arm, forcing her into my room with me. Once I slam the door behind us, I push her against the door. “What the hell is your fucking problem?” There’s the girl I’ve been missing. She’s pissed that I all but dragged her ass in her. Good thing Dex was holding Bex when I went out there.

  “You fuckin’ lied.”

  She scoffs at my statement and glares at me. “What did I lie about?” She’s seething mad now and is pushing me away from her. I hold up the picture and her eyes meet mine. “That bitch brought you photos to try and pit you against me and you fucking fell for it. Un-fucking-believable.” She shakes her head and then looks back at me. “I fucking hate you.”

  “You hate me?” I grit out. She just stares at me, not even scared of my anger. She’s seen it plenty of times, but right now she doesn’t know how close I am to actually doing something about it. “I’m not the fuckin’ one who’s been fuckin’ lying. You want me to look like a damn fool to all of my brothers and friends, fine. Do it. I hope you go down for this shit.”

  “Are you fucking serious?” she yells at me. “You think I tied my own hands behind my back? That I would put my own kid's lives in danger just to prove a damn point to your arrogant ass?”

  “I know you’ll do what it takes to protect them, even if that means taking them away from me.” My voice is low and deadly. She flinches almost like I actually hit her. Her expression hardens, and she punches me in the junk.

  I suck in a breath and fall into her body. I swear I’m going to spank her ass so fuckin’ hard when my balls don’t feel like they are going to explode. The throbbing pain has me saying fuck at least a dozen times. After a few deep breaths, I try to stand up, but the pain is still radiating in my nut sack. When I finally stand to my full height, I grab
her by the neck and push her into the door. “You’re fuckin’ lucky I love you.” She gives me a dirty look, but doesn’t say anything.

  “What the fuck is your problem?” She continues to stare at me like I’m the one who hit her in the fuckin’ cunt.

  “You. You are my Goddamn problem. You deserved that for thinking that I would do that and take your kids from you. Are you that much of a bastard? How could you even say those words to me? I’ve done nothing to make you think that I would do such a thing even if you deserved it. I love you, Elec, and if that meant going to jail to protect you, I fucking would. If it meant that I would protect them? I would gladly do it. The photo is old. Look at the tattoo missing on my thigh if you don’t believe me. You were there when I got it done.” My eyes scan over her face, trying to figure out what I believe and what I don’t any more.

  Her pulse quickens under my hand, but I don’t pull away from her yet. I’m still fuckin’ pissed that she would even punch me in the dick. My other hand slides up her leg, catching the bottom on her dress, pulling it up so I can see her thigh. The memory of her getting inked pops into my head.

  Trix wanted to get a tattoo that meant something, so here we are at my buddy’s tattoo shop. Calum is a fuckin’ wicked good tattoo artist, and the only one I let work on me anymore. Walking straight to the back, I see him leaning over a drawing table. He’s been working on the piece for Trix for the last week or so, and I can’t wait to see what he came up with.

  When he sees me, he grins and holds up the picture. I hear her suck in a breath and, when we get closer, she reaches out to touch it. The roses match the ones on my arm, and I can see the small parts of her that she wanted incorporated into it.

  “What do you guys think?” His slight Yorkshire accent isn’t nearly as noticeable as when I first met him, but it makes Trix smile.


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