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Bastards and Angels (Sinners Book 2)

Page 19

by K. Renee

  “You’ll struggle, hell we all do, but never give up on each other.” I nod my head and look back over to my Trixibella. I can’t imagine my life without her in it. I don’t want to either. She and the kids are what matter most to me now. The club with always be a love of mine, but my family will always come first.

  “Did we find out who he really was?” Stavros grimaces at my question, and I know the answer already. “It was him?” He nods, not saying the words out loud.

  “Not sure why he went full on suicide attack on her. Maybe he didn’t care how it ended, as long as he took someone in your family down with him. An eye for an eye kind of thing.” Bex curls herself into my body, and I run my hands down her back, trying to soothe her antsy ass. She wiggles around more than Blade ever did at her age.

  “Thank you.”

  “No thanks needed, brother. It’s what we do.” I nod my head and he stands up to leave. “Use the room as long as you need. I’m going to set some stuff in motion to finish this shit. He may have been able to fake his way in here, but I’m not letting any of his people survive this shit. Stay with your kids, and make sure she’s okay when she wakes up. The doc will be back in a few hours.”

  Eight Hours. Twenty-Six Minutes.

  That is how long it’s been since she went unconscious. The doc swore up and down that her body is healing itself and that’s the reason for her to still be unconscious. My patience is wearing thin. I want to see her beautiful fuckin’ eyes looking back at me already. I want her to tell me that everything is going to be fine. That we are going to make it pass this shit.

  The doc helped me move her into my room, so we weren’t taking over Prez’s room more than we already did. By the time they got back from the job we planned for Allen’s drug ring, I couldn’t sit still any longer. They gave me a rundown, and told me that everything went smoothly, but it didn’t matter. She was still unconscious with no sign of waking up.

  I make myself somewhat busy after a while, making sure to feed the kids, and to give them both a bath. By the time I’ve gotten them into their jammies, and cuddled up on the bed with Trix, I’m ready for a drink.

  Walking over the drawer beside the bed, I open it and see the box I left in there. When she left, I never wanted to see it again. Grabbing it out of the drawer, I open the small black box and stare at the diamond ring.

  I bought the ring a while back before everything went to shit. I never intended on asking her to marry me because I was already married, but I wanted her to have it as a promise… a promise that I would never hurt her again. Hell, maybe even ask her if I got divorced.

  Now, the only thing I want to do with this ring is put it on her finger and promise her forever. Fuck it. Stavros said not to give her the option to leave when she wakes up if I want her. I’m not letting her get away again. I’ve done it before, and I was fuckin’ miserable. I didn’t have her, and I didn’t have Blade.

  I can’t imagine my life without the three of them. Tucking them into bed every night and waking up to their giggles and slapping of feet on the floor. Pulling the ring out of the box, I shut the box and put it back in the drawer, closing it. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I grab her left hand and slip the ring on her ring finger.

  My heart constricts at the sight of it on her finger. It looks damn perfect on her hand. Running my hand down the side of her cheek, I lean forward and press my lips against hers. Closing my eyes, I pull away and look over at the kids who are cuddled together in my spot. Not bothering to move them, I get off the bed and make my way over to the chair in the corner of the room so I can watch them all sleep.

  I fiddle around on my phone for a few minutes before I just go back to watching them. I don’t want to miss any more time with them. Getting up from the chair after an hour, I make my way out of the room and towards the bar.

  Everything is dark, and there isn’t a sound. I don’t remember the last time this place was this quiet. Maybe the night we brought Prez back, but that was more out of respect than anything else. That day was one of the longest of our lives and there were a few gunshot wounds that proved it.

  Walking to the bar, I grab a bottle of Jim and make my way back to my room. Sneaking quietly back into the room, I see a head pop up. When I close the door, I see his shoulders sag almost in relief. He’s afraid that something else is going to happen. Setting the bottle by the chair, I take a seat and motion for him to come over to me.

  He tucks the blanket around his sister before slowly getting off the bed to come to me. He’s wiser than his almost three years. He shouldn’t have to live in fear. “Daddy,” he whispers loudly. I pick him up to sit in my lap and he cuddles into my chest.

  “I got you, buddy.” I press a kiss to the top of his head and close my eyes. “I don’t want you to be afraid. Your momma and I will always protect you and sissy.” I feel his head nod against my chest, but he cuddles to me tighter.

  “Who prodect you, daddy?” his small voice asks.

  “Your Uncle Stavros, and the rest of the guys around here.” He watches me for a second before he nods his head and lies back against my chest.

  “Wuv you, daddy.” I kiss the top of his head and just hold him.

  “Elec.” When I look up, I see her eyes on me. She lifts her left hand up to wipe the tears from her face and she notices her new jewelry. Her eyes widen and then snap back at me. “Is this…” Her voice is a sexy rasp. I watch as she swallows a few times before she tries to speak again.

  I get up from the chair with a sleeping little boy. Setting him on the bed, I go to sit in front of Trix. She has tears streaming down her face. Cupping her cheek, I lean down and press my lips to her forehead. “This is my promise to you. I won’t live without you or the kids ever again. Almost losing you was torture enough. I watched as you took a bullet to protect us. As pissed as I am that you did it, I get why you did. I’d do the same damn thing for you guys. But don’t ever fuckin’ do it again. My heart can’t take the thought of losing you.”

  I press my mouth to hers and kiss her softly. Her left hand wraps around my neck and she runs her nails along my scalp like she always does. “We can get married, we can keep doing shit the way we are, or whatever. I don’t give a shit as long as I have you.”

  “I love you, Elec,” she whispers against my lips.

  “You have no fuckin’ clue how much I love you darlin’.”

  After the longest week of my life cooped up in my damn room at the clubhouse, I finally was able to move Trix and the kids back to the house. Having room to move around is a fuckin’ blessing that I never expected to want or need. My ass is currently lying in bed while Trix is putting the kids in their rooms. Last night, she told me that a wedding wasn’t something that she needed. I’m not an idiot even if I act like one sometimes, but I could read between the lines.

  She wants to get married, but is afraid of it changing shit between us. To me, it doesn’t fuckin’ matter. I’ll take her any way I get her. When the door opens, I see her red hair tied up into a messy bun and the neck of her shirt falling over her right shoulder. Her bare feet pad across the hardwood flooring, and she crawls on the bed towards me.

  “The holy terrors are asleep, and I’m exhausted.” She falls onto the bed next to me, and I can’t help but grin. She may be tired right now, but I don’t care. She’s going to be riding my dick in a few minutes. It’s been too damn long since I’ve been inside of my girl. Her stitches came out yesterday, and the only thing I can think of right now is her sweet, warm cunt being wrapped around my dick.

  Running a hand down the side of her neck, I watch her for a second. Her eyes meet mine after a few minutes, and she gives me that sly smile that goes straight to my dick. She knows what I want and doesn’t hide the fact that she wants it, too. “Elec.” Her voice is no higher than a whisper. She crawls towards me and straddles my lap. “What if I said I wanted one more?”

  “I’d say I’m game for whatever it is you want. I love you, and if you want to chase after thre
e of my kids, then more power to you.” She smacks my chest, and I reach up to wrap my hand around the back of her neck. Pulling her mouth down on mine, I continue. “In all seriousness, you want another, I’ll give you another. Hell, I’ll give ten if that’s what you want. The only thing I want is you and our family.” Her grin lights up the room, and she closes the distance between our mouths and kisses me roughly.

  Gripping the bottom of her shirt, I pull it up and over her head. Her tits are on full display, and I can’t help but lean forward to pull one of her nipples into my mouth. Her hands grip the back of my head and her nails rake over my scalp. Flipping her to her back, I slide my body between her thighs. Grabbing the tiny ass spandex shorts she’s wearing, I slide them off of her and sit up on my knees. Just looking at her body brings every nerve ending in me alive.

  Every inch of her skin is goddamn perfect. I can see her stretch marks that she hates, the small belly that she swears she’ll never get rid of, and the wide hips that she curses me for. She blames me for these things, but I don’t care. They show me exactly everything we’ve been through. Even the brand new scar that is still pink shows me everything I need to know about her. She loves our kids and me more than anything in this world. I couldn’t be fuckin’ luckier if I tried.

  Kissing my way up her thighs, I slowly make my way to her pussy. As soon as my tongue swipes at her sweet cunt, her hands grip the back of my head. I work her up quickly and her moans fill our bedroom. Sinking a finger into her sweet pussy, I probe her with my tongue in sync with my finger. Looking up at her, I see her head thrown back and her thighs tighten around my head.

  My dick is straining against my jeans, and the only thing I can think of now is getting inside of her, filling her up with my cum, and claiming her as mine for the rest of our goddamn lives.

  Slipping out of my jeans quickly, I crawl between her thighs and stroke my dick a couple of times. Her eyes land on me, and they slowly make their way down my body before stopping on my dick. “You want this?” I ask, squeezing my dick before I start to stroke it again. She bites her bottom lip and nods her head. “I need the words from you, baby.” I run my fingers through the precum that is starting to gather at the tip.

  “Fuck me, Elec. I need your dick in me.” A smirk forms on her lips, and I can’t hold back any longer. She knows the words that get me to fuck her hard and fast. Anytime she tells me that she wants to fuck me, I pretty much fall to my knees and give it to her. She’s the only woman who has ever had this type of hold on my dick and me. She completes me in every sense of the damn word.

  Running my dick along her wet cunt, I tease her a little before I sink into her sweet heat. Her legs wrap around my back, and I slowly thrust in and out of her. Every thrust is deliberate, and her feet dig into my back, pulling me closer to her body. Leaning down, I claim her mouth and grab her hands, bringing them above her head.

  I alternate each thrust to be deep and hard, then slow and tender. Her nails dig into my back and she moans out my name. “Fuck,” I grit out when her pussy starts to pulse around me. I feel her body tighten under mine and I pump my hips faster into hers.

  “I’m going to… Ahh,” she moans. Her cunt squeezes me tightly, and I continue my pace, thrusting into her roughly until I’m coming right behind her. My whole fuckin’ body tenses as I spill my cum inside of her.

  Collapsing on top of her sexy as fuck spent body, I run my mouth along her neck and collarbone. Her arms wrap around my neck and she sighs. “God, I love you Elec.” Her hand runs down the back of my head once more before they fall to the bed.

  “I know you do and fuck if I know why half the time. You definitely deserve way more than a man like me.” She cocks her head to the side to look at my face.

  “I don’t know either, but I’m glad you came into my life. You saved me from myself. Before I met you, I was heading down a path that would have been worse for me. Being with you turned me around, and you breathed a life into me that I never knew was possible.” I go to say something, but she puts her finger to my lips.

  “I love you, Elec, and you and the kids are the best things to ever happen to me. I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me.”

  “I haven’t done anything. You’ve done it all, babe,” I whisper against her skin. “Thank you for loving me even when you couldn’t stand me. I know Ro is probably the better choice for you and the kids, but he will never love you the way I do.” She grins at me and pulls my mouth to hers.

  “He isn’t you. I only want you.” I kiss her deeply and my dick stands to attention. A wicked grin appears on her face and she pushes me onto my back. Climbing on top of me, she rides me just like I want her to.

  I’m the bastard and she’s the angel who loves me.

  K. Renee is from sunny California. Creative by nature, she decided to put her imagination on paper. During the day, she works in an office; at night, she writes. These stories have been in her head for years and are finally coming out on paper.

  Tsu: KReneeAuthor

  Twitter: k_renee_author

  First and foremost, I want to thank everyone for buying this book! I never thought I would be releasing one book, let alone writing as many as I have in this short amount of time.

  I can't wait for everyone to meet my characters and fall in love with them like I have.

  I want to thank my beta readers for giving their honest opinion about the book and my in house beta reader (mom)… You ladies are awesome! Thank you for taking time out of your schedules to beta read for me. I am thrilled that you loved these characters as much as I did.

  A big thank you to TCB Editing for doing their editing magic for me. I love getting their feedback on scenes. It truly helps!

  To my street team, K's Wayward Ladies… Thank you for all you do! You girls are amazing at pimping my book out to the indie world. Thank you for your support and I can't wait to see what the future brings.

  To the readers and fans… I thank each and everyone one of you who come to hang out with me during takeovers, participating in my giveaways! I hope you like this and my future books.





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