Worlds Without End: The Mission (Book 1)

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Worlds Without End: The Mission (Book 1) Page 13

by Shaun Messick

  “The base consists of six wings: a medical wing, an administrative and command wing; the aircraft, vehicle, and weapons wing; the training wing, a supply and storage wing; and the living quarters wing.

  “We were lucky. When the Gnols attacked, the base had just been completed. Most of the military leaders were able to escape to the base, but …” Adrian paused and a hint of emotion crept into his voice, “ … unfortunately, King Xuta was captured and tortured to death for not revealing where his military leaders had escaped.”

  Skip noticed an eerie silence creep into the room with the mention of King Xuta’s death. It was obvious that Adrian, Doc, Sean, and Scott had all been very close to the king.

  Skip looked at Kylee. Instead of grief on her face, Kylee looked angry, and her eyes looked full of revenge as she stared at the map of Terrest.

  “I’m sorry. The mention of King Xuta’s torture and death brings a lot of emotions to the surface.” Adrian stopped and looked at Scott. “Scott, give us a report on the progress of our second base.”

  Scott stood and walked to the front of the room, as Adrian moved to the side, out of the way. The lights in the room dimmed, and the view screen just above Scott’s head sprang to life. A three-dimensional model of a building blueprint appeared on the screen.

  “If you look at that model of our second base,” Scott said as he pointed to the screen with a laser pointer, “it contains all of the same wings this base does. The only difference is that the new base is thirty thousand square feet.”

  “Are all the wings ready for transfers?” Adrian asked.

  “All of the wings are ready, except for the living area. My construction crew predicts that they will have it finished in about two months.”

  “Good,” Adrian said.

  Adrian looked at the man sitting directly across from Skip. Skip didn’t recognize the man, but felt almost intimidated in his presence. The man seemed to be about 6’ 3” tall with broad shoulders and extremely toned arms. He had midnight black hair that shimmered from the dim lights of the room and penetrating brown eyes. Skip quickly turned his gaze as the man noticed his stare.

  “Colonel Jantear,” Adrian said. “Get a team together to organize the move of the civilian population in two months.”

  “Yes, sir,” the colonel said with a small accent.

  Skip turned his attention back to Adrian and spoke before Adrian could continue. “How many people occupy this base, both civilian and military?”

  “As we free more slaves, our civilian and military population multiplies dramatically. As we speak, we have around seven hundred plus civilians in the base. That includes women, children, and men. The military population at this base is one thousand, six hundred and two, including us. If you add you and Jake, there are over two thousand, three hundred thirty-eight people in this eighteen thousand square foot facility. So, you can see we are busting at the seams here. That’s why the completion of the second base is so crucial.

  “Not only do we have civilians and military personnel here, we have also established four above-ground bases that are well hidden and accommodate about two thousand civilians each. Each above-ground base is controlled by a military personnel of one hundred soldiers.”

  Jake raised his hand.

  “Yes, Jake.”

  “What’s your total military personnel population?”

  “We have one thousand military personnel at the second base, so to date – we have three thousand two people.”

  Jake shook his head. “That’s not much of an army.”

  “No, it’s not. And when you compare that number to half a million soldiers in the Gnol military, you can see we’re at a great disadvantage.”

  “Wow,” said Skip.

  Adrian walked back to the front of the room as Scott sat back down. “When the Gnols attacked, the population on this planet was five hundred million strong. After the attack, the population was decimated. The Gnols were relentless. Not only did they destroy the major cities, they killed men, women, and children. They enslaved the healthy men, women, and children to do their dirty work. We estimated that the population after the attacks was down to about sixty thousand people planet-wide.”

  “Incredible,” said Jake. “Why were these aliens so ruthless? They look just like us.”

  “Like I told you before, the Gnols were looking for a new planet. So, what better way to get a new one than to kill off the indigenous population of the new world and enslave the rest? You see, the Gnol leader’s name is Koroan Chast. Chast has such a hatred for us, mostly because he feels superior to us and thinks that humans are animals. But, little does he know, he is human too.”

  Now Skip was confused. “You mean their leader is human and doesn’t even know it?”

  Adrian gave Skip a knowing smile and said, “Doc, it’s your turn.”

  Doc stood and walked to the front of the room. He switched the image on the view screen from the three-dimensional model of the second base to a split screen. On the left side of the screen was the image of a brain with the majority of the brain glowing in yellow. On the right side of the screen was another image of a brain with less than a third of the brain glowing in yellow.

  “These are two brain scans,” Doc said. “On the left … is the brain scan of our Gnol spy who graciously volunteered for this research. On the right side … is Adrian’s brain scan. And, as you can see from the evidence, Adrian’s not that bright.”

  Everyone in the room laughed except for Kylee.

  “All joking aside,” Doc continued. “This brain scan of our Gnol spy shows us that the Gnols use approximately eighty percent of their brain capacity, and we only use about ten percent.” Doc paused and looked at Skip and Jake. “Let me ask you. Did both of you experience any head pain or ringing in your ears when you encountered the Gnols?”

  Skip and Jake looked at one another. “As a matter of fact, we did,” said Jake.

  Doc smiled. “That’s because the Gnols have the capability to read our minds.”

  “What! That’s crazy,” said Skip.

  Doc held out his hand. “Hold on, Skip. Let me finish and you will see that it is possible.”

  Doc turned and pointed to the brain image on the right. “Our brains have seven primary parts: the frontal lobe, the somatosensory cortex, the central fissure, the motor cortex, the parietal lobe, and the occipital lobe. From the research that I have done on our spy friend and a few dead volunteers, I have discovered that the Gnols have the same brain as we do. It’s just that they use more of it.

  “We humans use almost every part of our brain. It’s just that we don’t use the full potential of each part. For example, when I was doing research on Adrian, I had him recall childhood memories during the scan.” Doc pushed a button on the computer terminal and an image of Adrian’s brain appeared alone. He pointed to the frontal lobe.

  “As you can see from the scan, while Adrian was recalling childhood memories, only portions of his frontal lobe were active.” Doc then pushed another button and the image of the Gnol’s brain appeared. “Now, I conducted the same test on our spy. Well, you can see for yourself the difference.”

  Skip was astonished. He couldn’t believe what he was looking at. The entire frontal lobe of the Gnol’s brain was active.

  Doc continued. “It was amazing. Our spy could recall almost every detail of her life. I continued to conduct similar experiments, and in every test, Adrian’s brain wasn’t as active as our spy’s.”

  Jake held up his hand before Doc could continue. “Wait a minute. Let me get this straight. My dad said that Koroan Chast hated us because we were humans, but then he said Chast didn’t know he was a human. From what you’re telling us, it doesn’t look like the Gnols are human at all.”

  Doc chuckled with his deep laugh. “Ah, but they are. I examined every dead Gnol that came into this place from their toenails to the last hair on their heads. They have the same organs as us, the same blood types, and the same DNA. However, their DN
A contains one gene our DNA does not.”

  Adrian interrupted Doc before he could continue. “Doc likes to call it the god-gene.”

  “What?” questioned Skip.

  Doc continued. “The god-gene … It’s the gene that enables them to use eighty percent of their brain capacity, gives them the ability to live longer, allows them to possess more strength, and enables their telepathic and telekinetic powers.”

  “In other words, Doc,” Skip said, “these Gnols are, in effect, super humans.”

  “I wouldn’t say super humans, Skip. I like to think of them as the more evolved of our species. They are, in fact … what we can become.”

  “Except spiritually,” echoed Kylee, who still looked angry.

  Jake raised his hand again.

  Doc nodded toward Jake.

  “Before Kylee and her unit rescued me, I felt as if I couldn’t control myself. I wanted to escape from the three Gnols that were approaching me. But for some reason, I had an uncontrollable urge to yield to the commands they were giving me in my head.”

  “That’s exactly what you felt, Jake. Our spy had told us that some, but not all, of the Gnols have the power to not only read minds, but have the power of persuasion as well.”

  “A small percentage even have the ability to move things with their minds,” said Adrian.

  Skip shook his head. “I don’t think I can be surprised anymore. I feel like I’ve stepped through the looking glass and walked right into a science fiction, action movie.”

  Everyone in the room smiled except for Kylee, who still looked like her mind was miles away.


  A few moments later, Doc walked to the bag he had brought into the room with him, unzipped it, and pulled something out. Jake couldn’t tell what he had pulled out because his hand was closed. Doc walked behind Jake and Skip and placed four small, circular computer chips encased in silver metal on the table in front of them. The computer chips were the same size as the tip of the small finger on a human. Two long needles, about an inch long, protruded from the back of the chips.

  “What are these?” Skip asked, as he picked one up and examined it.

  “These are Mind Inhibitors,” Doc said.

  “Mind what?” asked Jake, picking one up as well.

  “Mind Inhibitors,” repeated Doc. “These small devices were actually developed by the Gnols. They were developed to keep Gnols from reading one another’s minds. The inhibitors are activated when they are inserted into your head.”

  Jake winced as he looked at the long needles. “Whoa, wait a minute. You’re not sticking these things into my head.”

  The big doctor put a hand on Jake’s right shoulder. “It’s okay, Jake.” Doc knelt down, turned his head, and pulled both of his ears to the front. Jake leaned toward the back of Doc’s head in order to get a closer look. There behind each one of Doc’s ears rested a Mind Inhibitor.

  Jake shuddered at the thought of someone sticking the inhibitors into his head. “I hope you’re putting us to sleep to put those in?”

  Doc stood up and walked to the front of the room. He laughed and said, “Nope.”

  Jake and Skip just looked at one another with fear on their faces.

  “Okay,” Adrian said. “Quit fooling around with them. Tell them it’s painless, and what the inhibitors do.”

  Doc laughed. “Yes, sir. Don’t worry. When our guest arrives, we’re going to conduct a little science experiment. The procedure is painless. I’m simply going to numb the area behind your ears with a small shot of Novocain. You’ll only feel a small pinch when I give you the shot, and after the Novocain wears off, you will feel a dull ache for a few days along with swelling.”

  Jake was a little relieved to know that the pain would be minimal.

  Doc continued. “When the inhibitors are activated, they will create an electrical charge, which creates electrical interference in your brain. But, don’t worry. The interference doesn’t affect your brain. It just creates interference for when a Gnol is trying to read your mind.”

  Before Doc could continue, the door to the room slid open. Everyone in the room looked at the guest who had been expected. Jake sat up straight and was stunned. Suddenly, he felt self-conscious about the stitches he still had in his forehead.

  She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She was dressed in a blue ceremonial gown that extended all the way down to her feet, which were covered with black high-heeled boots. Over the gown was a long, shiny black robe. The robe’s collar extended to her neck. Hanging from her neck, a gold necklace with a blue diamond rested, dangling just a few inches above her chest.

  The woman made eye contact with Jake. He was suddenly embarrassed that he had been caught staring at her, and realized that this could be the science experiment Doc was talking about. But, he didn’t think she had read his mind yet because he hadn’t felt any head pain at all. In fact, he almost felt like he was in heaven as he looked at her piercing blue eyes, which reminded him of the blue water in a tropical lagoon. He then looked at her hair. Her hair was as black as midnight. It was cut short, extending to about an inch below the collar of her robe. Her hair was tucked behind her ears, revealing earrings with the same kind of blue diamond that was in the necklace.

  Kylee immediately broke into tears, stood up, and embraced the woman. Jake looked at his father with a confused look. Adrian walked behind him and whispered in his ear. “Yesterday, Kylee’s fiancé was tortured and killed by the Gnols. He had been working with the woman she’s hugging. They killed him because he wouldn’t reveal where our base is.”

  Jake suddenly felt compassion for his little sister.

  Kylee sat back down. Adrian approached the woman and embraced her as well. “It’s so good to see that you weren’t discovered, Celeste.”

  Celeste spoke for the first time. Jake nearly fell out of his seat upon hearing her voice. Her English was perfect, and the sound of her voice was soothing. “Believe me, Adrian and Kylee, I wanted so much to reveal myself to save Malk’s life. But I knew if I did, we would both be killed, and the cause would be lost.” Celeste walked next to Kylee, placed both hands on her shoulders, and looked into her eyes. “Kylee, Malk knew that if he revealed where the base was, you would either be captured or killed. He died protecting you.”

  Kylee broke down into sobs and hugged Celeste again. After a few moments, the two women untangled their arms from one another, and Celeste joined Adrian at the front of the room.

  “Celeste,” Adrian said. “I would like you to meet my son, Jake, and his friend, Skip.”

  Celeste smiled at both men as she nodded her acknowledgment. “Yes, I know their names.”

  “What else can you tell us about them?” Adrian asked as he gave Jake and Skip a deceitful smile.

  “Well, let me recall. Skip hardly noticed that I entered the room because his thoughts are on the temple ruins just outside of Talead.”

  Skip looked at Doc. “Well, I’m convinced.”

  “But, your son, on the other hand, definitely noticed when I entered. I will not reveal the thoughts that went through his head because they are too private,” she said, giving Jake a knowing smile. “Let me just reassure you, Jake. Those stitches on your forehead do not do anything to diminish your handsomeness.”

  Everyone in the room shot curious looks at Jake. Some were even giggling. He felt his face flush red. He wanted to leave the room. For the first time in his life, someone else intimidated him. He wanted to speak but couldn’t. For some reason, he felt tongue tied around this woman and nervous.

  Celeste spoke again. “I am sorry, Jake. I did not mean to embarrass you. I am just helping your father with a little experiment.”

  Doc stood up, grabbed his bag, and joined Celeste and Adrian at the front of the room. “Okay, if you will both come forward,” he said as Sean placed two chairs in front of Doc.

  Jake and Skip walked to the front and sat in the chairs. Doc reached into his bag and pulled out two syrin
ges. He numbed the areas behind both ears of the two men. After a few moments, he placed the inhibitors into the head of each man. “Okay, let’s try our second test. Jake and Skip, think of anything you like, and Celeste, see if you can read their minds.”

  Celeste paced back and forth a few minutes in front of the two men. Both men just followed her with their eyes. Jake tried to control his thoughts, but he couldn’t help himself. The woman in front of him was too beautiful.

  Celeste stopped in front of Skip, knelt down, and looked directly into his eyes. Skip leaned back as Celeste approached.

  “Hmm … I cannot read anything from Skip, or it could be that he does not have any brain waves at all.”

  Skip gave Celeste an annoyed look and said, “Oh funny, a spy with a sense of humor.”

  Celeste gently placed both of her hands on Skip’s cheeks, leaned in, and softly kissed him on the left cheek.

  “It is good to meet you, Skip,” she said as she pulled away.

  Jake felt a sudden emotion of jealousy surge through him as he watched Celeste kiss Skip. Why was he having these emotions? What did he need to be jealous about?

  Celeste walked to Jake and knelt down. He unexpectedly felt butterflies in his stomach. She placed both of her hands on his cheeks and looked into his eyes. Jake tried to look away, but Celeste gently held his face in place. He was impressed with her strength.

  “Let me see,” Celeste said. “Jake is thinking that I am the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, and would like to have dinner with me three days from now in the mess hall.” She then leaned in and kissed Jake on the cheek as well.

  Jake was stunned. He just sat in the chair with a silly grin on his face.


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