Worlds Without End: The Mission (Book 1)

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Worlds Without End: The Mission (Book 1) Page 39

by Shaun Messick

Jake peered through his binoculars. He and his team of twelve rebel soldiers were about one thousand yards away from the exit of the underground tunnel that led from Celeste’s room within the palace to the outside of Chast’s city walls. Jake and his team were hidden in a grove of pine trees on a small hill that overlooked the city. He put down his binoculars, pointed to the exit, and looked at Nichelle. “This is the exit?”

  Nichelle nodded. “Yes. By the looks of it, Koroan isn’t going to take any chances for Celeste to escape this time.”

  Jake looked back through his binoculars. There in front of the underground exit was a team of twenty-five Gnol soldiers. Jake recognized Colonel Aromos Jantear as the leader. Jake put down his binoculars again and squeezed the button that activated the communication’s device on his neck. “General Hauler, do you copy?”

  Scott Hauler and his team of fifteen soldiers were hiding under the cover of the setting sun to the east, about one hundred yards to the left flank of the Gnol troops. Jake heard the static voice of Scott Hauler on the other end. “Roger that, General.”

  “I’ve got twenty-five hostiles surrounding the exit. It looks like our source on the inside was right. Jantear betrayed Celeste.”

  Jake heard a grunt on the other end.

  Scott replied, “When did Runa say the signal would begin?”

  Jake looked at his watch. “At twenty-one hundred hours, Koroan’s shuttle will leave the palace. We have to wait another twenty minutes after the sun sets. Runa will then cut the power and communications to the city. That’s our signal to move. Make sure your men have their silencers attached to their rifles.”

  “Roger that,” replied Scott. “You do know that Runa has to come with us. We can no longer keep him in Chast. The Gnol computer experts are too good, and they’ll trace the power and communication glitches back to him. That takes away the plans your dad had to invade Chast.”

  Jake sighed. “I know. But Celeste and Kylee are too important. We’ll get another chance, Scott.”

  There was a moment of silence on Scott’s end, telling Jake that Scott didn’t agree. “Roger that, General.”

  Jake looked at Nichelle. Her hair, now cut short, was covered by the camouflage battle helmet. Nichelle met his gaze and answered his question before he even asked it. “Don’t worry, Jake. When Runa cuts the power, it will deactivate the motion sensors within the passageway, so they can make a clean escape. All we have to do is make sure Jantear and those Gnol troops are taken care of before they reach the exit.”

  Jake smiled and nodded. In the distance, he heard the rumbling engine of a Gnol transport shuttle. Jake peered back through his binoculars and watched as Koroan Chast left the planet.

  Twenty minutes later, every light within the city of Chast went off. Jake immediately issued the order for Scott’s team to move. Scott’s team moved stealthily to within twenty-five yards of the Gnol troops.

  Jake then raised his rifle and ordered his team of sharpshooters to open fire on the Gnols. The silencers on the rifles muffled the noise of bullets as they whizzed through the air, hitting their targets. Jake watched through his scope as, one by one, Gnol troops fell to their deaths. The remaining Gnols scattered.

  “Go, Scott! Go!”

  Jake watched as Scott and his team moved in, silently eliminating the rest of the Gnol guards.

  A few moments later, Jake and his team reached the exit. Jake looked at Scott. “Report.”

  “Twenty-four dead. Jantear is nowhere to be found.”

  Jake cursed under his breath. “He couldn’t have gone far. Send a team out to search the perimeter.”

  Scott issued the order. Five rebel soldiers rushed to look for Jantear.

  Jake and Scott looked at the exit. The exit was a set of double Omutx reinforced doors buried underneath a mound of earth and surrounded by pine trees. The doors had been welded shut. Jake gave the signal and two soldiers moved to the doors, placing charges.

  After about ten minutes of nervous anticipation, Jake finally heard the sound he had been waiting for – three loud knocks on the other end of the doors. Jake waited a few seconds for the three people he hoped were behind the doors to back away. Jake pressed the button that detonated the charge. There was loud hiss and then a pop.

  Two rebel soldiers moved to the doors and placed crowbars on each side. Both soldiers pulled the doors to the ground. As they did so, Jake and his men raised their rifles. Out of the smoke, Kylee exited the passageway. She looked considerably well, which told Jake that Runa must have successfully retrieved the antidote. Next, Runa walked out.

  After hugging Kylee and shaking the hand of Runa, Jake walked to the edge of the passageway. Through the smoke, Celeste reached out and grabbed Jake’s hand.

  Jake was about to pull Celeste into him and embrace her when she was suddenly jerked away. Jake quickly pulled out the plasma pistol at his side and pointed it directly between the eyes of Aromos Jantear. Jantear held one arm across Celeste’s body, holding her arms. The other hand held a dagger at her carotid artery.

  “Don’t even think about it, Jake. She isn’t fast enough. I’ll cut her throat.”

  Jake continued to hold his aim between Jantear’s eyes. “Even if you do kill her, you won’t get away.”

  Jantear gave Jake an eerie smile. “I don’t plan on getting away.”

  Jantear quickly sliced Celeste’s neck.

  “No!” Jake yelled, firing two plasma blasts directly into Jantear’s head. Both Jantear and Celeste fell to the ground.

  Jake and Nichelle rushed to Celeste, who was unconscious. Jake quickly placed his hand on her bleeding neck. “Medic!”

  A medic rushed to Celeste with medical supplies in hand. He pushed Jake aside and examined the damage. “It isn’t sliced all the way through. She’ll live. I need stop the bleeding and suture her throat.”

  About an hour later, Jake walked to the back of the transport as it traveled back to the rebel base. As he walked, he shook the hands of his men, offering them congratulations on a job well done. Nearing the back of the transport, Jake met the crystal blue eyes of Celeste, sitting up in the stretcher. Celeste, with bandages around her neck and an IV in her right arm, smiled at Jake and motioned for him to sit next to her.

  Nichelle stood up from her spot next to Celeste, walked up to Jake, and gently kissed him on the cheek. She whispered into his ear. “Job well done, General.”

  Jake smiled at her and watched her walk away. He turned his attention back to Celeste. He rushed forward, gently embracing her and kissing her ever so gently on the lips. Celeste kissed him back.

  The two separated but kept their foreheads touching. Celeste spoke first. “I’m all right, Jake.”

  Jake smiled and, with tears streaming down his cheek, said, “I don’t think I can live without you.”

  Celeste returned his smile and ran her free hand through his hair.

  Jake then met her gaze. “Celeste … will you marry me?”

  Celeste moved in, kissed Jake, and then responded, “Yes, I want to be with you forever.”


  Center of the Milky Way Galaxy. A week-and-a-half prior to Celeste escaping Chast …

  The view was simply spectacular. Even though he helped create the wonders before him and no matter how many times he looked out upon the view, it simply amazed him. The planets. The stars. The endless creations that he, his Brother, and the Father had created and continue to create. It was simply astonishing how he could stand here within the golden archway and see into eternity - past, present, and future. From this particular world in the center of the galaxy, he could see the three worlds that were of particular importance to the Plan of his Father - Earth, Terrest, and Gnolom. Although he had assisted in creating worlds without end on which his Father had placed His children, the three worlds he witnessed before him were about to end their temporal existence.

  Looking down upon the sea of glass underneath his feet, he longed to know what it was like to feel as his Brother and Fa
ther felt. Yes, he could feel in a spiritual sense, but he knew there was something missing, a longing. For millennia now, he had been waiting for his time to come. Soon he would have the chance to become whole, to know what it was like to feel with a physical body, to feel the agony of pain and suffering, but most importantly – to feel the euphoria and joy that only a spirit and body together can experience.

  Looking back up toward the creations, he blinked his eyes. Instantly, he was there in her room. He watched her as she slept soundly and longed to reach out and touch her. He knew that he couldn’t touch her physically. But his ability to connect with a person’s spirit was matchless. It was his gift, his calling. He had been connecting and communicating with his brothers’ and sisters’ souls for as long as he could remember.

  As he continued to watch her while she slept, he noticed an uneasiness about her. A bad dream, perhaps? Seeing her dream, he now knew what contributed to her restless sleep. She was dreaming about her mother and the night she nearly joined her mother in the spirit world.

  Tears began to trickle down her face. It pained the spirit to see her in this emotional agony. Reaching out with both arms, he caressed her, touching her soul. Her soul was good, one of the noble ones that had been saved for this time.

  Caressing her, he longed to feel the physical touch. Nonetheless, he knew that she was comforted as she began to drift off into a deep sleep. Knowing that she was at peace for now, the spirit slowly closed his eyes.

  When he opened his eyes, he saw the man sitting on the edge of his bed. The man was hunched over, his elbows on his knees, and his face in his hands. The spirit continued to watch and wanted to weep as he felt the man’s emotions. Discouragement. Pain. Hopelessness. A sense of loss.

  Kneeling down in front of the man on the bed, the spirit reached out with both arms. He hugged the mortal until he touched the man’s soul. He then whispered into the mortal’s ear. “Everything will be okay, Father. Soon, I will be with you and Mother. Have faith and remain steadfast. You are strong in both mind and body – but, most importantly, in spirit. Pray to our Father in Heaven for comfort and guidance.”

  Standing up and backing away, the spirit watched the mortal man as he slid off of the bed onto his knees. The mortal, with tears streaming down his face, looked up and cried to the Lord for guidance and comfort.

  The spirit, knowing the mortal man better than the mortal knew himself, knew that he would be okay. Inviting other angels to comfort the man, the spirit closed his eyes and returned to the world from which he came.

  As he stood in silence watching the heavens, he heard the soft patter of bare feet walking toward him. He turned around and smiled as he looked into the eyes of his Brother. His Brother stopped within a few feet and said, “Be comforted, Brother. The two mortals are strong and faithful. They will lead many to righteousness.”

  The spirit turned back toward the world the two mortals were on. “I know, Jehovah. I just do not want to see them suffer so much.”

  Jehovah looked at the same world the spirit was observing, and moved to stand on the right of the spirit. “Their suffering is necessary. It will prepare them for the blessing and responsibility for which they are about to receive.”

  The spirit turned, looked at Jehovah, and forced a smile.

  Jehovah reached out and gently grabbed the spirit by the shoulders. “I know thy thoughts. Without you, we could not bring our Father’s children to everlasting and eternal life. You are not only my brother, but have been my oldest and dearest friend. Do not worry. Have faith. The angels that have been in your charge are ready to perform the calling you have faithfully fulfilled since we created the heavens. Your time is soon at hand.

  “When I came into the world, I brought the message of peace and salvation. I suffered and died so that our brothers and sisters may have the opportunity for everlasting life. But you shall be a savior of their temporal needs. You shall free countless numbers of our Father’s children from oppression and tyranny. You shall unite two worlds and two peoples as a warrior of righteousness.”

  Feeling the power and love from his Brother, the spirit smiled and embraced Jehovah as he thought about his mortal parents on Terrest.

  Worlds Without End: Aftermath (Book 2)

  Now Available!

  With the enslavement of the human race and all faith lost, the only hope humanity has is hidden in a prophecy on a planet 22-light-years from Earth!

  After the initial attack by the Gnols, Earth lies in ruins with most of the cities destroyed and the majority of the population dead. Adrian Palmer remains in the custody of the Gnols who have established their capital in Washington D.C. as they await the arrival of their savior, Koroan Chast, to claim his new world.

  Knowing full well of their forthcoming execution, Adrian and Kevin find help from a group of rebels gathering in Missouri. Adrian knows that he needs to return to Terrest. But before he can escape, he and Kevin must face an old enemy, which may turn out to be futile.

  Meanwhile, on Terrest, Jake and Scott are left to lead what’s left of the Terrestrian military. Defeated and desperate, Jake and Celeste embark on an insurmountable journey to Gnolom to discover the true origins of Koroan Chast’s power.

  At the same time, Skip discovers new and old allies to help him in his escape from the slave camp of Zikf. Will he escape to continue his quest for the prophecy given by Jesus Christ? Or, is Koroan Chast the fulfillment of that prophecy?

  The story continues as old and new enemies collide in a saga of faith, love, power, and war. A story that stretches across the galaxy in search of the key that will free humankind!

  For more information about Worlds Without End: Aftermath and upcoming books visit


  Shaun Messick is an established writer. His works include fiction and freelance blogging. His first novel, Worlds Without End: The Mission, has been successful with over 40,000 downloads and purchases on the Kindle alone. The next book in the series, Worlds Without End: Aftermath, has continued that trend with seventy-five percent of the reviews having 4 and 5 stars.

  Shaun currently resides in Shelley, Idaho with his beautiful wife and his four wonderful children. From as early as he can remember, he was a fan of science fiction stories, particularly Star Wars, Star Trek, and Battle Star Galactica. He is truly a nerd at heart. From these interests, Shaun has developed a unique talent of his own, crafting ideas into fascinating story lines for fans of science fiction to enjoy.

  Along with his writing escapades, Shaun loves sports, playing golf, spending time with his family, and reading.

  Pronunciation Guide

  The following are difficult to pronounce words and names that I created as I wrote Worlds Without End: The Mission. The pronunciation guide is based upon standard English and taken from Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary.

  Pronunciation Symbols

  Word and Name Pronunciation Guide

  (The words are in alphabetical order as they are spelled within the book.)

  Adrimd - adrim-d

  Aralt Thourad - r-lt thr-ad

  Arial - r--l

  Ariauna - r--n-

  Aromos Jantear - r--ms jan-tr

  Baleal - b-ll

  Bahirsh - b-hrsh

  Bantyr - ban-tr

  Chati - chat-

  Ciminae - sim-in-

  Comoasa - cm-s-

  Dorange Gar - dr-nj gr

  Esolad - es-lad

  Fiseimh - fis-em

  Geraldus - jr-äl-ds

  Girtheal - gr-thl

  Gnolom - nl-m

  Gnols - nlz

  Gyrale - j-rl

  Halem - hl-m

  Ithel Hopet - th-l hp-t

  Ishae - ish-

  Jamear - j-mr

  Jaskead Tomwon - jas-kd tm-wn

  Juzs Lza Bmail - jyüz zä b-ml

  Kamferal Och
alt - kam-fr-l -chlt

  Koroan Chast - kr-n chast

  Malk Vier - mlk v-r

  Mechlis - mek-lis

  Morasea - mr--s

  Moriantun - mr--an-tn

  Nateal Runa - n-tl rü-n

  Nichelle - nish-el

  Noran Belzar - nr-an bel-zär

  Omutx - ämüt

  Otholos - th--ls

  Os Uem Jud Ra Lmeyl - s yü-em jyüd rä l- ml

  Polatis Schaal - pl-ä-tis shäl

  Pontain - pn-tn

  Raqel - r-kl

  Rossetlagn - rz-et-ln

  Shaonal - sh--näl

  Sinoy - sn-i

  Talead - tä-ld

  Tapal - tp-äl

  Tashak Arahad - t-shak r--had

  Terrest - ter-rest

  Terrestrian - ter-rest-r-n

  Tilicah - til-i-kä

  Tolpez - tl-pez

  Toupast - t-päst

  Unifoy - ü-ni-fi

  Vlamer Kreuk - vl-mr krük

  Vtasloget - taz-l-get

  Xmhylit - zm-hil-it

  Xuta - zü -t

  Ylisd - y-list

  Yuelzaiylams - yül-zyl-amz

  Zikf - zk-f




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