Hunted: An Eternal Guardians Novella

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Hunted: An Eternal Guardians Novella Page 11

by Elisabeth Naughton

  Oh, heavens... She could get so used to this. Her eyes slid closed, and she drew one deep breath, followed by another. And as the heat of his body seeped into her back and warmed the last cold spaces inside her, all kinds of visions about how he could relax her in their room filled her mind, making her anxious to get him alone.

  When he pulled her back against him, she wiggled her ass against his lap, feeling his erection spring to life. She bit her lip to hold back a groan.

  “Naughty little nymph,” Erebus whispered near her ear. “I think they’ve got this handled on their own. Why don’t we go back to our room and get cleaned up? Then I can handle you.”

  A wide smile spread across her lips, and heat exploded in her veins. She glanced over her shoulder at him and lifted her brow. “I’m up for that.”

  “No, agápi.” He flexed his hips, and she felt his impressive arousal against her backside. “I’m the one who’s going to be up.”

  Yes, yes, yes... Frantic to feel just that and more, she reached for his hand and pulled him with her as she stepped away from the wall.

  “I’m telling you,” the long-haired Argonaut who always wore the gloves said to the queen as Sera and Erebus drew closer to the group on their way toward the door and utter bliss. “That’s the only way. In Phlegethon.”

  Erebus’s hand slipped free of Sera’s, and when she turned, she realized he’d stopped near the group. A perplexed expression crossed his face as he looked at the long-haired Argonaut. “What about Phlegethon?”

  Sera frowned at the interruption and tried to pull him back to her, but he was like solid stone and wouldn’t move.

  The queen glanced up at him, looking absolutely tiny surrounded by the Argonauts and a god. “The key was forged by Hephaestus and is charmed by the powers of Olympus. The only way to make sure no one can ever use it again is to destroy it. And the only way to do that is to cast it into the river of fire in the Underworld. Phlegethon is the only heat strong enough to melt Hephaestus’s weaponry.”

  Erebus looked from the queen to each of the Argonauts. “How do you know this?”

  She nodded toward the long-haired Argonaut. “Because of Titus.”

  When Erebus’s confused gaze swung Titus’s way, Titus said, “I’m a descendant of Odysseus.”

  The Argonaut Sera had heard the others call Orpheus crossed his arms over his chest with a frown and leaned back against the queen’s desk. “Don’t question it, Erebus. Titus’s forefather blessed him with enhanced knowledge about tons of ancient shit. He’s right on this. He’s always right. And it’s getting really fucking irritating.”

  Titus cast Orpheus a smug grin but it faded when he glanced back at the group. “Someone has to take the key into the Underworld and toss it in Phlegethon.” He looked back at Orpheus and lifted his brows. “O? You’re the only one of us who’s been there—besides Gryphon, of course, and I think it’s pretty safe to say he’s not volunteering to go back there anytime soon.”

  Orpheus huffed. “So because I was there once I get the job? Screw you, Rapunzel.”

  Titus chuckled.

  The queen brushed her blonde hair back from her face and rubbed her forehead, looking like she had a massive headache. “Before we start talking about who should take the key into the Underworld, let’s talk about how we even get there. Orpheus, you said the cave you and Skyla used to access the Underworld was destroyed when you left there with Gryphon. Who else knows how to get there?”

  “Prometheus,” Theron answered.

  “Yes, but there’s no guarantee we can even find Prometheus right now,” the queen said with a frown. “He and Circe have been exploring the Aegis Mountains, searching for any sign of the water element. He could be on the other side of Argolea right now.”

  “Even Natasa isn’t sure where he is at the moment,” Titus said.

  Sera was still trying to piece together who was related to whom in this realm, but she remembered Elysia telling her that Titus’s mate Natasa was Prometheus’s daughter. She wasn’t sure how that was possible, since Prometheus had only been freed from Zeus’s chains a handful of years ago and Natasa was older than that, but at the moment she was too focused on the key and this conversation to try to figure it out.

  “There is someone right here who would know,” Orpheus said.

  All eyes turned toward Erebus.

  Of course. Erebus. Sera’s brow lifted as she looked up at him.

  But instead of the gentle, helpful friend he’d been to Cerek and the others since they’d arrived in this realm, his stiff posture, hard jaw, and narrowed gaze skipping from face to face told her he wasn’t feeling the least bit friendly at the moment.

  “I brought you the key,” Erebus said in a low voice.

  “We brought you the key,” Sera corrected, confused about the reason he looked ready to pound someone into the floor.

  Erebus glanced down at her and nodded, then glared back at the group. “We brought you the key. What you do with it from here is up to you. I’m not getting involved with that.”

  Surprise shot through Sera. He wasn’t here to help them? She thought that was exactly why he was here. It sure as hell was the reason she was here.

  “No one’s asking you to take it to the Underworld,” the queen said.

  “Though actually...” the leader of the Argonauts started.

  “Actually, that’s not a bad idea,” Orpheus finished for Theron, uncrossing his arms and focusing on Erebus. “It’s the perfect way to get around the prophecy.”

  “What prophecy?” Sera asked, her gaze swinging to Orpheus.

  “The one that says he who destroys the key will be trapped in the Underworld for all eternity.” Titus rested his gloved hands on his hips and looked at her. “That’s why your ancient queen in Atlantis didn’t just destroy the damn thing as soon as Zeus gave it to her. It’s why none of your queens did. Because in order to destroy it, someone has to offer up a sacrifice. In this case, that sacrifice is being stuck in the Underworld after you do the deed.”

  Erebus’s whole body stiffened. And, okay, yeah, if that was the case, Sera could see why he wouldn’t be thrilled to help them with this.

  “But Erebus isn’t mortal,” Orpheus pointed out. “He wouldn’t get stuck there.”

  Oh....true. Sera’s brow lifted once more.

  “According to who?” Titus tossed back. “The prophecy says nothing regarding mortality.”

  “Maybe not,” Orpheus countered. “But he already served Hades in the Underworld. He wouldn’t be tortured there like any of us. And I’m betting he wouldn’t even be stuck there. I guarantee Zeus charmed that thing with some special back door loophole which prevents it from impacting an immortal. We all know how Zeus loves back doors.”

  That was true as well. Sera was all too aware of how much the gods loved fucking with mortals but were reluctant to do anything to harm each other.

  “Titus?” the queen asked.

  Titus rubbed a hand across his jaw and considered for a moment. “It’s possible. It’s highly likely, actually. Zeus wouldn’t risk bringing harm to an immortal because doing so could cause the other gods to join forces and rise up against him. He definitely doesn’t want a repeat of the Titanomachy with him on the losing side. For once, O’s logic is sound.” When Orpheus frowned and flipped him the bird, Titus grinned, then looked back at the queen and added, “Though I can’t confirm for sure. That part isn’t in any of my enhanced knowledge. But if it’s true then, yeah. Erebus would be the logical choice. Especially since he can cloak himself in darkness to slip into the Underworld unnoticed. If Prometheus or even Nick were to try to destroy the key, Hades would spot them immediately.”

  The queen looked toward Erebus with an expectant expression. And slowly, one by one, each of the Argonauts in the room did as well. ”I know it’s a lot to ask,” the queen said. “But you’re the only one who can do this without repercussions.”

  Sera’s gaze followed, and hope gathered in her belly. But it sha
ttered like a glass against the floor when she saw the slice of steel that was his jaw beneath his skin. The one that told her loud and clear he wasn’t thrilled to be the center of attention. And that he had no intention of doing anything to help those in this realm. Her included.

  “I’m not going to the Underworld,” Erebus said in a low voice. “Not for you or anyone.”

  He left the room without another word.

  The Argonauts quietly whispered about what was up with him and why he wasn’t willing to help them when he’d so easily turned his back on Zeus, but Sera barely listened. All she could focus on was the reality swirling like a vortex in her head.

  He hadn’t come here to help anyone but himself. As soon as he’d held the medallion in his hand, he’d known what it was. He’d known what it protected from the gods. And he’d seen his way out. A way to hide from Zeus and do whatever—and whomever—he wanted out from under the control of the gods.

  She shouldn’t be surprised. He was, after all, the personification of darkness. And darkness, as everyone knew, was immoral and selfish and absent of any kind of light that illuminated the soul.

  Chapter Nine

  The door crashed against the wall as Erebus shoved it open and stalked into the suite he’d shared with Sera last night, trying like hell to calm the roaring vibration still buzzing inside him.

  Of course they’d all assume he was the perfect one to sacrifice eternity for them. He was the god of darkness. He probably liked the Underworld, right?

  They could all piss off as far as he was concerned.

  The door to the suite slammed shut, and footsteps sounded across the floor before coming to a stop at Erebus’s back. He didn’t need to look to see that Sera had followed him. He could smell her lemony scent and all but feel her own anger seeping from her.

  The vibrations slowly lessened. Knowing she was just as outraged as him eased his rage.

  “When were you going to tell me your plan?” she said at his back.

  Confused, not just by the question but by the bite in her voice, he turned to look at her.

  But her eyes weren’t the compassionate eyes he’d hoped for. These were like blue ice chips, cold and staring at him as if she were looking at a stranger.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. You never cared about helping these people. You only came here with me because you saw it as an opportunity to get away from Zeus. To take a break from your duties and fuck me for a while. But now that you know the Argoleans are going to destroy the key, that changes things, doesn’t it? Are you planning to take it back to Zeus tonight?”

  His eyes widened in disbelief. “What?”

  “You heard me.” Fire flared in her eyes but it didn’t warm that icy chill brewing in their cold blue depths. “I can’t believe I was so stupid when it came to you. You duped me once before, and you’re doing it again right now.”

  He couldn’t believe she thought so little of him. He couldn’t believe that after everything he’d done for her, she could even ask such a question.

  He reacted before he could stop himself. Crossing the distance between them in two strides, he grasped her by the arm. “You’re right, nymph. That’s exactly why I came here. I serve Zeus. I must be the same selfish asshole he is, right? Why else would I bother?”

  Her chest rose and fell with her heavy breaths, and a whisper of doubt crept into her eyes. “Let go of my arm.”

  Something dark burned inside him. Something dangerous he knew he needed to stop but couldn’t seem to tamp down.

  “Why?” He moved a step closer, using his size to tower over her. “You knew why I came here. You said it yourself. I came here to fuck you. And you didn’t put up any sort of fight to stop me. In fact, ten minutes ago, if you’d been wearing a skirt, you’d have let me fuck you right there in that office in front of the Argonauts. So why don’t I do that one last time before I leave? I want it. I know you want it too; otherwise you wouldn’t be here.”

  Her eyes widened as he pressed her up against the wall. She lifted her hands to his biceps and pushed, but she wasn’t strong enough to budge him. “If you even think about raping me—”

  “Rape you? Oh, oraios. In sixty seconds you’ll be begging for me to fuck you blind.”

  “In your dreams.”

  Anger swelled inside him. Anger and a burning desire to make her pay. “Since I’m going back to Zeus, dreams are the only thing I’ll have left of you, so I might as well get as much as I can right now.”

  He lowered his face to the hollow in her neck and drew in a deep whiff of her scent. Lemon and vanilla and something that made him fucking high. “Gods, you smell good.” He bit down on the tender flesh—not gently, not hard—and she whimpered, which was exactly what he wanted. “Taste even better.”

  Her fingers dug into his biceps, but he ignored the pain and kicked her legs apart so he could press himself against her heat. Then he licked the spot he’d just bitten and sucked until her cry of protest turned into a groan of desire.

  The sound supercharged his blood and made the darkness inside rush right to the surface of his control. She thought he would rape her? She thought he’d still side with Zeus? He’d been sure she was the one person in the cosmos who understood him, but now he knew the truth. She was just like the gods, using him for her own selfish needs, then discarding him when she had what she wanted, casting him aside as if he were nothing.

  He rocked against her and lifted one hand to squeeze the soft mass of her breast. “Tell me you don’t want this, agápi.”

  She swallowed hard, pushed against his arms again, but not with the force of before, and against him he felt her muscles already relaxing. Felt her body giving in to the heat of his and melting beneath him. “I-I don’t.”

  “You lie.” He lifted his head and closed his mouth over hers. Her fingers fisted in his T-shirt, and she grunted as his tongue swept into her mouth, demanding and unforgiving. But she didn’t try to push him away, and as he stroked her tongue and pressed his hard body into hers against the wall, she tugged on his shirt and pulled him closer.

  That’s it. Just a little more...

  He slid one hand over her side and across her lower back, then down to squeeze the soft right globe of her ass. She moaned into his mouth and lifted her leg, hooking it around his hip so his cock could press against her clit. Her hands swept up to his face, then she tipped her head and kissed him deeper, rocking her hot little body against his until he was hard and achy and ready to explode. Until he knew he had her right where he wanted her.

  He trailed a line of hot, wet kisses from the corner of her mouth to her jaw and then to the sensitive skin behind her ear. “Tell me you want me, Sera.”

  “Oh gods.” She grasped his face again, pulled his mouth back to hers, and kissed him.

  “Tell me,” he breathed against her lips, squeezing her ass with every press of his groin against hers. “Tell me and I’ll give you exactly what you deserve.”

  “Erebus.” She drew back from his mouth, nipped his bottom lip, swept her tongue over the spot and suckled until he groaned. “Yes, I want you. Take me.”

  Primal need pumped hot inside him, but he wasn’t about to let it free. Not with her. Not ever again.

  He jerked back from her mouth, let go of her with his hands, and moved away so cool air rushed across her overheated body. “Not even sixty seconds. You’re a predictable little nymphomaniac. I should have seen how manipulative you really were from the start. Zeus did pick you himself, after all.”

  He moved for the door. At his back he heard her gasp of shock and disbelief, but he ignored it, wanting only to get as far from her as possible. To get out of this castle and out of this fucking realm before all that darkness inside him burst free and made him do something he knew he’d regret later.

  Inches from the entry hall of the suite, his foot hooked something hard, and his weight went out from under him. He hit the carpet with a grunt. Before he could process what he’d trippe
d over, strong hands flipped him to his back, and the sexy little nymph who’d tormented his body and consumed his thoughts these last few days climbed over him.

  She slapped her hands against the carpet near his head and glared down at him. “You’re not leaving.”

  “The hell I’m not.”

  He shifted his hands to her waist and lifted his torso to shove her off him, but she dropped her weight onto his hips and wrapped her legs around his waist as he sat up, locking her in place against his hard, aching cock.

  She leaned in to breathe hot against his ear. “You’re not leaving because we’re not done here.” Her teeth sank into his lobe, then she traced her wicked tongue around the rim of his ear. “You said you were going to fuck me blind.” Against his straining erection, she rocked her steamy sex until he saw stars. “Fuck me, Erebus. Fuck me, now.”

  The darkness inside him burst free. He didn’t know what game she was playing but he was past the point of caring. Past the point of thinking. Past the point of stopping.

  A growl echoed in the room, one he knew came from him as he pushed her to her back on the carpet, then drew away long enough to rip the pants from her legs. She gasped but didn’t miss a beat, wrenching the shirt over her head and throwing it off to her side with jerky movements.

  His blood roared in his ears as he flipped her to her belly. She grunted and pushed up on her hands and knees. Blonde hair spilled across her bare spine and tickled his frantic fingers as he unhooked the white lace bra and pushed it down her arms. She helped him by wriggling out of the garment, then groaned as he ripped the panties from her hips and the sound of tearing fabric filled the room.

  With one hand, he unhooked the button at his waistband. With the other, he swept his fingers between her legs and across her hot, steaming flesh. Kicking her knees wider with his, he growled, “Is this what you want?”


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