Fierce Daddy

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Fierce Daddy Page 11

by Laylah Roberts

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Not your fault.” He pointed at her sternly. “Not going to let you take responsibility for it, understand?”

  She gave him a sassy salute. “Yes, sir.” Wait. Where did that come from? She had no idea. “Why did you say that Sav and Axel should lay low if Dart called the cops?”

  “Because they’re on parole.”

  “But they didn’t do anything wrong.”

  He shrugged. “Some of the local police don’t like me much, or my guys. We’ve all been in trouble with the law at some stage.”

  That wasn’t fair.

  “But Axel and Sav are the most vulnerable because they’re still on parole. So they get protected the most.”

  “I bet they love that.”

  “Well, I’ve never told them.” He grinned. Then he crossed his arms over his chest, looking stern. But she thought she saw a twinkle in his eyes. “Now, are you going to be a good girl and let me help you or are you gonna give me trouble?”

  “I’m a good girl,” she told him sassily.

  Whoa. Where had that come from? She didn’t know who was more surprised by her reply. Razor or her.

  He cleared his throat. “All right. You need anything else? Stuff from the bathroom? Got your toothbrush? Any medication?”

  “I’ve got it all.”

  As he carried her downstairs, she realized there were two things she didn’t have. Shoot. Should she ask him to get them? Would he think she was odd?

  Well, he probably already did.

  “Could I bring Snappy and Scooby?” she managed to ask.

  Instead of heading to the elevator, he walked over to the sofa and bent so she could grab the toys.

  She snatched them up into her arms.

  And he never said a word.

  Just as he got her settled in the car, pulling her seatbelt over her again, his phone rang. He shut the door and started pacing. Then he paused, his hand at the back of his neck.

  God, he was sexy.

  If only he felt more for her than responsibility. If only he wanted her to come stay with him because he cared about her.

  But, she didn’t blame him. She probably seemed like some silly child. Too young and foolish to bother with. Look at all the trouble she’d caused because she hadn’t stopped to think through the consequences before running off into a dangerous situation.

  Razor climbed in with a sigh.

  “Everything okay?”

  “You know how there are days when everything goes fucking wrong?”

  He started up the car and she shrank back into her seat. Yeah, she got that today had been a mess. And that she’d caused half of the mess. He had dozens of more important things to do. Instead, he’d had to take her to the hospital then back here. And now he was having to drive her to his place. And she’d slowed him down with her arguments.

  Why’d she do that? Why couldn’t she have just followed along with what he wanted?

  Silly girl.

  “Fuck,” he muttered as they emerged onto the street. “Tabby, I didn’t mean that the way it sounded.”

  “I know I goofed up today. I’m really sorry for all the issues I caused.”

  He reached over and took hold of her hand. Her skin tingled where it touched his. What would happen if he touched her somewhere else? Like her face, her neck, her breast?

  Okay, you need to stop thinking about him touching your breast.

  Now she wished she’d packed her vibrator. What was she going to do? Living with him was going to be hard. She wasn’t a saint, after all.

  “Stop. I’m not upset because of you. Well, I’m upset that you put yourself in danger. Gonna be a while before I get over that. And that you didn’t see anything wrong in putting yourself in danger. Yeah, wasn’t happy about that.”

  “So, in other words, there is plenty you’re upset at me about,” she told him dryly.

  He sent her a half-grin. “Okay, maybe. But that has nothing to do with why this day is fucked up. How’s your ankle?”

  “Oh, it’s fine.” Throbbing. Painful. But she wasn’t going to tell him that.

  “You sure? Because it’s been a while since you took those painkillers. You’re due some more.”

  Hm. Rats. She’d forgotten that she’d pretended to take those pills.

  Oh, Tabby. You really are in trouble.

  “I don’t need any yet.”

  “Let me know when you do. I don’t want you in unnecessary pain.”

  Seriously. Who was this guy? It was like someone had created the perfect man for her. Only they had a fine sense of irony, since he didn’t seem to feel the same about her. In fact, she wondered if he’d have ever noticed her if they’d met under different circumstances.

  “Unfortunately, we have to make a stop at the shop,” he told her.

  “That’s okay. If you need to work, I can wait in the office.”

  He didn’t even reply to that. He looked so huge in her car. Out of place and yet not. Because Razor made any place he entered better just because he was there.

  Oh Lord. Getting fanciful now, Tabby.

  “It’s not because I need to get to work. But the cops have turned up and they want to take your statement.”

  “That’s fine.” Not her favorite thing to do, but she’d get through it.

  She studied him as he clenched his jaw. “One of the cops, his name is Detective Shane Andrews. He’s an asshole. He’s got it in for me. Has been trying to pin shit on me for a while. Doesn’t like that I employ ex-cons. A while ago, one of my guys was at a bar with his girl and this other guy started harassing her. Cayden hit him, and a brawl started. It was a mess. Detective Andrews’ brother was the guy Cayden hit. He was fine, but he’s had this grudge since.”

  “That’s ridiculous.”

  “I know. And for some reason, he’s decided to take an interest in what happened at the shop this morning.”

  That was insane.

  Razor pulled into her usual parking spot. “I don’t want you to worry about him, all right? I won’t let him bulldoze you, and I won’t leave you alone with him.”

  “I’m not worried about some detective with a grudge,” she reassured him.

  “I’m still not going to let him intimidate you,” he grumbled. “Wait there. Do not move.”

  Okay, bossy Razor was piloting the ship right now. She decided it might be wise just to let him get his way for a while. He obviously felt like he needed some control. And she could give him that. With all that she owed him, it was the least she could do.

  Still, she wouldn’t let him get away with being so bossy all the time. That wouldn’t be a good idea if he wanted to fit his already big head through doorways.

  She had to giggle at the idea of a giant-headed Razor trying to move around.

  He would probably still look hot as a big bobblehead.

  Maybe she’d change that coffee mug she was going to get him from Best Boss Ever to Bossiest Boss Ever.

  * * *

  Razor wasn’t sure why she was giggling when he opened her door, but he was glad she wasn’t fretting over talking to the detective. He couldn’t believe this asshole was still sniffing around, trying to find something to pin on him.


  He pulled Tabby into his arms, cradling her against his chest.

  She opened her mouth, and he gave her a quelling look. “If you tell me again that I’m going to hurt my back, then I’m going to . . .”

  “What?” she asked. There was a sparkle of something in her eyes.

  “Well, I guess I can’t threaten to spank you. I have a once-a-day policy on threatening to spank employees.”

  She giggled, and he winked down at her. “Can I be there when you threaten to spank Sav?”

  “Dear God, woman. I like my balls where they are, thanks. Ah, fuck, probably shouldn’t have said balls to you. And now I said it again.”

  He winced. Jesus. What was he thinking?

  “Uh, Tabby, sorry, I didn’t—”

  Reaching up, she put her hand over his mouth. “It’s okay. You think I don’t hear worse every time I go into the shop?”

  He frowned and she dropped her hand quickly. Damn, he liked when she touched him.

  “What do you mean, you’ve heard worse? From who? I told them to clean up their damn language.”

  She grinned up at him.

  Yeah, he got the irony.

  But fuck, it was worth it to see that smile on her face. God, she was gorgeous.

  A throat clearing had him turning. And there he was.

  Fucking Detective Shane Andrews. The asshole.

  “Am I interrupting?” The detective ran his gaze over Tabby. Razor stiffened, not liking the look in his eyes.

  “Yeah, you are, actually,” Razor told him. “Thought you’d be in the office.”

  “Wanted some air.” Andrews smirked at him. “And I needed to make some calls.”

  “If we’re keeping you from your work, then you can feel free to fuck off.”

  “Razor,” Tabby said quietly.

  Yeah, he got it. He needed to ease up a bit. But the fucker deserved it. Razor didn’t like the way Andrews was staring at her. Like he wanted to eat her up.

  Tabby was his.

  Not yours. Ease down.

  “You must be Miss Smarts,” Andrews said to her. “I heard you hurt your ankle when these assholes ran into you. I’m sorry you were hurt.”

  “Um, thanks,” she said hesitantly.

  “Perhaps we should go inside so Razor can set you down. I’m sure you don’t want to be held by him any longer than is necessary.”

  Really? Fucker thought he was going to goad him by implying that she didn’t want him touching her?

  He knew fuck all.

  “In fact, perhaps I should take her. Don’t want you to drop her. Must be a strain, holding her.”

  Andrews reached out as though to grab Tabby. She shied back against Razor, pressing into him.

  Satisfaction flooded him. Even as he told himself not to read too much into it. He knew Tabby didn’t like to be touched. She’d barely tolerated the doctor at the hospital touching her, and she’d insisted that Razor stay with her the whole time.

  It wasn’t that she didn’t want the detective to touch her. It was most people. But Andrews didn’t need to know that. A red flush filled his cheeks, and he stepped back.

  “Brainwashed her, have you?”

  “I haven’t done anything. She just doesn’t seem to like your winning personality,” Razor told him. “But yeah, let’s go inside.”


  Tabby wished she hadn’t shied away from the detective’s touch.

  But then he would have touched her. Her skin crawled at the thought. She wouldn’t have trusted the detective even without Razor’s warning. There was something slimy in his gaze.

  “You’re all right,” Razor reassured her quietly as he carried her into his office. “I wouldn’t have let him touch you.”

  She patted his hand in thanks. But it might have been easier to let him touch her. Because he had a funny look in his eyes as he stared at her now. And when he turned his gaze to Razor, that look became more of a sneer.

  Tabby could remember her uncle yelling derogatory things about the cops, blaming them for whatever had gone wrong.

  Logically, she knew there were plenty of upstanding, wonderful police officers who were out there protecting the public.

  However, she wasn’t sure the detective was one of them.

  It wasn’t reasonable for him to blame Razor for something one of his men had done a while ago. This Cayden didn’t even work here anymore. So what was the detective’s problem?

  “Razor, I’m going to have to ask you to leave so I can talk to Tabitha in private.”

  “That’s Miss Smarts to you,” Razor told him. He’d set her down in his chair, and now he was leaning against the wall behind him, arms crossed over his chest. “And I’m not going anywhere.”

  “You can’t stay. My witness can’t be expected to talk freely in front of you.”

  “Your witness? This wasn’t a murder,” Razor stated. “Just what do you think is going on here?”

  “Why don’t you tell me? Why do you think someone broke in here? What were they looking for?”

  “I’m guessing they were looking to destroy the place,” Razor told him. “And maybe steal some bikes. But Tabby probably interrupted them before they could force their way into the backroom.”

  The detective glared at Razor from where he sat across her desk and she tensed. She wished she could reach back and touch Razor to reassure him, but she didn’t want to give the detective more ammunition to use.

  “Really? And that’s all they were after? Some bikes?” the detective asked skeptically.

  “Some very expensive bikes,” she said smoothly. Obviously, it was going to be up to her to keep this conversation on-topic. These two seemed like they could snap and snarl at each other all night. “And yes, that seems to be what they were after. Or maybe they just wanted to destroy some property, I’m not sure. You’d know better than me why a criminal might act the way they do. I’m sure as a detective you’re very good at reading people.”

  Urgh. Her stomach rolled at her efforts to flatter him. But she wanted to defuse the situation, and the detective seemed the type of guy who would like to have his ego stroked.

  Sure enough, Detective Andrews moved his glare from Razor to look at her. His shoulders relaxed at her words. “And that’s why I can’t understand why they’d bother to break into a place like this without stealing anything.”

  “I guess I interrupted them. Perhaps you could take my statement, though? It has been a trying day, and I’d really like to go home and rest my ankle.”

  “Of course, Miss Smarts. If Razor would leave, we can get on with that.”

  She didn’t miss the sneer in his voice when he said Razor’s name.

  “I’m not leaving,” Razor told him.

  “I can do this down at the station if I need to,” the detective said.

  “You’ve got no cause to take her into the station.”

  “I think she’d be more comfortable there, away from your influence.” The detective stood, glaring over at Razor.

  “Detective, I’m not sure what you’re trying to say.” She gave him her best clueless smile. “But I’m perfectly fine giving my statement here. Going to the station is just going to prolong things, and the doctor wanted me to rest.”

  “Of course.” He gave her a stiff smile as he sat again. “But I have to insist on taking your statement. Alone.”

  Before Razor could object, she turned to him, giving him a quelling look. “I’ll be fine on my own.”

  “No,” Razor said.

  “Razor, I’ll be all right.”

  “I’m not leaving you with him on your own.”

  “Are you implying something?” the detective snarled.

  “He’s not implying anything, he’s just very protective,” she explained.

  “Really? Is there something between the two of you I should know about?”

  “That’s none of your business,” Razor snapped at him.

  “Actually, I think it’s very pertinent to what I’m investigating. Are you in a relationship with Razor, Miss Smarts?”

  “No, I’m not. I’m his assistant. But like Razor said, that’s not any of your business. And I find the question rather odd.”

  “Do you?”

  “I also find it odd that a detective would come out for a break-in. Quiet day?” Okay, she wasn’t going to get anywhere like this. “Detective, could we have a couple of minutes?”

  He glared at them both but got up and stomped out. Sheesh. It was a bit like dealing with a toddler having a tantrum. She didn’t say that, though.

  “Razor, I’m fine talking with him on my own.”

  “Not happening.” Razor glared at the door.

  “It’s obvious he thinks there’s something going on. I can find
out what he’s thinking.”

  “I don’t care what he’s thinking. He’s a fucking douche.” Then he grimaced. “Sorry.”

  “Like I said, heard worse.”

  “Those boys really have to clean up their language. I’m not leaving you with him, Tabby.”

  “And he’s going to think that everything I say is what you want me to say. He’ll think you’re coercing me—just ten minutes. I want to get this over and done with. Please. Trust me. I’ve dealt with far worse people than some jacked-up detective on a power trip. Believe me.”

  Razor grunted. “And you shouldn’t have had to. Someone should have protected you from those people.”

  Yep. He was the sweetest person she’d ever met.

  “I couldn’t protect you then. But I will now,” he muttered, almost to himself.

  Did he mean that night he met her? When Luther had beaten her? But he hadn’t even known her.

  “Razor, he’s not going to hurt me.”

  “I don’t trust him.”

  “Neither do I,” she told him. “But you’ll be just outside the door. You’ll hear if I yell out. And I can’t see him physically harming me. Can you?”

  Razor reluctantly shook his head.

  “Let me just get this done and then he’ll leave. Otherwise, he might insist on me going to the station and I don’t want to do that. Please?”

  He grunted. “Fine.”

  Thank the Lord. She really didn’t think he was going to give in. “But if he scares you, if he even looks at you funny, then he’s in for a world of pain. Get me?” He gave her a stern look, but she wasn’t worried. He was only worked up because he felt protective of her.

  “I hear you. You need to trust me to look after myself.”

  He shot her a look of disbelief. “You can really ask me that after today?”

  All right, she could understand his doubt in her. “I know I messed up today. That won’t happen again.”

  “Damn right it won’t.”

  Striding over to the door, he opened it. “Detective, you can come in.”

  Detective Andrews walked past Razor, giving him a slightly wary look. So he did have some brains in his head.

  “I’ll be right outside the door, Tabby.” Razor gave her a firm look that she guessed was meant to be a warning to call out if she needed him. She wouldn’t. She could handle Detective Andrews with one hand tied behind her back.


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