Fierce Daddy

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Fierce Daddy Page 14

by Laylah Roberts

  “Oh no!”

  “Yeah. I ended up covered in bruises, a broken nose, and black eye. When he left, my momma called my uncle. My dad’s brother. He came over, saw me, and then he disappeared. That asshole never came back.”

  “What happened to him?”

  “My uncle ran with a bad crowd. Guessing he and his friends killed him.” He eyed her as he said that, but she didn’t flinch. “I just wished I’d been big enough to protect her, you know?”

  “Oh, Razor. I’m so sorry. Can I . . . will you let me . . .”

  “Spit it out, Tabby-baby,” he said quietly.

  “Will you let me hug you?”

  “I’d love that.”

  Then she found herself enveloped in his arms, held tight. And it was heaven. Her heart wept for that younger Razor.

  Eventually, he drew back, but he didn’t move far. His face was a few inches from hers. “Don’t ever think that you don’t have worth, Tabby. Or that someone doesn’t care. All you need to do is say it and I’ll be there for you. No matter what.”

  She didn’t really think about it. She just acted on instinct. Leaning up, she placed her hand around the back of his neck and kissed him. Her lips brushed against his and a shot of pleasure ran through her. Moaning softly, she parted her lips, and that seemed to be some sort of signal to him. His lips moved against hers. Fireworks shot off through her blood.

  She melted. She’d never been kissed like this. With such passion. When Luther had kissed her, she’d felt ill. One time, she’d actually started gagging. He hadn’t really tried again after that. And she’d been thankful.

  But with Razor . . . holy heck. It was like her entire body just suddenly lit up. She felt so damn alive. It was exhilarating.

  Then he drew back. She murmured out a protest, waiting for him to return, but he moved away from her and she opened her eyes, feeling a dark chill fill her as she took in the closed-off expression on his face.

  “I’m sorry. That was fucking wrong.”

  Tabby flinched. Wrong? Here she was thinking about how amazing the kiss was, how she’d never felt better and he thought it was wrong.

  Hurt dug its way in deep. She quickly built up a protective layer to hide the pain from him.

  Never let anyone see you in pain. They’ll use it against you.

  Luther had thrived on her pain. He’d used her emotions against her. To manipulate her.

  So she wrapped up her hurt in layers and kept herself from doing what she really wanted to do. Which was to reach for him. To hold him tight. To fucking beg him not to let her go.

  “I apologize. That shouldn’t have happened. I didn’t mean to take advantage of you.”

  She frowned. Take advantage of her? He didn’t take advantage of her. Hell, if anything. it was the other way around.

  “I’ll be back soon.”

  Before she could tell him that she should be the one apologizing, he’d left the room.

  What the fuck?

  Hours later, Tabby lay in bed unable to sleep.

  She tossed and turned, playing that kiss over and over in her mind. Why had she kissed him? She’d ruined everything.

  He’d pulled back from her. The rest of the night had been awkward. They’d been overly polite with each other. And other than when he’d carried her to bed, he had been careful not to touch her.

  Did she really want to stay here anymore? Where she wasn’t wanted? Where she was a burden.

  Sitting up, she wondered if it was better to go now. It would probably be a relief for him to wake up in the morning and find her gone. She didn’t know how they were supposed to work together.

  Which was just the situation he’d been trying to avoid, and now look what she’d gone and done.


  Moving to the side of the bed, she pulled back the covers and swung her legs around. But when she attempted to hop towards the bathroom, her foot banged into the bedside table.

  Ow. Shit. Mother-fucker! She let out a strangled cry, trying her best to keep quiet as she sat back down on the bed and held onto her foot with both hands.

  Ouch. Ouch. Ouch.

  She didn’t want to cry out and wake him. A knock on the bedroom door told her that she’d failed.

  “Tabby? You okay?”


  “Sure? I thought I heard you cry out.”

  Shit! He’d really heard that? Thank God he’d been sleeping last night when she’d made sex noises. How embarrassing would it have been if he’d heard her?

  “I’m coming in, all right?”

  No, it wasn’t all right. But before she could protest, he walked in. The bathroom light was on, but she couldn’t see his expression as he moved forward.

  Was he annoyed? Probably.

  “What happened?” He crouched in front of her, then switched on the bedside light. He took hold of her foot in his hands.

  “Nothing. Just banged my big toe.”

  “Can you wiggle it?”

  “It’s really fine. I—”

  “Can you wiggle it?” he asked more firmly.

  Well, sure she could. With a huff, she wiggled the toe back and forth.

  “Not broken, that’s good.” He gently prodded the toe and her foot. “Doesn’t look too bad.”

  “It’s just a stubbed toe, I’ll live.” Although if he kept touching her then she might just throw herself at him and beg him to kiss her again.

  Pathetic, Tabby.

  “What were you doing? Did you need the bathroom?”

  She couldn’t tell him she’d been going to sneak out. Now that she thought about it, she wouldn’t have done it. It would be a really shit move to just leave like that. She couldn’t be that rude when he’d been so nice to her.

  “Ah, yeah.” She crossed her fingers behind her back.

  “You should have called out for me.”

  “I didn’t want to disturb you. I thought you might have been asleep.”

  “I was. But I’m a light sleeper.” He picked her up, carrying her to the bathroom. “Call out when you need me.”

  Wait. A light sleeper?

  She used the toilet, so she wasn’t such a liar. Then she washed her hands before hopping to the door.

  A light sleeper.

  Her crying out just before had woken him? Which meant . . . had he heard her last night? Did he know what she’d been doing?

  Oh. Holy. Fuck.

  She opened the door and he frowned at her. “You should have called out.”

  “Sorry.” He carried her back, settling her under the covers before tucking her in. A flush of pleasure ran through her at the caring gesture.

  “I hope I haven’t been making noises in my sleep and keeping you awake,” she said, fishing.

  He stared down at her for a moment. Were his lips twitching? They were, right?

  “There were a few noises last night. But they didn’t disturb me.” He turned out the light. “Night, Tabby. Sleep well.”

  Oh fuck.

  How was she meant to fall asleep after that?


  Tabby stared at the black TV screen.

  She’d barely spoken to Razor this morning. She’d been too embarrassed after learning he’d likely heard her pleasuring herself the night before last.

  And he’d been reticent. Closed-off. Probably regretting opening up his house to her. Hell, at this point, he likely regretted giving her a job.

  She wished she’d never kissed him.

  With a sigh, she picked up her phone. She’d better call Jared.

  “Hello? Tabitha?”

  “Yep, it’s me. How’s it going?” she asked cheerfully.

  “It’s going fine,” he replied. “How are you?”

  “Well, don’t freak out because I’m fine.”

  “What happened?”

  “I just twisted my ankle,” she said hastily. “That’s all.”

  “You need to come home. I’m sending someone to get you.”

  “No, I’m not coming
home.” She grimaced. Not that she considered it home. “The doctor said my foot would be fine in a few days.”

  Jared grunted.

  “I just wanted to let you know.”

  “If you need help, you’re to let me know immediately.”

  “I will.”

  “Funny, you should call. I was just looking at your credit card statement.”

  Oh, shit.

  “Is that right?” she asked.

  “Yeah, you bought a pet?”

  “Yes, some fish. Is that okay?”

  “Of course it’s okay,” he replied, his voice softening. “You can buy what you like. I see you also bought some toys?”


  “I’m an adult! I can buy toys if I want!” she defended.

  “What? I wasn’t saying that you couldn’t. They’re for you? I thought you might have met someone with children.”

  “You’re talking about toys.” Actual toys, not her vibrator. Shit.

  “Yes, what did you think I was talking about?”

  “Nothing, gotta go.” She hung up, her heart racing.


  She slumped back. She was losing her mind.

  Luna suddenly went on alert as the front door opened.

  “Heelllooo, I’m here!”

  She frowned. That wasn’t Lois. The voice sounded too young. But it was familiar.

  “Come on, Mr. Fluffy. No, I’m not carrying you. You’re too heavy. You can sleep when you’re inside.”

  Luna gave an excited bark as Millie walked into the living room, half-carrying a big dog that bore a marked resemblance to Luna. Obviously the same breed. Although the dog Millie was trying to convince to walk seemed even larger than Luna.

  Millie stood and the dog flopped to the floor then rolled onto his side. Millie stretched out her back then rubbed her shoulder.

  “Darn it, Mr. Fluffy, Spike is going to be mad if I hurt my shoulder or back trying to move you around. He’s going to send you to that behavioral specialist for dogs, you know. The vet said there’s no physical reason for you to be so lazy.” She waggled a finger at the dog.

  Luna raced over, pouncing back and forth as though trying to get Mr. Fluffy to play. But the other dog just lay there, watching Luna. Then he yawned.

  Tabby found herself giggling. Mr. Fluffy was lazy.

  Millie turned, smiling widely at Tabby. “Oh, Tabby! I’m so glad to see you.”

  The other woman wore a blue and white polka-dot dress with buttons down the front. It was cinched around her waist with a big red belt. Millie had gorgeous curves and a body that was made for the fifties style dress. Her long, dark hair was pulled up into a high ponytail and she wore a red cardigan. On one arm she had a pale blue handbag that was in the shape of a triceratops.

  “Hi, Millie,” she said shyly. “Love your handbag.”

  “Thanks, Spike got it for me. Usually, I use the bag my friend, Mrs. Spain, made for me, but this is just too cute not to use.”

  It was cute.

  “I didn’t know you were coming to visit today.”

  Millie paused. “You don’t mind, do you? Razor said it would be okay. He seemed to be worried about you being here all day by yourself. But if you’d rather Mr. Fluffy and I left . . .”

  “No, please stay,” Tabby said, leaning forward. “I’ve thought about you a lot since that night.”

  “You have?” Millie asked, looking amazed. She came and sat on the sofa next to Tabby. Then she glanced over at the dogs as Luna whined. “Sorry, Luna. He’s not into playing. They’re brother and sister, you know.”

  “Oh, I didn’t know.”

  “I’ve thought about you a lot too. Wondered if you were all right.”

  “I’m sorry I never called you. Life was just . . .”

  “It’s all right. I get it. Life can be shit. But you’re here now and you’re all right, which is the main thing. Well, other than your poor ankle. How is it? Do you need anything? Razor said you’re not supposed to walk on it but that you can’t use crutches because of your hands? He sounded very concerned about you.”

  “I’m fine. He’s just being overzealous. It’s only a sprain.”

  “Overzealous.” Millie grinned. “I like that word. Most of these guys are overzealous when it comes to their women.”

  “But I’m not Razor’s . . . um, woman.”

  “Yeah? So what is going on between the two of you?”

  “Nothing. I just work for him.”

  Millie leaned back with a wide grin. Crossing her legs, she flicked one leg back and forth. “That so?”

  “Uh, yeah, it is.”

  “Because a few months ago, one of Razor’s guys broke his arm. Strangely enough, he didn’t insist that Big G move in with him so he could take care of him. And he didn’t organize people to come in and check on him.”

  “Well, would you want Big G staying with you?” she joked. Big G was one of the quieter guys who worked for Razor and more than a little intimidating. “He’d terrify the neighbors.”

  “He is scary. But my point is that Razor didn’t move you in here because you work for him. He feels something for you.”

  “He doesn’t,” Tabby said.

  “Totally does. I know these things. Reverend Pat says it’s just that I’m nosy, but it’s not. I have a sick sense for it.”

  “Do you mean sixth sense?” she asked.

  “That too.”

  Tabby grinned. “Reverend Pat?”

  “Yeah, he’s a friend from my old town. I come from this place called Nowhere. It’s a great place. I loved living there. But my friends visit when they can. Hey, you want anything? Hot chocolate? I thought I’d order in for lunch. Spike is on this health kick, so do you think we can order pizza?”

  Millie gave her a pleading look.

  “Sure, pizza sounds good.”

  “Yay.” Millie clapped her hands. “I’ll make us hot chocolates. I hope Razor has the right ingredients. A hot chocolate just isn’t right without whipped cream and sprinkles. Oh, it might be best to order two pizzas as I’m a vegetarian. Most people like meat on their pie.”

  “That’s okay. I can eat a whole pizza on my own.”

  “Really?” Millie asked, looking down at her. “That’s impressive.”

  Tabby just shrugged.

  “Right, we need a hot chocolate in order to figure out what is going on with you and Razor.”

  “There’s nothing going on with Razor and me.”

  “Uh-huh. Sure there’s not. Denial isn’t healthy, you know. It’ll give you diarrhea. That’s what Mrs. Spain told me and I’m certain it’s true. Mr. Spain denied for ages that he was organizing Mrs. Spain a surprise birthday party for her seventieth birthday and he spent most of those two weeks on the toilet. The man lost ten pounds.”

  Tabby didn’t know what to say to that. Then she couldn’t say anything due to the noise that Millie was making in the kitchen.

  When the other woman returned, she was carrying two large mugs topped with so much whipped cream that Tabby was worried it was going to tip down the side and spill everywhere.

  But Millie managed to get the two cups to the coffee table. Tabby saw that copious amounts of sprinkles had been spread over the whipped cream.

  “Hot chocolate. Spike only lets me have one of these a week. I mean, what’s with the health kick? If you can’t eat whipped cream then what’s the point in living, am I right? It’s all Hack’s fault. I went in for this check-up and my iron levels were low. I just needed a bit more spinach in my diet. Like Popeye, right? Only Spike freaked that he wasn’t looking after me properly. And now, it’s all vitamins this, vitamins that. All I had to do was pop a few of those gummy vitamins. Done.”

  “I love gummy vitamins.” Especially since she couldn’t take actual pills.

  “Swallowing real pills sucks. Why do it when you can chew gummy vitamins, right? But nooo, now it’s all veggies and fruit and legumes. I do like a good veggie burger, though. Maybe we should have bur
gers for lunch. Nah, actually, pizza is good.”

  She wondered if Millie spoke this much all the time or if it was the sugar in the hot chocolate she was sipping on. Tabby picked hers up and took an experimental sip.

  Ooh. That was nice.

  She couldn’t remember a lot from the night she’d met Millie, maybe she was always this bubbly. Not that Tabby minded. It was so nice to have someone to talk to. Made her realize, more than ever, how starved for human contact she’d been. For affection. Was that why she’d kissed Razor? Because she wanted some human touch?

  Yeah, you can tell yourself that, but it’s not true.

  She was attracted to him. Plain and simple.

  “He decided to go on a health kick because you were low on iron?” It seemed like an overreaction, but then Millie said that these guys were all overzealous when it came to their women.

  “There might have been a few other reasons,” Millie muttered. “You like the hot chocolate?”

  “Yeah, it’s delicious.”

  Millie kicked her shoes off and that’s when Tabby noticed they had mini T-Rex’s on the buckles.

  “Those shoes are so cool.”

  “I know, right? Found them online. I love dinosaurs, in case you didn’t realize.” She patted her triceratops handbag. “I made Mr. Fluffy this brontosaurus outfit for Halloween. He looks sooo cute in it.”

  Tabby eyed Mr. Fluffy skeptically. “He doesn’t look like he’d be into Halloween.”

  “Well, he’s not into trick-or-treating, that’s for sure. Too much walking. I think I’ll throw a Halloween party this year, you’ll have to come.”

  She was already thinking about Halloween? It was months away. And a party? Where she’d have to talk to people? Could she do that?

  Of course you can. Look at you, you now have a job. You’re sitting here talking to Millie. You own fish.

  Totally winning at this life stuff.

  Except for the fact that the only person she could kind of claim as a friend wasn’t really talking to her.

  “So, tell me what’s going on,” Millie said, turning to her with a serious look. “Because you look like someone stood on your toe then punched you in the boob before they stole your favorite stuffie.”


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