Fierce Daddy

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Fierce Daddy Page 20

by Laylah Roberts

  He put his hand over his face and her heart broke for him. “It’s all right. You don’t have to say anything more.”

  She didn’t want him to hurt.

  He let out a deep breath then removed his hand, looking up at her. “No, I need to tell you. We fought one night. Bad. She . . . she’d met someone else. I couldn’t fucking believe it. I was enraged. I stormed out after telling her to fuck off.”

  “Oh, Razor.”

  “I returned to find she was gone. She’d packed up all her stuff and left. I told myself I didn’t care. Drank myself into a stupor. Two days later, the cops turned up to tell me that she’d died. Turns out, she’d gone to stay with her sister in this trailer park. Crappy place. No smoke alarms, no sprinklers. It was a dry summer. They think someone must have flicked a lit cigarette onto the ground. Place went up in flames. Everyone in the trailer died, including Sandy.”

  “Oh no, Razor.”

  “That was the wake-up call I needed. She’d still be alive if I hadn’t lost it and thrown her out. I don’t know why she didn’t go to him, this guy. Sometimes, I wonder if she made him up to get at me. I don’t know. I got lost in the bottom of several bottles. The guys came around in the beginning, all full of sympathy. But then they started getting annoyed because I couldn’t just get over my wife’s death. The last straw was when I came home from the bottle store and found a naked woman in my bed. A present from the guys. They thought some sex was all I needed to get over Sandy. The next day, I grabbed my stuff and left.”

  “I’m so sorry. But she must have loved you. I’m sure she did. It wasn’t your fault that she died.”

  “I might not have lit the fire, but it was my fault she was there.”

  “What about your family?”

  “I haven’t seen them since. I didn’t say goodbye. Things hadn’t been good between us for a while. When I went to jail, my Momma came to visit me. She told me that I needed to sort my life out. I got angry. Said things I didn’t mean. Took me over a year or so before I even called them to let them know I was okay. We rarely talk. I’ve never gone back to see them.”

  “I’m so sorry.” Her heart hurt for him so much. She remembered how bad it had felt, losing her dad then her mom. And her mom had already checked out of life when she’d died. She couldn’t imagine how he felt, knowing his family was there but out of reach. “I’m sure they miss you.”

  “When I left there, I wandered around for a while and eventually found myself here. Like I said before, I’ve played with Littles in clubs. But I’ve never been in a relationship again. I’m a much better person, a much better Dom. I promise, I won’t make the same mistakes.”

  “I’m not worried about that. I know you’re a good person.”

  She wished he knew that too. She leaned her face against his chest with a sigh. He ran his hand down over her ass, squeezing it. After a while, he moved his hands lower, rubbing the backs of her thighs.

  “Razor,” she moaned. “So good.”

  “Yeah, you like my massages?”

  “Uh-huh. You could make good money giving massages,” she muttered.

  “If the motorbike business ever goes under, I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “But I don’t want you touching any other woman,” she replied, sounding grouchy. “So only I’ll pay you.”

  He laughed. “I’ll be your personal masseuse, huh?”

  “Yep. I’d pay you like fifty cents a massage.”

  “So generous.”

  “I especially like when you massage my bottom. Much better idea than spanking it.”

  “Oh, so you think when you’re naughty, I should just give you a butt massage?”

  “Yeah,” she said brightly. “Good suggestion, Daddy. Let’s go with that. You’re so clever.”

  “Brat.” He gave her ass a sharp tap. “Flattery is not getting you out of punishment.”

  “Darn it,” she muttered, then let out a soft sigh as he rubbed away the sting. “Razor?”


  “I’m really glad I kept your card all these months.”

  “Me too, baby girl. Me too.”


  “Thanks man, I appreciate all your help.” Razor ended the call with Ink.

  Fuck it. Not the news he wanted.

  Standing, he moved to the doorway of their offices so he watch Tabby as she worked. Luna was lying at her feet.

  Maybe he should just not tell her. Why did she need to go home? She had everything she needed with him. He could watch over her, take care of her. After just three nights at his place, she was starting to get used to him touching her more. He did it every chance he got. Although he tried to be more circumspect at work.

  So far, he’d mainly just had glimpses of her Little, but he had something planned for this weekend. Something he hoped she liked.

  He hadn’t heard anything from Detective Andrews about finding those assholes who’d broken into the garage. But they’d managed to clean everything up and he’d changed the code for the gate.

  She turned, saw him standing there and smiled. Her eyes lit up and his insides settled. Tabby was his. It didn’t matter how far apart they were, he wasn’t letting her go.

  However, he couldn’t keep shit from her.

  “Hey,” she murmured. “Everything okay?”

  “Will be once you come over here and kiss me.”

  A blush lit her cheeks, but she rose eagerly and moved towards him. She stepped around Luna.

  When she drew close, he grasped her around the waist and pulled her into him.


  Every time he touched her, it was getting harder and harder not to go further than he knew she’d be comfortable with. Each night, she slept with him. Usually, he would wrap himself around her back, spooning her. His back to the door, keeping her safe in his embrace.

  And every morning, he woke up with his hard cock pressed against her. He was turning fifty at the end of the year, for fuck’s sake. That shit shouldn’t happen anymore.

  But it was her. Her scent, the way she’d shift against him, the small murmurs she’d make in her sleep. Sometimes, she’d thrash against him and he knew she was having a nightmare. All it took, though, was a few words from him to soothe her back into sleep.

  And didn’t he feel like a fucking king when he managed to do that?

  Moving his hands to her ass, he squeezed it, rubbed it. His dick pressed against her stomach. Christ. He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around him. The kiss deepened and she put her arms around his neck, holding on tight. He turned and stepped to the side so he could press her against the wall.

  Fuck. Yes.

  “Hey, I—oh, fuck. Sorry to interrupt, boss.”

  Fuck. Tommy.

  Razor drew back as Tabby stiffened in his arms. She might be getting more used to his touch, but she was still shy around others.

  When she tried to wriggle down, he shook his head. He didn’t want her moving. He didn’t want anyone else seeing her right then. That just-kissed look on her face, her slightly swollen lips and messy hair were for his eyes only.

  No fucking way did Tommy get to see her right then. It was unfortunate that he had to be the one to walk in on them. Tommy was a smart ass, and Razor had come close to firing him a few times. But he was the cousin of a good friend who’d begged him to take Tommy on. Still, he better not say anything about Tabby, or he’d be out on his ass.

  And he definitely wasn’t getting a look at his Tabby while she was like this. Plus, Razor needed a fucking minute to chill.

  “What do you want?” Razor snapped.

  “Just letting you know that the Smithson job is close to finished. You said you wanted to come check it over. Of course, if you’re too busy . . .” There was a sly note to Tommy’s voice he didn’t appreciate.

  “Be out in a minute.”

  “I need to talk to Tabby.”

  “No, you don’t. Go away.”

  He heard the door slam. Tabby’s gaze had dropped. Fuck
it. He probably shouldn’t have done this at work. Last thing he wanted was for her to feel like a play thing.

  Stepping away from the wall, he walked into his office, slamming the door shut with his hip. Then he moved to his chair and sat with her on his lap, straddling him.

  She was stiff and unyielding.

  God damn it. If Tommy had undone all his good work, he was going to punch the asshole. Wasn’t like he didn’t deserve it.

  “Look at me.”

  Her gaze didn’t rise.

  “Tabby. Look. At. Me.”

  To his shock, a huff of displeasure left her mouth and she folded her arms over her chest as she stared at him. “You can’t always get your way.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Why can’t I?”

  “Because . . . maybe I don’t want to look at you.”

  “Why? You mad at me for kissing you at work?”

  “It’s not very professional.”

  “So? I’m the boss. I get to do what I like.”

  “Yes, but what if the guys think I’m getting special favors or something . . .?”

  “I don’t care what the fuck they think.” He grasped hold of her chin to keep her face up. “All I care about is what you think. Did I embarrass you? Make you feel like I was using you? Pressuring you?”

  “What? No!” She gave him a shocked look and the tension in his stomach eased. “You’d never use me.”

  “Good. I might be your boss, but you can always say no. Hear me?”

  “I know. Shouldn’t you go out there?”

  He sighed. “Yeah.”

  Her lips twitched. “You don’t sound very enthusiastic.”

  “Eh, I’d rather stay in here with you.” He ran a finger over her cheek. “Maybe I should have you sit right here while I work.”

  “I have work to do too.”

  “I’ll hire someone else to do it.”

  She grinned. “So you’re going to pay me to be your lap warmer?”

  “Hm. Well, you’d be required to kiss me too.”

  “I think that might be an added-on extra.”

  “So what you’re saying is that it will cost me?” He raised an eyebrow.


  “How much?”

  “I dunno. Fifty bucks a kiss.”

  “Fifty bucks! You were only going to pay me a dollar for a pole dance.”

  “That offer still stands.”

  “Brat.” He grasped the back of her head with his hand, then nuzzled her nose. “Fuck, you’re beautiful.” With a sigh, he leaned back. “Got something to tell you.”

  She tensed. “What is it?”

  Immediately, all the happiness bled from her face. He hated seeing that.

  “Easy,” he soothed, running his hand up and down her thighs. “I just got off the phone with Ink. He said your security is some of the best he’s ever seen. Reckons you’ll be safe there.”


  Was that a disappointed oh? He liked to think it was.

  “So I guess that means I can move back into my apartment.”

  “Yep.” He tried to figure out whether that was what she wanted or not. Fuck, she had a good poker face.

  “All right. What about my stuff? Should I get it tonight, or . . .”

  “I guess so.”

  Tell me you want to stay with me.

  She smiled. But it didn’t reach her eyes. There was a knock on the door as he opened his mouth to ask her what she wanted to do. He scowled. “Fuck it, this isn’t the place for private conversations.”

  “Or kissing,” she scolded.

  “I’ll be back soon.” He lifted her off his lap and turned her towards the door. “Get back to work, brat.”

  “I thought sitting on your lap was work.”

  He slapped her ass, making her jump. “Hush, you. Or I’ll put you to work doing something else.” Leaning in, he whispered in her ear. “Having you suck me off while I sit at my desk is number two on my fantasy list.”

  He winked as she blushed. Then he strode to the door.

  Ask me. Ask me.

  “What’s number one?”

  “Spreading you over my desk and eating you out.”

  He left after telling her that. Fuck. He was in for a painful few minutes while he got his hard-on under control.

  Tabby sat back in his chair, her hand pressed to her chest as she tried to slow her breathing.

  Dear. Lord.

  The man could kiss. She couldn’t believe he’d picked her up like that, pressing her to the wall. His strength still shocked her. And sitting on his lap, well, that might just be her favorite thing of all.

  But doing that sort of thing at work probably wasn’t a good thing. Especially in front of Tommy.

  Although he’d actually sought her out to apologize the other day. And she’d barely seen him since. Maybe he was just one of those guys that didn’t know how to talk to women, so he acted like an asshole thinking they’d find it attractive. She wasn’t sure. She was just glad that things were better between them now.

  Maybe now that she was with Razor, he’d behave.

  Her core was still throbbing. That kiss had lit her from the inside out. She was finding herself starting to crave his touch more and more.

  How was she meant to go back to her apartment now? Over the past week, she’d only spent one night there alone. She didn’t want to go back.

  She wanted to stay with him. But could she tell him that? Was she brave enough? Did he want her to stay? That would be like moving in with him and it was too soon for that, right?



  She closed her eyes. She couldn’t get any time alone to take care of her problem. She’d attempted to a few times in the shower, but the orgasm had been tiny and unsatisfactory. She needed her vibrator.

  Or maybe she needed him. She needed him to . . . to . . .

  Spread her across the desk and eat her out. Her cheeks were hot as she stared at the desk in question. Could she do that? Nobody had ever done that to her before. Ew, not that she’d wanted Luther’s face near her pussy.

  Just thinking about it made her want to gag.

  She’d also never sucked a cock before. But if it was Razor’s dick, though. Yeah, she thought she might like that. A wash of heat flooded her and she found herself fanning herself. This was crazy. If she didn’t get some relief soon, she might self-combust.

  Maybe going home wouldn’t be a bad thing if she could use her vibrator in privacy.

  Then again, if Razor would just do more than touch and tease her . . . that would be even better.

  Fuck. Truth was, she didn’t want to go back to her apartment. That wasn’t home.

  Home was with Razor and Luna. That’s where she belonged. Where she wanted to be.

  Tabby was nearly in tears as she followed Razor into his house. He turned off the alarm, then reached back for her hand. She’d noticed that he liked to hold her hand or that he’d place his hand on her ass when they were walking together. Even when it was just through his house.

  “I’ll go pack up my stuff,” she said. He didn’t reply, and her shoulders slumped. “There’s really no need for you to come back to my apartment with me when I have my car here.”

  He simply grunted.

  Awesome. Feeling completely dejected and more alone than ever, she made her way to his bedroom.

  They’d gotten some of her stuff last Sunday. He’d taken her on a long bike ride and they’d ended up eating lunch at this gorgeous restaurant. It had been the best day she could recall in a long time.

  Pulling out her backpack, she started packing up her stuff. Luna padded into the bedroom and sat at her feet, whining. She held her ball in her mouth. This was her favorite game with Tabby.

  “I’m sorry, Luna,” she said sadly. “I don’t think I can play today.” She had to go home to her cold, sterile apartment. At least her fish would be happy to see her. Could fish express happiness? She did feel kind of bad that she was never around
for them.

  She just finished putting her clothes into her backpack when Razor came in.

  “Almost done,” she said as cheerfully as she could.

  He picked up her backpack, then reached in and drew out the clothes, putting them back into the drawers he’d emptied out for her.

  “Razor? What are you doing?”

  He grabbed the empty backpack and stuffed it up onto the highest shelf in the wardrobe, the one she had no hope of reaching without a stool.

  Tabby just gaped at him. He didn’t say a word as he was doing this. Then he grabbed her hand and drew her out of the room.

  “What’s going on? What are you doing? Am I not going home tonight?”

  He shook his head and led her into the kitchen, then lifted her up on the kitchen counter. The same place she always sat while he was making them food.

  “What do you want for dinner?”

  Her mouth was open. She probably looked like an idiot as she sat there, staring at him.


  “Might grill some steak. Want baked potatoes and salad?”


  “Drink?” He moved to the fridge and opened it, glaring into it. “No chocolate milk left.”


  “You need a snack while I cook?” He aimed a look at her. “Who am I talking to? Of course you do.”


  “Yep?” He stilled, crossing his arms over his chest. He looked like he was prepared for battle.

  “What’s going on?”

  “You’re not going home.”

  “I’m not?”

  “Nope. You’re staying here.”

  “I am?”

  “Yep. And I don’t want to hear any arguments.”

  “You don’t?”

  “No. I’m putting my foot down.”

  “Can you do that?” she asked curiously.

  “Damn straight I can.” He pointed a finger at her. “I forbid you to leave.”

  With that said, he stomped past her and headed outside towards the grill.

  Tabby waited until he was outside to let a smile slip free.


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