Fierce Daddy

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Fierce Daddy Page 24

by Laylah Roberts

  He grunted. “Fine, Luna. Go.” He turned to her as Luna trotted off with her loot. “You do realize you gave her one of your toys. And now you’re probably going to have to guard the rest of your stuffies from her.”

  “I’ll share my stuffies with Luna,” she said slowly, turning around. “As long as it’s not Snappy, Scooby, or my squishy Mystery Machine. What is this?” She’d done a full circle and she still couldn’t take it in.

  There was a corner seat with storage underneath that ran under the window and down the next wall. On the walls, decals had been plastered everywhere with all the characters from Scooby-Doo. In one of the corners, there were a few stuffies, some fish, an octopus, and a shark. Across the ceiling, fairy lights had been strung. But the very best thing was against the other wall.

  “A Mystery Machine bed?” she asked, turning to look at him. It was a raised bed. She climbed in and gasped as she took in the fairy lights that lit up the space. He’d put some cushions in here along with book shelves.

  It was magical.

  “I thought if you wanted, you could read in there. Or play. You know, when you needed downtime.”

  She crawled back out and then she realized she could climb into the driver’s side of the Mystery Machine.

  “The steering wheel works!”

  “Yep, and toot the horn.”

  When she pressed on the horn, the Scooby-Doo theme music played.

  “Daddy! This is amazing!”

  “You like?”

  “Like! I love it!” She climbed out and threw herself at him. He hugged her tight.

  “Good, I wanted you to have your space. Somewhere where you could chill and your Little would be happy. I thought she might be more relaxed in here.”

  “I think it’s perfect.” Looking around, her eyes blurred with tears. “I can’t believe you did this for me.”

  “Come here.” He tugged her close, hugging her tight. “Why wouldn’t I do this for you? I’d do anything for you.”

  “But what about the bed? Will I sleep in here sometimes?”

  “Never,” he growled. “I won’t have it.”

  She rolled her eyes at him. He bopped her lightly on the nose then pointed a finger at her. “Did you just roll your eyes at me, baby girl?”

  Reaching up, she nipped his finger. Then her eyes widened in shock.

  “Did you bite me?”

  “Sorry, Daddy,” she squealed.

  “See that corner.” He pointed at the one corner of the room that didn’t have anything in it.


  “That’s the naughty Tabby-baby corner. I think I’ll get a wall decal made up saying that.”

  “No, Daddy!”

  “Yep. That’s a good idea. Rolling your eyes means getting sent to the corner. Understand?”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “And you won’t ever spend a night apart from me. You’ll spend every night in our bed, in my arms.”

  Happiness filled her at his over-the-top caveman demand. Because that was when she felt safest. In his arms. And she didn’t want to think about sleeping without him.

  “Then what’s the bed for, Daddy?”

  “That’s for naps.”

  She burst into laughter. “Oh, Daddy. You’re so funny.”

  “That wasn’t a joke.” He folded his arms over his broad chest, giving her a look that said he meant business.

  “I’m a big girl. I don’t need a nap.”

  “You’re a Little girl. My baby. And yeah, you do. You don’t get enough sleep as it is.”

  She frowned. Well, she couldn’t deny that. And honestly, when she thought about it, there were days when a nap didn’t sound so bad. But she didn’t think she could sleep.

  “I’ll never sleep, Daddy.”

  “We’ll see. I have ideas to help with that.”

  “Like orgasms.”

  “Greedy baby.” He grinned as he lightly smacked her bottom.

  Yeah, she was getting orgasms to help her sleep. Honestly, she was a bit worried she was getting addicted.

  “There’s more. Go have a look in the drawers under the corner seat.”

  She opened up the drawers and found them filled with puzzles and board games. And then she pulled out a box that made her squeal. “It’s a detective kit!”

  “Sure is.” He gave her an indulgent smile as she opened it all up. Inside was a magnifying glass, spy glasses, two small cameras, a fingerprinting kit, crime scene tape, and an invisible ink pen. “Now, if there are any mysteries, you’ll be able to solve them.”

  “Daddy, this is awesome! I need a mystery to solve.”

  “We’ll see what comes along.” He winked at her. “And there’s more in the closet.”

  Moving to the closet, she opened it, staring in at the clothes hanging on the rail and folded in the cubby holes.

  “Didn’t buy you too much. Wasn’t sure what you’d like. But there’re some shorts, skirts, and tops since we’ll be coming into summer soon. Oh, and I bought you another onesie.”

  She drew it out with a squeal. “It’s a turtle. I love it.”


  “Yes, Daddy, you’re amazing. I don’t know how you managed this.”

  He shrugged. “I had some help. And you know how Sav came into the office yesterday and sat with you?”

  “Yes. He was grouchy the entire time. He wouldn’t even talk to me. I don’t think he’s forgiven me for touching him. I don’t know if he likes me.”

  “Well, we set this all up then. The hardest thing was the bed, but Spike picked that up with his truck for me. And we’ve talked about Sav. He likes you just fine. He just doesn’t know what to do with you. He’s not used to someone sticking up for him. And now he’s surrounded by all these people with more loyalty in their little toe than most other people have . . .” Razor shrugged “He’ll get used to it. I did.”

  “Okay, I’ll be patient with him.”

  “There’s some chalk under the window seat too, as well as some painting and crafting materials. Thought you could try different activities. See what you liked. Since you didn’t get to do much in your childhood.” He shrugged as though it was no big deal.

  But it was. It was a huge deal.

  “Daddy, this is the nicest, most amazing thing anyone has ever done for me.”


  “Yeah.” She turned and hugged him again, climbing him so she could wrap her legs around him.

  “Careful of your ankle,” he warned.

  “If I hurt it, you’ll carry me everywhere.”

  “Course I will. That doesn’t mean you get to be careless, though.”

  “Okay, Daddy.”

  “There’s something else we need to do.” He set her down then went into one of her drawers and pulled out some chalk. She was puzzled when he stopped by a black patch painted on the wall near the naughty corner.

  Gah, naughty corner. As if she’d need that? She was going to be perfectly behaved.

  Up at the top, he wrote something in pink.

  Tabby’s rules.


  She shuffled from foot to foot. “We don’t have to write them up there, Daddy.”

  “Oh, but we do. Have you thought of any more limits?”

  She cleared her throat. “No humiliation. And I don’t think I could deal with being tied down. Not yet, anyway. Also, nothing over my eyes. I don’t like the dark. Or being left alone. I couldn’t stand it if you suddenly stopped talking to me or something.”

  “I’d never do that as punishment, baby girl.”

  She let out a relieved breath. Even though it hadn’t been exactly like that with her mom, it kind of felt that way. If Razor did that to her . . . well, it would be hard for her to cope with.

  “Right. If there’s anything else, you tell me.”

  He wrote out some rules as he spoke. Number one was not hiding if something upset or hurt her. Number two was realizing her worth.

  “Realizing your worth means t
hat you don’t throw yourself into dangerous situations and that you keep yourself healthy. Because you know that I would be devastated without you.”

  “Okay, Daddy,” she whispered.

  Rule three was she had to respect herself. “That means no putting yourself down.”

  “All right, Daddy.”

  “Good girl. Rule four is no going anywhere alone.”

  “Because of Mr. X?”


  “Rule five is that you must call Daddy a hottie at least once a day. And hug and kiss him at least five times a day.”

  “Hold up there, buster.”

  “Yeah? What’s wrong with that?”

  “You’ve gone a step too far. A hottie once a day?”

  “Shall I make it twice?”

  “Your ego is going to be impossible, isn’t it?”

  He just grinned at her. “I think that will do for now. We’ll add to them if we need to.

  “Can I put on one of my outfits now if we’re done with the stinky rules?” She started rifling through them.

  “You mean the rules that Tabby needs to be safe?” he countered. “Yes, we’re done and you can put on whatever you like. It’s all yours.”

  “Yay! But you’ve got to wait out in the living room.”

  “I thought I’d help you get dressed.”

  “Nuh-uh, I’m going to do a parade.”

  “All right then, baby girl. You do your parade. But first, gimme some sugar.” He tapped his cheek and leaned down for her to kiss it. Then he turned his head to the other side so she could kiss that cheek. Then his lips.

  “You can have sugar anytime you want, Daddy.”

  “How do I look?” she asked shyly as she walked into the living room, where he sat on the sofa.

  She was wearing the Scooby socks he’d bought her. They went up to her knees and had these dog ears that flopped out. She wasn’t wearing any shoes. A dark blue skirt nearly reached her knees and was paired with a blue and white striped top with long sleeves.

  “You look so good, baby girl,” he murmured, taking her in. She’d put her hair into two braids and tied them with blue bows. “Good enough to eat. Do a twirl for me.”

  She went to spin.

  “Slowly,” he barked. “Your ankle is still recovering.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Daddy, you need to stop worrying. My ankle is nearly as good as new. See?” Balancing on one foot, she held the other out and turned it. “I think I could go running tomorrow.”

  “I think not,” he told her firmly. “When you can move around without wincing, then we’ll talk,” he told her firmly. “Now turn. Slowly.”

  “Well?” she asked after moving around until she faced him once more.

  “I think you’re so damn gorgeous that I can’t believe you’re here with an old man like me.”

  “You’re not old.” She walked closer and he drew her onto his lap so she straddled him. Her skirt went up her thighs. Oh yeah, he liked this outfit.

  “Number on my driver’s license says different. Same as the gray hairs in my beard.”

  “I think they’re sexy. You’d make a great Santa Claus.” She lightly tugged at his beard.

  He raised his eyebrows. “Because of my belly full of jelly?”

  “Don’t worry, Daddy. It only jiggles when you laugh.”

  “Why, you little,” he spluttered.

  She giggled, then buried her face in his chest as she laughed.

  “That deserves a spanking,” he growled at her. “My belly does not jiggle.”

  He rolled her onto the sofa then knelt on the floor and started to tickle her. She tried to fight him, pushing at his hands as she laughed. He managed to get her onto her tummy, and gave her a few sharp smacks on her ass.

  “Daddy, no! That’s no fair! No spanking Tabby.”

  “Tabby needs to be a good girl then, doesn’t she?”

  “Tabby is always a good girl, Daddy. It’s Daddy who has to be good.”

  “Oh, I do, do I? And what would I have to do to be good?”

  “Hm.” She sat up and tapped a finger against her chin. “Buy Tabby ice cream.”


  “Yes.” She nodded. “And let her go running.”

  “Yeah, that’s not happening. And if Tabby tries to go running before I let her, then she’s going to have a very hot bottom.”

  “See, that right there isn’t being good, Daddy.”

  “You don’t think a good Daddy would spank your behind when you do something to put your health at risk?”

  “Exactly. No spanking. It’s settled then. Wanna cookie?”

  “No, I don’t want a cookie, you brat. So I’m guessing in your mind, Daddy would be a pushover, huh?”

  “Well, only when it comes to his Little girl.”

  “His Little girl?”

  “Yes, Daddy,” she huffed. “And by the way, that’s me.”

  “Ahh, that’s who you are.”

  “Daddy!” She stood and stomped her good foot but standing on her weak ankle made her wobble. Razor quickly grabbed her, drawing her onto his lap.

  “Easy, baby girl. You’re going to hurt yourself.” He hugged her tight. “Of course, you’re my Little girl. And I want to do the best job I can to take care of you. Which means making sure you follow the rules.”

  She sighed. “Rules schmules. Shall I go put on the next outfit, Daddy?”

  “Yep, can’t wait to see it. Then after your parade, how about you get your chalk? I’ve got some jobs to do outside and you can draw me a picture on the pavement while I work.”

  That sounded perfect.

  She looked down at the hopscotch she’d drawn on the pavement. She’d already completed her fashion parade of every outfit in her wardrobe. Daddy had loved every one, of course. He’d insisted she wear something warm to come outside, though. So she’d put on some tights and a long-sleeved jumper that ended mid-thigh. It was soft and cozy.

  Hm, she needed a stone. Daddy was doing something with the gutters. Which was really boring and after he’d told her that she wasn’t allowed up on the roof, she’d stopped paying attention.

  She’d have to use her left foot to jump on since her right foot was still healing, so she wouldn’t be able to do the four and five and the seven and eight properly since both feet were meant to go down. Still, she thought she could figure it out.

  But yeah, she needed the perfect stone. Moving towards the garden, she took a look around. It was really pretty out here. Just what she’d expect from grandma’s house.

  Then she came across it.

  A massacre.

  Opening her mouth, she let out a screech of horror.

  It was terrible. Shocking.

  Sobbing, she moved back towards the house.

  “What? What is it? Tabby, where are you?” Razor demanded, climbing down the ladder. Turning, he caught her just as she threw herself at him.

  “Daddy, it’s horrible.”

  “What is? What happened? Baby girl, are you all right?” He ran his hands over her as though searching for injury.

  “Daddy, there’s been . . . there’s been a murder!”

  He froze, then to her shock, he picked her up, putting her on his hip. “What? Where? Who? Fuck, let me call the cops.”



  “Daddy, not an actual murder,” she said as he started carrying her inside.

  “What the fuck? Who is it? Shit.”

  “Daddy, it’s not a person who’s been murdered,” she told him urgently.

  He stilled. Then he set her down on her feet and grasped hold of her shoulders. “What?”

  “It’s not a person.”

  “Then what is it?”

  “One of my stuffies!”


  “It’s one of my stuffies! It’s been murdered.”

  “Not Snappy or Scooby,” he said, looking worried.

  Okay, that was sweet that he was so concerned about her favori
te stuffies.

  “No, or the Mystery Machine, thank goodness. It’s Octy.”


  “The octopus.” Obviously. “He’s been slaughtered. Torn to pieces.”

  Razor frowned. “Is that so? Well, I can guess who—”

  “I’ve got to solve the mystery,” she interjected quickly.

  “The mystery?”

  “Uh-huh, I’ll get my detective kit.”

  Understanding filled his face. “Right, yes, it’s best you do that. You won’t get upset dealing with a murder victim, though, will you?”

  She sniffled. “It is very distressing. But it’s my job as a detective to get to the bottom of this mystery. I’ll be back in a moment. I have questions for you.”

  “Questions? For me? Surely, you don’t think that I had anything to do with this.” He gave her a shocked look.

  “Daddy, everyone’s guilty until proven innocent.”

  “Um, baby girl, I think that’s the other way around.”

  She glared at him. “Who is the detective here, Daddy?”

  “Well, you, baby girl.”

  “Then let me do my job.”

  As she turned away, he gently grasped hold of her wrist. “One moment. I need to talk to you about something.”

  “Daddy, it’s a murder. This is very time-sensitive. The murderer could be getting away.”

  “I understand. And I’ll let you go in just a moment. But first, I need to ask that next time there is a murder, perhaps you could lead with the fact that it was a stuffie that was murdered, not a person.”

  “A stuffie is important too, Daddy.”

  Razor raised his hands in the air. “Oh, I know. I agree.”

  “They have feelings. Their life has meaning.”

  “Definitely. But just, to save Daddy from having a heart attack? Please?”

  “Okay, Daddy. I’ll take that under advisement. But, for now, please go sit outside and wait for me to conduct my investigation.”

  Fifteen minutes later, she’d set up the crime scene and dusted for prints. Scooby was acting as her assistant. She’d taken Daddy’s fingerprints for analysis. She had one more witness to interview.

  “Well, Luna, where were you between the hours of eleven-thirty and twelve-thirty?”

  The dog let out a bark and she gasped. “Daddy!”

  “What? What is it?” He walked quickly out of the house. He was carrying a plate of sandwiches.


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