Churchill's Wizards
Page 56
Blunt, Anthony, 1, 2
bodies: dummy, Plate 1
Boer War, Second see South African War
bombing see air raids
bombs: disguising, 1
Bone, Muirhead, 1
Bonham Carter, Violet, 1, 2
Borges, Jorge Luis, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
‘Borges and Myself’ (Borges), 1
Bosman, Henry Charles, 1
Bouchard, Henri, 1
Boulogne evacuation (1940), 1
Boulting, Roy, 1
Bourne, Maj Gen Alan, 1
Bouvet, 1
Bowler, Kitty, 1
Boyce, Fredric, 1
Bracken, Brendan, 1
Braque, Georges, 1
Braun, Max, 1
Brest-Litovsk, Treaty of (1918), 1
bribery, 1, 2
Brickhill, Paul, 1
bridges: camouflaged, 1
Bright, Joan see Astley, Joan Bright
Britain GENERAL: Hitler’s attitude to, 1;
inter-war rearmament, 1;
Iraq policy, 1;
oldest ally, 1;
origins of secret service rivalry, 1;
Orwell on the British, 1;
and showmanship, 1
ww1: atmosphere in lead-up to, 1, 2, 3;
cost, 1, 2;
Department of Information, 1, 2;
governments during, 1, 2, 3;
Ministry of Information, 1, 2;
reasons for entry to, 1
ww2: atmosphere at outbreak, 1;
arms production, 1;
Fifth Column fears, 1;
German planned invasion, 1, 2, 3, 4;
governments during, 1;
Hitler’s peace offer, 1;
home defence, 1, 2,
Plate 1;
home front camouflage, 1, 2;
Ministry of Aircraft Production, 1;
Ministry of Economic Warfare (MEW), 1, 2;
Ministry of Information (MoI), 1, 2;
popular move to Socialism, 1;
reasons for entry to, 1;
relations with Americans, 1;
see also Royal Flying Corps; Royal Navy
Britain, Battle of (1940), 1
British Army: 95th Rifles, 1;
helmets, 1;
losses in France in 1940, 1;
Lovat Scouts, 1, 2, 3;
phantom forces, 1, 2, 3;
shooting skills and training, 1, 2;
uniforms, 1, 2
British Army School of Camouflage, 1, 2,
Plates 1
British Council, 1
British Empire Marketing Board, 1
British Petroleum (BP), 1, 2, 3
‘British Restaurants’, 1
British Somaliland, 1
British Union of Fascists, 1, 2
Brodie, John L., 1
Brooke, Gen Sir Alan, 1, 2, 3
Brooke, Rupert, 1, 2
Brown, Gordon, 1
Brownlow, Kevin, 1
Brudenell White, Lt Col, 1
Bruneval Raid (1942), 1, 2
Brüning, Dr, 1
BRUTUS (R. Garby-Czerniawski), 1
Bryce, James, 1
Buccleuch, Duke of, 1
Buchan, Alastair, 1
Buchan, John GENERAL: background, 1;
on Beaverbrook, 1;
birthday, 1;
effect of novels on WW2 generation, 1;
friends lost in WW1, 1;
on Gallipoli, 1, 2;
on Kitchener, 1;
and Lawrence of Arabia, 1;
and propaganda, 1, 2, 3, 4;
and war fund-raising, 1;
as war journalist, 1;
and WW1’s outbreak, 1, 2, 3, 4;
and WW2, 1;
on Ypres, 1 WORKS BY: The Courts of the Morning, 2;
Greenmantle, 1, 2, 3, 4;
John Macnab, 1;
‘The Loathly Opposite’, 1;
Mr Standfast, 1, 2;
The Thirty-Nine Steps, 1, 2;
The Three Hostages, 1, 2
Buckley, Col Richard McLean, 1, 2
buildings: camouflaged and dummy, 1, 2, 3;
QF sites, 1;
SF (Starfish) sites, 1
Bull, Wally, 1
Burma, 1, 2
Burstall, Gen H. E., 1
Butcher, Harry C., 1
Byam, Guy, 1
Byron, Robert, 1
Cabinet War Rooms, 1
Calais evacuation (1940), 1
Calvert, Michael, 1, 2, 3
Calvo, Luis, 1
Cameron, Cpl Donald, 1
camouflage and decoys GENERAL: culture-specificity, 1;
etymology, 1;
in nature, 1;
netting invented, 1;
principles of, 1, 2;
tricks to see through, 1, 2;
use of steel wool, 1 ww1: airfields, 2;
artillery, 1, 2;
bodies, Plate 1;
bridges, 1;
British, 1, 2, 3, 4;
British Army School of 1;
first official recognition, 1;
French, 1, 2, 3, 4;
German, 1, 2, 3;
heads, 1, 2, Plate 3;
horses, 1; landmarks, 2;
machine-gun posts, 1, 2, Plate 3;
observation posts, 1, 2;
roads, 1;
ships, 1, 2, 3,
Plates 1;
Special Works Parks, 1, 2, 3, 4;
tanks, 1, Plate 2;
training, Plates 1;
trenches, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;
uniforms, 1, 2, 3
ww2: aircraft, 1, 2, 3,
Plate 1;
airfields, 1;
artillery, 1, 2;
British home defence, 1,
Plate 1;
British organis ations and individuals involved, 1;
buildings, 1, 2, 3;
and film industry, 1;
for guerrillas, 1, 2, 3;
landing craft, 1,
Plate 1;
and Normandy landings, 1, 2;
in North Africa, 1, 2, 3, 4;
oil terminals, 1;
pipelines, 1;
railways, 1, 2;
ships, 1, 2, 3, 4;
and Sicily, 1; SOE, 2,
Plate 1;
stores, 1;
Sunshields, 1, 2;
tanks, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
Plate 1;
trucks, 1;
use of ice, 1
Camouflage Research Establishment (CRE), 1
Camp 020, 1
Campbell, Capt Gordon, 1
Canaris, Adm Wilhelm, 1
Cannadine, David, 1
‘Cannibals’, 1
Capa, Robert, 1
Carline, Richard and Sydney, 1
CARLOS (Karl-Erich Kühlenthal), 1
Carlyon, L. A., 1
carrier pigeons, 1
Carsbreck, 1
Carson, Sir Edward, 1, 2
Camouflage, 1, 2;
Casablanca conference (1943), 1, 2
Casement, Roger, 1, 2
Castlerosse, Valentine, 1
Cavalcanti, Alberto, 1
Cave-Brown-Cave, Wg Cdr T. R., 1
Cavell, Edith, 1, 2,
Plate 1
Cavendish-Bentinck, Bill, 1
CBS, 1
censorship, 1, 2, 3
Centurie network, 1
Central Institute of Art and Design, 1
Chamberlain, Austen, 1
Chamberlain, Neville, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Chaplin, Charlie, 1
Chappell, Ernest, 1
Charteris, Brigadier John, 1, 2
Chauvel, Harry, 1
CHEESE network, 1, 2
Chesney, Lt Col. C. H. R., 1
Chesterton, Cecil, 1
Chesterton, G. K., 1, 2
Chetwode, Sir Philip, 1, 2, 3
Cholmondeley, Flight Lt Charles, 1
Christiansen, Arthur, 1
Christus der K�
�nig, 1
Churchill, Clementine, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Churchill, Randolph, 1
Churchill, Winston GENERAL: author’s verdict on justification of deception methods, 1;
Brooke’s obituary, 1;
education, 1;
on fighting with allies, 1, 2;
on Hitler, 1;
on India, 1;
later life, 1;
Lawrence of Arabia’s influence, 1;
and painting, 1;
on rifles, 1;
and RN fuel, 1;
on The Secret Battle, 1;
on Shaw, 1;
as showman, 1;
on truth and lies in wartime, 1, 2;
on war, vi ww1: and air power, 1;
and air reconnaissance, 1;
at the Armistice, 1;
in the army, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;
and Dardanelles, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;
on desirability of moving the trenches, 1;
earliest interest in deception, 1;
and French, 1;
and Freyberg, 1;
on German occupation of Europe, 1;
and Northcliffe, 1;
at outbreak, 1, 2;
on Palestine campaign, 1;
photos, Plate 1;
political career, 1, 2, 3, 4;
preparations for war, 1;
on Sarajevo, 1;
on the Somme, 1;
souvenir from wrecked Zeppelin, 1;
strategy, 1;
and tanks, 1;
and U-boats, 1, 2;
on USA’s entry, 1 INTER-WAR: alliance with Germans considered, 2;
as Colonial Secretary, 1 ww2: and Balkans, 2;
on Battle of Britain, 1;
becomes PM and forms government, 1, 2;
behaviour under strain, 1;
cartoons and caricatures, 1, 2;
at Casablanca conference, 1, 2;
and Clarke’s Madrid incident, 1, 2;
and commandos, 1, 2;
and deception, 1, 2, 3, 4;
on Dill, 1;
and Dunkirk, 1, 2, 3;
on fall of France, 1;
and Fifth Column, 1, 2;
and film industry, 1;
as First Lord of Admiralty, 1;
and German planned invasion, 1, 2;
and home defence, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;
and Ireland, 1;
maintenance of secrecy, 1;
and Monty’s double, 1, 2;
and Normandy landings, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;
and North Africa, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8;
and Norwegian campaign, 1;
at outbreak, 1, 2;
photos, Plate 1,
Plate 1;
on possibility of new enemy weapons, 1;
and propaganda, 1, 2;
on public anxiety about air raids, 1;
at Quebec conference, 1;
and Sicily, 1;
and SOE, 1;
at Teheran conference, 1;
terms used for early war, 1;
and Turkey, 1;
and V symbol, 1;
and V weapons, 1
Clamorgan, Lt, 1
Clark, Kenneth, 1
Clarke, Basil, 1
Clarke, Dudley: after the war, 1, 2;
background, character and appearance, 1, 2, 3, 4;
and BEF evacuations, 1, 2;
as chief staff officer to Dill, 1, 2;
and commandos, 1;
on deception, 1;
and Double Cross Committee, 1;
and establishment of ‘A’ Force, 1, 2, 3;
ingenuity, 1;
inter-war, 1, 2, 3;
in Ireland, 1;
in Lisbon, 1;
Madrid incident, 1,
Plate 1;
memoirs, 1;
and Monty’s double, 1, 2;
and Normandy landings, 1;
North African operations, 1, 2;
offered LCS top job, 1;
and outbreak of WW2, 1, 2;
and phantom forces, 1, 2, 3;
photo, Plate 1;
and SAS, 1;
and Sicily, 1;
theatricality, 1, 2, 3, 4;
and TORCH, 1, 2;
torpedoed, 1;
in Turkey, 1;
and WW1, 1, 2
Clarke, Ernest, 1
Clarke, T. E. B., 1, 2
Clarkson, Willie, 1, 2, 3, 4
Clausewitz, Carl von, 1, 2
Clayton, Antony, 1
Clayton, Gilbert, 1, 2, 3
Clayton, Pat, 1
Clifford, Alexander, 1, 2, 3
Clough, Arthur Hugh, 1
Cocos Islands, 1
codes and ciphers: USA, 1;
WW1, 1, 2, 3, 4;
WW2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Codner, John, 1
Coleshill House, 1
Colville, John, 1, 2
Colvin, Ian, 1
commandos: and Auxiliary Units, 1;
foundation and early days, 1, 2;
French raids, 1, 2;
in Middle East, 1;
in North Africa, 1;
training and way of life, 1
communications see radio; telegraph; telephones
Communist Party of Great Britain, 1
concentration camps: Allies enter, 1;
British radio broadcasts about, 1;
German first, 1, 2, 3;
and industry, 1; Soviet, 2
conscientious objectors, 1
convoy system, 1
Conway, Sir Martin, 1
Cooper, Lady Diana, 1, 2
Cooper, Duff, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Cooper, Robert, 1
Coppard, George, 1, 2
Cossack, HMS, 1
Cott, Dr Hugh, 1, 2, 3
Courbin, Sgt Eugène, 1
The Courts of the Morning (Buchan), 1
Coward, Noel, 1
Cowles, Virginia, 1, 2
Cox, Sir Percy, 1
Creighton, Walter, 1
Cressey, HMS, 1
Crete, 1, 2
Crewe, Lord, 1
Crewe House, 1, 2
Crichton, Betty, 1
Cripps, Sir Stafford, 1
Crockatt, Norman, 1
Crocker, Mark, 1
Croft, Andrew, 1
Crossman, Richard, 1, 2, 3
Cunningham, Adm Sir Andrew, 1
Curran, Joan, 1
Curry, John, 1
Curzon, Lord, 1
Cyprus, 1, 2
Czechoslovakia: Sudetenland, 1
D-Day landings see Normandy landings
Dachau, 1, 2
Dad’s Army (TV series), 1
Daily Mail, 1
Daily Mirror, 1
Daily Worker, 1
Dalton, Hugh, 1, 2
Damascus, 1, 2
Danchev, Alex, 1
Dansey, Claude, 1, 2
Dardanelles campaign (1915 ), 1, 2, 3
Darrow, Clarence, 1
Davis, Richard Harding, 1
Dawnay, Guy, 1, 2, 3, 4
Day, Gerald Langston, 1
de Gaulle, Gen Charles, 1, 2
de Valera, Eamon, 1, 2
deception: author on justification, 1;
origins, 1;
reasons for long-lasting security, 1
The Deception Planners (Wheatley), 1, 2
decoys see camouflage and decoys
Defence of the Realm Act (DoRA), 1
Delavenay, Emile, 1, 2
DeLillo, Don, 1
Delmer, Denis Sefton ‘Tom’: after the war, 1;
appearance, 1;
background and character, 1, 2;
dramatic representations, 1;
on fall of France, 1;
and Fleming, 1, 2;
ON FUSAG deception, 1;
inter-war in Germany, 1;
inter-war in Spain, 1;
and LCS, 1;
and Normandy landings, 1, 2;
photo, Plate 1;
plan to feed false news into German system, 1;
propaganda and black broadcasts, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Delmer, Frederick Sefton, 1, 2, 3
Denham Studios, 1, 2
Denniston, Alastair, 1, 2, 3
Deraa, 1, 2
Desert Victory (documentary film), 1, 2
The Devil Rides Out (Wheatley), 1
Dewar, George A. B., 1
Dewavrin, André, 1
Dieppe Raid (1942), 1
Dietrich, Marlene, 1
Dietrich, Sepp, 1
Dighton, John, 1
Dill, Lt Gen Sir John: in BEF, 1;
as CIGS, 1, 2, 3, 4;
and Clarke’s Madrid incident, 1;
and Dunkirk, 1;
in Palestine, 1;
remarriage, 1
Dimbleby, Richard, 1, 2, 3, 4
Disenchantment (Montague), 1, 2, 3
disguises: human, 1; see also camouflage and decoys
Dobinson, Colin, 1
documentaries: film, 1, 2, 3, 4;
radio, 1
Donovan, Col William J. ‘Wild Bill’, 1
Double Cross Committee, 1, 2, 3
Doughty-Wylie, Lt Col Richard ‘Dick’, 1
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, 1, 2, 3, 4
Dreadnought hoax (1910), 1
Dunkirk evacuation (1940), 1, 2, 3
Dunn, Capt J. C., 1
Ealing Films, 1, 2
Eastwood, Lt Gen Sir Ralph ‘Rusty’, 1
Ebert, Friedrich, 1
Eden, Anthony, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Edmonds, Brig Gen Sir James E., 1, 2, 3
Edward VIII, King, 1, 2
Egypt, 1, 2
EH (Electra House), Department, 1, 2, 3
Eire see Ireland
Eisenhower, Gen Dwight D. ‘Ike’, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
El Alamein: First Battle of (1942), 1;
Second Battle of (1942), 1
el-Masri, Abdul Aziz, 1
Elizabeth II, Queen, 1
Emden, SMS, 1
The English Patient (Ondaatje), 1
Enigma, 1, 2
Erecting a Camouflage Tree (painting; Underwood), 1
Eritrea, 1, 2
Ernst, Max, 1
Erzerum, 1
espionage: British control of German, 1;
British fear of German, 1;
British interrogation centre, 1;
British long-lasting secrecy about, 1;
Europe, 1, 2, 3, 4;
faked resistance within Germany, 1;
German, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;
in Greece, 1;
Middle East and North Africa, 1, 2;
and Monty’s double, 1;
and Normandy landings, 1, 2;
SOE gadgets and disguises for, 1;
SOE in Netherlands, 1, 2;
and V weapons, 1;
Venlo incident, 1;
WW1, 1;
see also GARBO
Ethiopia (formerly Abyssinia): Allied liberation, 1, 2;
Italian invasion, 1, 2; WW1, 3
evacuation, 1, 2
Evetts, Col. Jack, 1
Ewing, Sir Alfred, 1
Eyre, Richard, 1
Facey, Albert, 1
factories: dummy, 1
Fairbairn, Major, 1
Falsehood in War-Time (Ponsonby), 1, 2, 3, 4
Fanning Island, 1
Far East: WW2, 1, 2
Farr, Walter, 1
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 1