Trying To Live With The Dead (The Veil Diaries Series Book 1)

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Trying To Live With The Dead (The Veil Diaries Series Book 1) Page 5

by B. L. Brunnemer

  “She has a crush on you.” I informed him. I watched his head pop up out of the corner of my eye.

  “Why do you say that?” He asked doubtfully. I stopped drawing so I could explain it to him.

  “She stops you everyday right?” He nodded. “Asks you to do stuff that would make you spend time with her?” His eyebrows rose. “Does she play with her hair around you? Does she find a reason to touch you?” His cheeks were starting to turn a pink when he bent down to focus on his drawing.

  “She does all of those things.” He mumbled. I went back to mine. How can guys be so clueless?

  “That’s flirting.” I told him simply. I started working on the light spot on the apple. I was almost done with it when Asher grabbed my attention again.

  “I still don’t understand why she told me you two were related if she said she wanted to keep it a secret.” I stopped blending to answer.

  “She probably saw that I was sitting with you guys at lunch, and then I was walking with you to class.” I explained before going back to my drawing. “She probably thought I’d be her way in.” I heard Asher snort.

  “That’s not right.” I shrugged wiping my hands off on my jeans.

  “That’s the way the world works.” I muttered going back to work. It was a while later when I spoke back up. “If you want to date her, you can you know.” I felt like I had to make it clear that I didn’t really expect him to pick a friendship with me over dating Tara. I personally didn’t see a problem with both, but I doubt Tara would see it that way.

  “No thank you, I don’t like people who use other people.” He answered, surprising me. Tara was a cute girl who liked him; that was usually enough for most guys. Huh. I’d never seen that before. It wasn’t long after that that he dropped his drawing pad onto the table.

  “That’s it, I give up.” He declared as he pulled out his cell phone. It made me curious; I reached for his drawing. He slammed his hand down on it and eyed me. “Don’t even think about it.”

  “Oh come on, it can’t be that bad.” I offered trying to reassure him. His blue eyes had a small sparkle in them as he looked down at me. That’s when I really noticed his eyes. They were a mix of dark blues and lighter blues, with white flecks here and there. He really had ocean eyes.

  “Oh, it is.” He assured me, his voice over dramatic. I bit back a smile.

  “I can help you get better?” I offered, now dying to see his drawing. Asher chuckled.

  “There’s no getting better for me Lexie, I can’t draw.” He admitted his tone light.

  “Then why are you taking art if you don’t want to get better at it?” I was curious now.

  “It was the only elective class that had room in seventh period.” He shrugged looking back down at his cell phone. I kept eyeing the back of his drawing. I’d go back to my drawing but soon I was looking at the back of his drawing again. I did this several times. I saw him grin down at his phone out of the corner of my eye. “It’s just driving you crazy isn’t it?”

  “Yeah, a little bit.” I said honestly. He lifted his head and smiled down at me. He reached out and flipped the paper over. It was awful. The bowl was lopsided; the fruit was out of proportion. Then on the edge of the bowl was a stick figure leaping to his death, then another one falling, and a big splat on the tabletop. I had to bite my bottom lip hard to stop myself from giggling. When I had control of myself, I pointed at the stick figures. “I like the little guy.” He laughed at me, shaking his head. “Do you want any help?” He shook his head still smiling.

  “I’ve accepted that I’m no artist Lexie.” He told me, his hand going to his chest. “I’ve made peace with it.” I smiled and went back to my drawing. Soon I noticed him texting under the table. I didn’t think much of it. He was done with his drawing where I was still adding layers to the grapes.

  When Mrs. Archer let us go for the day, I was more than ready to go. I was walking down the hall with Asher when I spotted Zeke and Ethan walking towards us. Zeke didn’t have to dodge around people; he was big enough that everyone just got out of his way. But I don’t think he realized it. He didn’t seem to notice people moving away from him. They met us in the middle of the hallway. As Ethan and Asher talked about their homework Zeke’s eyes were on my face, his brow drew down. He reached out and swiped at my jaw with a calloused finger. He showed me his thumb; it had red pastel on it. I shrugged.

  “Is this paint or blood?” He asked, his deep voice demanding an answer. Ethan and Asher stopped talking.

  “Oil pastels actually.” I answered him cheerfully, refusing to be intimidated. Zeke’s face relaxed as he wiped the color off on his black jeans.

  “Yeah, she got all the blood off earlier.” Asher told him absently waving his hand. “Hey guys, did you know Lexie’s an artist?” Isaac stepped up onto my right and rested an elbow lightly on my shoulder.

  “We’re calling her Lexie now?” Isaac asked looking around the group. I looked up at him and gave a half shrug.

  “That’s what my family has always called me, unless I was in deep shit.” I offered. Isaac smiled down at me.

  “She can draw?” Ethan asked bringing us back on topic, I got the feeling they were trying to not address the mention of blood.

  “What blood?” Zeke asked, his eyes going to Asher. Asher ignored him as he snatched my drawing from my hand and opened it up between everyone.

  “Hey Red, that’s really great.” Isaac spoke loudly. I think they were irritating Zeke on purpose by not answering his question. I was mostly sure I was safe from Zeke’s wrath, but the boys probably weren’t. On the other hand, it might be fun to push Zeke’s buttons.

  “It’s not really good.” I decided to go for it. “I still have to add some texture to the orange and the shading is completely messed up.”

  “What blood did she wash off Asher?” Zeke asked again, his voice getting louder. Isaac’s head went up this time, his eyes darting from Zeke to me.

  “What are you talking about Lexie, this is pretty great.” Ethan continued; he took it from Asher rolling it up. “In fact I’m keeping it.” He tucked it under his arm and made to walk off with it. I darted across the group and snatched it out from under his arm.

  “No you aren’t! It’s going in the trash.” I was back in my spot by the time Ethan spun around with fake shock on his face. Miles walked up to stand on the other side of Asher filling in the circle. His hair was wet, and he was just putting his glasses back on.

  “So, where are we going for homework today?” Miles asked us. Asher took the picture from me again and opened it so Miles could see.

  “Look what Lexie can do.” Asher’s voice gushed with pride. Miles looked over my picture smiling.

  “That’s really good Alexis. You should enter something in the fair this year.” Miles suggested shifting his bag on his shoulder.

  “Is there a competition or something?” I’ve never put my art into a competition before. Miles nodded, his emerald eyes meeting mine.

  “They have a cash prize for first place.”

  “If someone doesn’t tell me why she had blood on her I’m going to stuff someone in a locker.” Zeke growled loudly his eyes heating up, his hands clenching into fists. We were really getting to him. Miles raised an eyebrow at me questioningly; I winked at him.

  “The only one that would fit is Alexis and I doubt you’d even consider it.” Miles chimed in, a smile teasing at the corners of his mouth.

  “Hey Beautiful, can you draw me a dragon with this stuff?” Ethan asked me, his eyes full of mischief.

  “Ah, guys, I think he’s going to blow.” Isaac cautioned beside me.

  “Sure, what kind do you want? Asian, Celtic?” I asked rolling up my picture again.

  “No, seriously guys.” Isaac warned us again, his voice getting higher. I kept my eyes off Zeke and focused on Ethan.

  “I think Asian, but with black and red colors.” Ethan said before looking over at Zeke. His smile got bigger. I figured we’d irritated Z
eke long enough. I looked up and him and almost stepped back. His face was hard, his jaw clenched. His hands were in tight fists against his sides.

  “Don’t get your panties in a bunch.” I teased him, meeting his gaze. The other guys laughed. “I got a bloody nose on the way to Art class.” Zeke seemed to relax all at once; his jaw unclenched and he stopped frowning. All in all, he stopped looking scarier than his usually scary self. He looked over at Asher.

  “Rumor is Jason’s girlfriend is pissed as hell and looking for Lexie.” Zeke announced.

  “Shit. Asher’s is out for homework.” Isaac groaned.

  “Why’s that?”

  “Jason’s dating my sister.” Asher explained with a sigh. “Let’s hit Miles' house.” Miles raised an eyebrow at Asher.

  “Don’t you have football practice?” Isaac asked from across the circle. Asher snorted.

  “I’m skipping today.”

  “Coach Jones isn’t going to like that.” Miles pointed out.

  “What is he going to do? Not play me Friday?” He snapped his fingers, fake disappointment all over his face. “Aw, darn.” Isaac and Ethan chuckled.

  “My Mom is having the floors waxed today, so I’m not allowed back in the house until at least six tonight.” Miles announced as he scratched his nose. “How about your house, Zeke?” Zeke shook his head.

  “Nah, Aunt Silvia is working the night shift at the diner, she’s sleeping right now.” He nodded toward Isaac.

  “Nope.” Ethan and Isaac answered at the same time. Isaac explained. “There’s a lot of activity at the house right now.” Everyone seemed to accept that as if it made complete sense.

  “I can ask my uncle Rory if you guys can come over to his house.” I offered already pulling my cell phone out of my pocket. “But my cousin might be there.”

  “Who’s your cousin?” Ethan asked, tucking his black hair back behind his ears.

  “Tara Delaney.” Asher groaned. Everyone winced, and a couple cursed. Asher snapped his fingers, his face lighting up. “No, wait. Student council is meeting today, those meetings last until like six.” There were rounds of thank god and that’s a relief from the guys as I was texting Rory.

  Alexis: Rory? I made some friends today at school. Can they come over to do homework?

  I didn’t have to wait long for an answer.

  Rory: Hey, how was school today? Any problems with the campus?

  I felt all five guys trying to read over my shoulder. I bit my lip, cringing at Rory’s question. I pulled my cell phone a little closer to my chest. The guys started talking about homework.

  Alexis: One nosebleed, otherwise it’s fine. Can my friends come over?

  Rory: How many? And, are they boys or girls?

  Alexis: Five boys. But they are really nice and have been looking out for me today.

  It wasn’t technically lying. My phone rang, I winced, it was Rory. All eyes went to me as conversations stopped.

  “Hi Rory.”

  “You want to take five boys to the house without me there?” His voice was very precise as if he wanted to be very clear.

  “Yeah. They offered to help me catch up in my classes.” I offered lying my ass off. Rory was silent so long I thought he hung up. I heard him sigh.

  “If it was Tara asking I’d say no, but I trust you not to do anything stupid.” Rory admitted, I tried not to show how much that affected me by looking down at ground between everyone.

  “Are they with you now?”


  “Put me on speaker.” I looked up at the guys who were watching me. I pulled to phone away from my ear.

  “Rory wants to talk you guys first.” I told them matter-of-factly and hit the speaker button.

  “Rory, you’re on speaker.”

  “Before you go anywhere with my niece I want names, full legal names.” Rory demanded. They all hesitated. I looked to Isaac trying to be encouraging. They started around the circle.

  “Isaac Turner.”

  “Ezekiel Blackthorn.”

  “Ethan Turner.”

  “Miles Huntington.”

  “Asher Westfell.” They all waited in silence as we heard typing. I suddenly got an idea of what Rory was doing.

  “Rory you’re not-”

  “Damn right I am.” His voice was harsh. “You’ve had enough shit happen to you, so I’m going to make sure nothing else happens.” I fought back tears as his words hit me right in the heart. No one really cared in a long time, not since Dad died.

  “Rory.” I swallowed hard. “You’re still on speaker phone.” There was silence.

  “Yeah, sorry.” He took a deep breath and let it out. “Okay, you boy’s check out. No priors, no complaints. But I have a rule that if you break, I will bring down hell on your heads.” I looked around the group I saw mostly raised eyebrows, a couple open mouths. Zeke however looked like he expected this. Rory continued. “No boys upstairs. There is no give on this. If you go upstairs, you will never set foot back in my house again. Does everyone understand?” A round of yes and yes sir’s went up. The boys were taking Rory seriously. “Lexie, if there isn’t enough food in the house to feed them order some pizzas or something. There is money in the emergency jar on my dresser.” He took a deep breath. “I have to go, I’ll see ya later.” Rory hung up. I tucked my phone back into my jacket in the tense silence.

  “How did your uncle know we don’t have records?” Miles asked, his eyebrow raised.

  “He’s a cop.” They all seemed to accept that and understand Rory a bit more. “Come on guys, let’s get out of here.” I looked around the now empty hall; everyone else seemed to have gone home.

  “Yeah, let’s not run into Tara.” Asher reminded them, which got everyone moving. I gave everyone my address before we split up. I walked back to my Blazer and unlocked it. I was just climbing in when a car went by with Isaac half hanging out the window waving. I shook my head and waved back. Isaac was nuts.

  Chapter 3

  Even though I was one of the last to leave, I was the first to arrive at the house. I grabbed my bag and unlocked the door. The house was quiet. I had just finished taking off my shoes when someone knocked. I opened the door to find Miles standing there, his fingers tapping on his book bag.

  “Come on in.” I opened the door and let Miles close it behind him. He stepped just past the door his eyes running all over the great room. I went to the kitchen and pulled out a water bottle. “Want some water?”

  “Yes, please.” He answered as he headed over to the dining table I pulled out several cold bottles and brought them over to the table. Miles finally looked at me. “About what I said in Chemistry, I wasn’t trying to say you weren’t smart.” He began his cheeks and ears turning pink. “Things don’t always come out right, when I talk to girls. Or people in general.” His fingers started tapping against his leg. “Ethan and Isaac say that I have terminal foot in mouth disease.” I smiled; I couldn’t help it, he was so sweet trying to apologize and say the right thing.

  “Don’t worry about it Miles, I figured you didn’t mean it that way.” I kept my voice light since he seemed so nervous. His shoulders seemed to relax a little as he grinned. “Is that why you haven’t really been talking to me?”

  “Well, I don’t usually talk a lot, but I also didn’t want to insult you again.” I didn’t like that he censored himself around me. I don’t mind the occasional rude comment, as long as it wasn’t on purpose.

  “How about you talk like you usually do and if you do say something rude, I’ll tell you.” Miles smiled at me.

  “I’d appreciate it.” The loud roar of an engine started out in the street. “And there’s Zeke.” The roaring got louder; I’d take his word for it.

  “Can you let the others in? I’m going to pop upstairs real quick.”

  “Sure.” I picked up my shoes on my way up the stairs. I was in my bedroom when the loud engine sound shut off. I peeked out my blinds just in time to see Zeke climbing off a motorcycle. I
wondered what kind it was. I undid my belt and dropped that on to my desk. I also put my boots away and pulled my hair off my neck into a messy bun high on the back of my head. I heard the door open and close down stairs a couple times. As I was pulling my cell phone out of my jacket, it vibrated. I checked my messages.

  Isaac: Bringing food, what do you want on your sandwich?

  I smiled to myself as I texted back what I liked. I got a winking smiley face back. I tucked my cell phone into my bra and headed downstairs. Zeke and Asher were looking out the glass French doors toward the lake. Miles was already at the table pulling out books. I was walking across the room with my book bag when Zeke turned around spotting me.

  “I think I know whose house we’re hanging at this summer.” Zeke announced walking back to the table.

  “Miles' house does have a pool.” Asher reminded him as he kept looking outside.

  “Yeah, but that’s a lake back there. It’s better than a pool.” Zeke argued his point as he sat down and began pulling books out.

  “We have to get her uncle to trust us first.” Miles pointed out as he opened his Trig textbook.

  “We will.” Asher sounded confident as he came toward the table. “We’re likable.” I smiled to myself. They were definitely that.

  “Ethan and Isaac stopped to pick up food, so we should probably start without them.” I told them starting to pull out my own books.

  “Good, I’m starving.” Asher said rubbing his belly.

  “Next time just say so, we have food here.” I chided as I got up and went into the kitchen.

  I opened the pantry and pulled out a couple bags of chips and a box of crackers. I put those on the table; the boys snatched them up like they were priceless.

  “Thank you.” They all managed before stuffing their mouths. I raised both eyebrows at them.

  “Guys eat a lot.” Asher explained before eating another chip.

  “We require a lot of fuel.” Zeke added after he swallowed his food. Miles opened up the crackers and ate less like he was starving.


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