Trying To Live With The Dead (The Veil Diaries Series Book 1)

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Trying To Live With The Dead (The Veil Diaries Series Book 1) Page 21

by B. L. Brunnemer

  “We need to go somewhere with enough room for a circle and no other people.” Isaac announced. He looked to Zeke. “What about your house?” Zeke shook his head.

  “Not enough room, unless you want to be in a tent.” Zeke was looking to Asher when Miles spoke up.

  “You all know you’re coming to my house.” Miles announced his voice chiding them. Everyone looked at him. He sighed wearily. “Mom left for a spa in the Hamptons or Fiji, somewhere and won’t be back for a week at least. We can sleep in the living room. It’s big enough.” Miles voice was stern. His body tense. He didn’t seem too happy about it. Isaac leaned across the circle and staged whispered.

  “Can we make s'mores in the fireplace again?”

  “Yes, we can make s’mores.” Miles voice sounded resigned. Isaac let go of me and did a dance. Miles gave him a half smile, his body relaxing a little. Why Miles didn’t want anyone over?

  “All right, let’s get our stuff and meet at Miles' house for the night.” Zeke announced to everyone and then pointed to Asher. “Can you give me a lift back to my bike?”

  “No problem.” Zeke took my keys out of his pocket and handed them over.

  “Let’s all try to get there before dark.” Zeke suggested. I snorted and shot him a look.

  “Yeah, easy for you to say. You’re not the one who has to go back to an armed overprotective uncle and ask to stay: overnight, without a parent, with a group of boys that I met last week.” Asher’s eyebrows were in his hair his mouth open as if to say something, Ethan’s face was twisted in a grimace as he scratched his neck, Isaac was making an ouch face, Zeke cringed. And Miles simply looked concerned.

  “Yeah, that’s a tough one, Red.” Isaac admitted.

  “That’s going to be a long conversation.” Asher added.

  “I’m sure he’ll understand.” Miles said calmly.

  “That conversation is going to suck.” Ethan added honestly.

  “You’ll make it before dark, when you're 18...maybe” Zeke predicted. I looked at them all and had an idea.

  “You guys could come help me explain?” I offered in my sweet voice. They all scattered. Isaac went so far as to dive through a window to get into their car.

  “Ugh, I hate you guys!” I shouted; I heard laughing as they started driving off.

  Chapter 11

  It actually didn’t go as badly as I feared. Rory listened, after yelling at me for skipping school of course. I told him everything; I didn’t hold back a bit. When I was done, my voice was getting hoarse. I told him that if he really wanted to keep Tara in the dark and safe, then I had to go stay somewhere the guys and I could sleep in a salt circle. He agreed I couldn’t do it here. When I explained about Miles, how I was afraid the other guys were being targeted he understood why I ditched school. He even agreed that I needed to stay with the boys. It only took 4 hours to convince him. Asher texted me once asking if I wanted them to pick up anything. I told them a shit ton of salt and a few jewelry-making kits. I got a picture 15 minutes later. It was of Asher pushing a grocery cart loaded with round salt containers and Isaac sitting in the basket his arms wide. It looked like they bought out the store. It made me laugh, so I showed Rory. Even he smiled. In the end, he told me I had to check in and ice my back every night. I packed a bag and headed out to the address Miles texted me. It was almost dark when I left Rory’s house. I headed east out of town on the highway till I reached the right number in front of a paved road. I turned onto the driveway and followed it. It ran back through the woods curving here and there. It was a good 5 minutes before I reached the front gate. River stone walls disappeared to the right and left of the metal gate. What the hell? Was Miles rich? Sure I was in the wrong place I reached out and hit the button on the call box. There was a buzz then nothing. I was about to hit it again when the speaker crackled.

  “Hey Red, you look good on camera.” Isaac voice came through the box. I looked up and found the camera. Then I promptly flipped it off. He laughed. “Aw, so adorable.” I rolled my eyes as the gate started moving. When it was open enough, I drove through and continued to follow the driveway. When I finally saw the house my mouth actually dropped. The house was huge. The house stretched out on top of the hill. Three stories of gray stone. Ivy clinging to the walls. The front yard was huge, cleared of trees with a thick carpet of green grass stretching down the hill. The river stonewall ran around the yard and disappeared from view around the house. I pulled into the big circular driveway in front of the door. The other cars told me the guys were already here. This place was huge. I really didn’t want to think about the electricity bill for a house this big. I got out of the truck, grabbing my backpack, my clothes bag and my old sleeping bag. I’d have to come back for the other stuff. I was walking up to the double front door when it opened. Miles came out followed closely by Asher and Ethan. Miles stepped to the side letting the other guys pass.

  “Zeke said there are boxes?” Asher asked.

  “In the back of the Blazer.” I told him gratefully. I watched Miles as I walked towards him. He was barefoot; his collared shirt now unbuttoned showing the white undershirt beneath. His hands were in the pockets of his tan jeans. His eyes were on the ground, his shoulders tense. My stomach knotted. Miles was rather reserved and here we all were taking over his house. “I’m so sorry about this Miles. I know you’re probably uncomfortable with all of us here.” I began trying to apologize. His head came up and those beautiful dark green eyes met mine.

  “I’m not uncomfortable because you guys are here.” He said his voice sincere. The knots in my stomach eased. But I still didn’t understand why he was so tense. I chewed on the corner of my lip, trying to figure it out.

  “Is it because I’m a girl? I promise I will keep my hands to myself….unless I need to smack Ethan, or Zeke, or Isaac….okay I reserve smacking privileges.” I told him seriously. Miles gave me a small chuckle and smiled.

  “It has nothing to do with you being a girl.” He reassured me, he began shifting his weight from one foot to the other then back again. “I just don’t like being here, at the house.” Surprised, I was about to ask why when Ethan and Asher walked between us. They were arguing about something being fair or not. When they were past, Miles gestured towards the door. I headed inside and he followed. I stepped into the foyer and froze. The foyer was big; the ceiling was twenty feet high. With exposed dark wooden beams. A large staircase went to the second story in front of me. Paintings lined the staircase all the way up. The whole place screamed classic and beautiful. I wanted to appreciate it but all I could see was all the expensive breakable things around the house.

  “Miles you're rich, huh?” I asked still looking around at all the potential collateral damage. When he didn’t answer, I turned to him. Miles' ears had turned pink.

  “Well, yes.” His voice was uncertain. I nodded.

  “Does your family have a lot of breakable priceless things, like, Ming vases? Stuff like that?” I asked really hoping he’d say no. His eyes ran over me, his gaze questioning.

  “I believe so.” His voice was flat. I nodded. Shit.

  “I think we might want to put anything like that away. We are expecting a ghost to come and be pissed she can’t reach us remember?” I reminded him, my smile strained. “We don’t want her to start destroying any priceless heirlooms.” Miles blinked a couple times then stared at my face for a couple heartbeats before he gave me a wide smile.

  “That’s a good idea Lexie.” He said, his eyes were warm on mine. An odd look crossed his face. It was only there for a couple seconds and then it was gone. He walked away through the open French doors on the left where I could hear the other guys.

  “Guys, we have work to do before we eat.”

  It took a little over an hour with all of us working together to hide away all the priceless pieces of art. After we were done, we headed into the kitchen to reheat the Chinese food Asher and Isaac had picked up on their way in.

  “You are the best guys ever. I
swear.” I managed around a mouth full of General Tso's chicken. The guys thought me talking with my mouth full was cute. They thought it was hilarious when I stole someone's egg roll. Being the only girl in a group of guys had its benefits. Zeke had made a point to put a big helping of stir-fry veggies on my plate. I made a face at him but ate it anyway. I had just thrown a fortune cookie to Asher when Miles pulled out his phone.

  “Lexie, Rory says pick up your phone.” He called across the long table. I groaned as I got up and walked down the long hall that ran the length of the house. Seriously, this place was huge. I picked up my cell phone in the living room. I was just walking back into the dining room when I read Rory’s text message.

  Rory: Send a picture of you with ice packs on your back or you will be grounded for a month after this.

  My heart sank. I didn’t bother sitting down.

  Alexis: Rory, please don’t make me. The guys don’t even know about my back. I hate the way it makes me feel.

  It wasn’t long before I got a text back.

  Rory: I’m sorry hon, but you have to. Doctors orders. Zeke knows. He’ll help you.

  I was still standing behind Isaac’s chair trying to decide if getting grounded for a month was worth it when Zeke pulled out his cell phone and checked it. My stomach knotted as I waited. Zeke looked up and met my eyes.

  “Lexie.” His voice was understanding, but his face was hard. He wasn’t going to let me get out of this. Fucking traitor. “You know you have to.” The room grew silent; I shook my head at Zeke telling him I didn’t want to. His jaw clenched. “Miles, do you have some ice packs?” His eyes never left mine. I closed my eyes, my face warming.

  “Uh, Yes. I have a couple in the freezer, but I also keep a lot of frozen veggies around.” Miles answered uncertainly. I turned around and started walking out of the dining room.

  “Lexie.” Zeke’s voice was hard this time. I stopped and took a deep breath.

  “I’m just changing.” I told him calmly over my shoulder. “I’ll meet you in the living room.”

  I walked out my hands in tight fists. I wanted to hit Rory right now, hell I wanted to hit Zeke for this. I went to my bag of clothes by the stairs. I knelt down and was pulling out my black sweats and gray cami for sleeping when Ethan stepped up behind me.

  “Lexie what’s going on?” I shook my head to angry to speak. No point, they were going to see everything anyway. I grabbed a hair tie and got to my feet. Ethan's dark eyes ran over my face, his brow furrowed. “Talk to me.” His smoky voice was low, almost toe curling.

  “Physical therapy.” I managed through clenched teeth before I stepped around him and walked down the long hall again towards the bathroom. I heard the guy’s voices in the kitchen asking Zeke what we were doing with the ice. He told them to ask me. Asshole. I shut and locked the door behind me. I was cursing Zeke and Rory the whole time I was changing. I couldn’t have just kept one fucking thing to myself could I? Nope, everyone had to know everything. I put my hair back in a loose braid that hit the bottom of my ribs. No point in hiding them now. It wasn’t really about the boys seeing my back, I knew that. That was just my excuse. I didn’t want to lay there and remember. I didn’t want to answer questions as those memories washed over me, over and over again. I took several deep breaths before I found my calm again, it was a fragile calm. But it was the only kind I had. This was going to happen and there was nothing I could do about it. Except maybe punch Zeke and take the grounding. No use stalling, Zeke would probably just break down the door anyway. The shit head. I took a deep breath for calm and opened the bathroom door. My stomach rolled as I walked into the living room. Everyone’s eyes were instantly on me. I crossed my arms over my stomach as my face started to burn. The guys were spread around the room everyone but Zeke looked tense. Ethan face was dark as his eyes never left me. I glared at Zeke. He stood by the coffee table where he piled the ice packs and frozen veggies. He gestured to the couch to the right. My hands started shaking. At least this time I’d be comfortable, and Zeke could get a good picture for Rory.

  “What’s with the ice? And why does she have physical therapy?” Ethan demanded his voice low and boiling, with its usual smoothness it would have sent shivers down my back if I wasn’t already breaking out in a cold sweat.

  “Someone needs to start talking, because she’s as white as snow right now.” Asher demanded his voice hard. I took a deep breath and swallowed hard. I kept my eyes on the floor as I walked to the couch. I stepped past Zeke, refusing to look at him; my fists were clenched, aching to take a swing at him for making me do this. I laid face down on the couch, my face toward the back cushions. I heard them all stepping closer. I bit the corner of my lip trying to keep myself from moving. When they saw my back, I knew it instantly. Curses went around the room. I closed my eyes my face so hot I thought it might actually burn through the leather.

  “What the fuck?”

  “Son of a-”

  “Who the hell did that to you?” Why didn’t Zeke put the goddamn ice on? Someone moved my braid from my back. A towel covered me from neck to butt.

  “I want a goddamn answer.” Ethan said quietly his voice no longer smooth but almost rough. I heard his voice moving as he walked behind the couch. I felt the ice packs being placed. I wished Zeke would just fucking hurry up. This was a nightmare. My arms started shaking now as he continued to place the packs.

  “We all want an answer.” Asher snapped. Leather squeaked above me. I opened my eyes to see Ethan standing there, his hands gripping the cushions till his knuckles turned white. His dark eyes were storming as Zeke put another ice pack on my back. I closed my eyes again. I curled my fingers till my nails bit into my palms and pressed hard.

  “I don’t want to talk about it.” I told them, my voice dead. Another round of curses went up. Zeke put the last pack on. My stomach rolled, chills ran up and down my body. Memories of my mother coming at me poured from the back of my mind. I tried to push them back but this time they weren't going so easily. I focused on staying still waiting for him to take the fucking picture.

  “Beautiful.” Ethan called his voice scorching but gentle at the same time. “You have to tell us who did this to you.”

  “Why?” My voice was deadpan. My stomach stopped rolling, it was like a rock in my belly. Hard and unmoving. I felt the way she yanked me from my bed, screaming at me. I was feeling it all again. The first hit of the belt, the next and the next. I bit my lip stopping myself from making a sound.

  “So we can fucking tear them apart.” Isaac’s voice came from near my head, bringing me back to the present.

  “I’m actually on board with that.” Miles voice came from near my feet. My breathing was shaky as I realized they were standing there looking down on my back, surrounding me, seeing everything. The memories kept coming along with the memory of what it felt like when she dropped the belt and started punching and kicking me. The bite of the engagement ring my Dad had given her. Her cursing at me because I was a freak, a demon child. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears as I focused on trying to remember where I was.

  “Did you take the picture Zeke?” I asked my voice weak. Images kept flooding through my mind, over and over. My entire body started shaking. It wouldn’t stop.

  “After twenty minutes.” He answered. I didn’t have fucking twenty minutes of this in me. In that moment I hated Rory, I hated Zeke. I desperately needed everyone to just leave me alone so I could push these memories away. I felt her pulling my hair again, the hard thin carpet under my face as I hit the floor.

  “How did this happen?” Miles tried asking gently.

  “When did this happen?” Isaac chimed in. They kept going like that till I wanted to scream. I couldn’t stay here like this. I can’t keep listening to them while I felt the sting of the belt over and over. Did they have to keep fucking asking?! Did they have to know about this too?! Can’t I keep one thing to myself?! They already knew everything. Why the hell did they have to have this one too!
I heard the dull thud of fist meeting skin. I felt the hits as she kept swinging into me. I was taking fast deep breaths as I felt my Mom’s foot coming down on my back, again and again. I couldn’t stand it anymore. The questions; the memories. It was too fucking much. I pushed myself off the couch, red hot anger rolling through me.

  “Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, and fuck you!” I started out whispering, my voice rising with every word until I was shouting as I got to my feet. I felt my body shaking, and I didn't try to hide it. They all backed up a step, all of them surprised. “Can’t you back the fuck off?” My entire core was rock hard now, my body rigid. I clenched my fists and started storming off toward the foyer but I turned around after a couple steps. “You know everything about me! Every one of my dark little secrets!” I shouted unable to control myself anymore. They were seeing too much, finding too much. Eventually they’d see something they didn’t like and that would be it. They needed to stop! “You want to hear all about one of the most horrible events in my life. Like it’s so easy to fucking talk about.” I crossed my trembling arms over my chest and glared at them. “Let’s talk about your horrible life events huh?! Let’s see how easy it is.” They seemed not to know how to answer so I got the ball rolling. I glared at Zeke. “Why does Zeke wake up swinging? Why does Miles hate being in his house? Ethan and Isaac what are yours?” I asked of them knowing I wouldn’t get an answer.” Asher?” When no one volunteered to go, I glared at each of them. “Not so fucking easy is it? And that’s with you knowing everything about me. Now imagine sharing everything about yourself to someone who asks for everything and tells you nothing.” My voice was shaking now, and I didn’t care. I turned to storm off. A big calloused hand grabbed my arm yanking me to a stop.

  “Lexie, you have to-” Zeke began. My temper sparked, I turned around and shoved against his chest making him back up a step. I was on the edge of my control and I was doing everything I could to not punch Zeke across the jaw. My eyes started to fill with tears and I didn’t care.


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