Trying To Live With The Dead (The Veil Diaries Series Book 1)

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Trying To Live With The Dead (The Veil Diaries Series Book 1) Page 36

by B. L. Brunnemer

  “I’m going to go check out some games.” He told me, my eyes darted around the room I spotted Ethan sitting on a couch and talking with a group of people. I nodded to Isaac. “I’ll see you later, thanks for the dance Red.” He disappeared back toward the game room. I made my way over to Ethan and tapped him on the shoulder. He looked up at me smiling his cheeks a little pink, though his eyes were clear as glass. I leaned down and whispered into his ear.

  “Your turn.” His head jerked back from me, I stood up not wanting him to get that good of a look at the girls. He got to his feet, checked his watch and looked at me puzzled. He leaned in talking into my ear.

  “You’ve had him all this time?” I pressed my cheek against his so we could talk.

  “Yeah, he had three shots when I found him. We’ve been dancing since then, but he just made himself a drink.” Ethan suddenly seemed to tackle me. His body slammed into mine, his arms wrapping around me, squeezing tight. We stumbled, but he managed to keep us upright.

  “Beautiful, you are amazing. It’s been an hour and a half! Normally we’d be pulling him out of a fight by now.”

  “Don’t thank me yet, he just went to check out the games.” I hugged him back. The twins really were affectionate, I was getting used to it. Hell, I was really starting to like it. I felt Ethan nod against my head.

  “I’m going to buy you some jewelry woman!” Ethan declared before surprising me by kissing my forehead before heading in the direction Isaac had taken. I took a drink and looked around; it was really hot in here. I headed for the front door, I wanted some air. The outside air was cold, and made the sweat on my skin chilled me instantly but I didn’t want to go back in yet. I leaned out over the railing of the porch looking at a cat that seemed to be sleeping through the party.

  “Lexie!” I knew that bark. I looked up to see Zeke across the lawn standing with a group of guys around a black muscle car. Zeke waved me over before taking a drink from his beer.

  I went down the stairs around a couple making out and crossed the lawn. I stepped up to the group of guys. Zeke wrapped his arm around my shoulders bringing my side against his. I took a peek up at him, he seemed completely sober.

  “Guys, this is Lexie.” Zeke gestured with the hand that held his beer bottle. I waved the guys. They all seemed big and scary. A lot like Zeke actually. “If you see someone messing with her, you kick their ass.” I elbowed him in the side and glared up at him. He grunted then looked down at me. Then back to the group. “Okay, fine, if you see someone messing with her, watch for a minute to see is she kicks his ass. If she’s trying and can’t then you kick their ass.” Everyone burst out laughing. Zeke looked down at me, his brow drawn together. “Where have you been all night?”

  “I had Isaac.” I explained gesturing toward the house. “I kept him dancing as long as I could, but it’s freaking hot in there.” I wrapped my hair in my hands and lifted the mass off my neck.

  “Wait. You had Isaac this whole time?” Zeke asked eyes wide.

  “Yep, he’s was mostly sober when I last saw him.” I waved a hand at my neck.

  “Isn’t that your friend that always gets in fights at these parties?” the guy with a shaved head asked. Zeke nodded. The guy looked surprised. “I thought he just wasn’t here tonight.”

  “I was keeping him busy.” I switched my hair to my other hand. “Seriously, does anyone have a rubber band or something?” One of the guys dug into their pockets.

  “My girl’s always forgetting her hair ties.” He pulled out a tie and reached across the group to hand it to me. “I’m always carrying extras for her.” He shrugged. The other guys laughed at him. His cheeks turned pink.

  “You sir, are the world's best boyfriend.” I exclaimed putting my hair into a ponytail. I looked at the other guys. “That man.” I pointed to the guy with a pink face. “Knows how to keep a woman happy.” I declared finishing with my hair. “And probably in more ways than one.” They all burst out laughing. I tilted my chin toward the car engine. “What are you guys doing?”

  “I’m just ogling my dream car.” Zeke admitted.

  “A ‘67 Chevy Impala?” I asked, feeling everyone's eyes on me. Zeke raised an eyebrow at me.

  “If you’re not dating her, can I?” One of the guys asked. Everyone burst out laughing including me. Zeke didn’t find it funny, he glared at the guy.

  “Don’t even think about it, Ian.” Zeke shot at his friend. “I know you too well, man.” The guy, Ian, chuckled admitting that Zeke was right. I rolled my eyes at them. Zeke gave me a squeeze to get my attention. “I didn’t know you liked cars.” Zeke said. I shrugged.

  “I don’t know a lot, I know I like the sound of the old muscle cars.” I leaned into him as I stage whispered. “I only knew the car because it's the same one on that show Supernatural.” Zeke burst out laughing, the other guys groaned.

  “You gave us hope, Lexie.” One of them accused me.

  “Sorry.” I smiled at them but they didn’t seem to care.

  “So you managed to keep Isaac sober?” Zeke asked I nodded. “I really appreciate that Lexie; we haven’t been able to enjoy a party for a couple years now.” I snorted at him, it really wasn’t that hard.

  “Ethan said he’s buying me jewelry.” I informed him. Zeke smirked.

  “I’ll buy you shoes.” He offered. I looked at him as if he was insane.

  “How about you find out why my Blazer shakes when I go over 70?” I countered. Zeke gave me a big smile, with teeth and everything. I’d never seen his teeth before.


  “Wait, you rather have your car fixed then shoes?” The guy, Ian asked not quite believing it. I nodded. He looked at Zeke as if he was in pain. “What the fuck man? Where have you been hiding her all my life?”

  “As far from you as possible.” Zeke shot back completely serious, everyone laughed. I just rolled my eyes again. Zeke’s friends started asking questions about the Blazer, when did it shake, what kind of shaking it did. I described it as best I could. They debated the problem then started talking about other cars. I was starting to get cold, so I poked Zeke in the side to get his attention. He bent down bringing his ear to me.

  “I’m getting cold so I’m going back inside. Do you know where any of the others are?” I asked tucking my hands in my pockets.

  “Last I saw, Miles was on the second floor in a sitting area with a bunch of his gaming friends.” I nodded that I heard him. I said bye to Zeke’s friends and headed back into the house. The party was still in full swing. I managed to get past the dance floor without anyone trying to grope me. Yay! I found the stairs and slipped past a flirting couple. I found Miles in the second story sitting room with a group of people. I stepped into the room and paused they all seemed to be in the middle of a card game. Miles looked up and saw me standing in the doorway.

  “Come on in, Lexie.” He gave me a big smile. I walked in and took the only empty chair.

  “Everyone, this is Lexie.” I waved at everyone and watched Miles as the group continued playing. “I’m kicking down the door.” He announced picking up a card that said door. He tossed down a card with a funny looking monster on it. He pointed out several of his cards to the others. “I have enough, I defeat the monster. Earning another point, this brings me to ten. I win.” The others groaned and began picking up their cards.

  “What are you guys playing?” I asked watching as they began setting up another game.

  “It’s called Munchkin.” Miles explained. “Basically you’re in a dungeon full of doors and monsters. You collect armor and weapons as you go.” He held out a character card for me. His character happened to be a girl. “You can either knock down a door and take on a monster. Or loot the room you’re in and get an item.” He held up a monster card and pointed at the number in the corner. “This is the number of attack points you need to kill the monster. You get those from items you’ve gotten. Or you can team up with other people.”

  “Or they can sabotage y
ou.” Offered the only other girl in the group.” You're trying to get 10 victory points. First person to 10 wins.”

  “Okay, that sounds fun. Can I play?” Everyone nodded. They finished setting up the game. Then it was all out war. I kept picking at Miles, throwing curses and poisons at him. I wasn’t even trying to win, I just went after Miles.

  “Lexie, you’re killing me here.” Miles groaned as I stripped him of his armor for the third time. Whenever I got a good card, I made a little giggle. Miles started to hate that sound. It went on for an hour. Till finally I formed an alliance with the only other girl and took down a monster. She won. Miles threw his cards down and glared at me, but the effect was ruined by his smile. “That is just cruel, Lexie.” I snickered at him. Everyone began to clean up for another game. “Where have you been anyway?”

  “I managed to keep Isaac mostly sober for awhile, and I handed him off to Ethan. Went outside to cool off and ran into Zeke.” I shrugged. “Zeke told me you were up here, so here I am.” I put my cards back in the right pile and looked up. Miles was looking at me strangely.

  “You managed to keep Isaac sober?” I nodded.

  “Mostly, for about 90 minutes yeah.” He blinked at me.

  “You’re a miracle worker; you have no idea how much that means to us.” He told me plainly. I rolled my eyes.

  “Ethan’s said he’s buying me jewelry, Zeke is fixing my truck. I think I’m getting the idea.” Miles smiled at me.

  “I’ll be your IT guy anytime.” He told me simply. I smiled big at him.

  “Sounds good to me.” I told him honestly, I had a new computer I really didn’t want to fuck up.

  I got to my feet wanting to move. “Do you know where any of the others are?” Miles shook his head apologetically. I pulled out my phone and texted Asher.

  Alexis: Where are you?

  Asher: Isaac duty in the kitchen. I’m bored out of my mind.

  Alexis: Want some company?

  Asher: Of course.

  I smiled to myself and said goodbye to everyone still at the coffee table. I headed down stairs. I was making my way across the crowded room when an arm snagged me around the waist.

  “Hold on sugar, where you runnin' off too?” Some guy I’d never met stepped around me, pulling me close. I leaned back away from his tequila breath.

  “Let go of me.” I told him clearly, in case he was drunk.

  “Don’t be like that. My name is Brandon what’s yours?” I looked around and saw Ethan heading my way through the crowd, his face dark. I looked back to the guy touching me.

  “Brandon Zimmer?” I asked wanting to be sure. The guy smiled at him, showing all his teeth.

  “That’s right, you want a drink?” I smiled sweetly up at him my hands going to his shoulders. I slammed my knee right up into his balls. He sucked in air and dropped like a stone. People spread out most of them laughing at the guy on the floor. Ethan reached me laughing so hard he doubled over. He pulled out his cell phone and took a photo of the now fetal Brandon Zimmer. The guy was starting to cry. Ethan’s eyes watered as he did something with his phone.

  “Oh, Zeke is going to love this.” It wasn’t a minute later that I felt the floor shaking as Zeke came running inside. Several of his friends following.

  The crowd parted for them like water and suddenly he was standing next to me his hand on the back of my neck. I felt his eyes running over me, but I just watched smiling, as Brandon was moaning on the floor.

  “What he do?” Zeke asked. Ethan was wiping tears away as he tried to get control of himself. I smiled sweetly up at Zeke.

  “He grabbed my waist, wouldn’t let go and offered me a drink.” I explained simply. “You said Brandon Zimmer right?” Zeke smiled down at me, big with teeth again.

  “I said Brandon Zimmer.” He confirmed before squatting down near the guy's head. He slapped the guy on the cheek getting his attention.

  “Hey Brandon, didn't we tell you to stop coming to these parties?” Zeke growled at him. He began patting the guy down and pulled out a small bottle of pills. Zeke looked like he was going to kill someone. He straightened again before gently nudging me over to make room. “Get him out of here guys, I’ll go flush these.” The guys I had met earlier with Zeke reached down, lifted the still whimpering guy up, and headed out the door. A couple guys stayed behind. “Let’s do a quick look around, make sure there aren’t any unconscious girls.” The guys agreed and headed out in different directions. Zeke looked back down to me. “You good?”

  “I’m good; I was headed over to see Asher.” I explained looking over at Ethan whose face was dark red from laughing; he was finally getting control of himself. Zeke gave my neck a squeeze before heading off down a hallway towards what I assumed was the bathroom.

  “I’m sending that photo to Asher; he’s going to love this.” Ethan told me, his voice cracking. I shook my head as he disappeared back into the crowd. Moving through the crowd was much easier now, no one tried to grope or stop me. I found Asher leaning against the counter his cell phone in his hand. I hopped up on the counter next to him and nudged his arm. His face was a little flushed his smile a little too big. Asher was buzzed at the very least. I found Isaac at the kitchen table playing quarters. His face was bright red, his eyes glossy. I could tell he was wasted from here. That was before he yelled and threw his arms in the air as if he’d just won the lotto. Yeah, he had to have been buzzed on the dance floor. That settled, I decided to forget about it.

  “Ally girl, did you do this?” Asher asked holding up the photo of Brandon Zimmer curled in the fetal position.

  “He grabbed me and wouldn’t let go.” I explained. “And it was Brandon Zimmer.” Asher hopped up on the counter beside me and bumped his shoulder against mine.

  “Ally girl, you always surprise me.” He smiled down at me. He was handsome with that smile.

  “Are you drunk Asher?” He smiled as he did something with his phone.

  “Not really, just a buzz and I’m tired.” He explained kicking his foot against the bottom cabinet. “We never usually stay this long; we usually have to take Isaac out by now.”

  “Maybe this time he won’t start a fight?” I offered hopefully. Asher shook his head.

  “He will. It’s getting close.” He gestured toward Isaac who was resting his temple against his hand with his elbow on the table. “When he gets quiet is usually the first sign.”

  “Why come to the parties at all?” I asked. If it was really that bad then they needed to keep Isaac away from these situations.

  “He’d come on his own even if we weren’t here.” Asher explained to me. “He needs to slow down though, or he’s going to be too sick tomorrow for training.” Isaac was just playing now, not really talking. I hopped down went and grabbed another unopened water bottle and came back into the kitchen. I walked around the table into Isaac's eyes sight. He gave me a lopsided grin.

  “Hey Red, how are ya doin?” He asked his words slurring. I smiled and handed him the bottle of water. I leaned in and whispered.

  “Cookie Monster, can you drink some water for me?” I asked sweetly. He leaned back and eyed me suspiciously. “You don’t have to stop drinking; I just want you to drink this too.” I kept my voice sweet. He pursed his lips together and opened the bottle.

  “Thank you, sweetie.” I pushed some of his hair back from his face before I walked around the table. I hopped back on the counter next to Asher.

  “How do you do that?” Asher asked.

  “Do what?” I asked keeping my eyes on Isaac.

  “How do you get him to listen to you?” He was genuinely curious.

  “Boobs.” I told him plainly. I took my eyes off Isaac and looked at Asher. “And big eyes, soft voice and a good pout if he resists.” Asher chuckled.

  “So basically being a girl?” I nodded smiling.

  “Yep.” We were quiet for a while as we watched Isaac. Asher nudged my shoulder again. I looked up to see he’d moved closer.

“I’m sorry about what my sister did you.” He whispered, his eyes running over my face. I shrugged.

  “It’s not your fault.” I countered.

  “You're not angry?” He looked at me surprised. I smiled.

  “I didn't look too bad, right?.” I asked only half joking. He snorted.

  “No Ally, you didn't look bad at all.” He reassured me as he shook his head. I smirked up at him.

  “Now, if I did look bad. Then I'd be pissed.” He burst out laughing.

  “It was still messed up.” I looked up at him and dove in.

  “What is her deal?” Asher sighed looking back at Isaac.

  “I don’t really know.” He tilted his head thinking. “I can tell you what I think.”

  “Spill, any insight would help.” I admitted. I wanted to understand why his sister came at me, and then maybe I could get her to stop.

  “Well, our Dad didn’t pay her much attention. He was always just about me and my shit.” Asher shrugged. “I never understood that, but that’s the way he’s always been.” Asher licked his lips and looked down at my knee next to his. “Our Mom always split her attention between us. Then Mom got sick, she died and Dad is gone all the time.”


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