The Reagan Diaries

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The Reagan Diaries Page 83

by Ronald Reagan

  There was a bombing near an installation of ours in Spain. In Naples the Am. sailor killed was a 21 year old woman. Colin sounded a little more optimistic about Sen. action on I.N.F.

  Later in morning had a meeting with Jim Baker on the Trade bill. I’m afraid I’m going to have to veto. Then the NSPG meeting—we all agree on retaliation, new Chiefs of Staff are working on targets & details.

  [Had lunch with Vote America group; met with large group of lieutenant governors, then with Shultz with report of Afghanistan and his upcoming meeting with Eduard Shevardnadze; videotapings; went to Camp David. Saturday, April 16: radiocast; rode in cold; watched, as noted, “the usual Sat. nite movie.”]

  Sunday, April 17

  Came home early & had lunch at the White House. Colin had called me late Sat. & told me the Chiefs were ready to brief me on our P. Gulf retaliation. We are going to blow up two & possibly three oil platforms—3 of our ships doing job. Also one Iranian Naval vessel. In each case we’ll give time for their people to get off. We seek no killing—just the destruction of the targets. So our people will come to the W.H. at 8:30 P.M. Then at 9 P.M. 5 Congressional leaders will join us & be notified. Then at 1 AM tomorrow morning our time the action takes place.

  In the meantime I have to get dressed up for a sitting with the painter who is doing my W.H. portrait at 2:30 P.M. this afternoon. That only took an hour.

  At 8:30 P.M. our gang from George B., George S., Howard, Ken, Colin, Frank C., Admiral Crowe & a few more came by & we had the final briefing on our retaliation for Iran’s hostile acts in the P. Gulf (Our frigate hit an Iranian Mine). Then at 9:00 P.M. Congressional leaders—Jim Wright, Robert Byrd, Tom Foley—all Dems. & Bob Dole & Bob Michel joined us. We told them what we planned—made it clear I had given no order yet & so we consulted. They appreciated that I would have limited our strike—limiting us to oil platforms & no ships. At end of meeting I gave order to take out the platforms & the ship or ships after giving a chance for crews to abandon ship. We didn’t want to kill—but to destroy those properties. At 1 A.M. our time the operation began.

  Monday, April 18

  Awakened at around 5 AM for call on secret phone. It was Colin reporting we’d taken out 2 of the 3 platforms—3 of our Naval vessels there while 3 more awaited Iran ship or ships to come out of harbor. A little while later Colin called again to get my O.K. on diverting ships bound for 3rd oil platform to ships off Iranian harbor. I did it.

  [Staff meeting regarding attack, drug issue, trade bill, INF treaty; Meese reported on trip to Latin America on drug issue; NSC meeting regarding trip of envoy to Panama; unconfirmed report that Amal had killed Colonel Higgins in Lebanon, commented, “Actually Amal is on our side & has tried to help get him back”; intent to sign restatement of relationship with Israel; greeted Youth Volunteers; had lunch with GOP state chairmen; addressed Associated General Contractors; dressed for Paul Laxalt’s annual “Lamb Fry” dinner.]

  Reports coming in on P. Gulf. We have sunk or disabled 3 vessels now & disabled 2 smaller craft.

  The Lamb Fry was as always a lot of ribald fun & I was home before 10 P.M.

  [Tuesday, April 19: word on scheduling of INF vote; NSC meeting regarding Persian Gulf action, possible fall of Danish government due to parliamentary action to ban nuclear ships in ports; Republican leadership meeting with report on Persian Gulf action, noted, “Everyone is approving what we did,” also discussed trade bill; attended ceremony honoring law-enforcement officers who died in the fight against drugs; economic briefing with James Baker, Howard Baker, Kenneth Duberstein, and Alan Greenspan, with consensus on positive outlook; greeted sixteen former Heisman Trophy winners supporting Republican Senatorial candidate in New Jersey, Pete Dawkins; photo sessions, greeted delegation from the California Agricultural Leadership Program; attended reception for Dawkins; addressed Electronic Industries Association dinner.]

  Wednesday, April 20

  [Staff meeting to discuss trade bill.]

  As to I.N.F. we’re worried they’ll delay ratification ’til after the summit.

  NSC—Dept. of Defense will make public—photo of our high tech newest plane, the B-2.

  Iranians fired a missile at Kuwait—possibly a Scud. Tunisians are talking about taking Israeli attack on Abu Jihad to the U.N. […]

  [Signed proclamation for Law Day; lunch with Vice President Bush; briefing for British TV interview; had interview, commented, “It was very pleasant & I enjoyed it I hope I don’t have to go to Eng. to see it.”]

  Well then I met with Burns & Weld about their resignations from Justice Dept. They professed great affection for Ed Meese & belief that he was innocent of any wrongdoing but claimed the dept. was dead in the water.

  Then we met with Ed. He gave chapter & verse of the dept’s. activities which completely rebutted their story.

  [Telephoned congressmen seeking support of upcoming veto of trade bill.]

  Thursday, April 21

  A little review of yesterday’s meetings with Burns, Weld & Ed M. Then the trade bill. Bob Michel got a rule passed that he could move to recommit the bill—to the conference to see if under my threat of veto the conf. would drop the proviso for plant closings.

  [Word on congressional action.]

  NSC—[…] Apparently the Soviets have already moved out.

  Kozak, our emissary to Panama reports that Noriega would step down if we lift Ec. sanctions immediately & if law limiting Mil. commander to 5 years in office is made retroactive so it would apply to him. And he would live in Panama as a retired—former Commander.

  Pakistan—the explosion of the ammo dump destroyed about $100 mil. of armaments. But now we know it won’t affect the Mujahadin. All evidence now indicates it was an accident.

  [Report of attack on oil tank base in Panama.]

  Captors of Col. Higgens in Lebanon say they are going to put him on trial. V.P. suggests we remind U.N. he was there as part of the U.N. detachment.

  We are engaged with Soviets in dividing line off Alaska in Bering Sea. I sent memo to Geo. B. authorizing him to negotiate on this in Moscow.

  [Signing ceremony for proclamation of support for Israel; photo session with Soviet media and government representatives, commented, “They’ve been meeting with Charles Wick on better communication between our peoples”; flew to Springfield, Massachusetts, for talk to World Affairs Council; returned to W.H.]

  At 7:35 P.M. departed for Wash. Hilton Hotel & annual W.H. Correspondents Dinner. But before that a call from John Negroponte on secure phone. Frank C. had notified him our forces in P. Gulf had discovered an Iran supply ship which we believe has been used to lay mines. Frank wants my permission to board the vessel. If any sign of mines, remove crew & scuttle. If it refuses to halt & put’s up opposition, sink it. I approved wholeheartedly. The dinner at the Wash. Hilton was, as always, very pleasant & Yakoff Smyronov who entertained was very funny as always.

  Friday, April 22

  [Discussed prospects for sustaining veto of trade bill and ratifying INF treaty.]

  A little talk of Ed M. & the press stories.

  Lamar Alexander is writing a book—sent Howard a few lines from his manuscript about me to see if his memory was correct—it was.

  NSC—Briefing on Thailand foreign minister visit.

  Proof now that Iranian supply ship Frank called me about laid the mines. Unfortunately under cover of darkness it got into their harbor. Rcvd. a cable from Geo. S. reporting on Moscow meetings.

  Then the Foreign Minister & his team arrived. It was a short visit but we talked about Cambodia their problem with being the 1st stop for all the Vietnamese refuges etc. Then an NSC meeting in Cabinet Room—entirely on Canada & next week’s visit by P.M. Mulroney.

  [Addressed American Legislative Exchange Council; went to Camp David, noted, “Ran a Golden Oldie—Astaire & Rita Hayworth in ‘You’ll Never Get Rich.’” Saturday, April 23: radiocast; ride canceled due to weather.]

  Sunday, April 24

  [Returned to
W.H.; Maureen and Dennis visiting.]

  Five o’clock & downstairs for “Performance at the W.H.” Some long time greats like Mary Martin on hand for a kind of memories of broadway show. It was great & Mary sang—“My Heart belongs to Daddy.” Then upstairs & dinner with Mermie & Dennis.

  Monday, April 25

  [Received report of explosion onboard submarine.]

  Ken conducted 1st meeting—Howard on his way back from Tennessee. We discussed coming meeting with P.M. Mulroney. He has some pol. difficulty in Canada. Nancy & I are having them for lunch while they are here. I suggested a W.H. photographer get a shot of that which we’ll release to the press.

  [Noted number of amendments proposed for defense bill, and that Senator Dan Quayle (R-IN) switched to support INF treaty; NSC meeting, effect of Danish ban on nuclear vessels.]

  Colin reported how Soviets raised h--l about my speech in Springfield Mass. last week. “Tass” was particularly critical of me. Both sides in Moscow feel we can’t pull “Start” treaty together for signing at summit but all agreed we go right on working on it. Progress has been made on Chemical Weapons Agreement. Ethiopia is letting some of the relief workers back into the famine area.

  [Approved sale of British nuclear submarines (using U.S. technology) to Canada; met with clergyman petitioning Gorbachev to allow religious freedom in USSR; issues-briefing lunch; desk work; National Security Planning Group (NSPG) meeting to plan further steps in relation to Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega.]

  I phoned Frank Robinson, manager of Orioles who have lost 18 straight games beginning with 1st game. I told him to ask them to win one for the Gipper.

  Then a haircut & upstairs to exercise & get ready for opening of remodeled Blair House. We have house guests for dinner & overnight at the W.H.—Marion Jorgensen & Buffy [Bunny]—Bonita Granville.

  Tuesday, April 26

  1st meeting—Sen. Gordon Humphrey—upset, thinking we weren’t taking care of Mujahaden. I convinced him he’d been misinformed. Some discussion of trade bill. Our effort is to get Sen. votes to sustain the veto I’m going to deliver.

  I.N.F.—a clause bearing on futuristic weapons is being used to block ratification. Colin & Dave Abshire are working with Sen. leadership.

  NSC—Saudis refused our request for cover over one of our barges when our navy forces were elsewhere in the gulf. Well nothing happened. But now Saudi Arabia is breaking relations with Iran & seem to be offering us a better relationship. We are formalizing somewhat our diplomatic relations.

  We’ve learned the Soviets are having a problem with one of their nuclear powered space gadgets & are fearful it may crash as one did some years ago. Finished with some talk about P.M. Mulroney & our Acid rain problems.

  [Meetings with senators on support for veto of trade bill; greeted outstanding educators; met with Shultz regarding his visit with Gorbachev; more meetings with senators; videotapings; dinner with Maureen and Dennis.]

  Wednesday, April 27

  Woke up with a sore ear or maybe a jaw. It feels like my ear but I have to eat on the left side of my mouth it hurts to bring my teeth together on the right.

  [Met with Senator David Karnes (R-NE) on trade bill; National Security Advisor Colin Powell reported on situation with Canada regarding acid rain; noted that envoy had returned to Panama.]

  We have a report that Iraq used Nerve Gas in driving the Iranians out of the Al Faun peninsula.

  [Briefing for Canadian prime minister Brian Mulroney’s visit and then official greeting, private talk on acid rain and then general meeting.]

  After that Jack Hume & Jerry Carmen came in & I had Howard B., Ken D., A. B. Culvahouse etc. This was over my agreeing to be Honorary Chairman of “Citizens For America’ after I leave office. Our legal beagles don’t think as Pres. I can announce such things before I leave office. I’ve told them this was the only group I’d say yes to. I had to leave all of them to work this out Sen. Jim McClure & others from St. of Wash. brought in a couple who have been waiting 26 years for $700,000 owed them by the Gov. He had built a bldg. for the govt. at the Seattle World Fair. There was some bureaucratic mix-up that stopped payment. Jim McClure got into this & had a bill passed. I signed it at our meeting.

  Then a late lunch with the V.P. Yesterday in Pa. he went over the top—winning enough delegates to make him Candidate at the Convention.

  [Met blind Puerto Rican girl who had scholarships to U.S. colleges; state dinner.]

  Thursday, April 28

  The Trade bill is veto bound & we have the votes to sustain. Rostenkowski has told us he’ll put a new bill out of the Ways & Means committee immediately minus the objectionable amendments. A report to me on Jack Hume & Jerry Carmen. Apparently yesterday’s meetings turned out all right.

  NSC—Acid Rain. I’m asking Geo. S. to get together with Canada’s Joe Clark & work up an agreement.

  Lebanon—it is possible there will be a commando operation by the Lebanese mil. against some S. Beirut bldgs. where it is believed the Hisballah is holding some hostages. Then a meeting with Mayor of W. Berlin Eberhard Diepgen. I assured him I intended to make Berlin a subject for discussion with Gorbachev.

  [Had lunch with Mrs. Reagan and the Mulroneys; signed education bill; meeting with National Drug Policy Board, commented, “We’ve made great progress in intercepting drugs but the drug lords just increase their effort”; greeted Muscular Dystrophy poster child, escorted by Jerry Lewis; photos with Marriott hotel executives; with GOP congressman from Louisiana, with Defense Advisory Committee for Women in the Service.]

  Then over to the East Room for ceremony presenting Congress. Gold Medal to Lady Bird Johnson. A very nice affair with her family & many friends in attendance.

  Friday, April 29

  Get away day for Nancy—she’s off for Calif.—be back Mon. Howard B. is away so Ken D. & I had the first meeting. There was a discussion about what I do now with regard to Geo. B. & the endorsement of him now that he’s the nominee—or will be at Convention time. His people have suggested an appearance by me at a campaign rally here in Wash. We’re inclined to think it should be at a non political type of gathering where we go as Pres. & V.P.


  N.S.C.—We’ve established the Iranians did not fire any silkworm in our recent shootout.

  We’re worried that Pakistan in spite of denials may be dickering for nuc. missiles. China has become arms mkt. to the world.

  I.N.F.—ratification of treaty is being held up on issue of whether we & Soviets have an agreement on “futuristic” weapons. Kozak is back from Panama. There seems to be some give on Noriega’s part. He wants indictment killed, does not want to leave Panama but would do some extensive traveling while regular govt. took over.

  Later in morning we had an NSC meeting. Much of it was taken up on Noriega & how to continue negotiations. Other half of meeting was on P. Gulf & our future course. Cong. is trying to block us in our plan to send 2 Coast Guard vessels to the Gulf. They are better equipped than some of our larger Naval vessels with regard to Mines.

  Had a lot of dark time & then lunch in the study. Early afternoon a meeting with Bob Tuttle to O.K. a sizeable group of appointees. Then my meeting with Geo. S. A lot of our time was spent on Middle East & Shamir’s objections to a peace plan. Also some early talk on upcoming Moscow summit.

  A short visit then by Hal Roach (over 90 now). Then it was upstairs—where there’s no Nancy. I picked out a dozen sweaters to give away. Then some desk time, my exercises & dinner with Mary Jane & Charley Wick.

  It was a fun evening like old times but we missed Nancy.

  [Saturday, April 30: radiocast; read.]

  Sunday, May 1

  More reading—finally finished the 2 vol’s. of “The Presidents House.” It was fascinating reading—well at least for someone who’s living in it. I made a tour of the 2nd floor really looking at each room after I finished the 2nd vol. this morning.

  Lunch on the balcony—a beautiful 70 degree day. Nancy called from Calif.
Her problem with the leaking incision under her arm has worsened & she’s in great pain. Then John Hutton called & said he & an L.A. doctor are going to treat her. A few hours later he called & said things went well & he thinks Nancy is going to be fine.

  Well a rubdown, dinner & the day was over.

  Monday, May 2

  House is here in session but Sen. has gone home for the week. I.N.F.—the “party line” so to speak is correct language in Treaty plus changes which could cost $5 bil.

  Last week’s “Issues Lunch” leaked to the press. I’ll make a pitch & a threat at this one today.

  A little discussion also about when & how should I endorse the V.P. for Pres.

  [NSC meeting with talk about Manuel Noriega of Panama, INF; meeting with Prime Minister Harri Holkeri of Finland on 350th anniversary of Finnish colony in present-day Delaware; spoke to National Chamber of Commerce annual meeting; desk work; issues lunch; meeting with Bill Webster.]

  Bill said more about Frank C. coming by tomorrow with space proposal. […] Belief is they have a nuclear capability & could put it on missiles in a few weeks. Same is true of Pakistan. […]

  At 3 P.M. dropped by Roosevelt Rm. with Bob Michel to meet with C. of C. members from Illinois. A good meeting & I took Q’s. Then my trip to Hades—2 hrs. in the dentist’s chair for more Root Canal business.

  Upstairs & wait for Nancy—due in a little after 7 P.M.—Head Winds. She arrived—the place brightened up & Rex & I are happy. So dinner & off to bed.

  Tuesday, May 3

  The press have a new one thanks to Don Regan’s book. We make decisions on the basis of going to Astrologers. The media are behaving like kids with a new toy—never mind that there is no truth in it.

  Ed Meese has a candidate for Deputy Att. Gen. This time he’ll keep it quiet while we run a background check.

  [NSC meeting regarding Israeli movement of troops in Lebanon; envoy returning to Panama, some reason for hope of a deal; met with Premier John Swain of Bermuda; signed proclamation for Asian, Pacific-American Heritage Week; NSC briefing on Noriega situation and on proposed space program; met four Soviet defectors; appeared at W.H. seminar on influencing religious rights in the USSR; photo session with cardinal of Ukrainian Catholic Church; met with Jim Martin of North Carolina regarding project for islands around Cape Hatteras; exercised.]


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