The Reagan Diaries

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The Reagan Diaries Page 89

by Ronald Reagan

  [Noted schedule for future vacations.]

  NSC—Things are quiet on Foreign Affairs Front. […] They’re making a little fuss about it. Soviets look like they’ll make good on getting ½ their forces out of Afghanistan by Aug. 15.

  Contras re-crossing border out of Nicaragua into Honduras reveal a problem—many are under nourished, sick & some wounded.

  [Addressed administration officers; photo sessions.]

  Lunch & an NSPG sleep inducing meeting. A discussion of Mobile nuc. missiles & some of points to work out with Soviets on verification.

  Then a photo with 26 members of Council on the Humanitys. A lengthy taping session for 6 different org’s. & affairs. Upstairs a date with a tailor—to make a little improvement of coat of suit that was a gift when I was in Brussels.

  Saturday, August 13


  Got a phone call about 2 P.M. today—Admiral Zumwalt’s son died of cancer. He was one of the Vietnam group that was exposed to Agent Orange. It’s believed this was the cause of his Cancer. Tomorrow we’re off for New Orleans & then Calif.

  [Sunday, August 14: flew to New Orleans, Louisiana; made campaign appearances for Vice President Bush; Mike and Colleen Reagan, Maureen and Dennis arrived.]

  Monday, August 15

  This is my surprise day. A great luncheon tribute is on for Nancy which I’m not supposed to attend. I will, however. After she left I got dressed & then over at the N. O. Convention Center I waited behind a curtain & when she finally appeared to respond to the tribute that had been addressed to her & she responded I walked out & on stage spoke my piece. It was a complete surprise to everyone. For once there was no W.H. leak.

  Then it was back to the Hotel. Ron & Doria are due in any min. Nancy can’t dine with us. She has to go over to the Convention for some interviews. Ron arrived without Doria, she has a touch of the flu.

  We all had dinner—Mike, Colleen, Cameron, Ashley Marie, Ron, Dick & the family, Maureen & Dennis. Then it was on to the Convention where we joined up with Nancy. There were speeches by Paul Laxalt, John McCain, a touching movie as a tribute to me, Jack Kemp spoke, Liz Dole was Chairwoman. After the movie I spoke—well Nancy had earlier said a few words. My speech was well received & the session ended with the song “I Love the U.S.A.” sung by Lee Greenwood.

  Back to the Hotel & a reception for a gang of our friends & cabinet members. We didn’t get to bed until about 1 A.M.

  Tuesday, August 16

  I had to get up early & speak to the Eagles Breakfast. That too went well—then a receiving line & photos with the 150 of them. Back to the hotel for Nancy then out to the airport where we met Geo. B. & Barbara. We each said a few words to the crowd. The press was clamoring for word about who George would name for the V.P. spot. Just before we parted Geo. whispered his choice was Dan Quayle—Ind. Sen. On plane with us was Mike & family, the Wicks, Dennis LeBlanc & Betsy Bloomingdale. Before we landed, got word Geo. B. has made his V.P. choice known.

  Beautiful at the ranch—spent afternoon moving in & doing some picture hanging as some now at ranch are going into our new home in Bel Air. Then dinner—with Barney & end of day.

  Wednesday, August 17

  At 7:30 AM phone call from Colin Powell. One of our C-130’s in Pakistan—the Punjab where a mil. demonstration of one of our new tanks was taking place crashed on takeoff killing all on board. This included Pres. Zia of Pakistan, our Ambas. & 2 of our Generals. We’re waiting further word as to others & possible cause of crash. We took our 1st ride this morning—Nancy too. Then some more picture hanging—lunch & back to pictures. Afternoon—back to our Oak tree pruning. Then a call from Colin & Bea O.—more details on C-130 plane crash. Apparently an explosion. Trying to see if it was sabotage. Thirty seven dead. We lost our Ambas. & 1 Gen. Seven of their 15 top mil. were killed. Geo. Shultz leaves tomorrow with a delegation for funeral ceremony. We are appointing immediately a new Ambas. who will accompany George.

  [Thursday, August 18: telephoned widows of U.S. officials killed in crash in Pakistan, commented, “not the happiest task but certainly necessary”; rode; spent time with Edmund Morris for biography; watched Vice President Bush deliver convention acceptance speech, commented, “he was just great. I phoned him to tell him so.” Friday, August 19: rode; watched preparations for luncheon party Saturday; received account of successful rally in Indiana with Vice President Bush and Senator Dan Quayle. Saturday, August 20: radiocast; photo session; lunch party; Ron and Doria present, commented, “I tried to give Ron a pair of boots but they didn’t fit him.”]

  Sunday, August 21

  Again we awoke to fog. I switched our ride to 2 P.M. & joined Barney & Dennis in our pruning work. By lunchtime the fog was blowing away so we had our ride on what turned out to be a beautiful day We phoned Maureen to tell her how great she’d been with all her work on the convention & especially the luncheon for Nancy.

  Then it was dinner—TV—“60 minutes” & bed.

  [Monday, August 22: rode for over an hour; received new poll, steady approval rate at 58 percent, Vice President Bush strong versus Governor Michael Dukakis. Tuesday, August 23: Mrs. Reagan went to new house in Bel Air; flew to Long Beach to sign trade bill; attended party fund-raiser; went to Century Plaza Hotel; met with doctors on site of future exams, settled on Mayo Clinic. Wednesday, August 24: read Presidential Daily Briefing (PDB); desk work; talked to loyal supporters, then at rally, Bob Hope appeared too; haircut and manicure; desk work; attended dinner party at Betsy Bloomingdale’s home.]

  Thursday, August 25

  Bright, hot & humid. An 11:30 AM meeting with Ken D., Kathy & Fred Ryan. This was about my post President set up. We have taken offices—the top floor of a new building across the street from the Century Plaza Hotel in Westwood. I was amazed to discover I’ll have a staff of 12 & Nancy will have 4. This is in addition to Secret Svc.

  There was also discussion of the Presidential library which will have a groundbreaking in November.

  Then lunch—alone. Nancy is at a luncheon where our friends are giving her a kitchen shower.

  [Photos with General Services Administration (GSA) staff setting up post-presidency offices.]

  Then later Dr. Bookman & his team to check on my allergies. Found one new one—cats.

  Then a meeting with George Scharffenberger. This was a discussion of our financial set up after January 20, also the book I’m to write etc. etc.

  Then at 6:40 P.M. off to the Tom Jones’s for a dinner party with our friends—some of them the same as last night & for that matter tomorrow night. The Wicks, Annenbergs, Jorgensons, Wilsons, Jimmy & Gloria Stewart, Marty Manulis, Betsy Bloomingdale. A good time was had by all.

  [Friday, August 26: met with personal trainer; had hearing aids checked, commented, “My hearing remains the same—there has been no decline”; desk work; dinner party hosted by Annenbergs at bistro. Saturday, August 27: went to two party fund-raisers, first one with entertainment by the Judds; went to ranch. Sunday, August 28: rode; pruned trees; watched Emmy Awards.]

  Monday, August 29

  A warmer day—morning ride—this time with Nancy. Lunch—Barney, Dennis & I decided we’d try to get in a little work before we had to clean up for the big party & dinner at Barney Klinger’s home. Sarah & Jim Brady came out for it & Sam Donaldson left his assignment with Dukakis to attend. It is the annual party for all the press & our staff.

  But 1st we got in an hour & ½ hauling brush from yesterdays pruning to the dump. Then at 3 P.M. we headed for the showers to clean up for our 4:55 departure.

  A phone call from Ken D.—Dick Wirthlin has taken a new poll—started last Sat. to check changes now that the Convention surge is over. My job rating is 59%. Handling of Ec. 54% approval. Foreign Policy handling 62%. Handling of U.S.S.R. relations 78%. Handling Persian Gulf 57%. Dukakis & Bush are tied at 47 to 47%. On the downside only 33% favor lethal aid to the Contras. On handling the deficit is 64% negative to 34% approve.

  Left for Heli pad at 4:
55. Arrived at Klinger’s ranch. Did a receiving line of almost 500 people. Then dinner. A few words by me & recognition of Jim Brady’s 48th birthday. Then we were given a gift of a 7 ft. Redwood sapling to plant. Back to Marine 1 & quite a pckg. of homework & then to bed.

  Tuesday, August 30

  [Discussion with Scharffenberger about easement on part of ranch being sold.]

  A nice ride—Nancy too. Lunch & then with Barney & Dennis back to pruning. Quit about 4 P.M. & I faced some paperwork. Not too much & no really great decisions. Well anyway—clean up, dinner & a little TV. Heard Dukakis on TV claiming that Bush was part of a program of selling weapons to Iran. I’ve got to find the right occasion & tell the truth about Iran-Contra. Then to bed.

  [Wednesday, August 31: rode; pruned trees; watched television news, commented, “press trying to portray Geo. B. as breaking away from me on environmentalist. This is an image the press has tried to paint me as against environmentalism.” Thursday, September 1: received letter from President Hosni Mubarak on his dealings with International Monetary Fund (IMF); rode; spoke for two hours with coauthor of Mrs. Reagan’s memoir; called Lew Wasserman about environmentalists protesting site selected for presidential library. Friday, September 2: rode; planted tree; pruned trees; homework. Saturday, September 3: radiocast; photo session; tree pruning.]

  Sunday, September 4

  Bright, hot & Nancy decided against riding. Maybe the rest of us should follow her lead. We didn’t & when we got there in the hills there was a gale blowing that countered the heat of the sun. It was a nice ride as it turned out.

  Lunch—pleasant as always with Barney & Dennis. Then about 2 hrs. of pruning & a cool drink (soft) in the “Bide A Wee,” our name for the Dr. & Mil. Aides quarters. Signed some photos for Dennis & Barney & home for a shower. Then dinner & some T.V. watching—Jerry Lewis Telethon for Muscular Dystrophy. I phoned him—or tried to but couldn’t get him. Show was coming from Las Vegas. So I called L.A. number & made a pledge of $1000. Not too long thereafter, Jerry called me. He’d gotten word that I’d tried to reach him. Then on air he told of our conversation & had the nicest things to say about me.

  [Monday, September 5—Labor Day: rode; pruned trees; called friends whose son committed suicide, and Michael Reagan, who had been in Ireland; watched Broken Arrow (1950). Tuesday, September 6: left ranch for east; Mrs. Reagan to return two days later; flew to Nebraska for speech at Hastings College and at party fund-raiser; flew to Louisville, Kentucky, and spoke to American Legion national convention; returned to W.H., commented, “in the AM I’m going to raise a holler. My box with all my cuff links & tie tacks etc. is missing.”]

  Wednesday, September 7

  Breaking me in gently they set starting time at 10 AM. A lovely day—temp. around 70 degrees. Started with the usual staff meeting. Talk about confrontations in Cong. re various legislative matters. Truth is the Dem’s. are playing outright politics with their approach to bills. The idea is to keep us from getting a bill that will help in the election or to pass one I’ll have to veto & then alienate some voters. Typical of this are amendments they’re talking about in the drug omnibus bill.

  Canada Free Trade should clear the Sen. in the next couple of weeks. Tomorrow is date set for our destruction of our 1st nuc. weapon under I.N.F. Treaty.

  NSC—Colin took us in to see the whole new lighting plan in the Roosevelt room. It actually makes the room look bigger. New lighting in Oval office is a big improvement.

  [Received news of unrest in Burma.]

  China has gone into business with long missiles launching satellites into space commercially. Some interest in our own country about using Chinese launchers. Contra funding on agenda again. Bob Byrd has a bill calling for $27 mil. non lethal aid but no provision for weapons. It isn’t good enough.

  Next a meeting in Cab. Room with Repub. Cong. leadership. A good session on much of the same problems we’d first been discussing. Al Symms brought up Yellowstone fire & said we are not doing all we could to control it. I’ve told Ken to look into that—we must make every effort to put that fire out.

  Lunch on the patio then a short but pleasant meeting with a Polish couple. He is top aide (press wise) of Lech Walesa & Solidarity. They think very much like us & are chafing under the Soviet control.

  Then meeting with Geo. Shultz—mostly a report on the Middle East situation. Both sides are at fault.

  A haircut, a sneeze shot & found out I’m up about 4 pounds. That has to be muscle, these last 3 weeks have been hard work. There is no sign of increased flab.

  Some phone calls—to Bill Buckley & Al Schwabacher. Maureen here for dinner. A sleepless night. I miss Mommie.

  Thursday, September 8

  [Staff meeting at 9 am, with talk about Yellowstone fire; discussion of appointments.]

  NSC—Still Q’s. as to whether Gorbachev is coming to the U.N. opening. We’re going to quietly begin bringing back the 2000 military police we sent to Panama. We’ll also start reducing our fleet in the Persian Gulf but only after we’re sure the Iran-Iraq peace is for real.

  Frank C. is still in China & talking to them about reducing their sale of weapons world wide.

  Later in A.M. Don Hodel, Dick Lyng & Will Taft (Defense) came in for a meeting about the fires. They agreed to go to Yellowstone this weekend & come back with a plan for advance fire fighting training, particularly for our military.

  Then an N.S.P.G. meeting about our delinquent payments to U.N. I’m to make a final decision on making good on payments soon.

  Lunch on the Patio.

  [Addressed Executive Women in Government; photo session with members of Hispanic-American Chamber of Commerce; visit from Japanese philanthropist Sasakawa; saw positive poll results; photo session with George O’Neill at work on a book on leading conservatives.]

  A taping session in the Library & upstairs—exercise, shower etc. And at 9:15 P.M. Nancy arrived from Calif. Rex got to her 1st but I was right behind.

  [Friday, September 9: staff meeting with discussion of confirmation of nominee for secretary of Education, Lauro Cavazos, and of remaining speeches, including farewell address; report that diplomat dependents leaving Burma; Angola negotiations include South Africa.]

  George Shultz really laid it on Iraq Ambas. about Iraq gassing civilians—the Kurds. He tried to deny it but George really laid it on him. We have the evidence.

  [Ambassadorial formality; signed bill on commercial fishing safety; signed proclamation for Youth 2000 Week; heard about system for notifying specialists in any city to which the president travels; telephoned Drug Enforcement officer wounded in the line of duty; addressed lawyers in conservative Federalist Society; desk work. Saturday, September 10: reported good night’s sleep; radiocast; reading; did exercise; watched TV. Sunday, Septem ber 11: slept late; watched panel shows; had lunch with Mrs. Reagan and Maureen; spent afternoon on homework; attended dinner party with friends.]

  Monday, September 12

  Up early & unnecessarily so for me. Hadn’t looked at my schedule which had me due in office at 10 AM instead of 9. Well I had a whole hour to clear up some paperwork. Then came staff meeting. Some talk of the campaign. Talk of legislation. Ken says the so-called labor bill is an argument about language not dollars. The Dems. are so mixed up on the Drug bill we may not get one at all. There may be a floor fight on the South African sanctions bill. The textile bill is a veto candidate—pure protectionism. There is a so called Meese report that says nothing. My schedule for campaign is taking shape. Wed. I go to Missouri, Texas on the 22nd—Baylor U., then over to Fla. & back on the 23rd to meet with Shevardnadze. On Sept. 30 I’ll do some events in ILLINOIS Wrigley field for one.

  [NSC meeting with news from Lebanon of kidnapped American who escaped captors; Kampelman and others reported on ABM treaty review with Soviets; work on U.S. speech ongoing; desk time; read the Presidential Daily Briefing (PDB); briefing for and then interview with Warren Brooks, commented, “my favorite Ec. columnist.”]

Mr. Blackburn, wife & granddaughter came by for a photo. He was on the bill with me as one of the Blackburn twins at the “New Frontier” in Las Vegas—1954. My only night club performance.

  [Issues-briefing lunch followed by communications planning meeting.]

  Geo. Shultz came by—gave a rundown on Middle East. Then a long desk session, got a lot of work done. A meeting with Bill Webster & some agents status information. These were agents we’ve recruited in Soviet U. A brief personnel time with Bob Tuttle & over to Library to film an interview for a documentary on John Wayne. Upstairs to exercise—dinner & bed.

  [Tuesday, September 13: Stu Spencer requested a meeting with Senator Dan Quayle (R-IN); planned radiocast on Olympics; Senate to discuss abortion language in the Labor–Health and Human Services appropriation bill; reviewed questions about nominee for administrator of General Services Administration (GSA); considered that “The Dem’s. are playing games on the minimum wage bill. We want a training wage for beginners & will accept a modest increase on the minimum regular wage”; notified Congress of decision to pay dues withheld from U.N., noted, “They have corrected some of the practices that caused us to withhold”; NSC meeting report of Cuban diplomat expelled from Britain; visit from Philippines foreign minister for negotiations over payment for bases; meeting with Senator Bob Dole (R-KS) and Representative Bob Michel (R-IL) to plan legislative strategies; brief meeting with President Desmond Hoyt of Guyana; desk work; signed fair-housing bill; signed Hispanic Heritage Proclamation; photo with uniformed Secret Service agents; report from cabinet secretaries on fire situation in Yellowstone; autographed pictures; photo session with GOP candidates; received report from United Way; allergy shot; did exercise; had dinner with Mrs. Reagan and Maureen.]

  Wednesday, September 14

  A busy day. 1st meeting discussed Sen. vote on Labor-H.H.S. bill. They voted our language & money.


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