The Reagan Diaries

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The Reagan Diaries Page 102

by Ronald Reagan

  on Poland

  ossible mole in

  on POWs in Vietnam


  on Rajiv Gandhi

  on Reykjavik summit

  on Sakharov

  on SALT II

  on Saudi Arabia

  on Savimbi visit

  on SDI

  sea negotiations and

  on Shamir visit

  on Shultz’s meeting with Gromyko

  on South Africa

  on Soviet missiles

  on Soviet Union

  on Space Station

  on START

  on strategic materials stock piling

  on Sudan

  on Suriname

  on UK and Argentina

  on Weinberger’s China trip

  on West Germany

  on White House lighting

  National Security Planning Group


  on Angolan aid

  on arms reduction

  on Contras

  on Covert Ops

  on Daniloff


  on Eastern Europe

  on Egypt

  on El Salvador

  espionage program of

  on French espionage

  on Gorbachev’s nuclear arms proposal

  on Iran

  on leaks

  on Lebanon

  on Libya

  and Middle East

  on Moscow summit

  on Mubarak

  on Nicaragua

  on nuclear arms proposals

  on nuclear


  on nuclear tests

  on Pakistan

  on Panama

  on Philippines

  on Qaddafi,

  on Radio Marti

  on SALT II

  on SDI

  on Soviet Union

  on START

  on Suriname

  on Syria

  on terrorism

  on U.N. dues

  on Zhou’s visit

  National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee

  National Space Club

  National Spelling Bee

  National Teacher of the Year

  National Technology Awards

  National Tourism Week

  National Troopers Coalition

  National Venture Capitalists


  National Wildlife

  National Wildlife Awards

  National Year of Thanksgiving

  Native Americans


  Naval Academy, U.S.

  Navon, Yitzakh

  Navy, U.S.

  Navy Choir




  Negroponte, John

  Neilson, Major

  Nelson, Bill

  Nelson, Mrs.

  Nero, Peter


  Network on Foreign Affairs Funding

  Nevers, Cynthia

  Neves, Tancredo

  Newcomb, Don

  Newcombe, John

  New Deal

  New England Patriots

  New Hampshire Union Leader

  Newhart, Bob

  Newington, Barbara

  New Jersey USS

  Newman, Arnold

  New Republic


  Newton, Juice

  Newton, Wayne

  New Yorker

  New York Giants

  New York Marathon

  New York Mets

  New York Post

  New York Times

  New York Times Magazine

  New Zealand


  Ngor, Haing


  American ambassador expelled from

  arms transfers to

  Barletta on

  in CIA

  Cuba and

  discussion of blockade of

  French weapons sent to

  German embassy in

  harbors mined in

  hijacked Honduran plane in

  Nicaragua (continued)

  and Honduras

  Stone on

  U.S. fleet presence near

  V.F.W. and

  see also Contras; Iran-Contra;


  Nicaragua Peace Plan


  Nicholson, Major

  Nickles, Don

  Nielsen, James

  Nien Cheng



  Night Into Morning (film)

  Nikolas, Alvin

  Nikonov, Viktor

  Nimeiri, Gaafar

  Nimitz USS

  Nine to Five (film)

  Nir, Amram

  Niskanen, William

  Nitze, Paul

  Nitze, Phyllis Pratt

  Nixon, Richard

  Nofziger, Lyn

  Non-Commissioned Officers Association

  Non-Commissioned Officers Organizations

  Noonan, Peggy,

  Noor, Queen of Jordan

  Nori, Princess of Japan

  Noriega, Manuel

  Norman, Jessye

  North, Andy

  North, Oliver

  North Atlantic Assembly

  North by Northwest (film)

  North Carolina State University

  Northern Ireland

  North Korea

  North Vietnam

  Northwestern University

  Northwest Passage


  Notre Dame

  Novak, Bob

  Novamov, Vladislav


  Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

  Nudel, Ida

  Nunn, Sam

  Nyere, President of Tanzania

  Oakridge Boys

  O’Brien, George

  O’Brien, Heloise

  O’Brien, Hugh

  O’Brien, Pat

  O’Brien, Tony

  O’Connor, Harry

  O’Connor, John

  O’Connor, John Cardinal

  O’Connor, Sandra Day

  Odom, William


  Office of Management and Budget (OMB)

  Office of Private Sector Initiatives

  Office of the U.S. Trade Representatives

  Officer and a Gentleman, An (film)

  Ogilvy, Angus

  Oglesby, Bea

  Oglesby, Susan

  O’Hara, Maureen

  Ohio State University

  Olaf, King of Norway

  Older Americans Act (1985)

  Olivier, Lawrence

  Oller, Dr.

  Olson, Merlin


  Omnibus Crime Bill

  100 Years of Notre Dame Football (Schoor)

  101st Airborne

  O’Neill, George

  O’Neill, Mrs.

  O’Neill, Thomas “Tip,” Jr.,

  budget and

  Contras and

  on grain embargo

  Gramm-Latta bill and

  social security and

  tax bill and

  tax reform and

  One Way Passage (film)


  Orbach, Jerry


  Orfila, Alejandro

  Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development

  Organization of American States (OAS)

  Orlov, Yuri

  Ormandy, Eugene

  Orr, Robert

  Orr, Verne

  Ortega, Daniel

  Ortega, General

  Ortega, Katherine

  O’Sullivan, Ambassador

  Ottawa summit

  Ottman, Mr.

  Ottoman Empire

  Outreach group

  Owens, David

  Owens, Jesse

  Özal, Turgut

  Packard, David

  Packwood, Bob

  Padilla, Mayor of San Juan

  Paine, Thomas


  Paley, Bill

  Palme, Olof

  Palmer, John

  Palmer, Nancy

  Palsson, Thorsteinn


  Panama Canal

  Pao, Y. K.

  Papandreau, Prime Minister of Greece



  Paramount Pictures

  Paris Peace Treaty (1783)

  Parkening, Christopher

  Parker, Fess

  Parker, Lyle

  Parkinson, Norman

  Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Week

  Park Mounted Police

  Parr, Jerry

  Parton, Dolly

  Parvin, Landon

  PATCO, see air traffic controllers

  Paternity (film)

  Patrick, Dennis

  Patterson, Eily

  Patterson, Frank

  Paul, Colonel

  Paye, Jean-Claude


  Peace Corps

  Peace Through Strength

  Pearl, Minnie


  Pendleton, Clarence





  People and Power: Portraits from the Federal Village (Evans)

  Pepper, Claude

  Percy, Chuck

  Pereira, Aristides

  Peres, Shimon


  Perez, John

  Pérez de Cuéllar, Javier

  Pérez de Cuéllar, Mrs. Javier

  Perkins, Ambassador

  Perkins, Frances

  Perle, Richard

  Perlman, Itzhak

  Perot, Ross

  Pertini, President of Italy


  Peter Duchin Orchestra

  Peters, Roberta

  Petersen, Sheila

  Peterson, Donald

  Peterson, Pete

  Petroleum Strategic Reserve

  Petroskey, Dale

  Petty, Richard

  Peyser, Peter A.

  Pflimlin, Pierre

  Philadelphia Story (film)


  Philip, Prince Consort

  Phillips, Howie

  Phillips, Susan

  Phoenix Gazette

  Physical Fitness Competition

  Pia, President of Pakistan

  Pickens, T. Boone

  Pickering, Ambassador

  Pickle, Jake

  Pierce, Samuel

  Pincus, Walter

  Pinochet, Augusto

  Pinto Balsemão, Francisco

  Pires, Lucas

  Plain Dealer

  Planinc, Milka

  Planned Parenthood

  plant closing bill

  Plante, Bill


  Podhoretz, Norman

  Pogue, Forrest

  Poindexter, John

  appointed National Security

  Challenger and

  and Daniloff case

  on hijacking

  and hostages in Lebanon

  and Iran arms deal

  Latin American trip of

  Libya and

  Nicaragua and

  pardon for

  Philippine election and

  Qaddafi and

  resignation of

  on Soviets

  trial of


  corn sold to

  martial law in

  sanctions against

  Polk, General

  Polk, James K., ix

  Pometta family

  Porter, Cole



  Powell, Colin

  Kohl’s meeting with

  on Lockerbie crash

  Nicaragua and

  on Somalia

  Powell, Justice

  Powell, William

  POW/MIA Recognition Day

  Pran, Dith


  Precision Lens

  Prem, Prime Minister of Thailand

  Presidential Trust Fund

  President’s Economic Commission

  President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB)

  Pressler, Larry

  Pressler, Senator

  Price, Carol

  Price, Charles

  Price, George

  Price, Leontyne

  Price, Raymond

  Princess Grace Foundation

  Principal, Victoria

  Private Initiative Council

  Private Sector Initiatives

  Proctor & Gamble

  Project American Justice

  Project Hope

  Prudhoe Bay


  Public Broadcasting

  Public Diplomacy Advisory Board

  Public Sector Initiatives

  Puerto Rican Americans

  Purdue University

  Putzel, Mike

  Pym, Defense Minister of UK

  Qaboos bin Said, Sultan of Oman

  Qaddafi, Mohammar al-, xi

  Quad Commission

  Quayle, Dan

  Queen Mother

  Quinn, Tony

  Rabb, Ambassador

  Rabin, Yitzhak

  Radar Art

  Radcliffe, Donnie

  Radio America

  Radio B.C.

  Radio Free Europe

  Radio Liberty

  Radio Marti


  Ragtime (film)

  Raimond, Jean-Bernard

  Rainier, Prince of Monaco

  Raitt, John

  Randolph, Jennings

  Range, Rebecca

  Rangel, Charles

  Rao, Foreign Minister of India

  Raspberry, William

  Rather, Dan

  Ratushinskaya, Irina

  Rau, Johannes

  Rawls, Lou

  Ray, Charles R.

  Ray, Mrs. Charles R.

  Reader’s Digest

  Reagan, Ashley Marie

  Reagan, Bess

  Reagan, Cameron

  Reagan, Colleen

  Reagan, Doria

  Reagan, Maureen. See Revell, Maureen Reagan (Mermie)

  Reagan, Michael (ancestor)

  Reagan, Michael (son)

  Reagan, Moon (Neil)

  Reagan, Nancy

  anniversary of

  approval rating of

  Baryshnikov’s dance with

  biopsy and mastectomy of

  bird feeders and

  birthday of

  Bitberg visit and

  in Bloom County

  Cancún summit and

  at Charles and Diana’s wedding

  in China

  at Christmas party

  death of mother of

  drug program of

  on European trip

  gall stones of

  at Gridiron dinner

  growth removed from

  and Hands Across America

  honorary degree awarded to

  hospital visit of

  Japanese gifts to

  on Meet the Press

  memoirs of

  on Merv Griffin Show

  Mrs. Chun and

  Mrs. Sadat’s lunch with

  and National Drug Abuse Week

  new horse of

  Noor’s call to

  on Noriega

  at philharmonic performance

  at Prayer Breakfast

  and presidential library

  Regan’s attack on

  Rex and

  Ron Prescott Reagan and

  at RR’s birthday

  RR’s shooting and

  sick father of

  sinus infection of

  in South Korea

  in Soviet Union

  and Special Olympics

  at State Department reception

  tribute to

  at Vietnam memorial readin

  White House preservation by

  Reagan, Neil. See Reagan, Moon (Neil)

  Reagan, Ronald:

  alleged Libyan threat against

  anniversary of

  approval rating of

  Asian trips of

  birthday of

  Canada trips of


  European trips of

  farewell address of

  Gorbachev’s meeting with

  Gridiron parody sung by

  heart attack rumor about

  and Iceland summit

  illness of

  inaugurals of

  Latin American trips of

  named as nominee

  polyps removed from

  press conferences of

  schedule of

  shooting of

  Soviet joke incident of

  Soviet trip of

  spots on face of

  State of the Union speeches of


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