Sons of Justice 2 The School Teacher

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Sons of Justice 2 The School Teacher Page 11

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “You don’t need to be alone anymore. Not tonight or any night, Mercy,” Breaker said to her once she released his lips.

  “That doesn’t sound like slow to me, Breaker. Now that I told you, can you see and handle slow, for a little while longer?” she asked and Breaker cupped her cheek and stroked his thumb over her lip.

  “It will be torture, but for you, I think we can handle that.”

  She eased back and then Lux opened the door.

  “Well, I guess we can hang out and have one drink,” Scout said and the others chuckled, but Lux felt a heavy heart and more concern. Mercy was holding so much inside. What exactly happened? What had this guy Canton forced her to do that he had to beat her and rape her into submission? He wanted to kill the son of a bitch, and one glance at his brothers, his team, and he knew they were feeling the same way. For Mercy’s sake, they put on their smiles like she did. Obviously her happy, sweet smile that caught their attention had been one to hide her pain and her fears. Her boyfriend, a man that she loved and she thought loved her, raped her, abused her, and hurt her. How could any man be so evil? Did Canton still want her? She said she was afraid of him and now Lux knew why. Of course she was afraid of the man.

  Everyone cheered for Mercy as she entered the bar with them surrounding her. That’s exactly what they would do while they were here, and tonight, she wasn’t sleeping alone. He would ensure her that they wouldn’t force themselves on her or make her do anything she wasn’t ready for, but there was no way she was going home alone, or sleeping alone. Never again. Mercy was going to be their woman, and this Canton guy would never get his hands on her again. That, they would make certain of.

  * * * *

  Mercy felt like a weight was lifted off of her chest. As the night went on and people went their separate ways realizing that she was indeed taken by these four soldiers, she realized that she accepted them as her guardians. That she wanted their protection, their care, and could eventually accept their beds. She hugged Fort, who held her in his arms with a very obvious and possessive hand over her ass. Glancing up at him, his eyes were closed and she knew he was tired and needed his rest. She eased back, his palm gripped her ass tighter, and he looked at her with a scowl on his face.

  She reached up and stroked his jaw.

  “Come on, soldier, you’ve had enough. Let’s get you home,” she said and then pulled back only for Breaker to take her hand and pull her into his arms.

  “You all set?” he asked.

  “Yes, Breaker, Fort needs sleep, and I need shower and bed,” she said and then he kissed her lips and she gripped his shirt.

  When he pulled back, he gave her a wink. “We can arrange all of that. Come on.”

  She swallowed hard, wondering if they would push for her to stay with them tonight. She wasn’t ready. She was just getting used to the public displays of affection, of them holding her, caressing her back, and even keeping a hand on her ass as they spoke to people around them or just listened to the music. It was a lot to digest. When they got into the truck, she laid her head against Fort’s shoulder.

  Lux caressed her thigh and she was surprised when they passed her house and went to theirs.

  “Breaker, what are you doing?”

  “Taking you home. With all of us is where you belong.”

  She sat forward, and Fort held her hand while Lux squeezed her thigh.

  “You don’t need to be scared and alone anymore. We won’t push you to do anything you aren’t ready for. But after tonight, after seeing all the men desire you, after hearing about what your ex did to you, we need you close, baby. To know that you’re safe, secure, and in our arms and in our bed. Eventually you’ll accept us as your lovers and your guardians,” Breaker said and then got out of the truck.

  Fort got out and she followed, then placed her arm around his waist and walked with him. “We’ll all shower, then talk some more.”

  “Wait, what do you mean, all shower?” she asked.

  Scout caressed her hair as they stood by the front door and Breaker unlocked it.

  “Shower separately, unless you decided that you’re ready for more. Because I certainly would enjoy doing a little exploring in the shower with you if you’re up to it.”

  “Nice try, Scout,” she said, and Lux chuckled.

  “Can’t blame him. The thought crossed my mind, too,” Lux said and caressed her ass.

  Lux handed her a towel, a t-shirt, and boxers. “Not sure the boxers will fit but they’ll do. For tonight at least,” he said and then pressed one hand over the doorframe as he leaned down and kissed her lips.

  “I’m not sure about this, Lux,” she said. He stroked her jaw.

  “Trust us. Follow your gut, your heart, and trust us to not hurt you, take advantage of you, or force anything you aren’t ready for onto you. Okay?” he asked. She nodded and then he winked and walked away. She closed the bathroom door and stared at herself in the mirror. She could do this. She could spend the night in their arms not having sex or going too far.

  When she thought that she felt her pussy spasm and her breasts ache with need. She loved having them close. She loved them touching her. Hell, she thought she would be in a panic having them so close and exploring her, but it was like she knew she trusted them and cared about them so much already.

  She took a shower, being sure to wash thoroughly and was glad she groomed herself accordingly today before the race. She made a conscious effort to prepare her body in case she had the courage to let these men explore her body or even make love to her. Only a week ago, those thoughts made her panic and cry and have nightmares about Canton. More recently, she thought of the men, of each of them touching her, kissing her, and it eased her mind. Slow. She needs to go slow, that was her best option. This was the last week of work before Thanksgiving break. The perfect time to enjoy their company and get more comfortable with them.

  She finished up and slid her hands along her body. She hoped if she did let them explore her that they liked her body. That they wouldn’t want it to be different. She shook her head. She never felt good enough. No matter how hard she worked out or how careful she was eating healthy foods, she felt imperfect. Canton analyzed every inch of her.

  “No,” she whispered and closed her eyes, taking a few unsteady breaths. There would be no room in her mind for Canton any longer. Not for his words, his insults, and his control. She was in control of her life again. Tonight started it all. She was back. She was going to get stronger and stronger and she had a feeling that Breaker, Fort, Scout, and Lux were definitely going to be a positive influence on her.

  She put on the t-shirt, minus the bra, and then the boxers, which were way too big so she folded them over on the waist several times and then took a deep breath. She could do this.

  As she opened the door, she felt the cool air and her nipples hardened. She crossed her arms and shivered.

  “Cold?” Breaker asked, eyes narrowed, and she couldn’t respond. There Breaker stood, no shirt, shorts only, and holy God he was gorgeous and filled with muscles. He had tattoos along his chest and his arms, and his dog tags hung around his neck. His eyes gazed over her body and he pulled her close, running a hand along her ass. The shorts lowered. She gasped and reached back.

  “They’re a bit big,” she said, and the move caused her breasts to lift and press against his chest. The V of the shirt collar dipped so low. He licked his lips.

  “I have to thank Lux,” he said, and leaned down and pressed his lips to her chest.

  “Breaker,” she said, and held onto his shoulders.

  “You look and smell so good. I can’t resist.” He leaned back up and kissed her lips. “Come on,” he said and took her hand and led her down the hallway. When she had been helping out she saw the closed door and didn’t know what was behind it, and as she passed by Lux’s room she saw that the mattress was off the bed. She squinted, and then when they entered the bedroom three mattresses were on the floor in the otherwise empty room. They li
t a few lanterns and had them in the corners, giving a light glow to the room.

  “Sorry, no candles,” Fort said from where he was propped up with pillows on the edge of one of the mattresses. They did this to make room for all of them to sleep with her together.

  She couldn’t get over the sight of them. Scout with all those muscles and tattoos along his shoulders and arms, the Marine Corps symbol was one of them that she could see from where she stood. Even his thighs had muscles and so did the others’. Lux was wearing shorts, but his muscular chest was completely bare, with no tattoos at all. All four men were gorgeous.

  She shyly looked around the room, taking in the sight of how they arranged this for her, for them, and she felt emotional and her heart felt full and alive.

  “Come on, gorgeous,” Breaker said and eased his hands along her hips, then gave her ass a tap.

  “Get on up there,” he said, and as she lowered down, she knew that her breasts showed in the dip of her collar as she crawled along the mattress. Lux, Scout, and Fort’s eyes zeroed in on them, and then Scout pulled her close and onto his chest.

  She gasped but then eased up. He held her gaze.

  “Your pace. We could go right to sleep with you, or talk some more, maybe explore a little?” he asked and massaged his palm up and down her thigh and ass.

  One look at his muscles and an inhale of his cologne, and she wanted to do some exploring, too. The fears, the past, didn’t seem to have as much power tonight. Not with these men surrounding her.

  She lifted her thigh up over Scout’s and between his legs. She lifted up.

  “You’re all so beautiful,” she whispered.

  He chuckled. “You are the beautiful one. The one woman we want as ours,” he said to her. She stared at his lips, then his chest, and couldn’t resist. She pressed her lips to Scout’s chest and he hissed and tightened. She did that to him. She caused that response, and the more she kissed and explored, the more he exhaled and moaned softly.

  When a second set of hands landed on her thighs and ass and started to massage her, she felt her pussy cream and her desire go up a notch.

  “I love this ass, baby. Your body is perfection,” Lux said and eased his palms up and down her thighs and her ass.

  She, in return, pushed back against his hands just as she lifted her mouth from Scout’s chest to his lips.

  She moaned into his mouth as Lux massaged her ass cheeks and then his palms went under her shirt onto her back. The shorts lowered slightly and lips pressed against her spine, and then the crack of her ass, and she moaned.

  “Fucking beautiful. I want to kiss her, too,” Fort said.

  Lips left her ass and Scout rolled her to her back, his body pressed over her hips and chest. She looked at Fort and he rolled to his side and cupped her cheek, tilted her face up toward him and he kissed her mouth.

  She felt the lips kiss along her neck, and then her shirt lifted up.

  “Sweet heavens, look at you,” Scout said and she shivered, tightened up pulling from Fort’s mouth.

  “Easy, baby. Nice and slow only exploring. We go as far as you want. As far as you’re ready for,” Breaker said from the bottom of the bed.

  “Okay?” Scout asked, stroking her nipple. Her shirt was raised up, and her shorts so low the top of her pussy was showing. Fort slid his palm along her hips and then lower.

  “Let us explore you and bring you pleasure. Let us show you how real men treat their woman. We want to be your guardians, your lovers, your best friends, your everything, Mercy. Everything,” Fort said to her, and tears filled her eyes.

  “I want that. I’m just scared still,” she whispered.

  “That’s understandable, but you’ll learn to not be scared with us. To trust us as we trust you,” Fort told her.

  Scout cupped her breast and her lips parted. “Okay?” he asked as he lowered his mouth to her breast. He waited before taking a taste. Waited for her consent and she nodded.

  “Okay,” she said, and then he pressed his mouth over her nipple and breast, and began to suckle and arouse her.

  Fort leaned over and kissed her cheek and then her mouth as she turned into him, waiting to taste more of him. At the same time, Fort’s hand slid down her belly to her pussy as Breaker pulled her boxers down and off of her.

  She pulled from his mouth. Her body shook with reservations and she fought to let go and allow them closer.

  “Easy, sweetness. Nice and gentle,” Breaker said and eased his palms along her thighs, then began to kiss her skin. He started at her knees worked his way up in between her thighs.

  “We will never hurt you,” Fort said, but she stared at Breaker, and at Lux, who knelt on the bed, and she saw his tented shorts. They were all going to be needy, too. Could she give them what they were giving her?

  Fort cupped her cheek.

  “Let go, and trust us. We will never cause you pain,” he said and slid his finger down between her pussy lips as Breaker kissed her inner thighs.

  She shook and moaned into Fort’s mouth and then grunted as Scout suckled her breast harder. When Fort’s finger dipped into her wet pussy, testing the waters, she exhaled in relief that she didn’t feel the pain she associated this pleasure with. She felt the tears roll down her cheeks, and Fort must have felt them, too, because he paused his fingers, pulled them from her cunt as he released her lips.

  “Want us to stop?” he asked, and she shook her head.

  “No. I want more. I’m okay. I just thought there would be pain.”

  A scowl showed on Fort’s face, but he quickly got rid of it. “No pain when making love. Only pleasure,” he said, stroking her jaw. She gasped as she felt Breaker’s tongue plunge into her pussy and his palms glide up and down her thighs.

  Scout lifted from her breast.

  “My turn,” Lux said, and Scout leaned over, giving her a wink and a kiss to her lips before he moved and Lux took his place.

  “Hey, gorgeous,” he said to her, and she glanced down at his shorts and saw his erection through the material.

  She gasped again as Breaker nipped her clit and then alternated tongue and fingers.

  “Fucking delicious. You taste so good, baby. So good,” he said to her, and then Lux leaned down and kissed her lips as he cupped her breast. Fort cupped her other breast and grunted as he leaned down and tried to lick her breast, too.

  She moaned and felt the tightening in her core and came. She cried out and tilted her pelvis upward as Breaker suckled and moaned against her mound.

  “Oh God, Breaker. That felt so good.”

  “Good, baby. Now let my brothers have a taste, too,” he said and lifted up.

  Scout immediately took Breaker’s place. He gave her a wink and then ran his palms along her thighs, spreading her, and then zeroed in on her pussy.

  “Tell me something, baby,” Scout said as he stroked a finger up into her wet cunt. Fort slid a palm along her inner thigh, holding her open on one side as he continued to suckle her breast and Lux did the same on his side.

  Scout slowly pushed his fingers in and out of her cunt as he lowered his shoulders between her legs.

  She was panting and holding his gaze.

  “Do you accept us as your guardians? As your men, and eventually, your lovers?” he asked. Then stroked a little faster. Lux and Fort suckled harder on her nipples and they pulled tight.

  “Yes. Oh God, yes. I want that. I want to feel this way all the time. Special, cared for, and protected. Please, Scout,” she said, and he smiled.

  “Then tonight we make it official.” He pulled fingers from her pussy and replaced them with his mouth and tongue and it was on. All four men aroused her body, pleasured her and took turns making her come, making her body accept their touch and ministrations without out fear, without tightening up, only with pure love and pleasure.

  She cried out again and Scout suckled and feasted on her until Lux asked for a taste, too. They changed positions, and now Lux licked and suckled her clit, used fing
ers and tongue to stimulate her senses and she came again.

  “I need her, too,” Fort said.

  “How, bro?” Breaker asked as Lux moved from between her legs.

  She looked at Fort.

  “I need,” he said.

  She stared at him and rolled to her side. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Fuck that. Get up here,” he said and slid down lower and grabbed her hips. Scout pulled her shirt up and off of her so she was completely naked now. Fort somehow lifted her like she was as light as a feather, positioning her over him. She gasped and grabbed onto the wall.

  “Open for me,” he said and she knew what he wanted as she straddled over his mouth, palms against the wall and ass out. His fingers slid into her cunt and then his mouth. He was panting and moaning as he suckled and fingered her clit.

  She pressed against the wall and rocked her hips slowly over his fingers.

  “You look so hot, baby. Jesus, my dick is so fucking hard,” Breaker said to her and ran his palm up and down her back and stroked a finger down her ass crack.

  “Oh God. Oh.” She moaned and came. Fort grunted and licked her clean.

  “I’m going to come in my fucking shorts. Holy hell, Mercy,” he said and she pulled back, not caring about anything but feeling more and having them continue to make her feel perfect. She wanted to give them more, too.

  “I can help with that,” she said and eased down over his body, pushing down Fort’s shorts.

  “Mercy, wait, you don’t have to,” Fort said, gripping her hair and her cheek. She gave him a smile.

  “I want to. I want to pleasure you, all of you, and make you happy and satisfied like you’re doing for me. You’re healing me, Fort,” she said.

  “Fort, slide around so you’re on the edge and we can do some exploring and pleasuring, too,” Breaker said to them and she understood and accepted. Fort slid to the side, his legs now off the mattress and she eased down his body, kneeling between his legs. She kissed along his chin, his chest, then pectoral muscles as he held her hair and head. Just as she inhaled his scent and rubbed her cheek against his cock, she felt the tongue lick along the crack of her ass to her cunt from behind and she gasped, opened, and took Forts cock into her mouth.


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