Three of Spades

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Three of Spades Page 12

by W. Ferraro

  Natalie found the strength to open her eyes but she was sure that was the only movement she would be able to make, for at least a month. When she did, Dylan’s dark gaze was right in front of her. Because she had her glasses on, she could clearly see the pride that was displayed on his gorgeous face.

  Dylan made the quick motion of entrance, until he was buried to the hilt. Natalie’s body cringed, not from pain, rather from the concern that she could not take any more wonderful sensation. He made no attempt to move within her. He, himself, surrendered to the fantastic feeling of being gripped by this gorgeous little body. He opened his closed eyes and with the softest of caresses, he rubbed his thumb across her cheek and rested it on her swollen lips.

  Feeling brazen, yet natural, she opened her mouth and sucked his thumb in. She once again tasted herself on him, and rather than be embarrassed, she enjoyed it. She watched as his eyes opened wider at her reaction and the sexiest of smiles grew across his face.

  “Like that, Babe?” he asked huskily.

  That made her blush. Dylan rolled to his side, leaving her, and Natalie felt immediate loneliness. They lay there, naked body against naked body. And then, Dylan was pushing her to her side facing away from him. When she stiffened from unfamiliarity, Dylan moved his head so his lips were next to her ear.

  “Shhh, it’s ok. I promise it won’t hurt. Relax Natalie. It’s me.”

  She did as he asked, as her eyes focused on the now roaring blaze in front of her. As flames with hues of orange and white grew higher, so did the feelings and sensations swirling inside of her. Dylan positioned their bodies so he could easily slide into her from behind. With her recent climax, she was wet enough that he was, once again, buried to the hilt. Natalie leaned back into him and began pushing back against his growing thrusts. Dylan wrapped his arm under her, effectively pulling her back against him, so he could take her mouth in a mimic of their lower halves. With his free hand, he anchored to her hip, using the leverage to quicken his climaxing thrust. When he emptied himself into her, they both looked at the dancing flames. As they lay there in the ecstasy of fulfillment, Dylan leaned forward and found Natalie asleep. She looked so beautiful in slumber. With her breathing even and her soft lips slightly apart, Dylan just watched as this woman dreamed. Knowing he needed to move, he withdrew from her lovely body and watched as she responded from the departure. When she settled back, placing her folded hands underneath her cheek, Dylan found the strength to stand up. He watched as she slept, he covered her with another blanket and went to dispose of the latex. SHIT! He forgot the condom! His head whipped around to see if Natalie reacted to his mental realization. Every sexual encounter of his life, Dylan had never forgotten to use protection. Christ on a crutch, if his inability to keep his dick out of her wasn’t bad enough, now he ran the risk of making the ultimate life fuck up! Way to go Cross, not only did you potentially ruin your happy unanswering-to-anyone ways, you may just have ruined Natalie’s life too!


  Natalie woke up to a dwindling fire and a dark quite house. She was still naked underneath the warm fleece throw. Standing and wrapping the blanket around her, she padded bare foot toward the glow from underneath the garage door. When she opened the door, she found the music playing softly and Dylan’s feet stick out from under the muscle car. She walked without making a sound until she was standing next to him. She listened as he sang along with the rock song.

  Dylan was wondering what time it could be. He knew he had been working for at least a couple of hours now. The car would be moving under its own power, very soon. Using his arms as leverage, he wheeled himself out from under the car and found himself staring up at Natalie.


  “Hey. I’m so sorry I feel asleep. You should have woken me,” Natalie said, wondering why he didn’t.

  “Not a big deal, besides you’re kind of cute when you sleep; snoring and all,” Dylan said, enjoying his playful jab.

  “I do not snore!” Natalie yelled, but she blushed anyway.

  “If you say so, Babe.” Dylan climbed to his feet and walked over to Natalie. He thought she looked adorable standing in his garage with her bare pink covered toes sticking out from the dragging fleece throw. Her lips still looked swollen and it made Dylan’s ego take a bow.

  “If you continue to stand on the cold cement floor, you are going to catch a cold. Go on into the house and I’ll be right in,” Dylan said, before he leaned down and kissed her forehead.

  Feeling as if she had been dismissed, Natalie shook her head in agreement and walked back into the house. She quickly found the downstairs bathroom and changed into her now fully wrinkled clothes. She wished she had thought to grab the bags from Dylan’s car with her new clothes in them. When she reemerged, she cleaned up the mess from their scattered meal and folded the blanket. She was just finishing cleaning up the kitchen when Dylan entered.

  “Natalie, you didn’t need to clean up and you didn’t need to strip my bed either. It’s just going to get messy again when we sleep in it tonight.” With that he walked over to behind the bar, removed two bottles of beer from the mini refrigerator, sat down on the couch, and turned the television on.

  What!?! He did not just imply she would sleep here, did he? But then, Natalie thought about it, and why couldn’t she? The house was empty back home and she would just be kicking herself for not asking him to stay with her there. Besides, it piqued her growing interest when he mentioned them messing things up again. With that, she accepted the cold bottle, settled in against Dylan, and watched what could have been paint dry for all Natalie cared. She was with Dylan, what more could someone want?

  Soon, it was time they called it a night. At Natalie’s request, Dylan went and got the packages from CeCe’s and placed them in his bedroom. Natalie asked for a few moments before Dylan joined her. As he shut down the lights and closed the house up, he could not help but think about the point he had been trying so hard to put to the back of his mind. Should he tell Natalie about his lapse in control and judgment? Or should he just shake it off. I mean, what were the chances he would get her pregnant? He knew if he told her, she would just worry continuously. So, he would be doing her a favor by not telling her, right? Yeah, Cross, you just keep living in La-La land.

  Dylan entered his bedroom and found Natalie was still behind the closed door of his bathroom. Dylan decided to give her whatever time she needed. He went and used the other bathroom in one of the guest rooms and got ready for bed. When he came back, he found the master bath door was open and the room was dark. He looked toward the bed and found it empty as well. He was just about to call out for her when he saw her and his heart stopped. She stood in the alcove looking out over the moonlit sky. With her back to him, he could see the intricate lace work from her flowing negligee. The dark pink straps crossed over her beautiful exposed back, and the lace edging plunged down to the top of her perfect ass. As if sensing his presence, Natalie turned and faced him. The lace work mimicked its plunge in the front as well exposing her navel. The mesh between the lace clung to her skin as if issuing its own invitation. The pink satin material that sheathed the rest of Natalie, all the way down to her toes, begged for Dylan’s touch. He could see her perked nipples sticking out from the thin material. She had pulled her hair up into a messy knot, exposing her mouthwatering neck. Her glasses were gone and her face was clean of makeup. Dylan was glad he had built a fire in here earlier. She would freeze if he didn’t get her undercover soon. Under him was more like it.

  “Natalie, you are absolutely beautiful,” he said, as his eyes continued to take in her sexy appearance.

  “Thank you, CeCe picked it out,” Natalie said, as she looked down at her body.

  Dylan wanted to tell her it was not the negligee that made Natalie beautiful, but honestly, he didn’t want to waste time on words. He would much rather show her what he thought. He started toward her and she
met him halfway. As if she was the most fragile piece of glass in the world, he held her face and reached out for her lips. Keeping his hands on her cheek and letting the silk locks of her hair cover them, he just kissed her, communicating all that he felt. She held on to his forearms and accepted his compliments. In classic fashion, Dylan picked her up and cradled her against his chest, having her legs hang over his forearm. He carried her to the bed and placed her down in the middle. He was just about to lean in for a kiss when Natalie halted him by placing a hand on his chest.

  “Wait, Dylan. I’d like to try something. Please?” she asked him with her sweet voice and the most endearing look from her gorgeous brown eyes.

  “Anything you want, Babe,” he said, wondering what she was thinking of.

  Kneeling on her knees, she pulled his shirt up and over his head without letting her gaze stray from his own molten chocolate one. When the shirt was removed, she lightly but forcefully pushed him backwards so he was lying down.

  Dylan wanted her to feel comfortable, so he placed his hands folded behind his head. He arched his eyebrow in question to what she was going to do next.

  Ok Natalie, this is why you’ve been psyching yourself up for the last twenty minutes, so now’s your chance. She slowly lowered herself so her lips could touch his shoulder. She started on one side, leaving kiss after kiss as she moved from one wonderfully sculpted pectoral muscle to the other. When she completed the journey from left to right, she started to head downward. She kissed and licked down the sculpted lines his finely kept body outlined for her. She kissed each one of his defined abdominal muscles and gave his navel a quick lick with her tongue.

  Dylan was grateful his hands were behind his head. This angle gave a fantastic view of Natalie becoming confident in sex. When she reached his waist, she released the button and slowly pulled down the zipper. As each tooth gave away from the zipper, Dylan could feel the blood rushing to the region she was enclosing on. He lifted up so she could easily pull down his jeans and boxer briefs. When she had removed them entirely, she threw them over her shoulder in a completely wanton way and gave him the most innocent of smiles.

  Now, with no barrier between her and her intended destination, she looked at his erect cock and knew she wanted to do this. Never letting her eyes move from his, she leaned down and took the first of many licks.

  This was it. He was going to die at the hands, or more specifically the mouth, of Natalie Parker, Dylan was absolutely one hundred percent sure. He knew she would explore, but never did he think she would take him into her warm sweet mouth. He watched as she licked and grew bolder, opening her mouth and taking him in. She began to take him further and further in as she applied the perfect amount of suction. Soon, her pace increased and Natalie’s eyes left Dylan. She began to let the enjoyment she was having, take over. Dylan was now the one who was calling out. He moved his hands, needing to anchor himself better. He gripped the headboard, holding on as Natalie continued to take more and more of him. When he was sure he was going to explode, he finally had to stop her incredible assault.

  When Dylan yelled for her to stop, Natalie was worried she had done something extremely wrong. But, quickly and with little effort on Dylan’s part, Natalie was placed on her back with Dylan covering her.

  “That, Natalie, was amazing,” Dylan said against her lips.

  He watched as she licked her own lips with that mesmerizing little pink tongue of hers. Now it was her turn to savor his taste, and what a taste it was.

  “But, I have a better way to fly off into oblivion.” Dylan quickly reached over and removed a foil pack from the bedside table. He had it in place when he returned to her. He pushed up the gorgeous soft material so it was gathered at her waist. He entered her then, burying himself in what could only be described as his own paradise.

  He moved and she followed, countering every one of his thrusts. Soon, they were both calling out to each other as the erotic battle continued. When Natalie reached her peak and she, herself, gripped the headboard, Dylan plunged once, twice, and finally reached his own climax. He collapsed against her and for the first time in a long time, slept. Whether it was from the exertion of this last mind-blowing orgasm, or from knowing that Natalie would be there when he woke up, Dylan slept like a baby.

  When Natalie awoke, she was engulfed in Dylan’s embrace. His soft sleeping breath was tickling the back of her neck. She snuggled further into the warmth of the covers, being sure to take plenty of his body heat as well. Sometime during the night, she lost her nightgown. It could have been the first or the second time they woke and made love, she wasn’t sure. All she knew was that she was quickly going from trying to be mentally unattached to becoming in over her head.

  Each time they had sex, Natalie’s heart opened up a little bit more. She knew it would never go anywhere and she knew she was only asking for heartache by considering it. But she could not help but think of what it would be like to wake up to this room, this bed, this man, every day. Would they fill the other bedrooms with little dark haired, dark eyed kids? As soon as she saw in her mind the little boy with Dylan’s looks and charm, she knew she had gone over the line. Knowing she needed to stop her imagination before he completely ruined her, she quietly and without rousing Dylan, slid out of bed and headed to the shower. She hoped he would not mind her helping herself to his things, after all, wasn’t he the one that made the comment of sharing a toothbrush. Not that Natalie could bring herself to do that. She made due with her finger and toothpaste. When she stepped out of the shower, she wrapped one of those wonderfully thick towels around her and tiptoed back into the room where her clothes were. She had a new pair of jeans and one of the lovely cashmere sweaters on when Dylan woke up.

  “Good Morning. I’m sorry, did I wake you?” Natalie asked, as she admired his gorgeous face with its desperate need for a shave and sleepy eyes. Natalie was sure Dylan was the sexiest man alive.

  “No. Why are you up and not in bed with me?” he asked, as he reached out and pulled her onto the bed. When she tumbled onto him, she giggled like a schoolgirl.

  “Well, as wonderful as that sounds, I have somewhere to be.”

  “Oh, yeah? Where? I mean other than under, over, or in front of me,” Dylan said huskily, as he delved into her neck.

  Wow! If only he truly meant such things. Natalie wished, so badly, that he had asked her on a date because he saw her at a bar and was attracted to her and not because she solicited him. But he didn’t and she did. Natalie was just going to enjoy every moment and experience. When he exits and her heart is broken, she will not be defeated by it. Rather, she will wear it proudly as the cost of having these memories.

  “I’m going to see my mother today,” Natalie answered, trying to dislodge herself from Dylan’s seeking mouth and hands.

  “Ok, let me shower and we are gone,” Dylan said, hating that he could not take her again. Dylan always thought morning wood was a waste if it could not be thrown on an inferno. Natalie, definitely, was a hot little inferno. Just thinking of the things they did last night made Dylan almost lose it right there in his pants. He climbed out of bed and was halfway to the master bath, when Natalie spoke from behind him.

  “What do you mean, ‘we are gone’?”

  “Well, wasn’t part of this so your mother would ‘see you in a relationship’?” Using his fingers to make imaginary quotation marks in the air, Dylan looked at her stunned face.

  Well . . . yes, but to hear him say it and actually go with her was an entirely different thing.

  “Oh. Yes. You’re right, I must need coffee.” Natalie lightly played off her blunder.

  Dylan walked back over to her and placed a kiss first on her lips and then one swift sweet one on the tip of her nose. She smiled and Dylan knew it was going to be a good day.

  The ride into Minkton did not take but ten minutes. This ride was full of conversation.
Natalie being chatty, telling Dylan of the memories she had with her mother, post her father’s death. Dylan enjoyed listening to her. She spoke like someone speaking of a hero. It was quite evident that Natalie loved her mother, which just made the information of her mother becoming all of a sudden distant and cold toward Natalie, hard to understand. Dylan, himself, knew what it was like to grow up with a single parent. Granted, his Dad split a long time before Dylan could remember but his mom was always there for him. Before she passed, she made Dylan promise he would settle his preference for variety and find the one. Dylan hated lying to his mother in her final moments, but it was as if she was holding on until he promised that very thing. Remembering that promise, Dylan guessed he could relate to why Natalie was doing what she was. Dylan chuckled to himself, thinking what a kick his mom would have gotten out of Natalie. They would have hit it off right from the beginning; Dylan had no doubt. The two would have talked about him as if he were not even there; he was sure. He missed his mother desperately. He became suddenly saddened by the knowledge that she was never going to meet Natalie, even if she was not an ending but a continuation of his refusal to settle down.

  While Dylan’s mind wandered to what his mother was missing, Natalie was growing more nervous with each passing mile. Dylan knew the area well and found the address easily. When they pulled in to the huge complex, they followed the signs to the building that now housed her mother’s home. Dylan pulled the Challenger into a parking spot and cut the engine. When he placed his hand on the door handle, he looked toward Natalie who was unmoving.

  “Hey, you okay?”

  Feeling as if she was going to lose the small breakfast she ate before leaving Dylan’s, she put a plastic smile on her face and nodded her head.


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