Three of Spades

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Three of Spades Page 16

by W. Ferraro

  Natalie had to drive around multiple times to find a parking spot. For a soft opening, the crowd size was unbelievable. Natalie thought what must a grand opening be like? She wove her way through the throngs of people. After making a quick perusal of the bar, she couldn’t find Dylan or anyone else she knew. She didn’t know what she should do. Standing there she must have appeared frazzled because a tall man said, “Miss, can I help you? You look a little out of sorts.”

  Natalie turned to find a man standing next to her. His plaid shirt of red and black was tucked into a pair of dark jeans. His belt buckle was larger than Natalie’s hand and she blushed from head to toe because she was actually looking at his belt buckle. Quickly whipping her head upward and into the other direction, she ran her fingers through her straight styled hair and cleared her throat. “Uh no, I’m fine, just looking for someone. I didn’t expect such a crowd.”

  “Yeah, it definitely looks like a Saturday night opposed to a Tuesday.” The man smiled at her and Natalie blushed further. She wasn’t used to a man, let alone an attractive man paying her any attention. With the dim lights of the bar, Natalie could not tell what color the man’s eyes were but they seemed kind. Natalie suddenly became nervous, she went to fix her usual lopsided glasses when she realized she didn’t have them on. After twenty plus years of wearing glasses, she finally paid a visit to her optometrist and got contacts.

  All of a sudden Natalie was slammed into that red and black strong chest by a passerby that didn’t care that he pushed her. The man caught her but not before he accidently spilled some of his beer onto her top.

  “I’m so sorry, please let me get you something to clean that up,” he said, as he looked toward the crowded bar for a towel or something.

  “Oh, no, please its fine. Really,” Natalie said, because she didn’t want him to go to any trouble. She quickly wiped the small trail of suds that had run down her chest over her breast. Her new V-neck top that plunged and knotted between her breasts, at least, was dark in color so you would not see a stain right away. It was almost as if CeCe knew when she picked out the dark chocolate color. After many more offers to help or pay for cleaning, as well as an equal amount of refusals, the man introduced himself.

  “Well, I’m RJ, please at least let me buy you a drink?” he said, as he smiled and leaned down close to her to be heard over the now bumping music.

  “I’m Natalie, I appreciate the offer RJ, but really, I’m good.”

  “Natalie? Natalie, it sure is you. I almost didn’t recognize you. Come on, I have a table for us.” CeCe waited as her friend said a quick goodbye to the man she was speaking with. She pulled Natalie along toward the table in the new bar room. If Natalie thought the other room was crowded, it was nothing compared to this room. It was wall-to-wall people. The bar was at least four people deep on each side. From Natalie’s vantage point, she could see there were two bartenders working.

  CeCe grew impatient and decided not to wait for the waitstaff, so Natalie watched as she slyly walked up to a man and started chatting. Soon, the man let her order first and picked up the tab to boot. CeCe walked back to the table and gave a wide smile that had her eyes laughing with mirth.

  After taking a sip of the tall glass with a thick coffee colored drink, Natalie savored the delicious smooth minty taste. She was tempted to chug it like she did with a milk shake in her earlier years. “What is this delicious piece of heaven, right here?” Natalie asked, as she took another taste.

  “Dirty Grasshopper. Isn’t it fabulous?” CeCe answered, taking a long swig of her own.

  “Who was that guy you were talking to?” Natalie asked nosily.

  “Have no idea, but I gave him my phone number, so perhaps, we will find out,” CeCe said sassily, as she gave her new friend a gentle shove. Both women laughed and Natalie shook her head in wonder. What it must be like to be confident enough to just sashay over to someone and be bold. Having a personal chuckle over the concept, after all, Natalie proposed a sexual relationship from Dylan with other attachments. Perhaps when she moves on with her life, she could take some pointers from CeCe and learn how to pick up a man or at least flirt outrageously. Suddenly that feeling made Natalie quite sad. She didn’t want to think of her time coming to an end with Dylan, even though she knew it would. Trying not to focus on the disheartening thought, she turned her attention back to CeCe and was joined shortly by the beginning of their large party.

  First to arrive were Robyn and Bryan, quickly followed by Seth, Mae and Wes. After a round of greetings, some smooches and a loud holler of a bar order, Bryan and Seth headed over to stand in line at the bar. Natalie was engaged in an engrossing conversation with Wes, about the design basis for the addition to Cal’s, when suddenly she was engulfed from behind.

  Dylan lightly bit her at the spot where her neck and shoulder met. Her taste flew through his system bringing to life all those little nerve endings that had lain dormant since they were last together. As crowded as the place was, it was as if she had left him a trail right to her. He could not explain it if anyone asked him to, but as soon as he entered the building, he knew which direction she was in.

  Natalie’s attention quickly changed direction from the just stepped out of a magazine Wes, to the sexiest man in the world, in her opinion anyway. When she turned to face him in the limited area they had, every line of her body sizzled from his presence. Her libido skyrocketed from just his touch. Soon, she forgot about every detail of life, including where they were and why they were doing it, because she was with Dylan. His hard powerful body had her cradled against him. His aftershave smelled of sex, musk and him. He was clean-shaven with baby soft skin. His dark hair was styled in his usual fashion of slightly hanging over his forehead. His dark eyes were lively and focused on her.

  “Hi. Where are your glasses?”

  “Hello. I’m wearing contacts, don’t I look better without them?” she answered and asked.

  Dylan didn’t agree with that answer. She looked smoking either way. Not wanting to make a deal of it, he settled for “How are you?”

  “I’m good, even better, now.” She pressed up on tiptoes and touched his lips with her own.

  Not wanting to get lost in her, just yet, Dylan kept the kiss light and minimal but with the implication of how happy he was to see her. Taking another whiff, he noticed that in addition to her usual floral pleasant aroma there was a hint of, what was that, beer? Jokingly he asked her loud enough to be heard, “Did you hit a keg party before you came?”

  Laughing lightly, she answered just as loud to ensure he could hear her. “No, I was talking with a nice man when we got knocked together and unfortunately his beer tipped.”

  The mental sight of her that close to another man, that he would or could spill a beverage on her, put Dylan on edge. Her outfit with the low cut top emphasized her beautifully high tits. Those skin-fitting jeans, not to mention the stiletto boots that covered her small feet, were enough to drive any masculine libido to explosion. The fact that it was another’s libido was enough of a distraction for Dylan. Insisting on keeping the darkening thoughts to himself, he settled his hands on her rear and pushed her up to him again so he could claim her lips in a much deeper and more proprietary way.

  “D! You finally made it. I thought I was going to have to entertain all these beautiful women myself,” Seth said, as he sat down in the one vacant seat and pulled his more than willing wife down onto his lap.

  Bringing his attention back to their party, Dylan gave a smart-ass answer and the conversation flowed. As they all listened to the fabulous music coming from the band, the overwhelming crowd finally dispersed so you could, at least, see something that wasn’t in your immediate three foot vicinity. As the dance floor grew with music-inspired movement, Natalie found herself being pulled by both Robyn and CeCe to shake their own out there. Mae followed closely behind. As the band played dance mix aft
er dance mix, the four women laughed and let themselves go. Natalie could not remember ever having such fun. She wished she could freeze this moment in time. Soon it was the consensus to head back to the table, where cold drinks, welcoming men and sexually explicate descriptions were given about how they looked out there.

  “Well, I feel a tad out of place. Come on, Wes, come to the bar with me and buy me a drink,” CeCe said, as she stood up fixing her long-sleeved, scoop-neck, leopard print mini dress. The dress clung to her body, showing everything and hiding nothing. As she walked toward the bar, her ass paraded sexily from the platform sky high leopard print heels she wore to round out the ensemble.

  “I never turn down a sexy woman who orders me around and tells me to spend my money,” Wes answered in his deep smooth voice, although his words were a far cry from his standard requisite for sexual participation. Wes followed CeCe, leaving the couples behind.

  As they approached the bar, a seat opened up. Wes insisted that CeCe take it. Being attractive as she was, CeCe very rarely went anywhere that she didn’t get hit on. So having a little fun, Wes draped his arm around the back of her chair and stepped in close. He whispered into her ear, almost touching her lobe with his lips. “Aw, too bad Cecille, that stud at the end of the bar was just about to come over and hit on you. Guess you’ll have to go home to an empty bed tonight.” He leaned back and gave her his wicked sinfully sexy smile, as he looked down at her now smoldering with temper look.

  “You’re an asshole, you know that?” she said, as she attempted to shove him away. Wes looked slight compared to Seth and Dylan, but jeez, he was solid. “Was it the really cute guy with the dark, dreamy eyes?” CeCe craned her neck to look to see where the man she had been eyeing went.

  “You bet, Sugar!” Wes answered playfully.

  “Again, you’re an asshole!” CeCe exaggerated her pucker and was rewarded with an insincere, yet playful, and wanted, apology.

  Before CeCe could tell Wes what he could do the next time he decided to ward off any attempts by other men, they were interrupted when the bartender came over. Looking at CeCe first, the woman bartender looked fresh and fun. Her womanly body was covered head to toe in black. Her snug fitting black top dipped low, showing just the tip of a red lace bra. Her midriff was exposed, showing a glitter of bling at her navel. Her low riding pants were topped with a wide black leather belt. The covering draped over her round full hips and ass, accentuating her curvaceous lush figure. Her face was beautiful, with heavily made up eyes that looked dramatic and sexy. Her stormy gray gaze was black all the way around due to a thick heavy penciled border, while her long full lashes gave the impression they never ended under perfectly shaped brows. The smoky color that covered her lids was enhanced with a sparkle of shine that was caught by the overhead lighting. Her long jet-black hair hung sensuously down her back adding to her many alluring qualities.

  “What can I get you, hun?” she asked, ready to take another order.

  “I’ll have a Slippery Nipple with a Screaming Orgasm chaser. Wes, either of those peak your interest?”

  Wes usually carried on very gentlemanly, being sure to keep his lewd and raunchiness to a minimum when in mixed company. He kept his risqué and societally taboo sexual tastes pretty close to the vest, but, he wasn’t a stuffed shirt in public either. He could keep up a spirited, yet unoffending, suggestive tête-à-tête just like the next guy. However, his witty response to CeCe’s sass stopped in the middle of his throat. The gorgeous bartender had finally turned her attention to him. And unfortunately, it wasn’t the response he would have liked. When she looked from Cece to him, the genuine smile left her beautiful painted mouth and her wide looking eyes grew even wider. Wes watched as it was almost recognition on her part but then, just as quickly, she recovered. She placed, not the genuine smile she had moments ago, but a more guarded and professional one. Feeling the need to know why she reacted to him in such a way, ate at Wes. He knew he could not address the issue at the moment. He gave his order of scotch on the rocks, and watched as she went about filling the order. Wes’ eyes watched as she had her back to them and bent over the large ice chest to fill the glasses. As she bent over her shirt rode up higher and he could see the bottom half of a tattoo across the small of her back. He could not make out what it said but Wes’ thoughts focused on her delectable body. He intended to find out all about her and soon, very soon. When she came back to give them their drinks, she kept her eyes down except for when she gave the tally for the bill. Without missing a beat, CeCe took her shot and cocktail in hand, winked and thanked the bartender as she slid down and walked off in the direction of their table. Wes handed over the bills and when the bartender went to hand back his change, he told her to keep it. He watched as she moved down the bar to take her next order and slid the money into her left bra cup. Wes had never felt more like wanting to be a ten dollar bill than he did right then.

  Natalie was feeling a little tipsy from the countless Dirty Grasshoppers she drank, so she was relieved when Dylan insisted that she leave her car there and he would drive her. After she agreed to meet Mae and Robyn on Thursday to go dress shopping, they said their goodbyes and headed toward the exit. They had just about reached the door, when Dylan realized he needed to tell Seth something. Wanting her to come with him, Dylan was reluctant when Natalie insisted she would wait where she was while he ran back to Seth. Natalie watched as Dylan’s retreating back became smaller until she lost sight of him all together. As soon as he was gone she heard, “Natalie. Glad I got to see you again. I know this is forward, is there any chance I can get your number? I know you’re with that other dude, but in case things go south there, I’d like to put my hat in the ring.” Natalie turned to find RJ standing so close, she was amazed she did not see his approach. His handsome face was close and she could not help but feel tickled that he would be so bold, after all she was Natalie; boring, sluggish, unattractive, Natalie Parker. Wanting to feel, confident and empowered as CeCe had when earlier she had given the unknown man her number. Hating that his remark made her think of the limited amount of time she had remaining with Dylan, she reluctantly rifled off her number to his appreciative face. What Dylan did not know would not hurt him when he was off living his usual unattached life and she was left with her lonely self-existence. As if RJ sensed Dylan’s approach, he thanked her and vanished as quickly as he appeared.

  Dylan grabbed on to Natalie’s hand and led her out into the cool night air. He found her red cheeks, from her consumption of alcohol, adorable. She was giggly and sweet and Dylan knew that he got to share another first with Natalie.

  Because of the crowd, Dylan had to park a good distance away. So, as the thumping died down the further they got from Cal’s and the darker, more private it became. When they had reached the Challenger, Dylan pinned Natalie with the car at her back and his warm, virile, wanting body at her front. Dylan weaved his hands into her hair, holding her head between his palms. He brought his mouth against her lips so when he spoke the soft words, his mouth began the kiss he fully intended on deepening, before she answered. “I plan on seducing you and screwing you until the sun comes up, do you have a problem with that Natalie?” His tongue plunged and probed her mouth, inviting her tongue to engage with his in an unwinnable contest. Soon, his hands left her face as they slid down her body and lifted the hem of her shirt. He glided the back of his fingers up over her ribcage and continued to ascend over the mounds of her firm, lovely, responsive breasts. Dylan forcefully pulled down the cups that covered and contained them. He was not gentle as he pulled and pinched her nipples to get the effect he wanted. Natalie whimpered and yielded to the sensual and erotic spell he wove. Soon, she was as needy as he was in wanting to find completion. Dylan slid his hands into the back waistband of her pants; he gripped and kneaded her derriere making her juice flow within. As if it called to him, he dipped his hand lower and glided a finger into her saturated opening.

“Dylan!” Came out as a moan from her gorgeous lips.

  “Come for me, Babe. Give it all to me, right here,” he whispered hungrily against her ear, as he took the fleshy lobe into his mouth and sucked it until he was sure it would detach.

  Knowing she would do as he requested, Natalie closed her eyes tighter, giving her body over to the unbelievable sensation. His fingers worked at an infuriating tempo, dipping in and out, while he uttered dirty words and thoughts into the quiet air between them. Natalie succumbed to the sensation and called out as she savored the incredible orgasm.

  When she quieted down, Dylan withdrew his fingers and quickly righted her clothing. Once more taking claim to her lips, this time it was not as desperate. Given what they had just done, Dylan finally felt the intense need for her and that responsive body of hers, lessen.

  “Come on, let me get you in the car and back to the house, before I take you right here and now.” Dylan helped her into the car and quickly climbed in on his side. He drove urgently and with high speed. As the minutes passed by, he could not help but grow with his own need for Natalie. When would these feelings end? The more he had her, the more he wanted her. As if their physical union would align his own personal universe. With increased desire to sheath himself in her warm heat, he parked in the garage and all but pulled her from the car. He was impressed that he held out until the main living space before he had her naked and ready for his domination. Once buried inside her, he hammered into her claiming her in the most ancient of ways. She begged and pleaded for him to never stop, to bring her to the brink again and again. Dylan’s blood boiled and his manhood called out with every plunge into the sweetest of all places. When he found his completion, he collapsed onto her. He thought he heard her speak some words softly but with the thrashing of his heart and the loudness of his own breath, Dylan didn’t know what those words were.


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