Three of Spades

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Three of Spades Page 18

by W. Ferraro

  They clung to each other as they grounded back to the earth. Natalie’s head lay against him and she listened to his heart thunder within his chest. His breath was heavy against her neck and his arms tightened around her. She wanted this to be enough; she wanted this to show him how much she needed him. She hoped she showed with her body and blatant display, what her lips and heart were too afraid to say, well say again anyway.

  Later, they were curled together in Dylan’s bed in the quiet room with the only illumination coming from the fireplace. Dylan was tracing the lines and textures of her smaller hand. She rested her head on his bare chest.

  “So, I thought, I’d take you to dinner tomorrow night,” Dylan said quietly.

  Natalie loved how she could feel the vibration from his voice ripple through his body. She laid a kiss on his left pectoral muscle before lifting her head and looking at his beautiful face. Goodness, how he looked right now. Whom was she kidding; he looked attractive no matter what he was doing, but here, like this, he looked particularly scrumptious.

  “That sounds nice, however, I’m having dinner at Sam’s house. My mother requested it,” Natalie said, suddenly feeling like such a horrible daughter for not going to see her in the last couple of days.

  “Then dinner at Sam’s it is,” Dylan said. Not his ideal choosing of atmospheres for them, but was not such an affair in his original dealt hand?

  Unexpectedly, Natalie felt unsure if they should continue with this charade. Was it truly worth it? Did the end justify the means? She agreed her timing was quite convenient to have this sudden change of heart, but could she continue in such a false manner? Her continued thoughts on the matter, were interrupted by Dylan.

  “Well, since we are going to what I assume to be an entire family dinner, there is something I think you should know.”

  Natalie had chills run throughout her body, “I’m listening.”

  For as much of an asshole as Reggie was and for everything he had coming to him that he justly deserved, the fact remained; Dylan didn’t like telling Natalie about such despicable deeds.

  “My curiosity was piqued by Reggie’s behavior. I had my concerns, but after he pillaged your house, I knew he was up to no good. So, I put in a call to an old friend of mine, Jarod Gates, he owns his own P.I. company. Anyhow, he looked into your brother and apparently, Reggie has been living a lifestyle that should be, by any standards, outside of his means. He’s been discovered embezzling from many of his high end clients.”

  “Oh my!” Natalie was astounded at hearing Reggie would do something so disgraceful, not to mention illegal and unethical.

  “Yeah, well, the kicker is, Reggie’s secret had been discovered. He’s been paying monthly blackmail payments to keep his actions hush-hush.”

  “Who’s blackmailing him?”

  “Don’t know, and I can’t say for certain what he was doing at your house, but I have my suspicions. Tomorrow will give us a chance to find out, definitively.” Seeing the unease in her face, Dylan rolled her over so he now covered her with his body. He said, softly against her lips, “Now, I don’t want you worrying about this at all. What he has done is his own doing. I’m not going to let him hurt you, Natalie. I’m not going to let anyone do anything to you. Do you hear me?”

  When she darted out her small pink tongue, licking her full plush bottom lip, Dylan felt his body responding. How such a little action could make him so aroused. Fuck that, he was in bed with her, no wonder his body had reacted. All he had to do was inhale her scent and he became hard. He wondered if it would always be like that. Whoa, where did that come from?

  “You are so beautiful, Natalie. Every time I have you is better than the last. You are spoiling me for anyone else.” He leaned down and kissed a path from her earlobe to that special spot, where her neck met her shoulder.

  Natalie closed her eyes tight, but not from the arousing sensations he was making her feel, but rather, because of his words. She hoped he truly meant that he would not find happiness, physical or emotional, with anyone after her. Natalie opened her eyes and returned Dylan’s affections and touches. She countered his strokes and caresses, hoping that she could seal an invisible bond, connecting them forever. She communicated physically what her heart was screaming. Love me Dylan. Choose me. Let me share my life with you. Just love me.

  As they made love, their hearts matched beat for beat, their kisses harmonized lips and tongues, while their bodies performed an opus for all time.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” Natalie asked one last time, as Dylan pulled the Cuda into Sam’s driveway.

  “I’m positive, why, all of a sudden, the change of heart? This was part of your grand plan, remember,” Dylan said, answering her for the twentieth time. She had been acting funny ever since he told her that he’d come with her.

  “I just don’t want you to think you have to do this. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to fool her.”

  “Well, that is your call, babe. I’ll play along if you want me to; I’ll come clean if you want me to.”

  Feeling confused over what the correct decision was, she opted to continue with the act. After all, it was what her mother wanted. Goodness, how she missed her mother every day and she was not even gone yet. Natalie was hurt that Gloria opted to spend her last days away from her. Natalie had to keep telling herself that this was what her mother wanted. She would do as she wished, but every day that passed was a day they would never get back.

  “Come on, I should finish what I started. My mother always said if you signed on for something then you had to see it through to the end, so, that’s what I’ll do.” Even if Natalie knew she would regret it, but that was just another price she would pay in the end of all this.

  They exited the car and walked up the brick path to where the expansive hipped roof colonial sat. Natalie knocked on the door and Sam answered. With his cordial smile in place, he welcomed his sister in and that is when he noticed Dylan Cross.

  “Dylan Cross, I heard you would be joining us. Please come in,” Sam stated plainly, yet unable to hide his hostility towards his newest guests.

  As Dylan stepped in, he immediately noticed the over the top high-priced crystal chandelier that adorned the cathedral entryway. Sam did not attempt any sort of affectionate motion to greet his sister, nor, did he extend his hand for a gracious handshake. Once a prick, always a prick!

  “Mom is in the living room, as well as Patricia and the younger children. Please make yourself comfortable.”

  Natalie led the way into the living room and noticed her mother sitting in one of the wing chairs by the bay window. After walking over and greeting her with a kiss, Natalie sat down and asked her how she was feeling.

  “Oh, well, I woke up, so, could have been worse,” Gloria said, wanting to weep because she finally got to lay eyes on Natalie. She had missed her daughter very much. Seeing that Dylan had accompanied her gave Gloria pause, but she would deal with that later.

  After extending pleasantries with Reggie’s wife Patricia, Dylan took a seat across the room, giving Natalie and her mother some time together.

  Sam reentered the room, asking if he could get Natalie or Dylan a drink. Natalie asked for a glass of wine, while Dylan asked for a club soda. Wanting to stay as sharp as possible around Reggie, Dylan opted to have no alcohol.

  “Dylan Cross, is that you?” Nicholette Parker waltzed into the room in a blue silk pantsuit, sparkling from the diamonds at her ears, wrist and finally her hands. Leaning in and placing a lipstick covered kiss on Dylan’s cheek.

  “Hey Nic, how are you?” Dylan had known that Sam married a local girl after he returned home from college. He found it somewhat comical that it was also one of his own high school girlfriends.

  “Oh, you know me; always make lemonade out of lemons,” Nicholette answered, excited to see Dylan after all these year
s. God, how many times as a young girl did she doodle her name with Cross as her last name.

  “Glad to hear it.”

  Feeling awkward because not only were Sam and Natalie looking at her, but Patricia was looking at her as if she lost her mind. Nicholette went back into the kitchen to complete the appetizers. Sam followed her then came back out with the requested drinks.

  Sam handed Dylan his club soda with a jerky motion. Handing Natalie the expensive crystal wine glass, he said, “Don’t break that, it cost more than you make in a month.”

  Christ, was anyone in this family pleasant to her? Fuck this, he was getting her out of here and sheltering her from these assholes. She didn’t deserve any of this. Just as Dylan thought this, their mother spoke up.

  “Samuel, that was rather rude,” Gloria said, as she looked at Sam, wondering why he was acting with such crassness.

  Finally, someone sticks up for her.

  “But Natalie, please be careful, it isn’t like the discount store glasses we have at home.”

  Saying with a smile, “I’m sure I can manage.” Then her eyes met Dylan’s and issued an apology with her gaze.

  “Why doesn’t everyone come into the dining room, the first course will be out shortly.” Nicholette said, speaking to the room at large, being sure to avoid pleasantries with Dylan at the insistence of her husband’s tirade in the kitchen.

  As Natalie helped her mother out of the chair, Dylan waited for both ladies so he could follow behind. The dining room was just as pretentious as the rest of the home. The table had seating for twelve, as well as formal china including crystal wine and water goblets. Dylan paused taking a seat until Natalie had made sure her mother was comfortable and then took the seat beside her. Dylan had to admit, Gloria Parker was much more animated today than the last time he saw her. She seemed to be so happy that Natalie was with her, such a change from his last impression. Dylan took his seat beside Natalie as well as a light haired boy, Dylan guessed to be around eleven or twelve.

  Leaning in close, Dylan whispered to the boy, “I’m not really good with all this fancy stuff. If I pick up the wrong fork kick me under the table ok.” The boy laughed and was given a strict stare from his father, Reggie.

  Dylan noticed that Reggie took a seat at the head of the table while Sam sat at the other end. Both of their wives took the seats next to them, with the children taking the remaining seats. The huge floral arrangement that sat centered on the table made Dylan unable to see the little kid across from him, who was whispering to his neighbor.

  As the salad came out, the silence in the room was deafening. Not feeling the least bit uncomfortable, Dylan said with an inward smile, “So Reggie, how’s that blackmail thing going?”

  Forks clanked, loud inward breaths were heard and everyone stared at Dylan. So, he did what he thought was appropriate, pulled a roll from the bread basket in front of him and tore into the deliciously smelling roll and applied a sizeable amount of butter.

  Reggie looked at the man he thought of as his nemesis and wanted to crush him. Fueled by the five bourbons he had already consumed, Reggie could not hold his tongue.

  “Reginald, what is he talking about?” asked Reggie’s wife.

  “Shut up Patricia. Who the fuck do you think you are coming into my family’s home and calling me out?” snapped Reggie.


  “Shut your trap, Patricia!” Reggie said without letting his gaze waver from Dylan.

  “Am I calling you out? I was just making conversation. It was awfully quiet in here,” Dylan said, taking another bite of his roll.

  “That’s enough. This is completely inappropriate conversation. Dylan, I’d like you to leave my house, this instant,” Sam said, standing up.

  The children looked from one adult to another. The woman all remained mute until Natalie piped in.

  “Sam, the only thing inappropriate is what our brother has been up to. I think since we are all here, the question is reasonable.”

  Dylan was so proud of her. Grabbing her hand below the table and giving it a squeeze, he added the next bit of ammunition.

  “So, how much did you embezzle?” Dylan asked. Seeing the shock and alarm on Patricia’s face answered another one of Dylan’s questions.

  “That’s enough! I will not say it again Cross, I want you out of my house,” Sam said toward his unwanted guest. To his brother he said, “And you Reggie, I don’t know what this is all about, but keep your trap shut.”

  “All you had to do Sam was help me out, but you were too busy at your Ad agency,” Reggie said, feeling the noose of hopelessness tighten. Of course, the amount of Bourbon in his system that he used for numbness was not quite doing its job.

  Sam was shocked as he looked at his brother with what was becoming a strong aversion for the man. It was true, when Reggie had come to Sam saying he needed help with some of the legal paperwork concerning Gloria, Sam thought it was odd. Reggie was always one for dramatics and over-the-top reactions and Sam had enough on his own plate to deal with without another of Reggie’s self-causing turmoil. So, Sam told him to grow up and figure his own way out of whatever mess he made this time.

  “Look, I don’t know how you know about any of this, but it is none of your damn business,” Reggie said to Dylan, as he got up and walked over to the small bar where a decanter of bourbon stood.

  In a weak, yet, unsurprised voice, Gloria said, “Well, I believe I have a right to know considering you’re my son and it is apparently my personal business that is the cause of this. And since Mr. Cross is the one to inform me of such a matter, I’d like him to stay.” She glared at her eldest son, who looked and reminded her so much of her deceased husband. He had always been a head strong, selfish, deceitful person but Gloria tried to show him through her love that he did not need to be his father. Life did not need to be that cold or filled with such cruelty, but the older he got the more it was evident he did not see life in any other way. She loved him because she carried him, birthed him and raised him, but the wall of respect she had for him cracked long ago.

  “Reggie, what is this all about? What is going on?” Patricia asked, her concern growing with every passing second.

  Gulping the three fingers down, Reggie slammed the glass down and turned to the table at large. “Fuck it! You want to know, fine. I’ll fucking tell you.” Taking his seat again, he attacked his food as if he wasn’t admitting to being a criminal. “It started last year, I had a bad run at the black jack table in Connecticut, and before I knew it I was in the hole, deep. So, I went to work and looked at some of the accounts and took a little out of a handful of them. I figured I could cover my debt and put it back when I hit my stride again.”

  “Wait a minute; you said it was a meeting with the executives in New York. That was the reason you were going to the casino. You lied to me?” Patricia was appalled.

  “Oh please, if I didn’t go, you would not have had your screw time with what’s his name down the street. Oh, what, you didn’t think I knew you had been fucking our entire gated community? Patti, please, I wasn’t stupid enough to think you’d start to be picky about who you open your legs for after we got married.”

  “Trevor, take your siblings and cousins upstairs. Now!” Nicholette spoke and the children quickly ran out of the room.

  Looking around the table and all eyes were on her, Patricia got up and left the room as well.

  “So I was at the office late one night when I got this anonymous email from a non-traceable IP. They said they knew what I did and had dates, withdrawals, deposits into my private accounts, so, either I pay them 15K a month or they’d expose me.” With menace, he looked from face to face, letting his eyes finally rest on his mother. “So, if that isn’t just the piss to warm your blood, Mother, I went to some friends for a small hand out and it appeared no one thought I was wort
hy of such a thing. Apparently, my wife’s extra marital affairs were not limited to where we live. It seems her ventures included most of my health club, as well as the entire County Club. Fucking irony is, I can’t even liquidate shit because it’s all gone. I lost it years ago over March Madness. One hundred percent of zero is still zero.” Reggie laughed a sinister laugh, as he leaned back pulling the open decanter of bourbon toward him and drank it eliminating the use of a glass.

  Knowing there was more for him to answer to, Dylan continued, “So, you thought you’d what? Sell the house out from under your mother and sister?”

  Looking at first his mother, who did not seem shocked and then his sister and finally resting his gaze on Cross. “You’re damn right I did! I had to do something. It isn’t like I made her sick. Even the doctors said she didn’t have that much longer. So what if I didn’t want to wait for what’s coming to me? That was my father’s house. He slaved and worked hard to provide. If it wasn’t for his stupid drinking, he would have kicked them out long ago and I would have gotten my money then. You think you are so perfect. You can strut in here and think, because of a couple fucks of my sister, that you can piss on me? You don’t know jack shit!” Reggie bellowed.

  At the mention of such crudeness, Nicholette gasped loudly.

  Dylan wanted to throw his chair against the wall, hell, at Reggie even. If it wasn’t for Natalie’s hand on his forearm, Dylan was sure he would have done just that. Speaking with menacing quietness, Dylan looked at the other man and said, “If you ever speak about your sister in such a fashion again, or any other woman, I will rip your limbs off and beat you to a bloody pulp with them. Got it!”

  “Alright, that’s enough out of both of you,” Sam said insistently. However, even he felt deflated after learning the most recent disturbing news of Reggie’s.

  “Dylan, please,” Natalie said, wanting to calm the situation not escalate it.

  “Please nothing, Babe. He will respect you. Trust me, I’m praying he’s dumb enough to say something derogatory again, just so I have an actual excuse to ram my fist into his face,” Dylan said through clenched teeth. Trying to remain calm but failing miserably. He then turned his attention back to Reggie. “Are you seriously that much of a bastard that you would pray for your mother’s death to save your own hide? My mother is gone and I miss her every day. What I would not give to have just one more hour with her. And here you are, you miserable waste of flesh, can’t get her in the ground fast enough.”


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