Never Look Back (Counting Stars Book 1)

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Never Look Back (Counting Stars Book 1) Page 1

by Trish Williford

  Copyright © 2015 Trish Williford

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission of the author. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously.

  For Ashley-

  The real Kelsey, the old Becca, the inspiration for this story and most importantly…a survivor.

  I’m proud of you.

  Chapter One

  “Well, I think you are all set. Do not lose your bag; it will be extremely difficult to get replacements of everything to you. I will send you emails, so make sure to check your new address regularly. Now, what’s your name?”

  Rolling my eyes, I crossed my arms over my chest. We had been through this at least ten times today. “My name is Kelsey Franklin. I am twenty-four years old from Jackson, Mississippi.”

  Detective Taylor put his hand on my shoulder, giving me a stern look. “Listen, I know this isn’t ideal, but it’s going to save your damn life. You can never, I mean NEVER try to contact anyone from home, do you understand me? If you go back you’ll be dead within a day. It’s too risky.”

  Tears filling my eyes threatened to fall over, but I refused to let them. I’ve cried too much. I shook my head, wiping them away with the back of my hand. “I’ll never look back, I promise. I can’t thank you enough for everything you did for me. You saved me, Detective Taylor.”

  His eyes looked sad when my flight was called for boarding. I wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. He patted my back; I could tell he was uncomfortable. I pulled away, picking up my carry on and gave him a small smile. “Later.”

  I turned and walked towards the gate. “Rebecca?” I turned, looking at him one more time. He gave me a sad smile. “Please, be careful.”

  I simply nodded, then turned my back on my old life.

  Chapter Two

  “Hey Becca, hold up!” I heard a familiar voice from behind me. I turned around to see Wyatt Patterson jogging towards me.

  Wyatt freaking Patterson.

  He’s been my twin brother’s best friend since we were in pre-k. He’s also been my crush since then. Wyatt and I have always had a flirty friendship, but it’s never gone past that. He caught up to me as I turned the hall to walk towards the math wing.

  “What’s going on Wy?” I asked. He threw his arm around my shoulders like he often did, and my heart began to flutter, like it often did.

  “Can I walk you to trig?”

  Like I would refuse!

  “I guess.” I smiled. We walked in silence until we reached my class, and I still wasn’t completely sure why he was here. “Ok, thanks for walking me to class Wy. I’ll see ya.” I turned to walk into Mr. Beard’s class, but stopped when I felt a hand on my hip, turning me back around. I looked up at Wyatt’s face, noticing he seemed nervous. “You feel ok?” I asked, placing the back of my hand on his forehead.

  He smirked, removing my hand, but keeping it in his. “Yeah, I’m ok. Listen, Becca…will you go with me to prom?”

  My heart stopped. Holy crap, did Wyatt Patterson just ask ME to the prom? Am I dreaming? Am I dead?

  Wyatt bent down to look me in the eyes. “Bec, are you ok?”

  I managed to nod, being rewarded with that gorgeous smile. No one should be this beautiful. “Ok, good. Now, you have me a little scared here…will you go to prom with me? Is it Pres that you’re worried about? I already asked him if I could take you. After he threatened my life, he told me I could.”

  I giggled, imagining my older brother by two minutes threatening to kill his best friend if he hurt me. The bell rang before I could answer Wyatt. I started walking backwards into class, watching Wyatt sweat it out. “No way Becca, come here!” He pulled me to him by my hips, pressing his lips to mine gently. Holy crap. Holy freaking crap. I’m getting my first kiss by Wyatt outside of my trig class? I really am dreaming! He pulled away, leaving me breathless. I opened my eyes, slightly feeling dizzy.

  “Well?” he whispered.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him back down to me. I hovered over his lips, looking into his eyes. “Yes.” I whispered. Our lips slightly brushed when Mr. Beard rudely interrupted.

  “You are both juniors in high school, not actors in a soap opera. Detention for you both after school. Mr. Patterson get to class, I’m sure Coach Kline won’t be pleased you’ll be missing practice. Ms. Adams, get in here now.”

  I walked backwards into class, watching Wyatt rub his thumb across the bottom lip that I just kissed. He gave me a sexy smile and walked to his class. I sat down at my desk, my lips still tingling.

  Best first kiss ever.

  Chapter Three

  A jolt woke me from my nap, scaring the living daylights out of me. My heart started beating rapidly, my breath quickening. No, please don’t have a panic attack…

  “Sweetie, are you ok?” An elderly woman sitting beside me put her hand on my arm. I finally realized that I was on the plane, and we had just landed. I remembered what the therapist had taught me; deep, calming breaths will slow my heart back to normal and keep me in control. When I felt like I had a grasp on the situation, I smiled back at the woman beside me.

  “Yeah, I’m ok. I just get nervous when I fly.” She gave me a reassuring smile and brought her attention back to her book. Outside of the window, rain made the skies gloomy and dark. Thanks for the warm welcome, Canada.

  The overly chipper flight attendant’s voice rang throughout the plane. “Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to Vancouver International Airport. Local time is 4:31pm, and the current temperature is 15 degrees Celsius. Please remain seated until the aircraft arrives at the gate.”

  I arrived at the address that Detective Taylor gave me after a twenty five minute taxi ride. I paid my fare and rolled my two large suitcases behind me into the lobby of the condo complex that I would be staying at. Taylor said I would have a roommate, which made me feel secure and scared at the same time.

  “Hello, may I help you?” The security guard behind a small desk interrupted my thoughts.

  “I am moving in today to 8C, my roommate is Ryleigh James. My name is Kelsey Franklin.” I was extremely proud of myself that I remembered to use my “new” name without hesitation.

  The large man looked down at his desk, nodding. “Yes, I have you down as moving in today, Miss Franklin. May I see your ID please? Security is a top priority here.”

  I pulled my new ID out of my purse, handing it to him. After examining it, he made a copy of it and slid it back across the desk to me. “Ok Miss Franklin, I have an envelope that Miss James left for you. She asked me to give this to you and to make yourself at home. Here is your key card for the elevator. The only way you can gain access to the staircases or elevators are with these key cards. Just scan the card across the black pad above the elevator buttons or beside the staircase doors to gain access. If you ever receive visitors, we will use the intercom that is located inside your condo to contact you, and you must come get your visitor from the lobby. I’m sure Miss James will give you the ins and outs later, but do you have any questions for me now?”

  Taking the envelope and key card, I shook my head. “I don’t think so. If I do, I’ll be sure to come down and ask. What’s your name?”

  “Sorry, I got ahead of myself. Please call me Austin. There are four of us that work here, there is always a security guard sitting at this desk, twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. We accept cookies as forms of payment.” His deep laugh made me smile; I already knew I’d get along with him well.

  “You can call me Kelsey. Thank you for b
eing so helpful Austin, I’m sure I’ll see you around.” I walked over to the set of elevators, swiping my card in front of the black pad. I pulled my bags into the opened door and pushed the button for the eighth floor. I opened the envelope that Ryleigh left for me, finding a key and security code. When the doors to the eighth floor opened, I lugged my heavy bags to the door that read 8C. I opened the door with the key, then punched the code provided to stop the security system from beeping.

  I sat my bags inside the door, shutting and locking the door behind me. I walked into the small living room, noticing everything was neat and orderly. I’m secretly relieved considering I am slightly OCD when it comes to everything being in place. The kitchen was off of the living room, fully equipped with all necessary appliances. I breathed a sigh of relief when I found the dishwasher. There was a small table in the corner of the kitchen with a fresh flower arrangement in the middle of it. Being nosey, I took the card from the flowers in my hand, reading the handwritten note.


  Happy birthday Ry! You’re the best assistant a guy could ask for, thanks for everything you do for me day in and day out. I hope you have a wonderful day.


  Huh. So she is an assistant to someone named Collin, and apparently she is good at what she does. Putting the card back where I found it, I continued down the hallway to find my room. The first opened door on the right was a bathroom, decorated in a beach theme. The last door on the right was a small bedroom, which I assumed would be mine. The full sized bed had a note with my name on it.

  Welcome Kelsey! I’m looking forward to having a roommate. Please make yourself at home and feel free to use anything you need. There is plenty of food in the kitchen, help yourself. I’ll be home from work around ten-ish. See you then!


  What kind of assistant gets home at ten in the evening? I sat my bags down on my bed, looking around the room. There was a dresser with a mirror on the wall opposite of the bed, a nightstand, and a floor lamp in the corner. I opened the closet, which was extremely small. I guess it doesn’t matter much; I don’t have many clothes or belongings to store away. I decided to unpack my suitcases to hopefully make this place feel a little more like home. I put my folded clothes in the dresser, but only filled up two of the four drawers. I hung up a few pairs of pants and a dress, emptying my first suitcase. I slid it under my bed before unzipping the next. I unpacked two pairs of shoes and set them in the bottom of the closet. After hanging up the large coat that Detective Taylor suggested I bring, the only thing left in the suitcase besides my toiletries was the picture I tucked inside without him seeing. This was my favorite picture of my family. It was of Momma, Daddy, Preston and I while we were on our family vacation in Disney World. Staring at the picture was painful; I knew I would never be able to see them ever again. Tears rolled down my cheeks, but I angrily wiped them away, not getting upset over something I can’t change. I tucked the picture under my pillow, keeping them close to me. I put my toiletries on the top of my dresser, and I caught my reflection in the mirror. I still had to do a double take when I walked past mirrors or glass windows. This person staring back at me is a stranger. This isn’t me. This short, brown hair isn’t who I am, but it’s what I have to live with for a while. The only thing that I recognize is my blue eyes, but they even look dull compared to what they used to be.

  True to her word, Ryleigh came home around 10:15. She opened the door, immediately running into the living room looking for me. I was curled up on the couch, reading on my kindle. I looked up at her when I heard the loud “WELCOME HOME!”

  Ryleigh was tall with dark brown hair, dark eyes, and a beautiful smile. She was already hugging me before I could put my kindle down. She flopped on the couch where I was sitting, looking extremely excited.

  “I’m so happy you’re here Kelsey. When Taylor told me I was getting a roommate I was thrilled.”

  I frowned at her in confusion. “You know Detective Taylor?”

  “Yes, I know him. He helped me almost two years ago, and we’ve kept in contact. I know that you are being relocated, but I don’t know why. Your secret is safe with me, as I hope mine is with you. I won’t ask questions, I promise, but I’ll be here if you ever need to talk.”

  I know I must have seemed rude; my eyes were bugged out of the sockets in shock. “How many people has he done this for?”

  Ryleigh shrugged her shoulders. “I think just the two of us, and that’s why he sent you here to live with me. I’ve been fortunate enough to find a job and adjust to this new life, so he asked if I could help you until you feel comfortable.”

  This made me feel a little better. Taylor wasn’t leaving me on my own, he sent me to someone who obviously he felt the need to help also. He must really trust her for him to send me to her. “I appreciate you allowing me to live here. I plan on getting a job as soon as possible so I can help with the bills.”

  “Well, you’re in luck. There is an opening for an assistant where I work, and I already mentioned you to my boss.” Ryleigh smiled.

  Assistant? Did I really want to be someone’s slave for a living? “That’s really sweet of you, but I’m not sure if that’s something I would really be interested in.”

  Ryleigh waved her hand at me. “I know, it sounds like you’re someone’s bitch, but it’s not like that at all. Yes, you have to run errands and do things that the person asks you to do, but it’s not bad and the benefits of the job are amazing.”

  “What benefits?” This peaked my interest a little.

  “I’m an assistant for a man named Collin. I travel with him all over the world, I get free clothing when I go to events with him, I got a car out of the gig, not to mention Collin pays me very well.”

  This all sounded nice…but something wasn’t right. “Please don’t take offense to this, but who are you an assistant for? What does Collin do for a living?”

  She must have seen the look of fear on my face because she started laughing hysterically. “Oh, you’re so cute! Were you thinking I’m an assistant for a pimp or something?”

  I felt my cheeks flush. “Or a drug dealer. This all seems pretty extravagant.”

  That comment made her space out for a moment. She quickly snapped out of her daydream, laughing forcefully harder than earlier. I was even more embarrassed, if that was possible.

  “Oh, Kelsey, that’s the best thing I’ve heard all day. No, my boss isn’t a pimp or drug dealer. I work on the set of a television show. I’m an assistant for one of the actors on the show. The job opening I was telling you about is also for an assistant to an actor. I work for Collin O’Neil.” She said proudly.

  Was I living under a rock? I’m not sure if I know who he is. “Oh.” Was all I could think of to say.

  “It’s ok, Collin and Spencer are on a show that hasn’t been picked up in the United States yet, and they’re not well known in the states either.” She explained.

  “Who’s Spencer?” I asked.

  “Spencer Mills. He’s the actor who is looking for a new assistant. He’s nice once you get to know him.”

  “What happened to his last assistant?” Work for an actor? I know Ryleigh said he’s nice, but I’m sure he’s stuck up and a jerk. I’m not so sure about this.

  “She relocated to Europe. Spence has been without an assistant for almost two months. He has interviewed a few people, but he hasn’t ‘connected’ with any of them. I think most of the assistants he’s interviewed have only applied because of who he is.”

  “Are Collin and Spencer famous here in Canada?”

  Ryleigh’s eyes grew wide. “Oh, you have no idea. It’s the number one sitcom on television here. They are heartthrobs, but only if the fan base knew how big of dorks they really are.”

  I gave her a half smile, still feeling unsure.

  “Why don’t you come with me to the set tomorrow morning? You can meet the crew, look around, and talk to Spence. I honestly think you’ll like it.”

  I guess t
hat couldn’t hurt. “Ok.” I said quietly.

  “But there is one thing you’ll have to work on.” Ryleigh said.

  “What?” I all of a sudden felt nervous.

  “You have to lighten up! You haven’t given me a smile since I’ve been home, and I might start taking it personally soon. You and I have been given a second chance at life, don’t waste it by sulking. I spent my first few weeks feeling sorry for myself, and I regret it. An advantage of us getting a blank slate is we can be whoever we want to be. Get out there and start your new life, it will make leaving the old one behind a little easier.”

  I sighed loudly. “I know you’re right. Today has just been really overwhelming for me. I promise when I wake up tomorrow I’ll be better, ok? I just need a little adjustment time. I’ve never been alone before.”

  Ryleigh gave me a sad look, grabbing my hand. “You’re not alone, you have me. This crew that I work with every day has become my new family. They will be yours too. I’ve been where you are, please trust me.”

  I looked down at her hand on mine, taking my first leap of faith in my new life. “Ok, I trust you.”

  Chapter Four

  "Graduation day, Becca. You excited?" Mama asked from my doorway.

  Smoothing my long blond curls over my shoulders, I smiled. "Mama, I've waited my entire life for this! I'm ready to go off to college with Wy and Pres and live the free life!" I said excitedly.

  Mama frowned. "It hasn't been that bad around here. I'm going to miss my babies." She sniffled, causing me to tear up.

  I hugged her tight. "Mama of course I'm gonna miss you, you're my best friend. Just think, with Pres and me gone, you and Daddy can live like you did before we came along." I winked.

  She laughed loudly. "If we don't kill each other first."

  We were both giggling when Pres put his arms around the both of us. "Ladies, I'm ready to get the hell out of this sleepy town. Let's go graduate Bec! He threw me over his shoulder and walked down the stairs.


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