Changed by His Son's Smile

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Changed by His Son's Smile Page 10

by Gianna, Robin

  He reached for her at the same time she reached for him, and they practically fell onto his bed with a bounce.

  Her breasts grazed his chest and he dipped his head to take one pink nipple into his mouth. With his eyes closed, tasting first one taut tip then the other, he could imagine they’d been together just yesterday, without the three years of distance between them. He could hope, as his lips traveled over her flat abdomen, that she had missed him as much as he’d missed her. He could believe, as his fingers explored the moist juncture of her thighs, as he breathed in the scent of her, as he listened to her moans of pleasure, that she was already his, for ever.

  “Chase.” As she gasped his name, her hands tugged at his head, his arms, his torso.

  He rose to lie above her and she opened her arms and body to him, a beckoning smile on her beautiful lips.

  “You said your goal was to make me want to jump your bones.” Her voice vibrated against his chest. “You’ve succeeded. So do it.”

  She held him close, wriggling beneath him, trying to position herself in a way that left him no option for staying strong and enjoying her body for a whole lot longer.

  He managed a short laugh. “And you call me bossy.” He wanted to kiss that smiling mouth of hers, but wanted to watch her, too. He slipped inside her heat, and was glad he could see her eyes, her lips. See her desire, her pleasure. Knowing he gave it to her.

  He wanted, more than anything, to give her pleasure. He wanted to make this moment last, to show her he would give her everything. To assuage whatever worries she had about them staying together for ever.

  As they moved, he tried to take it slowly. To draw out the distinctive rhythm the two of them had always shared. But the little sounds she kept making, the way she kissed him, the way she wrapped her legs around him and drew him in drove him out of his mind.

  He couldn’t last much longer. He reached between them to touch her most sensitive place as they moved together, and was rewarded as she closed her eyes and uttered his name. Saw the release on her beautiful face as he let himself fall with her.

  The quiet room was filled with the sound of their breathing as they lay there, skin to skin. He buried his face in the sweetly scented spirals of her hair, stroking his hand slowly up her side to cup her soft breast.

  He smiled. After what they’d just shared, even stubborn Dani couldn’t deny they belonged together.

  Neither seemed to want to move, and they lay there for long minutes, skin to warm skin. Until her hands shoved at his shoulders and he managed to lift himself off her and roll to one side. With his fingers splayed across her stomach, he finally caught his breath.

  “If I didn’t know better, I’d think I didn’t have any bones left for you to jump,” he said, kissing her arm.

  “I have to check on Drew.”

  She struggled to get up and Chase swung his legs off the bed to give her room. Then, shocked, he saw the expression on her face.

  It wasn’t full of blissful afterglow, the way he knew his had been. It was sad and worried. Distant.

  What the hell had happened?

  “Dani.” He reached for her hand, but she shook him off, grabbed up her clothes and quickly put them on.

  “I’m sorry.” Her voice was tight, controlled, so unlike the Dani he used to know as she struggled with the button on her shorts. “This was...a mistake. We shouldn’t have complicated an already complicated problem.”

  Chase tamped down a surge of anger at her words. “You’re the one making it a complicated problem. To me, there’s no problem at all.”

  “Our...making love...doesn’t change anything. Doesn’t solve the problem of you wanting us to be married and act like we’re a normal family while you live halfway across the world.”

  “Damn it, Dani.” He grasped her arm and halted her progress in getting on her shoes. “We can be a normal family. How many people travel on business while their spouse keeps things going at home? It’s the same thing.”

  She pulled her arm loose and slipped on her sandals. “It’s not the same thing. Do I have to keep saying it over and over? Seeing you just a few months a year, Drew would wonder why your work is more important than he is.”

  “I’d make sure he knows he’s the most important thing in my life. That you both are.” He wanted to shake her. How could she still put up this damned wall between them after what they’d just shared?

  She shoved her glorious curls from her face and finally looked him in the eye. He saw the same despair and anxiety that had been there from the minute she’d arrived in Benin, and didn’t know what the hell to do about it. Hadn’t he given her every reason to trust him? Why could she not see what was so very clear?

  He tried to reach for her, but she stepped to the door, shaking her head. “I need to check on Drew,” she said again. “And I need to think. About you and me and my own mission work and Drew. I’ll...see you tomorrow.”

  As the door clicked behind her, he nearly dropped down onto the bed in frustrated defeat.

  After what they’d shared, he’d been sure he’d won her tonight. And didn’t know what the hell his next move should be.


  CHASE WALKED INTO the kitchen after his run and workout to make coffee for Dani. An extra five miles had cleared his head and brought renewed optimism. Surely, after last night, she’d dreamed of him the way he’d dreamed of her. Relived every achingly sweet moment in her arms and body.

  He’d hated feeling so shaken and disturbed last night before dinner. Not a feeling he was used to, and definitely a feeling he didn’t like. But making love with Dani had calmed him, soothed him, deep within his soul, and he wanted that again. And again.

  Hopefully, she was over whatever had prompted her doubts and regrets and quick exit last night. And if she wasn’t over it, he had a plan to get her over it.

  His plan was to take a cup of coffee to her room, awaken her with a kiss then, assuming Drew was still asleep, kiss her and touch her and convince her that a morning shower together was the perfect way to start the day. Just thinking about kissing her soft lips and soaping her every delicate curve had him breathing faster.

  Maybe he should just forget about waiting for the coffee to brew and head in there that minute. Except the woman was addicted to her morning coffee, and the gesture would probably soften her up and help him get what he wanted. Her, naked, wet, and slippery against his equally naked, wet, and slippery body.

  Reminded yet again of what they had together. Why they belonged together.

  Despite the uncertainty of his plan, he had to chuckle, thinking about how irritated she used to get when he dragged her out of bed early in the morning to do push-ups and sit-ups with him. A cup of coffee under her nose, though, always seemed to bring down her annoyance and bring up that sunny smile that had him starting the day with a smile of his own.

  Drumming his fingers against the countertop as he listened to the coffee perk, he spotted yesterday’s mail in a small pile. After being gone all day then preoccupied afterwards, he hadn’t looked at it. A good distraction from his currently surging libido.

  He shuffled through the envelopes then stopped cold when he spotted one addressed to him with the GPC logo and return address. The back of his neck tightened and he had a bad, bad feeling he knew what it was.

  He ripped open the envelope and unfolded the letter. It didn’t take more than a quick skim of its contents to see he’d been right.

  Damn it! Half crumpling the letter, he pressed both palms to the countertop.

  Panama. His new assignment. One more week here, three weeks off, then Central America.

  What the hell should he do now?

  No way was he heading to Panama before Dani became his wife. Even if he stayed here for the three weeks’ vacation, she’d have plenty of work to do with the two new sur
geons arriving to replace him and Trent. Unless she was willing to share her room and single bed, which she apparently wasn’t ready to do, he’d have to find another place to stay. Acquire his own car or scooter to get around.

  He straightened. Those were easy things to accomplish. The hard part was convincing Dani that marriage between them was best all round. The way they’d burned up the sheets last night should have shown her they still had what they’d shared in Honduras and had her saying yes right then.

  Damn it to hell. Could GPC have possibly sent him farther away? It couldn’t have been the Congo, or someplace close where he could fairly easily hop a plane to see her and Drew?

  No, it had to be literally halfway across the world from Dani.

  Without a guarantee that he could charm and cajole her into marriage before he had to leave, he couldn’t afford to just hope absence would make the heart grow fonder, or however that stupid old saying went. More likely it would be out of sight, out of mind, and she’d end up back with Matt in less than eight months, leaving him in the cold and with no influence at all about what mission trips she might head to in the future with their son in tow.

  An icy hollow formed in his chest at the thought of never again holding her or kissing her. Maybe even having to see her with some other man when he visited Drew.

  No. Not happening.

  Various solutions spun through his mind until he struck one that seemed viable. He’d been with GPC a long time. Year-round, unlike a lot of docs. And his parents had worked for them at least thirty years. Surely all that gave him some clout.

  In a few hours, when the GPC offices opened, he’d make a phone call. Tell his old buddy Mike Hardy that Dani and her son needed a change of assignment from Benin, and to find someone to replace her. That she needed to join him in Panama for the duration of her contract commitment.

  He sucked in a calming breath and nodded. Yeah. It could work. Somehow he’d get the folks at the GPC to keep mum on why she was being reassigned with him. Come up with a good reason she’d believe.

  The kitchen door swung open and he jumped as he turned to see who it was.

  Trent. A breath of relief whooshed from his lungs.

  “What are you up to?” Trent asked, eyebrows raised. “You look like you just robbed the GPC piggy bank. Shake out your pockets so I can see if there’s more than a buck fifty in there.”

  Thank God it wasn’t Dani, because if Trent was getting guilty vibes from him, she’d be sure to suspect he was up to something. She’d always had a sixth sense when it came to what he was thinking and feeling.

  “Just wondering how I can snitch that fancy watch you bought in Switzerland before you head to your next assignment.” Chase threw out a grin he hoped was convincing. The last thing he wanted was another lecture from Trent on how to deal with Dani. On playing hard to get or letting things unfold as they would or whatever the hell he came up with next. “So, where are they sending you?”

  “Eastern India. West Bengal, to be exact.” Trent grabbed a cup and poured the coffee Chase hadn’t noticed had finished brewing. “How about you?”

  “Panama.” Just the word made his stomach churn.

  Trent sipped his coffee and gave him a measuring look. “So, now what?”

  Chase didn’t pretend to not know what he meant. “Not sure. I’m thinking I’ll call Mike at GPC and have Dani reassigned with me.”

  Trent nearly spit out his coffee as he choked. “Reassigned with you?” He burst out laughing. “Oh, man, I want to be in the room when she finds out you’re moving her halfway across the world without even asking.”

  “None of this is funny.” Chase gritted his teeth. “I can’t go all the way to Panama without things tied up between us. Or anywhere else, for that matter. And since it’s not looking like that’s going to happen in a few weeks, the logical solution is for her to come with me.”

  “You are so delusional.” Trent shook his head. “Do you really think Dani would want to marry a guy who’s so controlling that he first demands marriage and then, when she says no, manipulates the whole world so things will turn out the way he wants them to?”

  “This has nothing to do with being controlling.” Why the hell did everyone keep accusing him of that? “This has to do with making the best decision and getting married because of Drew.”

  “Your best decision. Which isn’t necessarily her best decision.”

  “What, you think I’d be a lousy husband? Thanks a hell of a lot.” Surprise and anger burned in his chest. “You know, I’m damned tired of my friends and family turning on me this way. I try to do right by my own son and all I get is a raft of crap over it.” He grabbed a glass of orange juice and downed it in one gulp. “I’m calling the GPC. And once Dani and I are married and happy, there’s no way she’ll be mad about moving with me.”

  Trent looked at him steadily before he gave a small shrug. “You know her better than I do. And I honestly wish you the best of luck because, of course, I know you’d be good to her and Drew. But I think you’re making a mistake if you don’t talk to her first.”

  The sound of squeaking hinges preceded Dani as she came into the kitchen. Absently, Chase recognized the anticipation in her eyes—it was her I-smell-coffee look. Her pleased expression morphed into a frown as she looked first at Chase then at Trent then back at Chase, a question in her blue eyes.

  “You two fighting about something?”

  “No.” Chase stalked over to Dani, placed his hand behind her head and gave her a hard kiss. To show Trent and her and himself that she belonged to him—would belong to him for ever—no matter what the obstacles. No matter how stubborn she was.

  Her shocked eyes widened and she opened her mouth to speak but Chase had had enough talking for one morning. He dropped his hand. “I’m going to check on Drew before I take a shower.” He knew his voice was tight, barely controlled, but it was better than yelling at both of them, which was what he wanted to do. “See you in the clinic.”

  * * *

  “See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” Dani rubbed the arm of the little girl she’d just immunized and smiled, holding out a sheet of the stickers she’d brought from the States for the girl to choose from. The child’s dark eyes lit up at a sparkly fairy, and she carefully stuck it to the big index card Dani gave her.

  With any luck, the children’s families would pay attention and bring both the child and the card back when her next shots were due. Of course, they didn’t have calendars so they would doubtless have trouble remembering exactly when they should return. And, sadly, most couldn’t even read. But the double system, with Dani having the information entered into the laptop, too, just might help keep track of their care better than before. If and when they showed up again.

  Spud and the local nurses had gone into different communities to let people know they’d be doing immunizations all week, and it seemed to have worked pretty well. Trent had the day off, but she and Chase managed the substantial turnout.

  Dani was surprised and thrilled with the slow but steady stream of children that arrived, some on bicycles, some on scooters, some on foot. One entire family showed up in a rickety horse-drawn cart, and Chase had teased her again about not being in Kansas any more, as it was apparently a common occurrence.

  Dani smiled at the next child in line and, for at least the fiftieth time that day, found herself momentarily distracted by Chase standing ten feet across the room. Her gaze catching on his profile as he listened with his stethoscope. Staring at the strong muscles in his arms, his big gentle hands as they moved over a patient’s body. The creases in the corners of his eyes as he caught her looking and gave her a knowing smile that showed he, too, was remembering last night.

  This was exactly why she’d practically run from the room. Chase was a dangerous drug she wasn’t sure she should keep taking. Bringing a euphoria tha
t made her want to forget about anything but the scent of his skin, the delicious feel of his heavy body atop hers, the mind-blowing pleasure only he had ever given her.

  She just might have been able to resist his magnetic pull. Stayed strong despite the way her pulse tripped and her breathing suspended every time he touched or teased her. But watching his amazing work yesterday had filled her with awe. Not that she’d forgotten what he did every day. What miracles he could accomplish when a situation demanded it.

  But seeing how disturbed he’d obviously felt after the difficult birth of the baby and nearly losing the mother, combined with the admiration that had filled her heart, had touched the healer in her.

  It seemed obvious he must have been thinking about Drew and how blessed they both were that their son had been born without complications. Asking to see pictures of Drew as a baby and toddler must mean he’d been painfully thinking about having missed those years.

  She hadn’t made a conscious decision to give in to her desire to be with him. But when she’d seen the haunted look in his eyes, she’d wanted to make it all better. To bring back the normally tough and confident Dr. Chase Bowen who never showed the vulnerability that had so surprised her.

  Even now there was tenseness about his mouth and eyes. Edginess that had been there when he’d given her that hard kiss in the kitchen right in front of Trent. Like he had been staking his claim.

  She dragged her attention back to the child she was about to immunize. The bad news was that their lovemaking had done more than momentarily take the strain from Chase’s face. It had touched the wound deep in her heart she’d thought had healed and scarred over. The wound she absolutely did not want ripped open again.

  But apparently her self-protective mechanism wasn’t working quite right, because she couldn’t stop thinking about what they’d shared last night. Couldn’t stop thinking about how wonderful and special and overwhelming it had been, and how she wanted it again.


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