Hidden Secrets (Satan's Prophets MC)

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Hidden Secrets (Satan's Prophets MC) Page 2

by Jones, Jacqui Leigh

  Getting a grip on herself, Jaz turned her head to the side, blushing. Turning back, she caught him lowering his eyes, as he did a slow sweep over her body—face to her feet and then back up, lingering on her boobs. Then he smiled, like he knew something that she didn’t. That’s when she noticed the little red diamond patch on his vest that had the one percent symbol on it. He also had the letters ‘JD’ on a different patch above it.

  JD liked what he saw. Crazy fucking body with big tits and that tight, little ass in those fucking jeans. Hell, yeah! All that dark blonde hair and those deep, green eyes, wasn’t hard to look at, either. Definitely fuckable if his tight jeans were any indication. Too bad he didn’t have time to stick around. He needed to get back to the clubhouse and report in.

  Jaz snapped her fingers and caught his attention. Totally pissed now that she knew she’d been caught checking him out, she said, “I’m not your ‘sugar’ and sure as shit ain’t no one’s ‘baby’, either.” Grabbing her soda, Jaz turned and walked out, hearing their lascivious cat-calls behind her.

  Jaz decided to gas up her car as long as she was there. She was fumbling around, trying to figure out how to work the nozzle, when some guy got out of his car on the other side of the pumps. He spoke to her as he walked around to her side.

  “Hey, little lady. Sure looks like you could use some help.”

  Jaz didn’t want to be rude, but she didn’t need this bullshit, not now. She was lost, aggravated from those asshole bikers and now this jerk was bugging her.

  His black hair was slicked back with a greasy shine on it and he had a poor excuse, for a scraggly beard. When he smiled, she saw he had a broken front tooth not to mention his clothes weren’t the cleanest, either.

  Getting the willies, she tried to brush him off. “No. I’m managing just fine, but thanks anyway.” Jaz felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up straight when he didn’t leave, but started walking toward her, slowly. Grabbing his crotch with one hand, he smirked as he said, “Got somethin’ here for ya, missy.”

  Holding her hand out in front of her, she warned him to stop. “Don’t come any closer.” Jaz tried to sound threatening, using a serious tone of voice when she spoke, but she knew her trembling hand showed him otherwise. So when he turned and hurried back to his car and drove off, she was totally surprised and felt faint with relief.

  Having to lean on her car for support, she looked to her side and saw one of the biker’s standing there. This time, when the one with JD on his patch held out the silver flask, she grabbed it like it was her lifeline and took a big gulp. Knowing she needed more to calm her down, she poured the rest into her can of Dr. Pepper, not even caring that she took all that was left.

  JD grinned as he took the empty flask out of her hand, winked, then walked over to his bike where the others were waiting. He swung his leg over the seat, fired it up and then they roared out of there.

  Clutching tightly to the drink in her hand, Jaz took another big swallow. She stood there for a few moments waiting to calm down before she tried to pump some gas into her car again. Finally figuring out how to do it, Jaz went back into the little station and paid. Once again, she was on the road.

  After driving for another twenty minutes, she turned into the parking lot of a big wooden building. Jaz figured this had to be the place. It’s not like there were many other buildings around. The place looked deserted, except for the two pick-up trucks parked on one side. Checking her hair in the rear view mirror, she gathered up her courage and walked up to the entrance. There were no windows which struck her as odd. Glancing up, she saw an unlit neon sign above the door that looked like it said, ‘The Den’.

  The door was unlocked so she walked in. Looking around, the first thing she noticed was a long, L shaped, bar and a big mirror on the wall behind it. The lower shelves were stocked with plenty of liquor bottles. A huge cooler, with sliding glass doors was beside the bar, filled with an assortment of different beer bottles. Two pool tables were off to one side. There was even a shuffle board game and a few dart boards hanging in various spots on the walls, but what really caught her eye was a large raised platform on the other side of the bar. There was a glittery, silver ball hanging down from the ceiling above it, with tables and chairs set around the platform.

  Before she had too much time to take it all in, she heard a deep voice say, “You must be Jasmine.”

  She turned around and saw two guys walking toward her. “Yes, but I prefer Jaz.”

  The guy who spoke was the older looking of the two, maybe mid- fifties. He wasn’t all that tall and not too good looking, either. He had a pock-marked face and dark brown hair with a crazy-ass goatee that was dark brown and trimmed very neatly. Shaking her hand, he said, “Name’s Joe. I own this place. And this here’s Danny. My main man who helps me run it and tends bar for me, too.”

  Danny stepped forward with a smile on his face. “Lori told me about you, Jaz. Seems you’re a little down on your luck?” Dark haired, blue eyed, Danny looked to be around thirty. He was taller than Joe with a great build and Jaz thought to herself, Lori is one lucky girl.

  “I’m in a bit of a slump right now,” Jaz nodded, “and I really don’t like to discuss my personal life.”

  “Well, little lady, is it a job you’re looking for?” Joe asked.

  “Yes and I can start right away. I’m a hard worker and a fast learner. I’m sure you won’t be disappointed with me. All I need is a chance.”

  Joe looked closely at Jasmine, sizing her up: big tits, great ass, long legs and an innocent looking face…Joe thought to himself, yes indeed—he’d hire her. And eventually get her up on that stage, scantily clad and shaking those great assets at all the horny bastards that come into this place. He figured she’d be a good money making draw for his club. And hopefully, she’d be on her knees sucking his cock as an added attraction for him. Shifting his body, he tried to adjust his jeans to give some ease to his painfully, swollen member.

  “Dan’s word for you is good enough for me. When can you start?”

  “As soon as I can get settled in a room somewhere. Is there a motel nearby where I can stay?”

  “The closest motel is in Fulton, right on the main road. Just turn right when you leave here, you can’t miss it. It has a big sign out front that says, Traveler’s Inn,” Dan replied.

  Joe asked Jaz what size uniform she would need and Jaz replied, “Size six should be fine. Maybe a little bigger-sized top, though.”

  Joe left to get the uniform and Danny looked down at Jaz. “Are you sure you really want to work here? This place is a strip club too, you know. We get some really rough-cut men in here and they get pretty horned up.”

  Jaz had to think for a minute. She wasn’t one hundred percent sure, but knowing she really had no other choice replied, “Yes, at least I’ll make some pretty good tips.”

  “Here’s your uniform,” Joe said as he walked back over. Jaz looked a little unsure now that she saw the skimpy top and hot pants. Biting her lower lip, she smiled weakly, grabbed the outfit and left.

  Outside sitting in her car, she wondered what the hell she had just got herself in to. She needed to look for a pay phone so she could call Lori and tell her she was fine and got the job.

  Jasmine found the motel without any trouble. It looked very nice from the outside with its painted white exterior and light blue trim around the windows and door frames. She hoped the inside was nice, as well. There were about ten rooms all stretched out in a long, straight line with what she guessed was the office in the center. Jasmine loved the quaint look of the motel.

  She walked in and saw an older, gray haired man sitting behind the desk with his mouth open, lightly snoring.

  Clearing her throat loudly, she woke him up.

  “Howdy, young miss. What can I do for you?”

  “Hi. My name is Jasmine Butler and I’d like to rent a room.”

  “Okay, Miss Butler. Will it be for one night or longer?”

since I just got hired over at The Den, I guess it’ll be for longer.”

  “That’s great. My wife and I will be glad to have you. My name’s Sam Archer and my wife’s name is Sara. You’ll meet her soon, I’m sure. Room number two is a nice size and it’s close to the office too, being as you’ll be staying here all alone. We live in room one so we’ll be nearby, also.” Sam gave Jasmine her room key and helped her unload her car.

  “Is there a pay phone nearby? I need to make a call.”

  Sam looked at her thinking, if he ever had a daughter and she was on her own like Jasmine, he’d hope someone would look after her. Mind made up, Sam told Jaz she could use his office phone whenever she needed to.

  “Oh, thanks! That’s so nice of you.” She smiled back at him. “And please, call me Jaz.” After talking to Lori and telling her she got the job, she decided to take a short nap. All this stress had worn her out.

  Outside of town, on one of the older dirt roads was an old abandoned farm house which the Satan’s Prophets MC used as their clubhouse. It was surrounded by acres of land which suited the club perfectly, for privacy. There were two barns on the property that came in handy for storage or for when they held parties and visiting members needed a place to bunk down.

  Inside the clubhouse, there was a large room with a long bar set up and a cooler that held kegs of beer. Shelves were filled with bottles of liquor. There were a few older couches scattered around the room with some comfy chairs thrown in, along with a pool table. The upstairs had some smaller rooms where bikers could stay when they needed to. This is where JD crashed when he was in the area.

  JD liked being a Nomad for Satan’s Prophets MC. His main job was to visit other support clubs to check on their business ventures and make sure the mother club was getting its fair share of the profits. Occasionally, it involved using his fighting skills to convince some clubs he meant business. Most of the clubs dreaded seeing him pull into their lot. If the problem was a major fuck-up, he would report that club to the National President and it would be handled.

  Just getting back from a support club in Ohio and done reporting in to Striker, the club president, he was passing some time with two other members, Roach and Drifter. He met Roach when he first joined the Marines and later Drifter when he did a tour of duty in Viet Nam with him. When JD got out, Roach had already been out a few years earlier and was now the Vice President of Satan’s Prophets MC. Deciding to pay Roach a visit when he was discharged, JD hung around the club and liked the lifestyle. Contacting Drifter, JD told him where he was and about his new life style and to look him up if he couldn’t find a job. Drifter was there two days later. They did their prospecting together and became full-fledged members that next year. Roach and Drifter were the only two brothers that JD trusted completely.

  Sprawled out in a chair now, smoking a cigarette after having quite a few shots of Jack Daniels, JD was in a mellow mood. He felt two arms slide around his shoulders from behind and knew it was Lila. She was the only girl from all the bitches at the club who was his personal favorite. She didn’t look ‘used up’ like a lot of the other sluts he’d seen around different clubs. She was leaning over him now, her long, black hair falling into his lap. He pulled her hair so that her face was near his and told her to ‘get to it’. She walked around the chair until she was facing him and he spread his legs, giving her enough room to kneel between them. Smiling up at him, Lila licked her ruby red lips while slowly opening the zipper of his jeans. Lowering her head, she started kissing his long, rock hard dick. Grabbing her head on each side, JD pushed down until his cock was buried deep down her throat. Sitting back again fully relaxed, he closed his eyes and let Lila work him with her vacuum-like mouth. It wasn’t long before he was shooting his load and Lila was swallowing it like she couldn’t get enough.

  Picking Lila up with her arms and legs wrapped tightly around him, he started walking up the stairs when he heard the bro’s call out, “JD, where ya goin?” JD waved and kept on walking. The bro’s got enough of a show. Fuck them, he thought, let them find their own entertainment. In his room, JD fell onto the bed with Lila still wrapped around him. Lila’s mouth had taken the edge off, but he was still in need. Not bothering with small talk, he stripped her naked and took off his clothes. He grabbed a condom from the small table near the bed and slid his prick into her tight pussy.

  Lila liked it rough and hard so that’s what she got. JD pounded into her until he felt the tremors of her release coming on and he let himself go. Fully sated, he slapped Lila on her ass and told her to take off. Lila knew better than to argue. The last time she pissed him off, he took another one of the girl’s to his bed. Lila liked being his favorite. Getting up, she dressed quickly and left.

  Later, when Jaz got up she noticed that the sun had gone down. She looked at her watch and realized it was getting pretty late. Damn, thought Jaz, I’ll never make work tonight. When she called Joe, he was understanding and said he’d see her the following night. Her stomach started growling and Jaz remembered that she hadn’t eaten since morning.

  Sam told her the town diner was in walking distance so Jaz set out on foot. Looking around, she decided she liked this rural little town. On Main Street was a grocery store, small post office and a Charlie’s Clothing Closet. It even had a beauty parlor. Now she was really impressed.

  When Jaz walked into the little diner the smell of roasting meat made her realize just how hungry she really was. She sat in a booth near the front window, not even bothering to look at the menu. When the waitress came over, she mindlessly ordered the special of the day. Seeing a juke box against the wall, she played some music to help her relax.

  When she was finished eating her meal, she sensed a presence at her side. Thinking it was the waitress with her check, she looked up and found herself staring into the face of ‘holy hotness’ himself from the gas station.

  “We meet again.” JD sat himself down in the booth across the table from her. “Name’s JD and you are?”

  Jaz couldn’t believe the nerve of this guy. She went into her instant ‘bitch’ mode.

  “What I ‘are’ is wishing I was alone,” she snipped at him.

  Amused by her cocky attitude, JD settled himself more comfortably, looking completely at ease. “What’s a pretty little thing like you doing all alone in this town? Don’t you know it’s got some big, bad men in it, babe?”

  Jaz really looked at him now. “Told you—my name’s not babe,” she shot back.

  “If you don’t like being called ‘babe’, then maybe you’d better tell me your name,” JD taunted her back, in the same cocky tone of voice.

  “My friends call me Jaz, but it’s Jasmine to rude obnoxious people who annoy me. And I’m not alone.” Picking up her purse, she set it on the table. “I have my girlfriend Beretta in here so get lost before I introduce you to her.”

  “Beretta, huh.” JD burst out laughing. “Babe, it’s only the cops that are licensed to carry those around. Sure you can handle one of them?” He looked at her skeptically and tried to contain his mirth.

  Well crap—so much for threatening him away, she thought.

  JD turned when the door opened and saw Roach and Drifter walking in. It was obvious from the serious look on their faces that they were looking for him. They came right over to their booth and nodded at Jasmine.

  “This here’s Roach and Drifter.” JD said as he introduced them.

  Roach looked the friendlier of the two so Jaz said hello to him first. He was older looking than JD and Drifter, with shorter gray hair that needed a good trim and a long white beard that hung down to his collar bone. His black leather vest had different kinds of patches on it. He wore a flat cap turned backwards on his head—but what really stood out were the tattoos up and down on both his arms. Admiring the tattoos, Jaz casually mentioned that her father had been a tattoo artist. Roach asked his name.

  “Nick Wallis,” Jaz answered. She was surprised when he showed her a fire breathing dragon that st
arted on the top of his shoulder and ended mid-bicep. It was one her father had done only a few years ago.

  Drifter was just as tall as Roach and JD. He had a menacing look on his face since he’d walked in. He too, was loaded with tattoos, but she didn’t ask questions. Jaz decided he’d be kind of cute if he didn’t frown so much. His long brown hair was pulled back into a pony tail. He did have a sexy moustache and close-cropped beard, but below his lip there was a small patch of hair. It was shaped into a weird design, but it was his dark, brown eyes that caught Jaz’s attention…so intense that they seemed to look right through her.

  Sensing Roach’s impatience, JD stood, looked down at Jasmine and said he’d see her around.

  “Not if I can help it,” she replied back under her breath.

  The bros’ snickered when JD winked at her as they were leaving. Oh, she’d see him again. He’d make damn sure of it, he thought to himself.

  After she paid the check, Jasmine walked back to the motel at a fast pace. Walking over at dusk was nice, but now that it was darker, she was a little unsettled. She reached the motel and saw Sam at the desk. Thinking what a nice man he was, she went into the office to talk to him.

  Smiling at Jasmine, he asked, “How was your dinner?”

  “Good, the food was really tasty.” Jasmine smiled back.

  “I was telling my wife about you and she can’t wait to meet you. Sara is a great cook. She wants you to come for supper tomorrow night and for however long you stay here with us. She’ll have my hide if I don’t convince you. Sara said she’d love to have someone new over to appreciate her home cooking. We usually eat at five, every evening.”


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