Hidden Secrets (Satan's Prophets MC)

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Hidden Secrets (Satan's Prophets MC) Page 13

by Jones, Jacqui Leigh

  Lori was looking forward to it all day. This past week, she was buried in the motel cleaning. She really hated doing that part. Lori knew she didn’t have a choice just like Jaz knew she needed to have some fun. How much longer would she be able to keep it up? She didn’t know?

  Lori, Renee and Susanna were already at The Den having a drink as they waited for Jaz to show up. When Lori saw Drifter heading her way, her heart started beating faster. Giving Lori and her friends a chin nod, he sat down next to her at their table.

  “Hey, Drifter.” Lori didn’t know what else to say and wondered why he even came over? He certainly didn’t go out of his way to see her lately.

  Drifter looked at Lori and realized he missed not seeing her around.

  “Hey. Haven’t seen you around lately…was wondering how you’ve been?”

  Lori’s heart skipped a beat now, wow, he was thinking of her. “Busy. Really busy. That motel is taking up a lot of my time. I do most of the cleaning now and I hate it.”

  Perfect. Trying to look sympathetic to her plight, he threw out his line. “Well, maybe I can help you out with that. How about working here part-time, doing the bookwork for this place?”

  Damn, didn’t I just tell him how busy I am at the motel? How am I supposed to tackle another job on top of it? Lori thought to herself.

  “I don’t see how that would be possible, I mean, how would I ever have the time?”

  “The way I see it, with the extra money The Den would pay you, maybe you could hire a cleaning crew? Name your price and I’ll see if The Den can meet it.”

  Lori pulled out paper and a pencil from her purse and started writing down figures. When she was done, she told him what she would need to be paid. It’d be enough to give her extra money for incidentals, too. Why not, she thought? They were willing to pay and she was willing to take.

  “Here is my fee, take it or leave it.” Lori held her breath, praying he would take it.

  Drifter pretended to look it over. “You drive a hard bargain, Lori—but we’ll take it.” Little did she know, The Den would have paid more to have her do the books. “We need you to start immediately.”

  Lori let out the breath she had been holding. “Great, tomorrow works for me.”

  Lori noticed Jaz walking in and yelled to her. Drifter got up, gave his usual chin nod and went back over by JD, wondering if there would be problems when JD noticed Jaz.

  Jaz walked past the bar, oblivious to whoever was sitting there. All she saw were her friends and a drink waiting for her that she needed—desperately. When she sat down, she saw Lori looking at her strangely, then she noticed Renee and Susanna were looking at her wide-eyed.

  “Hey, what’s going on? I thought this was our fun night, why the weird faces?”

  “Oh, honey,” Susanna said patting her hand. “Don’t turn around, but JD is sitting at the bar.”

  Jaz whipped her head around so fast, she was surprised she didn’t get whiplash. Her face paled and her heart dropped to her feet. Her hands gripped the edge of the table top and squeezed tight. Jaz needed an anchor right now, something to keep her balanced and sane. She turned back to her friends who were looking at her with sympathy written all over their faces. Hell, I don’t need anybody’s sympathy. I’ll show that bastard I’m doing great. Plastering a smile on her face, “So who cares? I sure as hell don’t.”

  “We can leave, honey. Heck, let’s have our own private party back at the motel,” Lori said hopefully, trying to spare Jaz more heartbreak.

  “Thanks, but I’m fine. Or I will be, once I get over the initial shock.” She lifted up her drink.

  A chorus of, “that-a-girl” rang out as they clinked their glasses together.

  JD saw Jasmine’s reflection in the bar mirror as she walked by. Seeing her again had his insides all twisted to hell. He knew he’d have to face her sooner or later, but didn’t know what he would do. He needed to talk to her—he needed his questions answered, but would she talk to him? Forgetting about his orders to question the new bartender, he ordered another shot of liquor and sat there drinking his beer. He waited and watched. When she finally got up to use the restroom, he followed her down the back hallway. He was waiting when she came out.

  From the corner of her eye, Jasmine caught JD getting up when she was walking towards the back hall, where the restrooms were. Her body started trembling and her stomach was doing flip flops. She hurried into the restroom, leaned over the toilet just in time and puked. She took a few extra minutes to compose herself and then walked out the door.

  JD was leaning against the wall, waiting with his arms crossed over his chest.

  “Jasmine, we need to talk.”

  Being so close to JD was killing Jasmine. She wanted to throw her arms around his neck and pretend all was fine. But she couldn’t give in to her desire, not when he didn’t trust her.

  “I don’t know why.” She shrugged. “I have nothing to say to you.” Jaz couldn’t look at his face, knowing she’d break down.

  “I have one question that I need answered. Truth is, it’s been eating away at me for some time now.”

  Really? Just like that? He was ready so now he wanted to talk. Jaz tried to walk around JD, but he stepped in front of her.

  “Look, JD—I moved on and hope you have, too.” Jaz hoped he couldn’t hear the tremor in her voice. When she did look up at him, all those feelings came rushing back. Jaz knew she had to be strong, but it was so hard. “You and me, a big mistake. I see that now. Let’s just forget it. I already have, in fact.”

  JD looked deeply into Jasmine’s eyes. “Have you? Cause I sure as hell can’t stop remembering. It was good between us, baby. I thought we were heading for the real deal here. I just need to understand why you did what you did. You ripped us apart. Just give me a reason, at least.”

  Jaz’s temper was rising fast. He still thought she was guilty. Her mouth opened and she had no control over the words that came out. Raising her voice, she was nearly shouting. “Reason? You want a reason? Well, I’ll give you a damn reason. Joe drugged me that night. You and your macho pride. If you took one minute to stop and really look, you would have seen the truth. No. Instead, you think the worst of me and go off half-cocked like the damn jerk that you are. How’s that for a reason? Good enough for you?” She finished ranting at him. Raising her hand and using all the strength she could muster, she slapped JD hard across his face.

  JD allowed that one slap thinking maybe he deserved it. He took hold of her arm and was about to say something, when he was jerked away from Jasmine and knocked to the floor.

  Mick noticed Jaz was gone a long time and started to worry. He walked down the hallway and saw that biker having a hold on her and when she slapped him, he’d lost it. Mick let loose and punched JD, right in his face. Mick pushed Jaz to the side and told her to go. Jaz ran to get Big Daddy. She didn’t want Mick fighting over her, especially with all these bikers around. They could hurt him bad.

  JD jumped up and swung. By the time Big Daddy, Roach and Drifter got there, it was a full blown battle. Jaz was screaming for them to stop. When no one would interfere, she tried to break it up.

  Drifter grabbed a hold of her and held her wriggling body back. “Stay back, darlin. You don’t wanna get in the middle of that. The way their fists are flying, they won’t even know it’s you.”

  Roach knew better than to interfere. JD was one mean motherfucker when riled and Roach wasn’t having that anger directed at him.

  Finally Big Daddy had seen enough. He knew if he didn’t break it up, they’d beat each other to near death. Motioning to some brothers to help him, they stepped into the fray.

  JD and Mick were evenly matched when it came to size and muscle. It took the bros’ a few minutes to subdue them and when they had them apart, Mick and JD were straining against their bonds to reach each other again.

  With eyes blazing fire, Mick growled, “You touch her again, you’re a fucking dead man. You hear me? She’s under my protecti

  JD tried to break loose once more, but he was held back securely. “She don’t need your fucking protection from me. I’d never hurt her.”

  Mick grabbed ahold of Jaz and dragged her outside. “Come on, drive us home,” he ordered, trying to get himself under control. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”

  Back at the motel, Jaz took Mick into her room and was busying herself making an ice pack for his rapidly, swelling cheeks.

  “You want to tell me what that was all about?” Mick near shouted at her. She started to cry as she walked back over and held the ice pack on his cheek.

  “We had a thing going, but it’s over now.” She sat down on a chair and looked at Mick. Jaz knew he deserved the truth, but it was just so hard to talk about it.

  “It didn’t look like it’s over to me.” Mick took the ice pack out of her hand and set it down. Talking in a softer voice, “Looked like there’s still a whole lot of feelings between you two.”

  “He broke my heart. He didn’t believe in me.”

  Taking hold of her hand and rubbing it softly, Mick was trying to be calm when he spoke. “Tell it to me, darlin’.”

  Jaz repeated what happened that night, leaving nothing out. She was relieved to bring it out in the open and put her trust in someone again. She knew Mick would stand by her and believe in her innocence. It felt really good.

  Mick was furious, all over again. He tried to hide it, but Jaz could tell every time his body tensed.

  “All right, Jaz.” Mick pulled her in and hugged her tight. Mick was thinking if he knew this shit before, he would’ve killed that prick instead of just giving him a beating.

  “It’s gonna be all right. If you don’t want anything to do with him again, you have me here. Don’t you worry about a thing.”

  Jaz hugged Mick back tightly. “What would I do without you here? Thank you, I feel so much better now. I’m going to go to bed and I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Can you let yourself out?” She kissed Mick on his cheek and went to bed. Her mind was in a turmoil.

  Mick sat there for a long time thinking. He hoped Jaz never found out why he was really here. He was doing his best to watch over her, he just hoped it would be enough.

  “I send you over there to get information and what the fuck do ya do? Ya come back with your face beat to shit. Just fuckin’ great.” Striker was on a roll, totally pissed off.

  “If there was a spot left on your face that wasn’t already hurtin’, I’d hurt it some more.” Striker kicked over a chair that was in his way and kept on pacing.

  “And over what? A fuckin’ piece of ass?”

  JD stood there and let Striker have at him. He did screw up—big time—but thought it was more with Jasmine than anything else. And who the hell is this guy that’s watching out for her? Maybe she really did move on. That hurt him more than he wanted to admit. And what information did this guy have that he was protecting Jasmine? How did he know she needed protection?

  Drifter was happy to jump in and report some good news, hoping it would diffuse the tension in the room. “Lori, the girl from the motel is going to start on the books tomorrow. She was only too happy to earn the extra money.”

  That calmed Striker down a bit. “Yeah, well at least you didn’t fuck up. You make sure you’re there the first couple of days and make sure things run smoothly. I don’t need that dumb-ass Danny or whatever the fuck his name is, giving her any crap.”

  Wonderful. Just what I need—to be hanging around Lori, Drifter thought.

  Striker finished off his beer in one long swallow. “Tomorrow—Church at four. Everyone be there, no excuses. I’m heading on home now. I kept my old lady waiting on me long enough. I don’t get laid tonight, that’s on your heads, too.”

  By the time Striker left, nobody was in too good a mood.

  Lori had to bang on Jaz’s door to wake her up the next morning. When Jaz finally opened the door, Lori invited herself in.

  “I was just about to give up. I wanted to check in on you and see how you are before I head over to the bar.”

  Jaz’s eyes were red from crying and she was still half asleep. Yawning, Jaz asked, “What time is it?”

  “It’s near eight o’ clock. Are you okay, Jaz?” Lori asked, looking over at her crumpled up bed.

  Jaz was trying to put on a brave face. “Yeah. I’m okay. I didn’t get much sleep after that fiasco last night.”

  “What happened? By the time we knew something was going on, it was over. Did you and JD talk?”

  “Somewhat. He still thinks I went with Joe on purpose. I blew up and slapped his face and then Mick comes along and fists start flying.”

  Lori couldn’t help but chuckle. “Well, I’m proud of you girl. You should’ve slapped him harder, that asshole. What now?”

  “I don’t know?” Jaz replied, shrugging her shoulders. “I’ll just go on like he isn’t here, I guess.” Plopping herself down onto a chair, Jaz looked at Lori—her eyes glazed with sadness. “What else can I do?”

  In a low, calm voice, Lori had to ask. “Do you still love him?”

  Jaz looked away. She couldn’t answer. She didn’t want to admit out loud that she still did. She was afraid Lori would think she was crazy. Hell! Even she thought she was crazy!

  Lori could see that she did. It was written all over Jaz’s face. She shook her head sadly, at her friend.

  Jaz had to change the subject fast before she broke down crying again. She’d shed enough tears over that bastard. Trying to speak without a noticeable tremor in her voice, she asked, “Where did you say you are going, over to the bar? What for?”

  “Oh, I wanted to tell you,” Lori said with a big smile lighting up her face, “I got a job doing their books. Now we can hire a cleaning crew for the motel. I guess my college degree is good for something,” she laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

  Disappointed there was no reaction from Jaz, Lori inquired, “What are your plans for today?”

  Rising from the chair and slowly walking towards the bed, she answered, “Sleep. I plan to sleep all day.”

  “Okay, sweetie. You get some more sleep. I’ll wake you later. When I get back we’re going to do something special today, something fun.”

  Jaz just rolled over and pulled up the covers.

  By the time Lori made it to the bar’s office Danny was there, waiting for her. That didn’t surprise her, but seeing Drifter there did. She wrinkled her nose at the smell of stale cigar smoke and the cluttered mess that was all over the desk top.

  Drifter moved fast over to a bookshelf that he’d just noticed, had a stack of pornography magazines on it. He hurriedly hid them in a lower pull-out drawer.

  “I had Danny come in to help you find everything you’ll need—ya know—like receipts and stuff.” Drifter looked at Lori, wondering how she could look so good so early in the morning. He noticed her face wasn’t mucked up with all that make-up shit girls loved to wear. Instead, her skin had a fresh, healthy glow. And she smelled good, too—like flowers and citrus. He grimaced inwardly, telling himself to stop thinking like a love-sick school boy.

  “Uh, thanks.” Lori had to silently chuckle. Neither of them looked too happy to be there. When she looked at Drifter standing next to Danny, she had to wonder how she ever thought Danny was handsome.

  Drifter looked so yummy. His faded jeans emphasized his strong thighs and tight ass—and the white tee shirt under his colors emphasized his muscled chest. His tattooed arms were corded with muscle. She loved the way Drifter wore his beard trimmed close to his face and with all that long brown hair pulled back in that sexy ponytail, he was pure sex on two legs. Memories came floating back to her of the night they had hot, passionate sex. She could feel her face flushing.

  Realizing Danny was speaking to her, she turned to him. He filled her in on where he kept the receipts and orders for the stock. Lori caught on fast and got right down to business. She was so busy she didn’t notice that Danny had left. Looking up, she caught Drift
er staring at her.

  Drifter was thinking back to that same night when he had fucked Lori on the side of the road.

  Lori was getting tired of his lingering looks, like he wanted to devour her and yet did nothing about it. She wanted him. Lori was never afraid of sex, she loved it and she wanted more than just sex with Drifter. Before she knew what she was doing, she got up from behind the desk and walked over to stand in front of him. “I really like you Drifter and I think you like me, too.”

  Drifter didn’t move, he just stood there staring into Lori’s eyes. “I don’t think this is a good idea, Lori.”

  “Tell me, Drifter. Tell me what’s got you so spooked of getting close to women.”

  Drifter didn’t want to talk about his past, but he really did dig Lori and wished he was the guy for her. He wanted her to understand… “I loved a woman once. When I got drafted, she promised to wait for me. She wrote to me a lot in the beginning, then her letters became fewer and fewer, until they stopped altogether. It was when I got discharged and went home that I found out the truth. She was pregnant with my kid when I left for Nam. Her parents told me she had a baby boy. They also told me of how she came home one day without the baby, having sold him (for the money) to a couple who couldn’t have kids. Tina left town that same day with her latest lover. Her parents were devastated and they had no clue who has my son or where Tina went.” Drifter’s hands were clenched and he braced himself on the back of a chair. “She never even told me she was pregnant. He’s about four years old now. I have a private investigator searching for my kid, but so far no luck.” He picked up the chair and sent it flying across the room. “I’m gonna kill that bitch with my bare hands when I find her. I’ll never stop looking, not until I have my kid back.”

  “I’m sorry you’re in so much pain, Drifter.” Lori knew he was hurting bad. Drifter didn’t answer her, he couldn’t. He had to get out of there. The walls of pain were squeezing his chest so tight, he couldn’t breathe.


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