Wicked Innocence

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Wicked Innocence Page 11

by Missy Johnson

  He waved his hand, letting me know he’d heard.

  Turning my attention back to Micah, I smiled. “You mean where are we staying?”

  Her lips curled into a grin. “Did you plan this? There are rooms here, aren’t there?”

  “Actually, no, but I may have booked the guys in here knowing the bikini contest was going on.” I confessed, giving her a wink. “I wanted to treat you to somewhere nice.”

  “This isn’t nice?” she said, her eyes wide as she took a long look around.

  I laughed. “It’s Vegas, honey. Compared to what I have in store, this place is a dump.” Glancing at my watch, I saw it was almost three. “Listen, I gotta go do something for a few hours. Can you amuse yourself until the show?”

  “I’m pretty sure I can manage that,” she smirked.

  “Try to stay out of trouble,” I said with a shake of my head. “Can you meet me in the bar at six? I want you to meet Stace before the show. Without the guys around,” I added.

  “Sure. I’ll see you then.”

  “What are you going to do now?” I asked her.

  She smiled saucily. “I’m going to check out this bikini comp.”

  I groaned, memories of the strip club flittering through my mind.

  “Try not to enter, okay? I don’t want anyone but me ogling these babies,” I grumbled, running my finger down over her shirt.

  She giggled and shook her head. “Go, you idiot.”


  I was running late to meet Stace, but I figured she was used to it by now. My family was forever going on about my inability to ever be on time for anything. She was staying at a hotel down the road, so it only took me a few minutes to reach her.

  I walked in and spotted her sitting in the lobby. She saw me and smiled, waiting until I’d walked over to her before she stood up.

  “Oh my fucking God, thank you so much for that amazing present,” she squealed, throwing her arms around me.

  “I take it the show was good?” I chuckled.

  “Good? It was amazing. Unbelievable.” She shook her head. “I’m still freaking out that I managed to see them live. Good to see you, by the way,” she added with a grin.

  I laughed. “Yeah, yeah. You coming to the show tonight? Who did you come with?”

  “Lily. And yes, we’ll be there for sure. How have they gone? How’s the girl fitting in?”

  “Good and good. She fits in well,” I said with a smirk.

  Stace narrowed her eyes and studied me, her mouth twitching to the side. “What’s with you? You’re acting all weird. More so than usual,” she added, sticking out her tongue.

  “Nothing. No idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Yes you do. You’re all smiley and happy.” She said it like it was a dirty word. “I haven’t seen you like this…well, ever.”

  “Maybe being away and on tour has helped me realize a few things,” I shrugged. “Maybe it’s being out in the fresh air, who knows?”

  “Uh-huh. You’ve been away for two weeks. With Harry. You don’t have to tell me, but I know something is going on. I’m your sister.”

  “There’s nothing going on,” I laughed. “Geez, Stace, you need a new hobby or something.”

  She waved her hand and shook her head. “Whatever. Fine. I’ve got more important things to think about anyway.”

  “Oh yeah? I thought your biggest issue was deciding what color shoes to wear,” I smirked.

  She shot me a dirty look. “You know how Mom and Dad are kind of, uh, focused on me going to U Penn to study business?” she asked.

  I leaned forward. This was going to be good, I could feel it. “Sure. They’ve only been planning it since you were born.” Part of their plan was for me to go there too, like Dad had, and like my grandfather had. Instead, I’d joined a band and wrecked my life. According to my father, anyway.

  “I kind of applied for a scholarship at Northwestern University for a journalism degree. And, well, I kind of got accepted.”

  “Shit, that’s great news,” I said. I stood up and hugged her. Writing was her passion. It always had been.

  “Yeah, great news until I tell Dad,” she muttered. “I don’t know, maybe it would just be easier to suck it up and go to U Penn.”

  “So you can spend the next fifty years doing something you’re not passionate about? Fuck him, Stace. If he won’t support you and what you want to do, then what kind of father is he?” I said, my voice dark.

  She raised her eyebrows. Yes, my own issues with Dad were seeping out into this conversation.

  “Just think about what you want,” I said, my voice softer.

  “I will. I am. I just hate conflict. You know that.”

  I shrugged. “Sometimes you have to brave the weather.” I stood up and threw a few bills down on the table. “Anyway, I’d better get back. I’ll see you at the show. Can you be there about six? I really want you to meet Micah.”

  “Yeah, sure,” Stace agreed. She looked surprised. “Uh, why?” she added curiously. “I mean, I know she’s part of the band now, but…” Her eyes lit up and I flushed, knowing what was coming.

  “Oh my God. You like her, don’t you?” she accused.

  I winced as her voice echoed through the room, causing several people to turn and stare.

  “Fuck, Stace, shut up,” I hissed.

  “Admit it. You have a thing for this rocker chick.” She folded her arms across her chest and grinned at me.

  I sighed, knowing if there was one person I couldn’t hide this shit from, it was her. “Fine,” I said through gritted teeth. “I like her. Happy?”

  “Yes,” she giggled. “I feel like a proud parent. You’ve never bought a girl home before!” She laughed as I groaned, dropping my face to my hands. “Calm down, Sax, I’m just teasing you. It’s great. Seriously. I can’t wait to meet her.”

  “Yeah, maybe that’s not such a good idea anymore,” I muttered. If she was like this with just me around, what was she going to be like in front of Micah?

  She reached over and slapped my arm. “Oh, shut up. I won’t embarrass you.”

  “You better not. Just remember, I’m your brother. I have a lot of things I can hold over you.”

  Chapter Eighteen


  The crowd already gathered in the club was huge: our biggest so far. I stood nervously near the bar waiting for eight p.m. to approach. Time was dragging. We still had over an hour until our performance. Why had Sax wanted me here so early? I hadn’t seen him or the other guys yet.

  Finally, I saw Sax wading through the crowd toward me. My heart began to pound at the sight of him. He was hot, and it was obvious I wasn’t the only one who thought so. Every female in the room was eyeing him. I felt a surge of excitement. He was mine. He could’ve had any chick in the world, and he wanted me.

  “Hey,” he murmured when he reached me. He sat down on the stool next to me and glanced around. “Nice crowd.”

  “It is,” I agreed, swallowing hard. Would the nerves before a show ever go away?

  Out of nowhere, a petite blonde threw her arms around Sax’s neck and kissed his cheek.

  He laughed and turned around. “Are you drunk?” he asked her, shaking his head.

  I stood against the counter of the bar with my eyebrows raised. I had no idea who this girl was, but he obviously knew her. A knot formed in my stomach as annoyance began to consume me. Then she turned to me and flashed me a big smile. I felt my anger melt away.

  “Micah, this is my little sister, Stace.”

  Relief flooded through me. His sister. Not some random bimbo who was trying to stake a claim on him. He smiled proudly at her and I could see how much he loved her. He looked at her the same way Pete used to look at me. Stop. Don’t think about it. If you do, you’ll start to cry. I forced my emotions aside and focused on the two of them.

  “Little sister? What am I, twelve?” she grumbled, narrowing her eyes at him.

  “You might as well be. Twelve. Eig
hteen…is there really much of a difference? You’re still a lifetime younger than me,” he retorted.

  My heart pounded. Oh God, she was older than me? What the hell was I doing? This wasn’t a game. I was fucking lying to him, and when he found out he was going to freak.

  I listened to them argue as I tried to pull myself together.

  What was with me tonight? Everything was getting to me. This whole thing with Sax was freaking me out. He avoided relationships because he was terrified of hurting people. That was exactly what I was going to do to him.

  “I’m not feeling great,” I mumbled, forcing a smile. “I’m gonna go sit out back until the show. I’ll be fine, I just need a moment.”

  “Of course,” Sax said, his face creased with concern. “I’ll come with you.”

  “No, stay here with Stace. I’m fine, I promise.”

  He reached for my hand and pulled me closer to him. “Call me if you need me, okay?” His lips brushed past mine tenderly.

  I blushed as I saw Stace grinning at her brother and smiled in spite of myself. He was going to get some shit for that.

  “I will. I’ll see you after the show, and Stace, it was lovely meeting you.”

  “Likewise. It’s nice to see my brother happy for a change.”


  I sank into the first chair I found backstage. Well, backstage was really part of the storage area, but I wasn’t complaining.

  Think about what you’re doing, Micah.

  There is no way this can end well. The longer it goes on, the worse it becomes. At some point, he is going to find out. Things always have a way of coming back to bite you in the ass.

  I closed my eyes. I couldn’t think about this now. It was making me sick. Things were so much easier when I only had myself to worry about. There was no right way to handle this. If I told him, I’d lose him. If I didn’t tell him and he found out on his own I’d lose him.

  Maybe the only option is to stop this before it goes any further.



  My eyes flew open.

  Sax was kneeling in front of me, a smirk on his face. “You fell asleep? In a storage closet?”

  “I was tired,” I said, my voice defensive. “What time is it?” I asked.

  “You’re on in ten. The guys had no idea where you were and you weren’t answering your phone.”

  Shit. I struggled to my feet and stretched my arms, yawning.

  He ran his fingers over my face. “You have sleep lines from your jacket,” he chuckled.

  My hands shot to my face and I groaned. I felt so unprepared for this show.

  “Hey, it’s okay. Go to the bathroom. I’ll let the guys know you’re on your way.” He wrapped his arms around me, tilting my face up to meet his. I sighed as his lips crushed against mine.

  God, he makes me feel special.

  I sprinted to the left entrance of the stage where the guys were waiting. Harry handed me my mic. I smiled as I took it, just as we were announced. The crowd erupted into a round of cheers as we ran out onto the stage.

  “You like making things interesting, don’t you?” Harry joked in my ear. I narrowed my eyes at him and he laughed.

  The second I began to sing, everything was better. It was like the last few hours of worrying hadn’t even happened. Up there, I was invincible. Nothing could touch me. Everything was under control, safe. That’s what music was for me: it was an escape, where no matter how bad things got in my life, music would take away the pain.

  Five songs and two encores later, we were done. My head was buzzing. Singing gave me the biggest high—better than any drug possibly could. I ran just off stage, soaking up the thunderous applause. I couldn’t put into words how magical that feeling was.

  All my anxiety from before had dissipated. Or maybe it was still there, hiding behind the thrill of performing. Either way, I forced myself to enjoy the moment. I could worry about everything tomorrow.

  We made our way over to the bar, the crowds of people still cheering for us. It was a surreal feeling.

  Harry threw his arm around my shoulder, earning him a glare from Sax. If he noticed, he didn’t show it. “I could fucking kiss you, M. You rocked it. You were so freaking amazing up there. It’s like you force everyone to listen. It’s like you cast a fucking spell, doesn’t she, Sax?”

  “She does,” Sax murmured, a smile twitching on his lips.

  “We’re a million times better with you in the band,” Harry continued. “I feel like we have a real shot at something now that we have you. You complete us.”

  “Who the fuck are you, Jerry McGuire?” Sax snorted, rolling his eyes.

  “No, I’m serious, dude. She makes us.”

  I giggled. “Are you drunk, Harry? Because you sound drunk.”

  “No, I’ve had like one beer. I’m just excited. You fucking excite me,” he said. I squealed as he lifted me into a big bear hug.

  This was so unlike Harry, but I couldn’t help but laugh.

  Unlike Sax. He wasn’t laughing.

  Far from it. He sat down at the bar, glaring at Harry.

  Harry put me down and walked up to the bar, drumming his hands on the counter. “Give us a round of shots,” he ordered the guy behind the bar.

  “Nah, none for me,” muttered Sax.

  “For fuck’s sake, one isn’t going to kill you. We kicked ass. We had a great tour, so let’s fucking celebrate,” Harry insisted. He set one of the shots in front of Sax, who shrugged and gulped it down. “Was that so hard?”

  I reached for mine. Closing my eyes, I drank it, gasping as the smooth liquid burned my throat. Ugh. I hated whiskey. Sax chuckled next to me until I raised my eyebrows at him.

  “You drink like a girl,” he explained.

  “So do you,” I shot back. “Maybe you’d prefer a Cosmopolitan, or a Sex on the Beach?” I teased.

  “The last one doesn’t sound so bad,” he said softly. I rolled my eyes.

  After a couple more drinks, Sax winked at me and nodded his head toward the exit.

  “At the risk of sounding old, I think I’m going to have an early night.”

  “Weak,” Harry mumbled, knocking back another shot. “M? What do you want to drink?”

  “I might call it a night too,” I said with a smile. “Do you mind walking me back?” I asked Sax.

  He raised his eyebrows. “Not at all.”

  “Okay, ‘night everyone.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  “Where are we going?” she asked curiously.

  I smiled as she glanced out the window of the cab, taking in the atmosphere. I slid my arm around her shoulder and kissed her. My lips pressed against hers and she smiled, her cheeks flushed.

  “You’ll see,” I replied, wiggling my eyebrows. “You were fantastic up there tonight. Did I tell you that already?”

  “Only about a hundred times,” she giggled.

  I chuckled, her happiness infectious. Whatever had been bothering her earlier seemed to have disappeared. “Here we go,” I said.

  She looked over to where I was looking and gasped. “Holy shit, that’s where we’re staying?”

  “That’s it,” I grinned. It did look pretty spectacular. And at more than the other four rooms for the guys combined, it would fucking have to be. The cab pulled over and I waited while she climbed out, and then followed her.

  “This must have cost you a fortune,” she muttered as I lifted our bags out of the trunk. “Seriously, I thought where the guys are staying was nice, but this? Holy shit.”

  I grinned. “Wait till you see inside.”

  She followed me through the revolving door, her mouth open. The lobby was pure magic—huge chandeliers, brass and crystal. The place screamed elegance. I strode over to the reception counter and smiled at the woman.

  “Welcome to the Palazzo,” she smiled.

  “Thanks. I have a reservation in one of your deluxe spa suites on a high floor.”

And your name, sir?” she asked, tapping at her computer.

  “Saxon Waite,” I replied smoothly.

  Her eyes widened with recognition. I heard Micah chuckle next to me.

  “Mr. Waite, it’s a pleasure to have you at our hotel,” she gushed. “I’m going to upgrade you to our presidential suite, which is located on the top floor. Philippe will assist you with your luggage.” She pushed a key across the counter. “If there is anything else we can help you with, just let us know.”

  “Thanks, Mandy,” I said, winking at her. Her blue eyes widened and her hand flew to her nametag. I chuckled and picked up the key, slipping it into the pocket of my jeans.

  Philippe took our luggage and followed us to the elevator.

  Micah smirked at me. “You love it when the girls throw themselves at you, don’t you?”

  “She hardly threw herself at me,” I retorted.

  Micah snorted. “Come on. She was ready to jump that counter and mount you.”

  “Well, too bad for her the only person I’m interested in mounting is about to step into this elevator,” I mumbled. I grabbed her hands and tugged her closer to me.

  “I hope you don’t mean Philippe,” she whispered and I laughed.

  “What do you think?” I muttered, kissing her. Philippe shifted uncomfortably next to us. “Sorry,” I said to him.

  He smiled and shook his head. “Nothing to apologize for, sir. I’ve seen many things working in this hotel.”

  I raised an eyebrow. Philippe had to be in his late sixties. I bet he had quite a few stories to tell.

  The elevator doors opened and Philippe ushered us out. I let out a low whistle, taking in the impressive view. Wow. Why had it taken me until now to stay in this kind of luxury?

  “God, Sax, it’s beautiful,” gushed Micah.

  I slipped Philippe a tip and nodded at him, then followed Micah over to the window. We were on the top floor, overlooking almost all of Vegas. At this time of night, the light show was simply amazing—much like the beauty standing in front of me.

  I smiled and slipped my arm around her waist. “It is,” I agreed, “But I’d rather be staring at you all night.”


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