Charlotte, Sir Richard... And Mr Darcy

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Charlotte, Sir Richard... And Mr Darcy Page 3

by C P Waterman

  Eliza admired it. “It’s excellent. Thank you so much.”

  In the silence that followed, Charlotte looked round the room. “I must say that you have had a most fortunate life, marrying Mr Darcy. There must be hundreds of women who would dearly love to live an existence like yours, Eliza.”

  “May be so,” she answered. “But when I think that I could have become Mrs Collins, rather than you, things could have worked out so differently.”

  “And then I would have remained an old maid for the rest of my life? No, Eliza. No, I have no complaints about the way things have turned out. I do have an occasional brief moment of joy, strange as it may seem.”


  Intimacy with Mr Darcy's Friend

  Charlotte Collins found it difficult to get to sleep. Her dear friend Elizabeth Darcy - whom she called Eliza - had invited her to spend some days as her guest on her husband’s estate at Pemberley. Because Eliza and her husband were entertaining Lady Catherine de Bourgh (someone whom Charlotte especially wanted to avoid) it was arranged that Charlotte would live in a vacant property on the estate, a gamekeeper’s lodge, by the lake. When she first arrived, the previous day, she had been looking forward to having an opportunity to do some sketching in the stillness of the outdoors.

  She had never considered herself to be a romantic kind of person and, once she had married Mr Collins, a clergyman, she had endeavoured to keep herself at arm’s length from him as much as possible. Obviously she could not avoid his company in their bed, and was content to endure his clumsy nocturnal advances as a condition of her status in society as a clergy wife. He was currently away from home at a diocesan conference and, at Eliza’s invitation, was spending a few days as the Darcys’ guest on their estate. Mr Collins - who was always deferential to his patron, the Lady Catherine - had no knowledge of Charlotte’s visit. And Charlotte wished to avoid meeting the noble lady while she was at Pemberley for fear that, if her husband were to learn of her sojourn here, she would have some awkward questions to answer.

  Whilst sketching by the side of the lake at Pemberley on that first day, her peace had been interrupted when Mr Darcy and a gentleman friend appeared in a boat on the lake, oblivious to her presence. When they had stepped ashore on the opposite bank, and stripped themselves naked, it was obvious to her that they were lovers. Feverishly, Charlotte began sketching them in various lovemaking positions; this activity brought her a new arousal that she had never known with her husband.

  Mr Darcy’s intimate friend had appeared at Charlotte’s lodge later that day and introduced himself to her as Sir Richard Walden. At his request, she sketched him in a fully clothed pose, but it soon became clear that a spark of passion was ready to ignite them; she willingly led him to her bedroom. Once their ecstasy was spent, he departed back to the grand house at Pemberley and Charlotte was left alone once more. It had been a day like no other in her life of nearly thirty years, and she had never considered that she might experience lust as raw as this.

  In her bed that night, she fantasised that Sir Richard was visiting her again, accompanied by Mr Darcy. The three of them settled on her bed, and she watched the two men closely as they made love to each other; being so near, she was able to study every movement as they caressed and kissed one another, and stroked their penises against their partner’s thigh. She was wet with desire, but dare not interrupt the intensity of their longing. Sir Richard knelt on all fours and allowed Mr Darcy to slide his cock slowly into his anus. Charlotte was fascinated by the violent swaying of the men’s testicles, back and forth, as their bodies moved with such speed towards Mr Darcy’s climax.

  When they had finished, the gentlemen turned their attention upon her. Sir Richard had already enjoyed the delights of her body the previous day, and she was eager that he should come to her again now. She suggested that he rest on his back so she could climb on top of him; she moved down to moisten his shaft with her own bodily fluid, then helped him place his cock inside her private place. Charlotte felt its whole length glide up with ease. Then Mr Darcy climbed on her back and rammed his erection into her anus.

  She imagined she was kissing Sir Richard full on the lips, their tongues taking turns to explore the inside of each other’s mouth. Mr Darcy was kissing the back of her neck and occasionally she felt the light touch of his teeth as he nibbled the skin. She was in an ocean of bliss which she never wanted to cease. When she had reached her orgasm, she craved another instantly.

  As her fantasy continued, Mr Darcy’s arms held her tight as he ejaculated into her rectum; when his wild pulsating had come to stop, he climbed off her and sat alongside to watch her and Sir Richard continue their frenzy of sexual excitement. Next, Sir Richard’s finger moved down her stomach until it reached the cleft of her lips and he began to massage her little bud. Her second climax came far too quickly.

  She felt exhausted now, and Sir Richard withdrew, unfulfilled; she closed her eyes and fancied watching him curl his fingers round his erection and begin masturbating, aiming the head of his cock at her breasts. When he ejaculated his seed, it shot out over her torso and she wanted to rub his cream over her nipples. She made a mental note that she had to sketch this scene when she could pick up her pad. Finally, she pulled away two fingers from her vagina - symbolising Sir Richard’s cock - and one finger from her back passage, where Mr Darcy had pushed his way into her.

  Then, weary and contented, the wild musings faded and she turned on her side ready to sleep. Never had her husband extended such lascivious gratification upon her. She doubted whether she would ever meet a man like Sir Richard again, and began to contemplate how she might prolong her association with him - without her husband suspecting.

  The next morning, Charlotte did not rise immediately. She stared up at the ceiling in her bedroom, wondering what she could do today. She thought she would do some more sketching; she would walk to the far end of the lake and follow its course round its other side so that she could see the East Lodge from the position where she had watched Mr Darcy and Sir Richard making love the previous day.

  After a hasty breakfast, she picked up her sketchpad and pencils and walked down and round the lake until she was on the other side, standing level with her lodging. She sat down on the grass close to the bank and began sketching a picture of the East Lodge. Halfway through her work, she noticed a movement close to the building. It was Sir Richard, mounted on a fine horse, approaching her lodging. He dismounted and walked to the door. She watched as he knocked, then looked through the window; finding no sign of her within, he seemed to shrug his shoulders then turned back to his horse. He rode off again, in the direction of Pemberley.

  She felt so disappointed that she had missed him and wondered whether she should have waved to him across the lake in order to try to attract his attention. She continued with her sketch; when she was satisfied that it was finished she decided to continue walking along the lakeside in the direction of Pemberley, with the intention of sketching the grand facade of the great house. On her way along the footpath, she noticed Mr Darcy and Sir Richard in the distance, walking together arm-in-arm. As they approached, she decided to hide behind the thick trunk of a nearby tree, anticipating they would enjoy the same activity as she witnessed yesterday. She would not want to miss the opportunity of watching them again today.

  Unsure whether she was sufficiently concealed behind the tree, she knelt in some bushes, less than twenty feet away. Soon, the men began to strip off and, when they were naked, proceeded hand-in-hand down to the lake for a swim. She picked up her sketchbook, and quickly drew from memory the delicious sight of their muscular backs and their tight butts as they entered the lake. Whilst she sketched feverishly, she heard their frolics as they splashed each other with water.

  After a while they came out, dried themselves, and sat on the bank to embrace and kiss each other. Charlotte felt stimulated at the spectacle; as she knelt, her Achilles tendon accidentally rubbed against the bud in her private parts, and this increased
the intensity of her urge to touch Sir Richard's body. The stimulation was soon propelling her towards an orgasm, and she worried how she might keep herself quiet when her climax approached. When the wave of passion arrived, she gasped loudly behind the bushes where she was hiding; she held her breath when the men turned round and looked in her direction. Luckily, a rabbit happened to bound past her, towards them, and they assumed that it had been the noise of some wild animal in the undergrowth. They resumed their activity, and she continued sketching their naked bodies as they lay locked together; her hand was trembling as she sketched and wondered if her fingers would be steady enough to allow her to get everything down on paper; she felt a lingering temptation to touch herself again and induce a fresh climax.

  On this occasion, she noticed, the men did not indulge in penetrative sex; Charlotte was fascinated to watch as they stood up, facing each other with their bodies clasped tight, the globes of their butts thrusting rhythmically as they pushed their penises forward and back against each other’s thigh. From her viewpoint, she could only see Sir Richard’s penis; his knees began to tremble as soon as he was overtaken by a frenzy of passion, and he jerked his pelvis forward, hard, a couple of times before coming to a halt when his semen spurted powerfully on to his friend’s leg. He grabbed his shaft and masturbated it slowly, trying to wring more seed out from himself.

  Darcy gasped as he reached his climax, and kissed Sir Richard’s shoulder. He threw his head back in the air as the final moment came; although her view was obscured, Charlotte could imagine him ejaculating on the thigh of his friend. They smiled, kissed each other on the lips, and drew back to catch their breath.

  By and by, they retrieved their clothes and got dressed. A few moments later they were walking off together in the sunshine, leaving her alone in the woodland to finish her sketching. Still disappointed at having missed Sir Richard earlier when he had called on her, she decided she would continue to walk in the direction of Pemberley – she was careful to keep some distance behind the men; they must never find out that she knew what they had been doing. It would no doubt destroy Eliza’s marriage to Darcy.

  Walking fewer than a dozen paces along the lakeside path, she found the woodland had disappeared and there was open fields to her left. She heard a voice. “Charlotte!” Then, a little louder, “Charlotte!”

  She turned her eyes to the field and saw Eliza sitting on a horse; a servant was accompanying her on foot, carrying a wicker basket. “We’re having a picnic,” she called. “Walden came out earlier to invite you, but you weren't at the East Lodge and he couldn't find you. I do hope you can come. And that you're hungry.”

  “This is quite unexpected,” Charlotte smiled. “Why didn't you tell me about this when we met yesterday?”

  “We do everything here on the spur of the moment,” she said. “Lady Catherine has decided to go off again with her friends a few miles away, and we thought it would be a good idea to take a picnic in the sunshine.”

  Eliza dismounted and walked at an easy pace with her friend. “Is everything still all right at the East Lodge?” she asked.

  “It is quite perfect, thank you. I thought I might get lonely there, but the place has a special charm.”

  “There is a possibility that Lady Catherine many depart hence either tomorrow or the day after. That means that you can come to the house and make yourself comfortable, rather than having to endure the privations of the Lodge.”

  “That would be lovely. I have three or four days left here, and it would be a good opportunity for me to look round your home without having the noble lady breathing down my neck.”

  “Do you see much of her at the Parsonage?”

  “Too much. But I have become used to her and I fear that my husband will be tied to her for ever.”

  They both laughed. “He is fortunate to have a patron, even if it is her. I'm told that endurance is good for the soul,” Eliza remarked.

  The two friends soon came to a well-tended lawn in an open place closer to the great house. The servant put down the wicker basket, opened it, and unfolded a large cloth upon which he began to place the contents of the basket.

  Charlotte sat down opposite Eliza, and she noticed Darcy and Sir Richard approaching on foot from the house. As they neared, she noticed Sir Richard's eyes settling upon her; she imagined he was feasting upon the cleavage of her heaving breasts. And her eyes were fixed on his crotch, where she could see under the thin fabric of his breeches that his penis was hardening. It was already upright, and the cleavage of his testicles was visible. A feeling of delicious discomfort shot through her private parts.

  The gentlemen sat down opposite each other on the unoccupied sides of the picnic setting. Sir Richard smiled at her. “How are you today, Mrs Collins?”

  “I am well, thank you, Sir Richard,” she answered. “And it is fine weather for a picnic.”

  “Indeed. Darcy and I went out for a swim this morning, and the water was much warmer than yesterday.”

  “You went swimming yesterday?” asked Eliza.

  “No, my dear,” said Darcy. “We went out in the boat on the lake and put our hands in the water.”

  “I see you have your sketch book with you,” Eliza remarked. “I expect you can guess what I am going to ask you now.”

  “You want me to capture this scene?”

  “Would it be too much trouble to ask? A memento of the occasion.”

  “But while you’re busy with your pencil, we don’t want you to starve,” said Darcy. “Take your time and eat plenty of everything.”

  Charlotte looked around at everyone and positioned herself at an angle where she would be able to include everyone present. She began her work with enthusiasm, and shortly noticed that her plate had been piled high with sandwiches and fancy cakes for her to eat. Darcy pushed the plate in front of her, prompting her to put down her pad and to start eating. As she tucked in, she began to join in the conversation, which was about Lady Catherine.

  “She is a very demanding lady,” Eliza remarked. “But we need people like her in society to make us grateful when they are not in our company. She finds every opportunity to find fault where there is none, and she leads a merry song and dance for our poor servants.”

  “I pity Anne, my cousin,” said Darcy. “She is a very pale child and is constantly exposed to her mother's critical eye; the girl is given no favours. I feel she should be removed from her mother for a short time. The break would be good for her.”

  “And I must say that this break from Hunsford Parsonage is doing me a great deal of good too,” observed Charlotte.

  Everyone laughed. “I take the view that Lady Catherine needs people in her circle like your husband,” Eliza suggested. “I fear that, without him, she would be a very miserable lady.”

  As they were speaking, Charlotte observed Eliza change her posture; she appeared to be moving to make herself more comfortable on the hard lawn. But she briefly moved her legs so that her gown rose up knees, exposing her thighs to Sir Richard’s view. Charlotte noticed that the sight did not escape his attention. Was she trying to convey some secret signal to him? she wondered, or was it a simple accident, corrected within a few seconds? She had no way of knowing. She conjectured that Eliza might have a secret fancy for Sir Richard; Charlotte contemplated that it would be strange indeed if he were sexually active with both Mr and Mrs Darcy, as well as herself.

  Her eyes then turned again to Sir Richard, and the way he had arranged his legs whilst at the picnic on the grass. His erection was expanding, and his bulging testicles were plainly visible through his fine attire; Eliza must have noticed these remarkable features too.

  Maybe Eliza was teasing Sir Richard, she thought. She was slyly exposing herself in an attempt to induce his arousal, to encourage him to grow an erection without anyone else realising what was going on. But, at the same time, his huge cock was certainly teasing Charlotte. She felt a tingling between her legs, and knew that her private parts were moistening. She fe
lt a temptation to compete with Eliza, to open her own legs and display her intimate charms to him, but it would be too risky; from his position, Darcy would have noticed her carelessness and might mention it to Eliza later in the privacy of their bedroom.

  In her sketch of the group, Charlotte discreetly concealed the swelling in Sir Richard’s crotch. But she decided she would produce another private sketch of him for herself, one which would display his bulge in all its glory. When she had finished her public portrait of the group, she held it up and passed it round for everyone to admire. Eliza took it, saying it would make a fine memento of an enjoyable occasion.

  At last, they had all eaten their fill of the picnic; just as the servant was ready to begin packing up everything into the basket, another servant was seen running towards them.

  “Master!” he called. “Lady De Bourgh has returned to the house sooner than expected!”

  Darcy and his wife looked at each other. “We'd better go straight away,” she said to him.

  Everybody rose. Sir Richard looked at Charlotte. “I don't suppose you want to go to Pemberley, to meet the noble lady, do you?” he grinned.

  “Certainly not,” she replied seriously, not appreciating his mirth.

  “Then I shall escort you back to your East Lodge.” He turned to Darcy. “I am taking Mrs Collins back to her quarters, and shall see you back at the house soon.”

  Darcy nodded, and put his arm round Eliza as they both walked back to the house.

  “This gives us an unexpected opportunity for a little more intimacy,” he whispered with an impish grin.

  She looked up at him. “I am in no hurry to return, Sir Richard.”

  He swivelled round to look at the other members of the picnic; they had their backs turned and he felt confident enough to put his arm round her shoulder as they continued walking along the side of the lake.


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