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Rescued by Qaiyaan (Galactic Pirate Brides Book 1)

Page 11

by Tamsin Ley

  Qaiyaan slapped the airlock button, barely waiting for the door to open before squeezing himself inside. Lisa had done it. This could only mean she was alive. Lisa, you did it! I’m in!

  No answer. Was she unconscious? Mek had said it was dangerous for her to use her nanites. Possibly even deadly. He had to get to her, quickly.

  Inside the airlock, the interior seal stood ajar. The bounty hunters had re-engaged gravity, but not life support, which probably meant they were suited up. Wouldn’t they be surprised to discover the crew could resist vacuum? Most of the crew. The Denaidan ability to endure space wouldn’t help Lisa if the bounty hunters forced open the door. He had to get life support up and running.

  Depressing the button to close both doors, he slipped between the gleaming, angular machinery that filled Tovik’s domain. The engineering control panel was near the ladder up to the main level. Where were the bounty hunters at this moment? It was too much to hope they’d come straight to engineering. They’d head for the control room, and Lisa’d said they carried pistols.

  He looked around for a weapon, anything that might improve his chances against armed invaders. Next to the burn drive, Tovik’s messy tool cabinet hung open, spanners and spare parts strewn across the decking. A battered pulse pistol lay among the scattered items.

  Qaiyaan snatched it up and tucked it into his waistband. These bounty hunters were going to regret boarding his ship. He reinitiated life support, knowing the hiss of air through the ducts would take away the element of surprise.

  Pistol ready, he poked his head from the trap door. The corridor was empty. From the direction of the med bay, a grunt of pain broke through the thin air. He pulled himself clear of the hatch and launched himself toward the open door. Inside, the floor was littered with broken medical equipment. Two rakwiji, their scales rippling with excitement, held Mek trapped in one corner. He stood bracing himself against the cabinet with both arms, his shirt slashed and darkened with turquoise blood. Tovik and Noatak both lay unconscious on their beds.

  The smaller rakwiji slashed out with a knife, adding to the cuts on Mek's chest. Mek flinched but had nowhere to go. The larger bounty hunter, who held a pulse pistol aimed at the doctor's head, removed its helmet, revealing a flared crest of scales as it lifted its muzzle toward the hissing life support duct.

  “Hey!” Qaiyaan shouted, taking aim at the larger rakwiji and pulling the trigger.

  Nothing happened.

  Both rakwiji bared gleaming razor teeth and the big one swiveled its gun toward Qaiyaan.

  Qaiyaan pulled the useless trigger again then flung the weapon at his attackers before ducking back into the corridor. Plasma from the rakwiji’s weapon impacted the corridor wall behind him, sending visible ripples of heat through the air. The smaller bounty hunter burst around the corner on the heels of the blast, still armed with the curved knife.

  Typical rakwiji. They got off on playing with their prey. Qaiyaan obliged by stepping forward and ramming an ionically-powered fist into his attacker’s scaled solar plexus. The surge of power through his already tired system threatened to buckle his knees, and his knuckles flared in pain against the creature’s hard thorax. But the pressure sent the rakwiji flying halfway down the hall.

  The bigger creature burst through the door and slammed into Qaiyaan, crashing him to the deck. Its cloyingly sweet yet sulfurous breath made Qaiyaan’s eyes water.

  Bringing up a knee, Qaiyaan wedged it between their bodies, using his ionic power to hurl this attacker off. He rolled toward the med bay, reaching for the bounty hunter’s pulse pistol where it had fallen to the floor.

  The big rakwiji lunged again, burying a necrotic claw into Qaiyaan’s calf. Leg flaring in agony, Qaiyaan twisted, snarling at his attacker. Yanking its claw free, the bounty hunter opened its toothy mouth, its words a throaty growl. “I will peel that shiny copper skin from your body before you die.”

  Venom pulsed a fiery trail up Qaiyaan’s leg. He had only minutes until it reached his heart. He had to kill his attacker now, before it finished him and moved on to his crew and Lisa. Both hearts pounding furiously, he grabbed a scalpel from the scattered implements on the floor. He jackknifed toward his attacker, slashing the blade at its throat.

  The scalpel skittered ineffectually across the rakwiji’s scaled hide.

  The rakwiji laughed, tongue lolling between its spear-tipped grin. It opened its mouth wider and lunged as if to tear out Qaiyaan’s throat.

  Qaiyaan thrust the scalpel forward again, aiming for the creature's mouth. Humid breath encircled his hand and wrist, razor-sharp teeth grazing his skin. The rakwiji stiffened, trying to halt, but there was too much momentum behind its attack. With every ounce of ionic power he had left, Qaiyaan drove the blade upward through the rakwiji's palette and into its brain.

  The beast collapsed, teeth digging into Qaiyaan’s arm as it fell. From the doorway, the smaller rakwiji made a horrific screech as a pulse pistol blast cut the air above Qaiyaan’s head. The creature turned and fled.

  Twisting to free himself from the death throes of the big rakwiji, Qaiyaan spotted Mek holding both pulse pistols in trembling hands. The doctor set the weapons aside and turned to fumble in his medical supply cabinet.

  Qaiyaan tried to rise to his feet, but the poison was taking hold of his muscle control. The skin showing through the tear in his pants was no longer copper, but a gnarled and lumpy web of black as the poison leached into his bloodstream. He flopped awkwardly against the deck. “I need to get to Lisa.”

  “We need to reverse the poison or you’ll be dead within minutes. Ellam Cua, I know I have a vial of antidote here somewhere. Aha!” Mek turned, holding an inoculation gun and a handful of vials. “Hold on, captain. This’ll take a minute to work.”

  Qaiyaan’s tongue had grown too thick to speak. While Mek cut away his pants, Qaiyaan stared at the door where the alien had disappeared. Lisa, can you hear me? They’re coming!

  Lisa opened her eyes, her head pounding. The control panel still scrolled its diagnostics, all systems green. He’d done it! Thank God! Doug are you still there? No response. Qaiyaan, can you hear me? She received a garbled blast of pain instead of words. Qaiyaan!

  Leaning forward to look at the camera images, she clutched the arms of the chair. A huge rakwiji had a claw buried in Qaiyaan’s leg. “No!”

  She lurched upright, but the chair’s gravity restraints held her down. Fumbling with the buckles, she followed the struggle on the monitor. Qaiyaan! She wriggled loose and started for the door, then paused. A weapon. She needed a weapon. She scoured the small control room. How could these men call themselves pirates when they didn’t even keep weapons in here?

  Her gaze lit upon the small holocube of Noatak’s family. It wouldn’t be much of a threat as a missile, but the dozens of small beams it used to form the holo-image could be focused to create a low-level torch. Better than nothing. Muttering a quick apology to Noatak, she grabbed the cube and cracked open the casing. Weapon in hand, she cycled open the airlock door.

  A rakwiji stood in the corridor clutching a curved knife.

  It growled, spittle flying from its teeth and head crest flaring. Lisa swung her makeshift laser toward its face, squeezing the power cell. Her aim was off. The modified beam danced ineffectually across the rakwiji’s shoulder.

  A wide row of pointed teeth slowly appeared on its face. “The little human tries to poke me with a pin light? Do you think I am a Xeimir worm, afraid of the sun?”

  Lisa’s heart hammered. The rakwiji was so close, she could smell its sulfurous breath. The lasers might not be able to pierce its scaled hide, but that didn’t mean her weapon was worthless. Taking aim again, she slashed the light across the bridge of the creature’s muzzle, pointing it directly into its eyes.

  The rakwiji dropped the knife, roaring and pressing both hands over its face. Unfortunately, it also remained blocking the doorway.

  Praying the blindness lasted, Lisa crouched to retrieve the knife from be
neath its feet.

  The rakwiji slashed the air where she’d stood only moments before.

  Blade in hand, Lisa squirmed backward, keeping the navigator seat between her and the yowling rakwiji. The blade would be useless against its scales, but it still felt better to be holding a weapon.

  “You will be my final trophy.” The rakwiji’s eyes wept tears, and the entire room stank from its breath. “My mate and I will rut over your pain throughout eternity.”

  Lisa searched for a way out, but the rakwiji’s bulk left no room to slip past. Sooner or later, its claws would find her. She shrank against the control panel, palm slick around the knife handle. The rakwiji took another shuffling step forward, still cursing, its legs wide as it sought her out.

  Her gaze fell on the one place a rakwiji didn’t have scales—its crotch. Dropping to her hands and knees, Lisa squeezed under the edge of the navigator’s chair. She only had one chance. Once she let the creature know where she was, it would bury its claws into her. Pulling back her arm, she coiled every ounce of her strength.

  The rakwiji stepped forward.

  She drove the weapon into its genitals.

  The knife sank to the hilt, sending hot blood pouring over Lisa’s fingers. The rakwiji’s expletives cut off mid-insult.

  Yanking the knife free, Lisa somersaulted forward. She reached the door and chanced a look over her shoulder.

  The bounty hunter was on its knees, clawed hands between its legs. A geyser of blood pulsed from between its fingers. “Rrhuk’ni carry me into the afterlife where I may rut in the blood of my enemies for all eternity.”

  Lisa curled her lips in disgust. “Have fun trying to enjoy your afterlife without any junk, you asshole.”

  She then fled toward the medical bay.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Qaiyaan opened his eyes, surrounded by the familiar walls of his cabin, to find Lisa gazing down at him.

  Her cool hand brushed the hair from his forehead. "You're awake."

  She was touching him. Lying next to him on his bunk, propped on one elbow, her body pressed along his. Which could only mean one thing; they were both dead, and this was Ellam Cua’s final gift. He reached out to stroke her satin cheek. “I’m sorry.”

  “For what?”

  “For letting us die. But I’m glad Ellam Cua has placed us together.”

  Lisa smiled and leaned forward to brush her lips against his. “We’re not dead, silly.”

  Qaiyaan wrapped his hand around the back of her neck and drew her toward him again, craving her musky lilac scent. Her lips felt pliable and oh, so real. “I’m touching you,” he murmured against her softness. “So we’re either dead or this is a dream.”

  Her tongue flickered between his lips, teasing him. For long moments he was lost in the coaxing warmth of her mouth, the intimacy of her pillowy breasts against his side. His cock throbbed in response, but his leg still tingled from the rakwiji’s venom. He wished the fatigue hadn’t followed him into death. The afterlife was supposed to be free of pain and worry. Plus, there were several very naughty things he wanted to do to her. He traced his fingers along her shoulder blade, following the curve around her side and under her arm to cup her heavy breast. The nipple hardened beneath her shirt.

  She moaned and slid one hand down his chest to rest upon his erection, and he realized he wore only his briefs. Convenient. He pumped his hips upward and groaned, the pressure of someone else’s hand a sensation he’d not felt in over fifteen years.

  Her fingers slipped inside his briefs and wrapped hotly around his shaft. “I dare say you are very much alive.”

  With a surge of motion, he flipped her onto her back so he could take over the lovemaking.

  She sucked in a breath, her brows raised. He paused, realizing how rough he’d been. How real. This wasn’t a dream. He twisted to look at his injured leg. The poison had left a dark spiderweb of broken capillaries up and down its surface, but whatever antidote Mek’d given him must’ve worked, because other than the residual ache, he felt fine. Alive. And very, very horny.

  He returned his gaze to Lisa’s, both hearts threatening to pour their way out of his chest. “How’re we touching?”

  “I found Doug.” She grabbed his beard with both fists, her eyes dark with desire. “Don’t stop what you’re doing.”

  His thoughts spun, unable to keep up as he lowered himself to her mouth. Hope and lust surged through him. “He fixed your nanites?”

  “Not exactly. He says I need to destroy them.” She brought one leg up around his hip, then the other, squeezing with her heels until his cock ground against her. “He seems to think this might do it.”

  Despite the throbbing desire in his cock, Qaiyaan paused. “Whoa, slow down. Might?” He pushed up onto both hands to look down at her. “I thought you needed your nanites for us to be together.”

  “What I need is your cock inside me. Right now.”

  Her words alone were nearly enough to make him come. “Ellam Cua, woman! I need to know I won’t kill you before we go any farther.”

  She sighed and eased the pressure of her heels. “Let me try this. It’s faster.”

  Inside his head, a flurry of information appeared, as if she was reading him a book on fast forward. He experienced her joy and her sorrow while speaking to Doug, and understood the mystery of her nanites in ways he’d never imagined possible. She once again tugged his beard, trying to draw him toward her. “I have to destroy my nanites before they destroy me. And the only way to get rid of them is with an ionic pulse.” Her lips twisted into a sassy smile. “Doug suggested yours.”

  He lowered himself to within kissing range. “Mine specifically?”

  She pressed tiny kisses to his throat beneath the line of his beard, working her way toward his ear. “Yours.”

  Qaiyaan groaned. His cock was so hard, it was painful. Years of self-control warred inside him. "Are you sure you want to? What if…"

  “Mek’s standing by. And yes. I want to feel you inside me.” Her breathy voice against his ear sent a shiver to his toes.

  Turning his head, he captured her lips in a kiss. The sweet pressure of her tongue in his mouth was pure bliss. Slowly, savoring every moment, he kissed her, cupping her cheek with one hand. His other hand sought a breast, teasing the nipple into a rigid peak. The intimacy of her body close to his was something he’d never thought possible, but even stronger was the soft and gentle pressure of her thoughts brushing against his. Her lust for him rivaled his. He reached for the latch on her waistband, wanting to feel her. To sink his fingers into her dusky curls. To feel her slick opening part for him.

  She wriggled, lifting her hips to help him shimmy her legs free of her clothing. Her hands roamed his torso, as desperate for him as he was for her. Her gasping breaths fanned his desire.

  Pants removed, he pulled back, looking down at her body. He’d never seen anything more beautiful. Charcoal depths of her eyes filled with lust, she let her legs fall open to expose her soft, wet entrance and held her hands toward him, seeking to draw him near.

  He swallowed, offering one last attempt at control. “I won’t be able to stop if we go any farther.”

  She scooted her bottom closer to him, spreading her thighs even wider, and lifted herself so her backside rested against his thighs. "Shut up and fuck me."

  Groaning, he dragged her hips toward him until the head of his cock grazed her slitted heat. The slick folds caressed his length with delicious, slippery promise. She quivered, fingertips digging into his forearms as she wrapped her legs around his hips.

  Qaiyaan shuddered, the head of his cock glistening with pre-come. If he wasn’t careful, he might fulfill Tovik’s prediction and finish before he’d even started. He ground his teeth, holding back while she wriggled, part of him still resisting this final commitment. Then she reached down, grabbing his shaft and settling the head against the center of her opening. Without conscious thought, his hips surged forward.

  Her heat enveloped
him in sheer bliss.

  “Ellam Cua,” he breathed, eyes rolling back in his head. His hands dug into her hips, holding her steady. “Don’t move.”

  “I can’t help it!” She threw her head back, heels digging hard into his backside, driving him deeper than he thought possible. Her core pulsed around him, on the edge of orgasm. She whimpered and licked her lips, her pink tongue an invitation. He fell forward to kiss her again. Tangling his tongue with hers, he thrust forward, crushing her body beneath his. She accepted every thrust, pumping her legs in time to his rhythm. Deeper, harder, faster.

  A moan rose from her lips, a sound that resonated in his chest as if she were the one with ionic power rather than the other way around. Her voice grew higher, and he moved faster, knowing she was almost at her peak. The base of his spine tingled with electric desire, balls tightening with the need for release. No, not yet, hold on a little longer…

  She grabbed his beard, her back arching. “Qaiyaan!” Her pussy convulsed around him and her entire body quaked with her release.

  His balls exploded, his vision bursting into a million stars…

  When he came to his senses, he lay on top of her, panting. Horrified, he pulled back, clumsy-drunk from his orgasm. He never remembered coming so hard in his life. He searched her face. Cheeks flushed and eyes closed, she had a slight smile on her lips. Sending out a small ionic nudge, he detected her heartbeat, steady and quick. Her body was alive, then, but what about her mind?

  He spoke her name in a reverent hush. “Lisa?”

  She turned her head slightly without opening her eyes. “Mmm?”

  He let out his breath in a whoosh and lowered himself until his forehead touched hers. This was a miracle he’d never expected. A gift he didn’t deserve. “You survived.”


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