His Mate - Brothers - Hide and Seek

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His Mate - Brothers - Hide and Seek Page 16

by M. L. Briers

  Could she have a mean streak that wide?

  Maybe she doesn’t know what she’s doing…?

  “Wow, I’ll take that as a big old slap me in the face no…”

  Marley chuckled as she turned to look out of the window once more, but the feel of his fingers locked around her arm, the sudden world spinning around her as he brought her right back to face him … so close now that she could feel the heat coming off his body, and then she was looking up into those dark, sexy eyes of his and her heart kicked her right in the ribs…

  “Actions speak louder than words…” She offered up to him with a temptingly wicked smile upon her lips, and he was hooked…

  Another slight yank on her arm and her body was against his as his lips came down on hers. There was no more time to think even if she’d wanted to, because her body was on full overload from the way that he kissed her … the way that his arms locked her to him … the feel of his hard length sandwiched between them …



  One moment Marley’s feet were on the ground and the next she had her legs wrapped around his hips and her feet pressed against his backside urging him closer.

  She felt the wall at her back and was grateful for it as he devoured her with hot kisses that sent jolt’s of excited goodness straight to her happy dancing womb.

  His hard length was pressed against her sex, and there might have been layers of clothing between them, but that didn’t make the feeling any less potent when he rocked his hips against hers…

  She gasped at the pleasure and broke the kiss, but his lips were still hungry for more and he was working his way down her throat, across her collarbone, and back up her neck, kissing, licking and nipping with a fever that had fired in his blood as his beast rose up within him, no longer willing to let its needs go unanswered…

  Mine… the wolf staked its claim and tried to push forward.

  The urge to allow the beast its way washed through Josh. He felt the push of the fangs in his gums and slammed that cage door shut on his wolf…

  Not yet … she wasn’t ready for that yet and neither was he…

  Soon my friend … I promise … soon… Josh assured the wolf and it settled a little inside of him.

  “Will you be mine?” Josh’s voice exposed his wolf that sat just under the surface, and the deep, gravelly sound of his voice sent a shiver through her spine.

  “I thought I already was…” Marley answered breathlessly before his lips found hers again and he lifted her away from the wall and turned them towards the bed.

  Her hands wanted to rip and tear at his clothes. She wanted to feel him skin on skin, and the moment that her back hit the mattress he started to make that happen.

  Her clothes didn’t stand a chance and she didn’t care one little bit that he’d just turned them to rags in his rush to get the both of them naked. Her eyes were taking in the hard muscles of his body; the six pack that rolled his flesh, the hard line of his hips that led down to that sweet spot that she held her breath with anticipation to behold once more as his thumbs hooked the waistband of his jeans and pushed downwards…

  She almost chuckled in delight at the sight of his naked glory once more. Hard as a rock, thick, and long; his cock stood proud and angled towards her like it knew what it wanted and it was about to get it.

  Her inner muscles clenched with an involuntary spasm, ready, willing, and able to sheath his hard length like a velvet glove. She reached out a hand towards him, wanting to feel it in her closed fist, but his large hand snagged her wrist before she got the chance…

  “Me first…”

  Josh’s growl was gentle but hungry. His dark eyes feasted on the curves of her naked body as he took a step down to the floor, reaching for her hips, and yanking her backside to the very edge of the mattress…

  He leaned in over her, pressing her wrist against the mattress as he took her lips only briefly before moving down her body to her breasts, lavishing them with his attention until her hips wiggled and she mewed for more…

  Lower still; he tasted and nipped down the length of her. His hands curled around her thighs and he pushed her legs up and out, opening her sex for his viewing pleasure.

  Her scent was divine and it called to him. He gently brushed his cheeks against her inner thigh and savoured the moment, leaning in to take a taste of her on his tongue, and her body responded like wildfire, as her back arched and she made the sexiest damn sound in the back of her throat that he’d ever heard.

  He wanted to hear that again and again, and he wasn’t about to stop until he’d had enough, but it would it ever be enough?

  His ears picked up the sound of her fingernails clawing against the sheets as he took her higher, faster and faster until her head spun and her body gave up what he was seeking.

  Her feminine essence tasted so damn good on his tongue as she was caught in the intensity of the raptures that throbbed through her from head to toe.

  His cock wept for her. It ached with the need to be sheathed inside of those throbbing inner muscles and buried so damn deep that he lost his mind…

  Josh pushed up to his feet and leaned in over her. He felt the soft press of her channel as his cock found its own way to what he needed, but he waited for her to come back him…

  “I will bite…” He warned, giving her one last chance to change her mind before the frenzy took them both. He saw his words registered in her hooded eyes, and they sparkled with mischief…

  “You sure you want me for a mate…?” She teased and watched as a wide, wolfish grin swept across his face…

  “The witch that shimmies down drainpipes to get away from me…? Yeah, I think I can tame your wild ways.”

  “Then what are you waiting for, alpha? Tame me…”

  Marley reached for him, but he was faster. He snagged her wrists in his large hands and pushed them up over her head, capturing her, caging her in with his body, and her eyes flared with excitement.

  That was all he needed to know, to see … she wasn’t worried, afraid, or nervous of his wild side, and he didn’t feel the need to keep it caged a moment longer.

  He growled like a man possessed with wicked thoughts. He was hungry for her, close to ravenous, and his beast wouldn’t be denied a moment longer…

  He pushed forwards with his hips; the thick girth of his cock opening her tight channel to his advances. The sound that caught in the back of her throat was potent, but his growl was so much more for her…

  His name sounded good on her lips as he buried his length to the hilt and growled at the pure pleasure that came when she squeezed her inner muscles around it.

  “If you keep doing that you’re going to drive me insane…” Josh warned her as he pulled right back to the edge of her channel before burying his length to the hilt once more…

  She gave him a damned wicked smile as she squeezed her muscles around his cock…

  “Insane is good, as long as you’re getting your beast on…” She tempted him with her words, made his wolf rise inside of him until the fur was just beneath his skin, and his fangs pushed down…

  “You’re one impatient witch…” He growled with that wolfish grin and there they were; razor sharp and hungry for her…

  “My, what big teeth you’ve got…” She chuckled, but she wasn’t chuckling a moment later when he took her down his length again with one deep thrust that made her womb jolt with pleasure, and her breath catch within the back of her throat… “Again…” she begged.

  She liked this wild side to him. The pure strength. The dominance of his nature.

  Being caged by him filed her with excitement, with a need for more, for everything that he had to give … including that bonding bite.

  She wasn’t afraid of the sight of his fangs. Hell, she’d been around J.C enough to be used to them, but on Josh they were so much more potent, an aphrodisiac.

  “Marley…” He growled her name as he took her over and over again, filling her t
o the hilt, stretching her inner walls around his length, and savouring every thrust…

  “Don’t stop until I’m truly yours…” She demanded, and he was lost to her, lost to the mating, to the connection between them.

  The friction that his cock was building inside of her was too perfect not to illicit a response from her body.

  She felt his arms encircle her body, felt her breasts pressed against the hard muscles of his chest, and then she felt his hot breath against her neck, moving down her shoulder, as her body climbed once more towards another release.

  Her hands palmed his back and her fingers curled into the muscles that were working overtime. His mind noted the hard press of her fingernails against his flesh, felt the way that her inner muscles were tightening around his cock, making him work harder, faster, taking her in deep thrusts as his shaft rubbed against her clit…

  His beast was hungry for the taste of her blood, for the bond between them, and the moment that her nails pierced his skin; he growled with hunger at the scent of his own blood as she dragged them down his back…

  Her body was once again caught in the hard throbbing waves of the orgasm that caused erotic spasms to go through her…

  Josh bit down into her flesh.

  His razor sharp fangs pierced the skin like a hot knife through butter and he felt her body jerk with the pain, but she never cried out. Her blood spilled over his tongue as his wolf roared with the claim, and he could feel her very soul calling out to his…

  He felt the fever rise within him. His own needs rose up to claw inside his flesh as his wolf backed off…

  He held her tightly within his arms, refusing to let her go. His hips powering against hers, and he could feel her rising back up to the edge of insanity with him…

  Every muscle in his body locked up, strained, as his thrusts became erratic. His head craned back on his neck as he trust against the tightening of her inner muscles, taking her fast, hard, deep, and back towards another release…

  This time she did cry out. The intensity of the orgasm devoured her, mind, body, and soul…

  The hard clench and release of her inner muscles suckled his cock, demanding his seed, and he buried his length to the hilt, and he howled at that erotic pleasure that swept through his body in waves.

  Over and over, he buried himself inside of her and gave her everything that he had to give.

  Finally mated, bonded.

  He’d wooed her at last.

  She was his and he was hers. Soul mates, bound together for eternity.



  “Sage!” Marley bit out on barely a whisper for fear that she would be overheard.

  “I’ll be nice … I promise.”

  Sage grinned in the way that she always did when she was up to no good. The sheer excitement that flowed through her shone within her eyes and made them sparkle.

  “What are the odds?” Geri snorted her contempt for that one.

  “It’s Sage. I’m not giving you odds on that!” Marley hissed back as their friend disappeared around the side of a large rock.

  “I wouldn’t either if I was you.” Geri grumbled. “I have a bad feeling about this…”

  Sage reappeared a few moments later, looking down at them from on top of that rock, and that big old grin was still there on her face, and her eyes were still sparkling with excitement and mischief…

  “You have to see this. It’s a great idea and it’s going to be so much fun…” Sage chuckled…

  “You sound like Scooby Doo, or is it Mutley?” Geri hissed back.

  The woman still hadn’t got the hang of what constituted a whisper in terms of wolves with big ears, and the three male mate’s heads all turned in unison towards them…

  “Damn it, Geri…” Sage bit out as she snapped to attention, lifted her hands and called on her magic as those mates started towards them.

  “Sage, maybe you shouldn’t…” Marley started as she eyed the three brothers that were coming towards them.

  “And lift off…” Sage said as she used her magic to whip Luke up from the ground and propel him towards the lake…

  “Holy…!” Chance bit out, as his head whipped around on his neck and he watched his brother sailing backwards through the air…

  “Oh, geez, I can’t watch!” Geri ground out as she buried her face in her hands, and squealed a little…

  “It’s like piloting a drone…” Sage chuckled as she steered her mate through the air…

  “You had two of those and they both crashed and burned…” Marley remembered with dismay as she craned her neck to watch Luke come in for a crash landing…

  He hit the water, skimming across the top of the lake for a matter of seconds, before disappearing under the surface…

  “Touchdown!” Sage thrust her hands up and punched the air with the biggest grin on her face that Marley had ever seen.

  “You know he’s going to kill you right?” Marley shook her head, but she couldn’t take her eyes from the lake as she waited for the shifter to emerge from beneath the water.

  “If he’s still alive,” Geri bit out. “Is he still alive?” She was starting to hyperventilate at the thought of Sage having killed her mate…

  Luke emerged in a giant fountain of water as he broke the surface at high speed, gasping for air, and then roaring in disbelief and annoyance…

  “Okay, he lives,” Geri dropped her hands and shrugged just one shoulder, and she could have spotted the sound of her own mate’s laughter anywhere as it rumbled through the air towards her.

  “Geez, Sage. He’s going to kill you…” Marley shook her head…

  “Nah!” Sage wrinkled up her nose and did a happy dance that her magic had worked out just the way that she’d planned…

  “So, you don’t need me then?” J.C said as he appeared in the branches above the witch and sighed as if he was a little disappointed.

  “Nope,” Sage grinned as she looked down at Marley and wiggled her eyebrows.

  “She might when he gets out of that lake.” Marley snorted a chuckle.

  “It was a nice shot,” J.C shrugged.

  “I’ll do better next time…” Sage offered back and Marley balked…

  “Next time?” She demanded.

  “If you’re still alive after this time,” Geri chuckled, but Sage was already climbing down from the rocks and starting towards the lake.

  “Shouldn’t she be running the other way until he cools off?” Marley frowned.

  “I think he’ll be plenty fine with it.” J.C teased with his eyes.

  The vampire knew something that she didn’t … Marley could see it in his eyes. That witch had an ace up her sleeve, and as her magic could sometimes go badly wrong, she really wanted to know what it was…

  “J.C?” She demanded, but the vampire pretended to zip up his lips and throw away the key.

  Then he settled down for the front row seat to the action.

  “You go high and I’ll go low, and if we zap him just right…” Geri offered as she cast nervous eyes towards the shifter that was powering through the water towards his mate who was rushing out to meet him.

  “That was so cool!” Chance chuckled as Sage tipped her head to one side and regarded the man with a hard stare.

  “Yeah? You wanna give it a go?” Sage all but challenged him … but his eyes locked onto his mate coming up fast behind her, and Geri was shaking her head fast, and her eyes were wide with a warning.

  “Not right now…” Chance offered back and Sage grinned.

  “Suit yourself…” She shrugged.

  “Sage!” Luke growled out, stumbling as he pulled himself out of the water, anger bubbling up inside of him for her antics… “Are you drunk?” He demanded on a long growl…

  “Nope,” Sage offered back, placing her hands on her hips and waiting for her mate to find his land legs again…

  “That’s not funny,” Luke growled, slipping on the wet mud of the grassy bank and
almost slipping back into the water again.

  “Pah! Says you…!” Sage chuckled…

  “I warned you what would happen if you got up to more damn mischief…” he growled out.

  He was going to tie her to the damn bed, feed and water her, but he was going to leave her right there until she absolutely promised, one hundred percent not to do any more magic … at least, that’s what he’d threatened to do to her. The reality was going to be a lot different…

  “Oh, come on…” Sage tossed her hands up in the air with excitement. “Admit that it was a head rush!”

  “Not a head rush…” he growled out as he stalked towards her across the grass.

  “Admit that you loved it!” She baited him.

  “Loved it would be way to strong a sentiment…” he growled.

  “Where’s your sense of adventure?” She demanded and he grunted in annoyance.

  “I left it back in the damn lake…” he grumbled.

  “Shall I do it again and you can go back and find it?” She teased as she raised her hands and giggled like a schoolgirl…

  Luke moved fast. In a heartbeat he was in front of her, sweeping her up in his arms and starting back towards the lake with her…

  “What are you doing?” She asked, happy to go along for the ride.

  “That lake is about two degrees and I think you might need cooling off,” Luke informed her with a glint in his eye all his own.

  “You wouldn’t dare…” she chuckled.

  “Wouldn’t I?” He growled back.

  “Nope,” she wrapped her arms around his neck and held on tightly, just in case he got the idea to toss her in from a distance away before she’d bargained for her reprieve…

  “Give me one damn good reason why I shouldn’t toss your backside in that lake, and I’m warning you, it had better be good…”

  “I bet she’s offering him something in the boudoir that he can’t refuse…” Geri chuckled…

  “I bet she’s got a secret stash of his stuff that she’s threatening to set fire to…” Chance chuckled.


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