Safe Words

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Safe Words Page 9

by Magnolia Robbins

  Justine was in shock but she also looked relieved. While we ate, I told her about going to the courthouse, and the hearing scheduled the following week. She promised she’d be there, reassuring me that I was making the right decision and that everything would be fine.

  “I still don’t know if I can do it,” I admitted, though Justine’s reassurance made me feel significantly better.

  “You’re going to do it,” Justine said, and that was the end of the conversation. After, Justine followed up with a slew of work related drama and happenings since we’d last seen one another. I found myself immersed in her stories, doing my best to free myself from all the complications that had arisen in my life as of late.

  The conversation drew back on me when Justine said Scarlett’s name. When I’d told her about Megan, I’d failed to mention that it had been her idea. When I was brave enough to admit it, Justine looked concerned. It got even worse as I admitted details around our intimate relationship.

  “Nat, you need to be careful,” Justine said, sounding concerned. Even before she finished her thought, I knew where it was going.

  “It’s nothing like Megan,” I reassured her. The relationship was so different. Scarlett respected me. I trusted her. I knew, if there was any doubt in my mind, I needed only to speak it and Scarlett would do as I asked. Justine still did not seem convinced.

  “This is all you’ve known for years. It makes sense you’d fall into that same cycle again.” Justine looked worried.

  “I’m not falling into some cycle,” I said, wanting not to argue.

  We sat in silence for a while, nibbling on our food. I wanted to defend myself to her, but I wasn’t sure if she’d understand. Justine looked up and offered a small smile. “Just be careful,” she said, reaching out to squeeze my shoulder.

  The rest of the night was awkward and unusual for the two of us. We made small talk, watched television, and then Justine took off back home. After she’d left, I found my mind reeling over what she’d said. A part of me regretted confiding in her at all.

  When Andrea called me early Friday morning, I was already up and getting ready. Filled with nerves because of the run-through, I had wanted to get there early to prepare. Once again, I dressed up, wearing the white Calvin Klein blouse that Scarlett had critiqued so harshly my first week. This time however, it was paired with a skirt. Just as I was going to slip on my evil heels, my feet begged me otherwise. I snagged a pair of black flats from the closet, instantly relieved. After I’d fastened the pendant necklace around my neck, I couldn’t help but think of Scarlett.

  Jason’s was the last thing on my mind that morning, as I wanted to head straight to the office. There was no dry cleaning, but I bought coffees. Andrea set me to work as soon as I’d arrived, packing clothes and documents to take downstairs to where the fashion show would be held the following week. Once we’d gotten everything situated, I headed back to my desk to finish a few things.

  There had been so much commotion that morning, I hadn’t seen Scarlett arrive. Just as I’d settled down at my desk, the door to her office opened. I spun around, meeting eyes with her.

  “Come here, Ms. Ross,” Scarlett said, looking me over. I could tell by her glances that she approved of what I was wearing, though I doubted she’d admit it in her present state. We watched each other for a moment before I got to my feet. Though I had things that needed finishing, there was something about her gaze that told me my attention was most certainly needed elsewhere.

  The two of us wandered into her office. As soon as the door closed, I turned towards her, expecting an embrace. Instead, I was surprised. Scarlett handed me a piece of paper. An email she had printed out. “Read it aloud,” she instructed me. I watched as she leaned back against her desk, palms wrapped around the edges of the mahogany top. The way she looked at me was so delectable I could hardly focus. I shook my head and looked down at the paper.

  “Dear Ms. Scarlett Stone,” my eyes glanced up for a moment. When I met Scarlett’s deep blue eyes, my heart lost its rhythm. I cleared my throat and looked back down to the paper. “We’d like to first and foremost offer our compliments of your exceptional work at the nationally recognized Stitch Fashion Blog. We are proud to represent your blog and your company.” Scarlett distracted me by moving from her seat against her desk, trailing behind me. As I looked back down at the paper, I felt her hands wrap around my body, her head laying against mine. The hot air from her mouth tickled my skin and I fought to concentrate on what I was doing.

  “Keep reading, Ms. Ross,” Scarlett said into my ear.

  “As I’m sure you know, it is important for the journalism industry to be on the constant lookout for new talent. We at Baker Publishing have been impressed with your ability to seek out new writers for the blog and were surprised with what Natalia Ross had to offer with her debut article.” I paused for a moment, not because Scarlett was planting soft delicate kisses against the side of my neck, but because of the realization that the email was about me.

  “I didn’t tell you to stop, Ms. Ross,” Scarlett said. Her soft lips grazed my earlobe and I let out a small sigh. As soon as I caught my breath, I continued. “We would like to extend a request that you allow her to continue her career at Stitch as a journalist.”

  “Scarlett,” I gasped as she ran her hands up the front of me. Scarlett paused, resting her hands back around my waist.

  “I won’t tell you again, Ms. Ross. Finish reading.”

  My attention turned back to the email. My eyes scanned over it for a moment. It was signed by the CEO of Baker Publishing, Jonathan Parker. I broke away from Scarlett. When I turned to face her, she was studying me.

  “This is real?” I said, in slight disbelief.

  Scarlett nodded. “I thought you’d like to read it yourself,” Scarlett said, the sternness of her voice having dissipated. My eyes stared down at the email again. After a minute of processing, I met eyes with her.

  “I don’t know if I can take this, Scarlett. I mean, what will the rest of the office think? Andrea has already made suggestions you’re playing favorites with me.”

  “Jonathan Parker asked for you personally, Natalia,” Scarlett reminded me, pointing at the paper. “All I did was offer you the opportunity to demonstrate your ability.”

  Though I was still hesitant, she wasn’t wrong. Still, the idea of taking the job gave me a weird feeling in my stomach. “Let me think on it,” I said. “Just till the end of the day.” Scarlett nodded. As soon as she did, I leaned into her, our mouths intertwining. When we broke, Scarlett looked at me sternly.

  “I suggest you get back to work, Ms. Ross,” she said, nodding towards the door. “We have a run-through in an hour.”

  I nodded. “Yes, Ms. Stone.” My lips curved into a small smile as I turned away to walk out the door without another word.

  Scarlett continued to taunt me throughout the rest of the day. At the run-through, she went above and beyond to correct me on every little detail. She was so intense that Andrea had suspected she might be in another one of her ‘moods’.

  “Ms. Ross, where is the Dolce and Gabbana pieces? Did you somehow forget to bring them with you?” Scarlett rummaged through the rack of clothing while a pair of models walked the runway in Versace dresses. Patricia, the photographer, was busy taking pictures.

  “Right here, Ms. Stone,” I’d double checked my work early that morning. My hand divided a section of clothes on a nearby rack, indicating to Scarlett where they were. We eyed each other for a moment before her heels clicked across the floor towards me. The moment we reached each other, Scarlett leaned into me for a moment, studying the clothes.

  “Next time, put them where I can find them,” Scarlett said to me, her mouth dangerously close to my ear. I shivered, nodding as she walked away from me.

  Later on, as I was dictating notes of Scarlett’s changes for the real event, she wandered behind me, studying me over my shoulder. “I don’t know what I am going to do with that atrocious h
andwriting of yours,” she said. Her hands grab my backside for a moment and it was all I could do not to gasp. As soon as she released me she walked away, her hips swaying as she did. Before she was out of earshot, she turned back. “I expect that to be typed as soon as you get back to your desk, Ms. Ross.”

  “Of course, Ms. Stone,” I replied, trying to hide a smile.

  It was near time to leave when I’d made it back up to the office and had finished helping Andrea clean up. As I sat at the desk, a noticed the note waiting for me, folded in half. When I opened it, I recognized Scarlett’s impeccable cursive handwriting.

  Come straight to the condo after work. Leave the notes on my desk for Monday.

  After I was through reading, I pocketed the message and set off to work on the notes. Once I’d set them on Scarlett’s desk, I gathered up my things and proceeded out of the building for the weekend. A surge of adrenaline coursing through me as I walked.

  Henry was waiting for me at the edge of the street corner by the building. I was surprised to see the town car there. For a moment, I expected Scarlett to be inside. As soon as I approached, Henry exited to get the door for me.

  “Where’s Scarlett?” I asked him.

  “At home,” he explained. “She requested I drive you.” Of course she did. I couldn’t help but smile at the gesture. Before I slid inside, I met eyes with Henry.

  “Can I ride up front with you?” It seemed awkward to have him chauffeur me around. When Henry nodded, I headed around the car to the passenger’s side door. Much to my disapproval, he still beat me and held the door as I got inside.

  On the ride to the condo, I learned a lot about Henry that I didn’t expect. A former corporate banker, he’d left his job. Scarlett met him in a coffee shop and offered him the opportunity to work for her. He’d been with her ever since. Nearly fifteen years. He was filled with all sorts of interesting stories.

  “She’s always treated me well,” Henry admitted as we turned on the street to Scarlett’s condo. “Took me in with no experience and gave me the opportunity. I’ll always be grateful to her.”

  It was funny to hear him speak of her in that way. Scarlett had been so intimidating when I’d first met her. Most of the office was still intimidated by her. “I’m very good at putting on a face.” Her voice echoed in my mind as Henry pulled the car over to the side of the road.

  After I’d exited the car, I offered Henry a hug goodbye and made my way into the building. Each step I took closer, caused my excitement to heighten. Wondering what she had in store for me today.

  The elevator ride was agonizingly long. When I buzzed myself in to the condo, the doors opened and Scarlett was waiting for me in the hall. I nearly fell over at the sight of her. She wore a short purple and black robe that was cinched around her waist. It appeared that it was the only thing she was wearing. Her eyes studied me when I stepped out into the hallway.

  “Ms. Ross,” her voice was thick and syrupy, filled with a seductive allure. It caused the hairs on my neck to stand on end when I heard her. My eyes fell on her perfect lips, stained a dark red. I lost myself for a moment. I looked up.

  “Ms. Stone,” I played along, stepping up to meet her. Scarlett’s eyes looked me over for an extended period before she turned and headed off down the hallway. When she stopped at the linen closet, my heart skipped a beat.

  “On the shelves, there is a set of scarves,” Scarlett said in that same strict tone of voice. It was just commanding enough that it worked. “Take them and follow me.”

  I opened the door, admiring the whips on the backside for a moment. When I turned my attention back to the shelves, I found a collection of black silk scarves. I bundled them into my arms and shut the door behind me, scurrying after Scarlett. Once again we found ourselves back in her lavish bedroom.

  “Set them on the bed,” Scarlett instructed me. I did as I was told, leaving the pile at the foot of her plush grey comforter. When I turned my attention back to Scarlett, she’d came to stand in front of me.

  Scarlett’s gaze turned very serious. Her blue eyes pierced into mine. “Natalia,” she said and she had my full attention. “I need to know you trust me.” The way she asked it was so straightforward. It took me by surprise.

  “I do,” I replied, without hesitation.

  “Completely?” Her stare did not waver.

  I nodded again. “Completely.”

  Scarlett looked satisfied, glancing at the bed. I watched her pull a scarf from off the comforter, wrapping it in her hand. “What are the safewords?”

  “Yellow for caution, red for stop.” I replied, as I watched her lift the fabric around my face. Before I knew it, the scarf had been wrapped around my eyes. My world became nearly black. I was only able to discern shadows underneath the fabric. Scarlett’s fingers lingered on the sides of my face before she pulled away.

  My senses heightened the moment my sight was taken away from me. All at once the noises in the room became more prominent. The smell of Scarlett’s perfume lingered stronger. The sensation of the fabric tickled my face and the cold draft blew on my exposed skin. I stood still, trying to discern where Scarlett was within the room. There was no contact for a long time. So long, that I almost called out.

  Scarlett’s lips grazed mine. I took a sharp breath in, kissing her back before she slipped away from me again. Her fingers grazed at my waist and under the hem of my shirt to my stomach. The gentle touch felt like electric feathers on me. She lifted the fabric off my body until the drafty air hit every inch of my skin. Once all the clothing on my body hit the floor, her gentle touches washed over me. Her fingers trickled across my cheek and neck, down my collarbone, between my breasts, and circled on my stomach. I could barely hold myself up.

  “Lay back,” Scarlett whispered in the near-darkness. I fell back and was guided backwards till my entire body was spread across the bottom half of the bed. “Cross your wrists together above your head, Ms. Ross.” It took me a moment to realize what she wanted, but I raised my arms straight above me, laying one on top of the other. I could only guess what she was doing, but when the silk fabric wrapped around my wrists, tying them together, I found I was right. A moment later, Scarlett secured the other end to something above me. I heard the wood squeak and decided it was most likely the headboard. When I wiggled my arms, I found I was very much locked in place. My mind raced for a moment in panic. For a second I thought I might use the safeword, but something stopped me. My body calmed, and I waited anxiously for her to continue.

  “Are you comfortable?” Scarlett asked once she finished. The feeling was awkward and the scarf very secure around my wrists, but I was not uncomfortable, and I’d since calmed.

  “Yes,” my words came out airy and almost silent. When I heard no response from Scarlett, I assumed she was satisfied with my answer.

  I listened to the scuffle of feet as they disappeared to the foot of the bed. A moment later, the light touch of fabric ran down the length of my leg. Scarlett wrapped one of the scarves around my right ankle, tying it like she had bound my wrists. The other end was attached to something below me. When she’d finished with one leg, she spread the other apart, repeating her motions on the other side. She left me for a moment, letting my capture sink in. My heart picked up rhythm in my chest. I tugged at the restraints, a rush of excitement coursing through me. I was completely vulnerable. Exposed. At the mercy of Scarlett, and whatever she intended to do.

  After a long drawn out moment, the small tickle of Scarlett’s delicate fingertips stroked the length of me. She started at my forehead, drawing between my eyes, my nose and onto my lips. They lingered there for a moment. Once they resumed their path downward, I found myself squirming.

  I followed her path in my mind as she went, imagining her fingers as they drew down the side of my neck and all around my collarbone. The room was eerily silent, apart from my quiet breaths that continued to pick up pace as she moved. Her fingers traced around my breasts in long concentric circles. Each one d
rew in closer and closer. When they met my nipples, she grazed over them and paused as they stiffened. Then there was a sharp sensation as she pinched them between her fingertips. A small gasp of air escaped me.

  Footsteps resumed, and I assumed that she’d moved to the foot of the bed. When her hands met my skin again, her fingers were on the insides of my legs. They trailed downward in long soft strokes. My body writhed a little in the restraints.

  A fire was burning on my skin. I swallowed hard when she broke from me again. I listened to her move away. There was a clinking of a glass and then she drew near once more though I couldn’t discern where.

  The room stood still. An intense chill spread on my stomach and I jumped in surprise, a small gasp escaping me. It only took me a moment to realize what it was. She traced the small piece of ice around my belly button and then up towards my chest. It left a trail of cold water behind. It drew over my right breast, lightly touching my nipple. My body arched up at the touch and then fell back down into the sheets when she moved away. The motions repeated on the other side and I let out a small vocalization in response.

  Scarlett moved away after she was through and I heard her feet scatter towards the foot of the bed. I didn’t have to wait long before the touch of the ice fell against the inside of my thigh. Instinctively, I fought to pull my legs together.

  “Relax, Ms. Ross,” Scarlett said. After several deep breaths, I did as I was told, falling back into the sheets. The ice trailed from the inside of my knee, up towards the apex of my thighs. Just as she neared, she pulled away and drew it down the opposite leg. It wasn’t long until I found myself panting, wanting to reach downward. Realizing I had no control over it caused my heart to race.

  Scarlett moved away again and I heard the ice return to the glass she’d pulled it from. While I waited, I trembled, coming up with dozens of ideas as to what she could be doing. All I could hear was the footsteps of her approach, and then the soft sound of fabric hitting the floor. I could draw only one conclusion as to where the sound had come from, and it made my mind go wild.


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