Sally’s Return: 2nd Book in this Romance Short Story Series

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Sally’s Return: 2nd Book in this Romance Short Story Series Page 4

by Temple, A. J.

  He gave her a wink and a smile as he lifted up his hand luggage.

  Sally stepped forward, offering a helping hand.

  “That is quite all right my dear, I will manage just fine. Decrepitude will only advance all the quicker, if I allow others to take too much responsibility for me!” He said smiling.

  Sally laughed at that, automatically taking his arm as they headed off towards the boarding gate.

  They were soon comfortable in their seats, ready for the six hour flight to Reykjavik. She had never flown business class before; at $3,000 it was far too expensive to even consider, until recently.

  Malcolm however was obviously used to it, and seemed very much at home in his surroundings. They had tea and coffee served whilst waiting for their in-flight meal to arrive.

  “Well now Sally, you were telling me about your handsome Scotsman?”

  “Ah yes, well…you asked for it!” She replied mischievously as she launched into her story about meeting Robert in the midst of the blizzard, and all that had happened since. Malcolm only interrupting when it was necessary, to ‘fill in the blanks,’ in the on-going narrative.

  He sensed wisely that talking would take her mind of her fear of flying; and for her part, Sally really appreciated his efforts to calm her.

  The six hours had almost gone, and they were on the approach to Reykjavik before she realised with some horror, that she had done all the talking, and that she knew very little about Malcolm himself.

  “That is quite ok my dear.” He graciously replied to her embarrassed apology.

  “I’m just an old man, on my way home. Nothing exciting to report here at all. However I can tell you that I know where you are going very well. In fact I stay at Coylumbridge, on the outskirts of Aviemore!”

  “SHUT UP!” Sally exclaimed, to which a shocked Malcolm just looked back at her aghast.

  “Oh..I’m sorry Malcolm! That is just my way of saying I don’t believe it!”

  Malcolm raised his brows in comical fashion.

  “Well I must say, I have used that phrase a number of times in my lifetime – but not in that context! It might be quite amusing to try it on some of my colleagues; though on second thoughts…perhaps not!”

  He turned a wry smile on her, as they headed off to catch the next flight from Reykjavik to Edinburgh.

  “Well Sally, would you perhaps like a small drink while we wait for the flight? It is another hour or so I believe before it leaves for Edinburgh.”

  “I would love that Malcolm – provided you are not fed-up with my endless chatter!”

  “Ha ha, not at all my dear, I have enjoyed your company immensely. Indeed why shouldn’t I? It’s not every day that a gentleman of my age, has the opportunity to chat with an attractive young lady after all!”

  “Hmm, I can see I will have to watch out for you!”

  Sally gave him a playful nudge as they headed off to the Bar.


  Chapter 8

  Sally was disappointed to see when they boarded the flight to Scotland, that the seating arrangement did not allow for them sitting together as previously; and so at this point they had to part company.

  “My dear it has been a real blessing to meet you, I have thoroughly enjoyed your company.” Malcolm said as they shook hands. “Please do give me a call when you get to Aviemore, I am sure my wife would just love to have you for lunch maybe – and your future husband of course.” He gave her a business card, which she thanked him for as she slipped it into her pocket without a glance.

  She then reached up and gave him a peck on the cheek; for although a man in his late sixties, he still stood erect with no sign of stooping shoulders, betraying his years.

  “That would be just delightful Malcolm, I’ll be sure and do that! I’ve been really glad of your company – though I’m a little concerned that your ears must be nearly bleeding by now!”

  “Ha ha, not at all Sally it’s been my pleasure entirely.”

  They both made their way to their seats, and settled down for the last leg of the journey.

  Two hours later, the plane touched down at a mist-shrouded Edinburgh Airport, with Sally’s heart racing at the thought of re-uniting with Robert, after what seemed an absolute Age.

  On her way through the hustle and bustle of human traffic, fighting to get through passport control, she tried to spot her traveling companion; but Malcolm was nowhere to be seen. She let out a sigh, for she would like to have introduced him to Robert, whom she had already informed Malcolm would be waiting for her at the Airport.

  “Ah well, never mind Sally, you can call when you get to Aviemore.” She thought to herself, as she eagerly collected her cases from the carousel, and headed through customs without any difficulty.

  Amongst all the crush of waving people trying to get the attention of their arriving friends and family, she at last spotted him rushing towards her. She pushed the cart out of the way, as he picked her up and swung her around like a child in the fairground.

  “SALLY! At last …” He mumbled into her neck as he pulled her towards him. They kissed and hugged for a few minutes more, before finally he let her go and grabbed hold of the luggage cart.

  “Your chariot awaits, your ladyship!” He laughed as they headed out to the car-park.

  They were soon in the car and headed out towards the fourth road bridge, and home up A9 to Aviemore. They both had a lot to talk about, and Sally was pleased to see that he time apart only confirmed her love for her handsome Scotsman.

  “So Robert, how about Agnes – I take it that all is still well?”

  She knew immediately from the hesitation, that indeed the opposite was the case.

  “Out with there something you’re not telling me?” She asked, getting more alarmed.

  “Ok, but please don’t get yourself too upset. Agnes took a dizzy spell just yesterday, and fell over. She has had to be re-admitted to the hospital for tests.”

  He turned to look at her, the concern etched on his face.

  “But that’s terrible Robert, how bad is it? Will she be ok?”

  “Now now, Sally. I said not to get yourself upset! Yes I will admit that I am a bit concerned myself; but until we know more, we might as well look to the positive – it might be nothing.” He said without conviction.

  Sally immediately realised the effort he was making to try and stay upbeat, and decided that she would do the same.

  “Your right of course honey, let’s just think good thoughts, and pray for a healthy result from her tests.”

  She decided to distract Robert from his troubled thoughts, by telling him about her interesting traveling companion, Malcolm.

  “Well he sounds like a real character Sally, what was his surname, did he tell you?”

  “Yes he did, let me think…I think it was Frazer maybe.”

  Robert; who had been staring ahead at the road all this time, only half listening to Sally chattering away; suddenly turned and gave her his full attention for a few seconds, before swiftly looking ahead at the road again.

  “What…why did you look like that Robert?”

  “No couldn’t possibly be him!” he said quietly.

  “Couldn’t be who Robert? Tell me before I box your ears for you!”

  “Just tell me one more thing first of all. Did he say his name was Malcolm Frazer or SIR Malcolm Frazer?”

  “Oh, now I’m not sure. Wait a minute though, he gave me his business card!”

  She rummaged in her jacket and triumphantly pulled out the slightly crumpled card. It read Sir Malcolm Frazer.

  “Who is he then? I take it from your expression that he is a ‘big wheel’ in Aviemore?”

  “Ha, you’d better believe it. As wheels go, his is probably the biggest, shiniest wheel in the area! His family are large landowners and employers in and around Aviemore; in fact he is ultimately my boss, being as he owns the Loch an Eilein Estates.

  “So is this a large estate then.” Asked Sally in

  Robert was shaking his head in bemusement and unbelief.

  “Well I’m not really sure of the actual acreage, but I can tell you it has to be the biggest employer in the area, especially with regards to tourism. They rent out cottages throughout the area, as well as offer a multitude of services for hiking, cycling, boating…it goes on and on – surely you remember Tom and I talking about our work last year?”

  “Now that you mention it, yes I do. Hmm, so how do you feel about dropping by your boss’s place for lunch?”

  “WHAT! You have to be kidding right?” He looked across at her smiling face.

  “Sally…I just can’t believe you – What on earth would I have to say to a Lord of the realm?”

  “Well now..Pleased to meet you might be a start!” She laughed at his look of discomfort.

  “Seriously though Sally. Tell me you are not invited to lunch or something equally silly!”

  “Indeed I will not, for I was always taught not to lie!”

  “Well I can tell you right now dearest – that is not going to happen!”

  “Oh is that so sweetheart – well just let me tell you that it will indeed happen – whether you like it or not!”

  It was the first time Robert had heard steel in her voice, and it caught him off-guard.

  “Hmm, well we’ll see!” Was all he could muster in response.

  They both decided to let the matter drop, and changed the subject on to the more mundane; both unconsciously omitting any reference to the wedding plans, knowing that it would only bring back the subject of Agnes’s health – and the possibility of postponing the wedding plans.

  The rest of the drive ‘home’ was a little subdued, with Sally beginning to weary as the night rolled in, and her body informed her that she had been awake for nearly 20 hours. She eventually closed her eyes and let the hum of the engine lull her into a sound sleep.


  Chapter 9

  They arrived at the Chalet around midnight, with Robert virtually having to carry Sally over the threshold. She was so tired that even he could see there was no chance of any romantic encounter happening – much to his chagrin.

  “Do you mind honey, if I just go to bed? I’m absolutely shattered!” Was Sally’s weary answer to his romantic overtures.

  Overall though, he did not mind too much as he was just delighted to hold her in his arms again, and breath in her sweet scent, filled with the hope and promise of a bright future together. As they fell asleep entangled under the duvet, he thanked God for his good fortune on meeting Sally, and prayed for his mother’s return to good health.

  The morning came with a pleasant surprise for Robert however, as he was awoken by Sally arriving from the shower, and slipping under the warm duvet – as naked as the day she was born!

  “Well now my love, so you are awake at last – how would you like an early breakfast in bed?” She looked lasciviously into his eager eyes, as she coiled one naked thigh around him, and raised herself so that her breasts were in full view.

  “Hmm, well I suppose that would depend on what was on offer? But bacon and eggs would go down nicely I suppose!”

  She gave him a playful slap, and made to get out of bed.

  “Whoa..where do you think you are going my pretty maid!” He cried out gleefully, wrapping his muscular arm around her slim waist and pulling her to him, relishing the sensation of her full firm breasts against his naked flesh.

  “Well, if you prefer bacon and eggs to hot crumpet – I must be in the wrong place!”

  “Ha, touché! You’re far too clever for me my love; but I’m sure I can make up in other ways!” He gazed into her smouldering eyes longingly, feeling his own body responding to the obvious desire he saw there, as his hands caressed her breasts and his fingers teased her erect nipples.

  Sally moaned with desire when the fingers were replaced by Roberts mouth, and he suckled on the treasure before him; as his hands reached down to explore the soft inviting area between her thighs.

  They made love the first time with a passion – born of lust and urgency - that left them both exhausted and sweating. Later, with a gentleness and eroticism, that confirmed their union at a level only experienced by those who have indeed found their life’s soul-mate.

  Laying atop the bedcovers, ardour finally spent, they slept for another hour before being awoken by the cold chill; and finally got dressed to face the trip up to Inverness and the results of Agnes’s examination.

  It was pouring heavily as they drove up the hospital, which only exacerbated the sombre mood in the car; the heavy dark clouds seeming to warn of bad new ahead.

  “Robert, I really don’t know how I will cope if there is bad news from the consultant.” Sally confessed with a lump in her throat.

  “You’re not the only one honey, but let’s not dwell on the negative, who knows she might just be sitting up in bed waiting for us – and this will all have been a bad dream!”

  Sally appreciated that he was trying to bring some levity to another-wise grim situation; and gave a rueful smile in response.

  After patrolling the car park for what seemed an age; they finally managed to find a tight spot beside the pay-booth.

  “These things really annoy me!” Robert declared disgustingly. “It’s bad enough that you get sick in the first place, but then everyone has to pay to come and wish you well ! – It’s an iniquitous situation and no mistake.”

  He was still grumbling as he opened the door to Agnes’s room – and stopped dead in his tracts. Agnes was not there. The bed was empty of covers, and obviously waiting a new arrival.

  Roberts heart skipped a beat as he considered the worst, and turned to face Sally who was looking aghast over his shoulder at the same scene.

  “Ah, Mr Lindsey! I tried calling earlier but you must have left the house already.”

  “Doctor..” He managed to get out, as his mouth filled with ashes. “My mother is she….”

  The consultant looked beyond Robert to the empty bed, suddenly comprehending the question.

  “Good lord No. Your mother is just fine! In fact that is what I called to tell you. She has made remarkable progress and has passed examination with no worries at all.”

  Robert exhaled a great sigh of relief, not realising up till then that he had quite forgotten to breath.

  “But what about the dizziness!”

  “Nothing to worry about; though we did have to make sure. It seems that she has maybe gotten up too suddenly, or something of that nature. The fact is that this morning she is fine and well – having a good breakfast in fact as we speak!”

  He showed them to the new room that she had been allocated and left them to greet Agnes.

  “Thank you so much doctor.” Sally said relieved at the news. “I thought I was going to faint for a moment there!”

  “No trouble at all miss. I will be along in a while, and hopefully we can have Mrs Lindsey discharged and on her way home.”

  They opened the door and were greeted by Agnes propped up with pillows, and getting stuck in to her breakfast, just as the consultant had said.

  She lifted up her head as they entered.

  “Robert…and Sally! Oh it’s so good to see you my dear!”

  Sally rushed passed Robert and threw her arms around her.

  “Oh Agnes…I can’t tell you how happy I am to see you again – especially with all that’s been happening! Your terrible son had me worried half to death!” She choked through laughter and tears.

  “Och wheesht Sally – Robert always was a terrible one for exaggeration!”

  Robert walked over and wrapped his arms around them both. “Well it seems for once you are right mother – look at you! I think you are just keeping a good bed for some-one who really needs it! And now that I think of it…I’ve just wasted good money parking the car!”

  They all had a good laugh at Roberts meanness, as the tension and worry of the past few weeks finally melted away, to be replaced by
hope and the prospect of a bright new future.

  “Now then my dear – I think we have a wedding to plan do we not?”

  Robert found himself drifting away into pleasant thoughts as the two people he adored most in life, excitedly talked about wedding venues and guest lists, dresses and favours. The emotion of it all threatened to overcome him, and he steadied himself against the end of bed.

  Both women stopped talking immediately as they noticed the movement.

  “Robert!” Sally said slightly alarmed. “Are you all right?” He looked into their concerned eyes.

  “All right? I am more than all right. In fact I think I’m the luckiest man in the world ! I have the two people dearest to me, in good health and planning my whole future – what else could a man ask for!”

  They laughed delightedly, and the wedding plans continued; it was going to be a busy summer ahead.


  Chapter 10

  The drive back to the cottage at Aviemore was a deal more pleasant for Robert and Sally, as they all chatted over the previous week’s events.

  Agnes told Sally about the slippery step, and Robert received a smack on the head from her as she scolded him for not acting sooner.

  Sally told Agnes about her conversation with Sir Malcolm Frazer, which excited her beyond measure and she rebuked Robert for “Being such a bore!” Informing him that Of course he would have to go for lunch – if it was offered, it would be rude not to!

  “Robert you will really have to dump this attitude you have towards gentlemen like Sir Malcolm. It is hardly his fault that he was born into a position of privilege, and besides, he is not doubt working just as hard as you are to maintain the estates – and keep you in a job remember laddie!” Agnes reminded him, wagging a finger in his face to make her point.

  “Oh, I see…this is where my fiancé and mother gang up on me is it!” He smiled ruefully at them both.

  “However I have to agree that you have a point – much as I hate to admit it!”

  They arrived back at the cottage, where Agnes appreciated the work he had put in resurfacing the steps with non-slip material.


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