Not My Shifter/ Sinfully Cursed (Shifter Paradise) (Volume 1)

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Not My Shifter/ Sinfully Cursed (Shifter Paradise) (Volume 1) Page 20

by Kate Allenton

  Her heart sank into her toes. “You’re giving up just like that? One little setback and it’s over? What about wanting the powers out of you? Giving up your title… Was that all a lie?”

  His head snapped up. “I didn’t lie. She lied to me. The only person I ever trusted lied to me. I’m. Done. You women are all the same.”

  “That’s just the anger talking. You don’t mean that.”

  “Yes I do. I haven’t met an honest one yet.” He turned his back on her. “Just leave and come back when you have a crystal.”

  Parker spun on her heels, grabbed her purse and keys on the foyer table, and yelled over her shoulder, “Go to hell, Quinn Montgomery.”

  She slammed the door behind her and jogged to her SUV. She jumped inside, turned the key in the ignition, and drove down the long drive without ever looking back. A tear slid down her cheek as she clenched the wheel in her hand. “I’m so stupid.”


  Quinn listened to the door slam and stopped himself from going after the little fairy. He stood from the table and threw the beer bottle against the wall. The brown glass and amber liquid exploded on contact, making a huge wet mess along with a hole in the drywall. “Shit.”

  It wasn’t her fault. He’d acted like an ass. He grunted. “Probably the same way dear old dad reacted.” The last thing Quinn wanted to be was like his father. Quinn’s head dropped forward and he let out a lengthy sigh. “I need to stop her and apologize.”

  His head snapped up, and he ran to the door and pulled it open. The taillights were at the end of his drive, and then they turned out of sight.

  His body deflated and his shoulders sagged. He returned inside the house, grabbed his Beretta and the car keys from the hook, locked the door, and slid the garage door open. He stared at the car he hadn’t driven in a week and prayed it started when he turned the ignition.

  He moved to the driver’s seat, closed his eyes, and turned the key. His baby purred to life. He said a mental thanks, pulled the door closed, and leaned back in the seat. He didn’t know where to find her. Home wasn’t an option, and he didn’t have the numbers for any of the people he’d met. Calling the chief was out of the question in the event she’d get in trouble for abandoning her babysitting detail. There were only two people who might be able to help. Carrie was probably sleeping and the other, Quinn was almost positive, would kick him out of his club the moment the demon realized he was there.

  Quinn inhaled a deep breath, dropped the car in gear, and drove back to the other side of town. One way or the other, he’d get the demon to talk and tell him everything he needed to know, including where to find Parker.

  Chapter 10

  Quinn pulled up outside the Blue Moon and parked his car. The parking lot wasn’t empty like they’d found it earlier in the day. The club was packed by the looks of the cars outside. Quinn scanned the lot and found the silver Jag he’d hoped to find. He walked into the club and stopped. This wasn’t the same club they’d come into earlier today. Smoke billowed from the floorboards around the bodies gyrating on the dance floor. Booty-shaking music blared from the speaker. Every table was packed, and with his new “royal” senses, he knew exactly what kind of shifters and paranormal were in the joint.

  Quinn moved to an empty spot at the bar and ordered a beer. If he wasn’t mistaken, the man behind the counter was a bear, not just any bear, but a polar bear. His blond hair was cut close to his head. His arms were littered with various tattoos. He looked mean, and yet, Quinn knew instinctively the one word in the ancient Fae language that would bring the beast down to his knees.

  Quinn slid his money across the bar for his brew. “I need to speak to Zander.”

  The phone on the wall rang, and the bear lifted a finger. He held the phone to his ear and nodded, glancing Quinn’s way. He hung up, returned to Quinn, and slid him back his money. “It’s on the house. Zander knows your here.” The bear tilted his head toward the same hall Zander had disappeared down earlier. “Down that hall, third door on the right.”

  Quinn nodded, left the beer, and slipped off the stool. It probably wouldn’t be wise for Quinn to be inebriated while trying to talk to the demon. He needed a clear head.

  Quinn moved down the crowded hall past the bathrooms. There were groups standing around talking. Men had women lifted in their arms, pressing their backs against the wall while they moved their hips. The smell of arousal wafted through the dense, dark area. Quinn kept moving to the last door in the hall. He knocked.


  Quinn twisted the knob and walked in, closing the door behind him.

  Zander was leaned back in his leather chair with his feet propped up on his desk. He rested his elbow on the arm of the chair and held a dark drink to his lips. Bourbon?

  Zander nodded to the wall across from his desk. “As you can see I’m busy. What do you want, fairy, and where is Ms. Parker?”

  Quinn walked farther into the room and glanced over his shoulder. The wall along the office was filled with monitors. Each screen showed a different location in the building. Each giving Quinn and Zander a glimpse of what was happening outside the office. “Have you seen her?” Quinn sat in one of the chairs, leaned back, and held the demon’s gaze. “I thought she might have come here.”

  Zander rubbed the stubble on his chin. “Well, this is an interesting development. Did you lose her affections already, fairy?”

  Quinn leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. “Listen, I know we got off on the wrong foot.”

  Raising his hand, Zander stopped him. “I believe you threatened to shoot me.”

  “I believe you wanted to stick your teeth in my partner.”

  “She would have loved it.”

  “I wouldn’t have, and I’m the one you need to worry about.”

  Zander stood. “Did you bring your little gun and a lighter, fairy? You aren’t quick enough to use them on me.”

  Zander planted his hands on his desk and leaned forward. “I’m sure she didn’t mention in her list of rules that my reflexes are ten times faster than yours.”

  Zander bared his teeth in an attempt to scare Quinn, but the move only made Quinn chuckle. Quinn realized he needed to prove his point. “That might have worked a few hours ago, but I’m well past that in my learning curve.

  “Ahlezander,” Quinn said in his deep King Fae voice to prove his point and continued using the demon tongue. “Parleski shetsu, Ahlezander. Hense herald king.”

  Zander’s mouth hung open, and had Parker been a witness, she might have been proud that he hadn’t coward in front of the demon. Zander retook his seat and tipped his head in acknowledgement. “I didn’t realize…”

  “…that I’m the Fae king?” Quinn waved his hand. “Don’t mention it. I just found out myself.”

  Zander nodded again. “You asked if I knew where Parker was. How do you know my native language?”

  “The knowledge from the crystal comes from previous kings. I can now speak many different languages.”

  Zander eyed him skeptically. “I haven’t seen her tonight, but you’re welcome to wait at the bar if you believe she will be arriving.”

  Quinn rose, moved to the door, and put his hand on the knob. He glanced back. “Oh Zander, one more thing, let’s clear the air, shall we?”

  Zander stood. “Yes, let’s. Make no mistake, Officer Montgomery, you might be king of the fairies, but I’m a demon. You aren’t my king. I will never answer to you, but I will show you respect, until I deem it unnecessary.”

  “Understood.” Quinn tilted his head. “Now understand this, demon. Parker McKenna is off limits. She is my intended queen, and if I ever…ever find puncture marks in her neck or anywhere on her body, I will hunt you down and kill you.”

  The demon’s eyes turned pitch-black.

  “I have been gifted the knowledge of the kings before me, the same kings who sent your kind to Hell.” Quinn held up his pointer finger. “I only have to mutter one word.” Quinn pull
ed the door open and turned back.

  “Does she know she’s your intended?”

  Quinn didn’t answer.

  Zander bellied over, laughing. “I didn’t think so.”

  He leaned back in the room. “Just one word, demon.”

  With his intentions stated, Quinn left the demon’s office behind him and moved his way back through the bar. He pushed open the door leading out into the parking lot, and ran smack-dab into the little fairy he’d been searching for. He scooped her up and carried her over his shoulder, holding her in place with his hand on her ass.

  “Put me down, Quinn,” Parker screamed as she hit his back.

  “We need to talk.” He scanned the parking lot for her SUV and found it parked next to his.

  “If you don’t put me down this minute, I swear on my book of spells that I’ll turn you into something green and slimy, and I’ll leave you that way.”

  He patted her on the ass. “You will do no such thing, my queen.”

  Her limp body shot up and turned ramrod straight while he carried her. “Wait, what?”

  Quinn chuckled as he reached the SUV. He let her slowly slide down his body. “If I’m stuck this way, I’m going to need a queen. It might as well be you.”

  Parker’s face was unreadable. She started to turn away from him but pivoted, her fist swinging toward his face. She hit her target.

  Her dainty little fist was lethal. His eye watered, and his face burned. The little minx knocked the crap out of him. He lifted his hand to cover his rapidly swelling cheek. “What the hell was that for?”

  She placed her hands on her hips. “It might as well be you.” She started tapping her foot. “I wouldn’t be your queen if you were the last Fae in the world you…you… pompous jackass.”

  Quinn’s lips twitched as he tried to hold back his grin. He cupped her face and pressed his lips to hers, not releasing her until she sagged against his body. “I was teasing, Parker. What do you say we get this crap out of my body?”

  A tense second passed by as he waited to see if she was going to deck him again.

  “I didn’t mean what I said earlier at my house either. Please forgive me.”

  She nodded and pulled out her key. “Fine.” She unlocked the SUV and slid behind the driver’s seat. “But payback’s a bitch, Your Highness.”

  She slammed the door closed and pulled out of the parking lot.

  Quinn moved to his car, and from the corner of his eye, he noticed a figure standing at the entrance to the club. Zander had his arms crossed, leaning against the wall. He nodded once before walking back inside.


  Parker was already parked and sitting on his porch when Quinn pulled down the long drive. He pulled into the driveway, parked, and made his way to where she sat. He held out his hand. She wrapped her slender fingers around his, and he pulled her up. “Let’s go get some sleep.”

  “Or not,” she amended.

  He unlocked the door and pulled her inside, kicking the door closed behind him. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. His lips pressed deliciously against hers. It was a slow kiss. One he wanted to savor for fear he might never get the chance again.

  She leaned out of his embrace and flicked the lock before he swept her up in his arms, and held her tight against his chest. “Or not, my queen. I’m yours to command.”

  Parker giggled. “This has promise.”

  Quinn clasped Parker’s body closer to his as he moved up the stairs and into his room. He dropped her on the bed, and she landed with a bounce.

  “Serve me, you wench,” he demanded, crossing his arms and playing all big and bad.

  “You know this will speed up the curse and you may be stuck like this forever.” She slid from the bed onto her knees in front of him and reached for his belt buckle.

  “I trust you’ll find the answers we need tomorrow.”

  She unzipped his jeans and cupped him through the fabric. His head tilted back and he closed his eyes. He was already ready to explode.


  Two could play this game. She moved to push down his jeans and boxers ready to lick every square inch of him.

  His hands stayed hers. “I’m kidding, Parker. I’m yours to command.”

  She gave him a huge grin, rose to her feet, and planted her lips on his. He immediately opened and tilted his head for a deeper kiss. She grasped the hem of his shirt, pulled it over his head, and dropped it at their feet. Her hands went to his chest as she attacked his lips in a soul-searing, sensual, sliding, make-love-to-me-now-or-die kind of way.

  She removed his jeans and his boxers before pushing him to sit on the bed. He obeyed her every command. She slowly slid her shirt off and let it slip from her fingers. Next, she lost the bra. She turned and gave him her back as she kicked off her shoes, unbuckled her jeans, and slid those and her panties down in one pull while thrusting her ass in the air.

  His hands instantly landed on her hips, and he pulled her into his lap. “Why do you tease me so?”

  She reached behind her and ran her hand along his neck. “Because I can.”

  She seductively moved her bottom against his erection before standing in front of him again. She turned and raised her hands, rubbing them against her breasts. “Do you want to watch?”

  He reached for his cock and gave it a slow pull, running his thumb over his head and spreading the pre-cum. “Do you?”

  Parker licked her lips and dropped to her knees. “No.”

  She pushed his hands out of the way and wrapped her fingers around his shaft. Quinn put his hands on top of hers and slowly slid them to the top. “That feels so good, baby.”

  “Then this will feel so much better.” She brushed his hands away and licked him from the base of his shaft to the tip, swirling her tongue on his head.

  He moaned, and that was all of the inspiration she needed. She wrapped her lips around his shaft and moved up and down on his cock, taking him into her mouth, deeper still with every slide.

  His hands twisted into her blonde strands. “Oh fuck yeah.”

  She slid her teeth against his skin as she came back up. He gently tugged her off of him. “I have to get inside you. We’ve waited long enough.”

  He pulled her down to the bed and moved on top of her.

  “What about the curse? You may be stuck being not only a fairy but the king?”

  His brows dipped. “It’s just a title. I’ll never use it.” He trailed kisses down her neck. “We’ll figure something out.” He paused. “When I thought you went to Zander, I saw red.”

  “You were jealous?” she leaned up on her elbows. “Is that what this is about?”

  Quinn licked around her nipple. “I want you Parker, and with everything changing in my life, I don’t know what tomorrow’s going to hold. I don’t want to regret, not making love to you when I had the chance.”

  He kissed his was back up to her mouth and nipped her bottom lip. “Is that a good enough reason?”

  Parker slid her fingers into his hair and pressed his lips to hers in a hot kiss. “You can’t say I didn’t try to talk sense into you.”

  He laid his forehead against hers. “Duly noted.” He grinned. “Besides, you’ll figure out how to fix this. I have faith.”

  Her mouth parted to argue but he crashed his lips to hers. He reached between them and ran his fingers from the bottom of her slit to the top. She was slick with want. Wet with need. Soaking from taking him in her mouth. He slid a finger inside her, and she moaned. “I need more than that, Quinn, so much more.”

  He removed his finger and positioned the head of his cock at her entrance. He slowly slid into her, inching his way and slightly pulling out until he was fully seated in her warmth. Her muscles tightened around him, squeezing him.

  He clenched his eyes closed and moaned. “If you keep that up, I’m not going to last.”

  He buried his head in her shoulder.

  “Then get your ass moving. I want fast and hard.”

nbsp; He leaned up and held her gaze, and his lips twitched. “Are you sure, my queen?”


  “Your wish is my command.” He hitched her legs around his arms, slid out, and thrust back in. Each thrust was harder. Over and over he continued pushing her to the limits without reprieve not leaving her time to catch her breath. Her nails dug into his back as she hung on while he made good on her demand. Each thrust, harder and deeper, pushed her closer to the brink.

  Her toes tingled as she clenched them, trying to stave off the orgasm she knew was coming. She tightened her thigh muscles to slow him.

  “Ah, my queen, do you think you can deny me?”

  Her heart raced in her chest as she licked her dry lips. “I can damn sure try.”

  He clicked his tongue. “That’s where you’re wrong.” He reached between them and circled her clit with his thumb as his mouth sucked her breast. He quickened the pace, building her orgasm to an explosive level.

  “You’re bad,” she said on a breath.

  “And you won’t win.”

  Her walls started contracting around him, and she knew she’d lost. He scraped his teeth on her breast, pressed on her clit, and kept moving.

  She came screaming his name. He kept thrusting in and out, in and out, building her into another frenzy. She came again only this time he came with her. shooting his hot seed deep inside of her.

  He stilled as they both tried to catch their breath.

  “Damn,” she said.

  He lifted up on his elbows. “We’re finding a crystal tomorrow because we need to do that again.”

  He slid out of her and pulled her into his arms. He pulled a cover over them, and that’s where they slept. Both of them were too tired to move.

  Chapter 11

  Quinn woke up first. He lay on his side and studied Parker, the little fairy who was somehow worming her way into his heart. Instead of him being the savior like he had been with many women over his career, she was his. Sun shone in through the gap in the curtains, caressing Parker on the face. “My light.”


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