2013/03/postmodernism-hedonism-and-death/); see also his remarks on the “vitalizing tension between the ideal and the reality of one’s life, leading one to master one’s passions and mobilize one’s energies toward living up to the ideal” in “Leo Strauss, the Conservative Revolution, and National Socialism,” cited above). As we’ll see, Peter Gatien would try a better strategy, controlling his partying by limiting himself to occasional, secretive binges in locked hotel rooms, but would eventually be counseled to “be seen more” to create a more welcoming atmosphere; once again, the marketing strategy wins out, fatally.
“When a culture is eviscerated of its defining worldview, all integrity, all unity of style is lost. Cultural integrity gives way to multiculturalism, which is merely a pretentious way of describing a shopping mall where artifacts are bought and sold, mixed and matched to satisfy emancipated consumer desires: a wax museum jumping to the pulse of commerce” (Greg Johnson, “Post Modernism, Hedonism and Death”(http://http/www.
counter-currents.com/2013/03/postmodernism-hedonism-and-death/) [my emphases]). See also René Guénon, “Unity versus Uniformity” in The Reign of Quantity.
“Spiritual and Structural Presuppositions of the European Union.”
Ted Sallis writes: “We can project a future High Culture that is based on the ultimate and successful [eventual] achievement of what was previously considered to be ‘unattainable.’ I would argue that the Christian foundation of the Faustian High Culture is responsible [for this inevitable failure of men becoming as Gods]. . . . The full development of Western Man has been restrained by an alien religion that has placed shackles on his mind and soul [Gatien will attempt to revive ancient pagan rites]”—Ted Sallis, “The Overman High Culture: the Future of the West,” North American New Right, vol. 1.
See my review of de Palma’s The Untouchables for a discussion of the true, aristocratic meaning of “untouchable”” in The Homo & the Negro: Masculinist Meditations on Politics and Popular Culture, ed. Greg Johnson (San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2012).
Sudley-Smith doesn’t even have a clear idea of what friendship itself means; having heard Liza was at Halston’s funeral, he naively asks her what she sang; she coolly informs him that “it wasn’t about me.”
James Hawes recent Excavating Kafka (London: Cuercus, 2008) suggests that even Kafka got the Weinstein treatment from Brod, Buber and company; both he and Halston might have been better off burning their sketches rather than leaving it for the vultures of Kazakhstan.
Dominique Venner, “Homer: The European Bible,” in North American New Right, vol. 1.
Bolton, “Political Aspects of Crowley’s Thelema,” p. 237.
See Michael Hoffman’s “Loftiness of Rock: The Authentic Popular Mystery-Religion of the Late 20th Century” at his site, egodeath.com. The former “Episcopal Church of the Holy Communion” was indeed an appropriate site.
See my “Fashion Tips for the Far-from-Fabulous Right” in The Homo & the Negro.
“Everything was just sunny and perfect then”—MST3k on the opening scenes of The Starfighters, an early ’60s Air Force epic starring future Congressman Bob Dornan.
Kris Kershaw, The One-eyed God: Odin and the (Indo-)Germanic Männerbünde (Washington, D.C.: Institute for the Study of Man, 2000). If configuring Gatien as Wotan due to his eye patch seems a stretch, several people in the documentary explicitly point out how the eye patch functioned to make him the perfect tabloid victim.
See Hoffman again, “Rush Lyrics Alluding to Mystic Dissociative Phenomena,” http://egodeath.com/rushlyrics.htm
The Aryan code, right from the beginning: “Homer does not conceptualize, as philosophers later did. He makes visible; he shows living examples, teaching the qualities that make a man a ‘kalos k’agathos,’ noble and accomplished. ‘Always be the best,’ Peleus told his son Achilles, ‘better than the rest’ (Iliad, VI, 208).” Venner, “Homer: The European Bible.”
“It was pagan Rome with acid.” Although at this time the drug of choice was the white powder known as cocaine—Gatien’s security director points out that in New York, until then, “we were traditionalists—just heroin and cocaine”—eventually, “ecstasy punch” would be “handed out from the DJ booth like communion wine,” an allusion to the “mixed wine” used not only in Greek mystery cults and Christian “love feasts” but even socially, as in Plato’s Symposium. See Hoffman’s “Wine and Sacred Meals” (http://egodeath.com/WineAndSacredMeals.htm). Nightlife at that time, the mid-’80s, “had no rules”—unlike today, of course, when everything from smoking to “sugary drinks” is banned—and was essentially “a secret society.”
James St. James, who I like to think of as my Doppelgänger in Gatien’s world, sneers in Party Monster that “Somehow, his dopey language [dividing the world into Skrinks and Scrots, a crude and arbitrary attempt to emulate a true hierarchy] caught on, like his stupid parties. . . . Suddenly, the hateful little twerp was the king of the club kids.” Alig is the Anti-Gatien; while Gatien is praised for the essential ability to “know what makes a party good or bad,” the credits to Party Monster as set to what might well be Alig’s credo: “Everything bad is good.”
The “democracy” of the mystery cults is often misunderstood, perhaps deliberately. While theoretically open to all, regardless of social station or caste, initiation itself had its own qualifications. While Gatien originally envisioned Limelight as having “10% of everybody” in the crowd, this is altogether different from the almost “open door” policy of raves and other examples of a more Christian, slave-morality inspired “promiscuity” as Evola calls it in discussing the decline of Rome. In a more specifically initiatory context, he discusses the famous “paradox” than an initiated murderer would gain immortality, while an ordinary good citizen would wind up in Hades or worse; see Julius Evola and the Ur Group, Introduction to Magic: Rituals and Practical Techniques for the Magus, trans. Guido Stucco, ed. Michael Moynihan (Rochester, Vt.: Inner Traditions, 2001), pp. 182–83, where he notes that in the unqualified subject, “the power of initiation would either fail to take hold or could act in a negative, distorted or even destructive manner on the subject.” This is essentially what happened in Gatien’s clubs with the introduction of “E.” As one of the interview subjects says, this is always what happens—Woodstock becomes Altamont.
Gatien notes that, ironically, he had contributed to Giuliani’s re-election campaign. While the Left generally understands that “quality of life” issues are “implicitly White,” Gatien didn’t realize that only certain Whites have immunity—namely, ones like Mike Bloomberg and his rich pals. Contrary to the Left’s fantasies of “White skin privilege,” the NeoCon plan is to create multi-culti hellholes of violence, which Judaics will “need” to be called in to run, less due to their high IQs than to their reputation as the classic social “middlemen” (White but not rednecks). People like Gatien will be targeted as a “problem” to be “solved”; later, we’ll see how the champions of “open borders” moved Heaven and Earth to deport . . . Peter Gatien.
The FBI uses a similar technique to manufacture “terrorists”; interestingly, Bradley would later be accused of trying to sell information to the London police on the 7/7 bombing. At his most disgusting, he invokes “the Nuremberg defense”: he was just doing his job. As if his sleazy little action had anything to do with the greatness of the European Revolution of 1933!
Gatien’s attorney notes that one day he saw a big picture of Gatien in the offic
e of one of the prosecutors—a woman—and told her “This is not healthy. Get a life.”
So much for “people want to see you having fun.” Thanks, Mike.
“I was beginning to wonder if there was an Anglo-Saxon name left in the Department . . .” (William S. Burroughs, Naked Lunch [London: Flamingo, 1993], p. 171]).
Gatien notes wryly that although prisoners are “strip searched nine times a day,” he saw more drug sales in his overnight stay in jail then in his entire nightlife career.
One example from many: DEA agents would take Alig out of jail, ostensibly for “questioning,” so he could buy drugs, which he would take in the back seat of their car.
As if he was holed up in his office “counting his shekels” as Alig puts it. As the Polish proverb says, “The Jew cries when he hits you.”
See my study of reversals and other Shamanic tropes in de Palma’s The Untouchables in The Homo & the Negro.
At least, did prosecutor Lisa Fleishman (i.e., “butcher”)?
This from a government that still welcomes Mexican scumbags, drug dealers, and killers, with open arms, and even provides them with free weapons (“Operation Fast and Furious”). Speaking of disgusting hypocrisy, Gatien’s most recent, yet again denied, petition for a pardon was denied by New York’s Governor David Paterson, an adulterous, drug-using Negro, who is also, interestingly enough, legally blind in both eyes. Now there’s an upright citizen!
The Classical World was awash in hallucinogenic drugs and other, more authentic kinds of “ecstasy”; see Hoffman, as well as D. C. A. Hillman’s The Chemical Muse (New York: St. Martins, 1988).
For example, “Here was a man who fulfilled the American dream. Peter Gatien was an immigrant from Canada who came here, worked 16 hour days, and duly became rich and famous. . . . He’s back in Canada now, and I can’t blame him if he never sets foot in the US again. The government hated this fellow and would not accept anything less than his destruction. The film—and what I’ve read about him in the days since I saw it—leaves me convinced of his innocence. . . . The last thing we need is a huge state apparatus that can be used against us based on the personal likes and dislikes of a few functionaries. If this doesn’t sell you on libertarianism, nothing will.”
For example, “It is patently clear that Mr. Gatien was served up as a sacrificial lamb to those in state and federal politics at the time. . . . Whatta disgrace. . . . I’m disgusted.”
In the film’s new interviews, Gatien has abandoned the cursed eye-patch for dark glasses; in looks and sound, he now seems to be channeling Anthony Bourdain, ex-junkie, “celebrity” chef and reputed scumbag, apparently a more sympathetic look for New Yorkers today. Although Dylan McDermott does a fine job portraying him in Party Monster, it’s a shame James Woods wasn’t cast; he’s a dead ringer, and his work in Videodrome would give an interesting edge to the Canadian dealing with altered states theme.
The book industry hasn’t done much better; Halston is the subject of a couple of coffee-table photo books—one an oddly small size—and a tabloidesque biography.
See Trevor Lynch’s White Nationalist Guide to the Movies, ed. Greg Johnson (San Francisco: Counter Currents, 2012), and especially Kevin MacDonald’s “Foreword,” for an idea of what’s needed.
“The educated are the most heavily indoctrinated”—Noam Chomsky.
The locus classicus of this meme is likely found in “Mario and the Magician,” by the traitorous propagandist Thomas Mann.
A more suitable subject for Clay Shaw’s no doubt ironic statement to Jim Garrison: “In fact, I admired President Kennedy. A man with true panache and a wife with impeccable taste.”—JFK (Oliver Stone).
See, for example, Alexander Raven’s The Coming Corporate State (1936; reprinted London: Black House, 2012) and discussed by Alisdair Clarke in his “ARYAN FUTURISM” speech, delivered to the New Right meeting in central London on May 28, 2005 (http://
html). See also Spring Comes Again by Jorian Jenks (Uckfield, Sussex: Historical Review Press, 2011), an early contribution to organic agriculture (https://secure.counter-currents.com/spring-comes-again/).
See Mark Weber’s “An Unsettled Legacy,” reviewing David Irving’s Churchill’s War: Triumph in Adversity: “Churchill, writes Irving in the introduction, ‘won the war in spite of himself. . . . Britain, in short, surrendered her own empire to defeat a chimera conjured up by Winston Churchill, a putative danger from Nazi Germany—a threat which never existed except when Churchill needed to call upon it. He sacrificed the substance to defeat the myth’” (http://www.ihr.org/jhr/
Christopher Hitchens, I think in the New Left Review, not Vanity Fair, mocked the absurd notion that Britain had tried to appease Hitler because the post-WWI leadership was “pacifist” by pointing out that would have come as a surprise to Gandhi.
“All manly peoples today have a bad name; the Prussians are the prototype.” (Alle männlichen Völker sind heut in Verruf; die Preußen sind der Prototyp). Ernst Jünger in Ernst Jünger—Carl Schmitt: Briefe 1930–1983, ed. Helmuth Kiesel (Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 1999).
“There were Fascists all around his Italian villas. Though he initially saw them as not much worse than a bad comic opera whose chorus was prone to fisticuffs.” Clive James, “Huxley Then and Now,” http://
Someone once described Himmler’s Annenerbe as “like someone gave the anthropology department at the New School uniforms and guns.”
Strangely, David Mamet has apparently written—that is, handwritten and illustrated—a children’s book [!] called The Trials of Roderick Spode (“The Human Ant”). It appears to be quite dreadful, but I haven’t found any explanation for his use of the name.
The Fascist, for the many reasons we’ve listed in the past, always types on the Homo end of the Homo/Negro spectrum; thus, the thoroughly Judaified populace is easily swayed by the epithet, which the Left always reached for first. By today, any “expertise” is suspect. “Niggers proud to be ignorant”—Chris Rock.
It has been suggested that Wodehouse actually performed a great service for the Allies, by convincing the Germans that his Drones Club was an accurate depiction of the British as dopey, ineffectual phebes.
Hence, I suspect, the long running anti-Spode campaign; as long as Mosley was alive, Wodehouse (Spode = Wode?) was in peril.
See “P. G. Wodehouse on the Jews,” http://semiticcontroversies.
In the good old days of free speech, antipathy to the Chosen was common; take, as an example we’ll return to, the ultimate Empire figure, Kipling; as Andrew Hamilton says: “Rudyard Kipling is out of favor, in large part because his work was so politically and racially incorrect. In a letter written from Jerusalem to his only surviving child, Elsie, Kipling reportedly observed that ‘many races are vile but the Jew in bulk on his native heath is the Vilest of them all,’” http://
America’s ultimate religion, pipe-smoking suburban salesman/dad J. R. “Bob” Dobbs’ Church of the Sub-Genius, has officially deified slack. “Every man a king, and every child and dog a slave,” http://www.subgenius.com/bigfist/answers/faqs/X0040_What_is_all_this_Sla.html
Green Nazis in Space: New Essays in Literature, Art, and Culture Page 27