Can't Walk Away

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Can't Walk Away Page 10

by Molly McLain

  Mark drove Ally’s car to her apartment with Reed following behind. The best part about his friendship with Reed was that the guy didn’t ask questions. He just showed up where he was needed and kept his mouth shut.

  Not tonight, though.

  “You know there’s talk, right?” his friend said, as Mark locked Ally’s car up and hopped into Reed’s car so they could head back to the coffee shop for Mark’s truck. He’d swing back through for Ally’s things later so Reed didn’t have to wait around.

  “What kind of talk?” Not that he really gave a shit.

  “That Ally’s been seeing Nick, too.”

  “She’s not.”

  “I know she’s not, but it’s no secret things have been rocky for the two of you. And now he’s her neighbor...” Reed lifted a hand and shrugged. “People in this town need something to talk about, man. You know how it is.”

  Sure did. “It’s my fault it got to this point. I let everyone think that what Ally and I had was like what you had with Jenny. No offense.”

  “None taken, but what do you mean what you and Ally had? I wouldn’t be driving your sorry ass around at one in the morning if there was anything past tense in what’s going on with you two.”

  “She hates my job. Thinks it’s more important to me than she is.”

  “Is it?”

  He stared out the window, jaw clenched, as Reed pulled back into the coffee shop lot. It was now empty, save his truck. “No, and it never was. They’re not on the same playing field. Took me until tonight to realize that.”

  “’Bout damn time.”

  Mark shook his head. “Yeah, but I’m not sure it’s enough.”

  Reed shifted his car into park and leaned back in the seat, a mocking smirk on his face. “Or maybe you’re just scared to be tied down.”

  “With Ally?” He laughed, because nothing about being with Ally was a burden. He’d give her the goddamn moon if she wanted it. The thought of not living up to her expectations? That scared him.

  And now he’d gotten her pregnant. He didn’t even know if she wanted kids, for God’s sake. Becoming parents someday was one of those topics they’d avoided over the past year, probably because it skirted too close to the conversation about commitment and feelings they’d avoided even more. For all he knew, she didn’t want children. And he’d just saddled her with an obligation she’d have to deal with for the rest of her life.

  “I don’t want Ally to suffer because of the choices I’ve made,” he said solemnly. “But that’s how it’s been lately. Me hurting her, over and over again.”

  “Boo-fucking-hoo. If you so much as breathe ‘she could do better’, I swear to God, I’ll kick your ass right here in this parking lot.” Reed grunted and Mark swung a glance his way. “You think she deserves something else, then step the fuck up and give it to her. Let her decide if it’s enough.”

  He’d tried letting her decide and that hadn’t gone so well. Of course, he hadn’t laid all of his cards on the table for her either.

  “I should get back to the hospital.” Talking about this with anyone but Ally at this point served no purpose. She was the one he needed to explain himself to, not his friends. Not her father, either. “Thanks for the ride.”

  “Anytime, man.”

  Mark hurried home for a shower and change of clothes before he headed back to Ally’s place. Since he’d only spent one night with her at the farm back in the spring, feeling his way around her things was a new experience.

  He took longer than he probably should have checking out things she didn’t allow him to when he’d picked her up for their date a few weeks ago. Like the rack of coffee mugs in the kitchen, shaped like cats and dogs. And the way she wrote out her grocery list on one of those magnetic pads of paper that stuck to the fridge. She’d decorated her bathroom in lavender and it smelled just like her, sweet and florally. Her bed was an unmade mess of stark white linen he resisted sticking his nose in, and there was a broken vibrator on the floor.

  Ah. Was that why she’d come over earlier? He should be insulted, being relegated to the back-up plan, but he couldn’t bring himself to care, because at least he was the guy she’d come to. Not the neighbor, like the gossipers in town wanted to believe.

  Swallowing down the thought, he gathered up a pair of leggings, a t-shirt, and a thick sweater, before hesitating at her underwear drawer. Touching her undies felt like an invasion of privacy, which was ridiculous. He’d probably taken every pair of panties she owned off of her at one time or another over the past year.

  Still, this felt different. More intimate. Like Ally had trusted him with yet another piece of herself by handing over her keys and letting him see into her life without barriers. Sure, he happened to also be a cop, but he preferred to think Ally’s trust in him was more personal. That she had allowed him to do this because the connection they shared wasn’t something she had with anyone else.

  He grinned, because what kind of sap did it make him...that he stood there in front of her underwear and bras, feeling like she’d given him the keys to city?

  He was in love that was for damn sure. Now he just had to hope that all of his heart would be enough for Ally.

  Chapter Ten

  It took Deidre and a nurse from the medical floor nearly an hour to get Ally fully transitioned into her new room. She’d just got tucked into the more comfortable bed after a quick shower, when Mark arrived and not without flak from the charge nurse.

  “I don’t care how late it is, I’m staying,” she heard him say as the nurse brought him into the room.

  “Since your visit is personal, that’ll be up to Ms. Barrett, Sheriff.” The pair came into view and the nurse, a spitfire brunette, looked pointedly at Ally. “This crazy man says he’s with you. Is that true?”

  She nodded. “He is. And since he insists on staying, could you bring an extra blanket, please?”

  The nurse stuck a finger in Mark’s chest, her eyes narrowed. “You will sleep in the chair only, Mr. Dunn. Are we clear?”

  He gave a lopsided grin. “Sure.”

  “Respiratory Therapy will be in and out throughout the night, so don’t think you’ll get away with anything. And consider this your only warning. If you so much as think about climbing into that bed with her, I will have you removed.” The words held enough conviction, but the grin on the woman’s face gave her away.

  It was a pointless battle anyway, because they were too tired to do much more than talk. And there’d be no snuggling until she and Mark sorted things out between them.

  “He’ll behave,” Ally said, eager to rest. “I promise.”

  Mark wasted no time coming to her side as soon as the nurse left the room. He dropped her clothes into the chair and trailed his fingers down her cheek before pressing a sweet kiss to her lips. “How are you doing, pretty girl?”

  “Better now that I’ve got some of the smoke smell off of me. I guess the rest will linger indefinitely.” She lifted a shoulder as he pulled the chair beside the bed as close as possible. When he sat, he could still touch her face. “Not very attractive, I’m afraid.”

  “You’re always attractive to me,” he whispered. “You could smell like cow manure and have a wart the size of Mt. Fuji on your nose and I’d still think you’re the most beautiful woman in the world.”

  Her eyes roamed over his face and she knew he meant everything he said. For now. Best to break the news and get it over with, just in case he wanted to change his mind.

  “I got the blood test results back.”

  “And?” He stroked his thumb over her bottom lip while she gathered her courage.

  “I’m pregnant.”

  “We’re pregnant,” he corrected her without missing a beat. “We’re in this together, babe. Always.”

  Hot tears prickled behind her eyelids and she swallowed down the ball of mixed emotions in her throat. “I need you to know that I didn’t do this on purpose. I’ve been taking my pill and I—”

  “Ally, I
never thought for a second that you did. Things happen sometimes. I’m not going to lie and say I’m not freaked out, but I was an active participant every time we made love. This is just as much on me.” He leaned in close again, his forehead resting down on hers. “There’s no one I’d rather have a baby with, Ally. No matter the circumstance.”

  She closed her eyes and let the words sink in. The circumstances sucked, that was for sure, but even if they hadn’t been going through this rough patch... “We’ve never talked about kids. Together or alone or with anyone else...”

  He stiffened and she opened her eyes as he pulled back enough to lock his gaze on hers. Something possessive flashed in his icy blue depths. “The reason we never talked about with anyone else was because the moment we started seeing each other, that door closed. You’re the only woman I want to be with.” He reached out to cup her jaw, his fingers tender against her skin. “I love you, babe.”

  Thank you, dear God in heaven. The tears let loose and there was nothing she could do to control the sobs, because those sweet, sweet words? They sounded better on his lips than she imagined they would.

  “I’ve waited a long time to hear you say that,” she whispered, her voice wavering with emotion.

  “I should’ve told you a long time ago, but I wanted the moment to be perfect. I wanted you to know that I meant it. Because I do, babe. I love you and having a baby with you...hell, I wanna beat my chest like a friggin’ caveman.”

  She smiled through the blurry emotion. “I love you, too.”

  “Good. Now that we’re clear on that, can we agree that we’re together too? Even through the ups and downs?”

  “We still have things to talk about. Things we can’t just sweep under the rug.”

  “Like my job,” he said without the customary edge in his voice whenever the matter of his work came up.

  “It’s not your job, Mark. I just want you to love me—and now this baby—as much as you love your work.”

  “I already do.”

  She wasn’t sure that was true, but she gave him points for believing it himself.

  “I don’t know what I would’ve done if I’d lost you tonight. If I never got the chance to tell you how special you are to me.” He ducked his head to her chest and she cradled him close, her nose in his hair.

  She couldn’t imagine either and she didn’t try, because she was too damn tired. With her man in her arms, she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. They’d figure out the rest in the morning. For now, she had everything she wanted right there in that hospital bed.


  “I’d like to order an ultrasound for dating and to check the general health of the pregnancy,” Dr. Sabato told Mark and Ally first thing Saturday morning. Ally’s primary doctor had made the obstetrics referral based on her positive pregnancy test and to be sure all was well before she was discharged. “As far as the smoke inhalation goes, there’s only a small chance of it impacting the fetus, but I’d like to make sure things look okay, regardless.”

  Mark nodded. “Absolutely. Great idea.” He couldn’t wait to see the little speck that was his and Ally’s baby, and he’d bet his left nut they got pregnant the night they’d made love outside in her parents’ driveway.

  Ally bit her lip and picked at a string on the blanket covering her legs. “Is it really necessary? I mean, I’ll have to have an ultrasound later as well, won’t I? Can’t we just wait?”

  Dr. Sabato frowned. “You’ve been on birth control, so we really have no idea how far along you are. The sooner we measure, the more accurate the dating. I don’t want you to worry unnecessarily, but we should check the viability too. Considering all you’ve been through.”

  Mark watched Ally’s throat work as she swallowed and gave a barely visible nod. “Okay. If you think it’s a good idea.”

  What the heck was that about? Wasn’t she excited to see what they’d created? “Doc, can you give Ally and I couple minutes alone, please?”

  “Of course. I’ll have the nurses put the order in for the ultrasound and someone will be by shortly to get things started.” He stuck his pen back into his pocket and smiled. “Congratulations.”

  “Thanks,” Mark muttered, but as soon as they were alone he turned to Ally. “What’s going on?”

  She seemed to look everywhere but at him, her bottom lip clasped between her teeth. “I just think it’d be better to wait awhile. I mean, what if we want to know if it’s a boy or a girl?”

  “We can have another ultrasound, babe. It’s not a big deal. I hear they do them all the time now. They even have a place at the mall where we can go to get ultrasound pictures.”

  “Well, yeah, but you know how expensive that is? It’s highway robbery. Especially for a barista who may or may not have a job anymore.” Her voice cracked partway through the last sentence and her cheeks flushed.

  “I’m pretty sure the flowers Gladys sent are an indication that you’re still employed. And the coffee shop will be up and running in no time. Think of it this way—you’re getting a longer break for Thanksgiving. That’s all.”

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  “What’s this really about?” He gripped her chin in his fingers and turned her face to his. She shook her head and looked away again.

  “Nothing. And, on second thought, the sooner we have a due date the better. There are lots things to think about and buy between now and then. Like diapers and clothes and baby furniture and a car seat and—” She broke off abruptly, her lips trembling and liquid shimmering in her big eyes. “I’ll have to figure out a plan for the delivery, too, and all my OB appointments. God, it’s just so much. And we have to figure out us...”

  “Babe, take a deep breath. Relax.” He smiled and wiped her tears away with the pad of his thumb.

  “Easy for you to say. You’re not the one who has to pay for all of this.”

  Ah. Okay. He gentled his fingers on her face. “Is that what you’re worried about?”

  She shrugged.

  “I’ll pay for whatever you and the baby need, Ally. You don’t have to worry about any of it.”

  She shook her head again, her ponytail grazing her shoulders. “But you don’t understand. I don’t have health insurance. Maybe you’ll be able help with the baby’s stuff and put him or her on your insurance after birth, but everything up until that point will be mine. On me.”

  Ah, that pride thing again. He remembered that she’d always had to pay out of pocket for her birth control, too. When he’d tried to help her out, because her being on the pill had benefited him too, she’d refused. So beautiful and so bullheaded.

  “You think I’d expect you to foot the medical bills? For a baby I had just as much part in creating? I’ll pay, Ally. For all of it, as long as it means you’re taken care of.”

  Another idea struck, but he quickly tamped it down. No need to get ahead of himself.

  She sniffled and gave him a reluctant smile. “You’ve knocked up the wrong girl, Mark Dunn.”

  He snorted and leaned in for a kiss. “Definitely not the wrong girl. But speaking of knocked up, your parents are going to come through that door any minute now. What are we going to tell them?”

  She blanched, like the thought hadn’t occurred to her until just then. “We can’t tell them anything. Not yet.”

  It probably was the best move, at least until they knew how far along she was.

  “Okay. We’ll keep it between us. For now. But when we can tell people, you should know I’m gonna be the proudest mofo in town, bragging up what we did.” He winked and she laughed. Finally. “I really do love you, you know.”

  She squeezed his hand. “I’m probably going to need you to tell me that a lot.”

  “I’ve got a lot of time to make up for. I can definitely do that.”

  “Good. I’m really going to need that reassurance when I’m as big as a house.”

  A slow burn crept down his spine, tightening his balls and making his dick twitch. Ally round with baby.
Jesus Christ, that was a hot visual. He thought back to the night before and how responsive she’d been to the pleasure he’d given her breasts. In hindsight, it made sense, and he couldn’t wait to see what other surprises pregnancy brought them.

  “Is there a hands-off period or anything I need to be aware of?” he asked, clearing his throat.

  “A hands-off period? What do you mean?”

  “Can we have, as soon as we blow this pop stand or...?”

  Ally laughed. “You’re seriously thinking about getting laid right now? Sex is how we got into this mess!”

  “Not a mess, babe.” He brushed a kiss against her lips. “A blessing.”


  She was seven weeks pregnant and due on the Fourth of July. Holy crap. The next time she enjoyed the fireworks, she’d have Mark’s baby in her arms.

  Dear God that thought had all sorts of feelings rioting around inside of Ally, as she lay snuggled up in her bed at home early Saturday afternoon. One, she loved him and, if she was honest, from time to time, she’d entertained the idea of what it’d be like to have a family with him. Of course, that fantasy came in the same vein as fairytale weddings and winning the lottery, so she never thought it’d come to fruition.

  Two, there was something illicitly delicious about having gotten accidentally pregnant by the town’s hottest man in uniform. She felt...claimed. Definitely marked. And just the thought had her aching for Mark to return from his drive-by check-in at the office so she could get her hands on him again.

  Three, what the heck were they going to do about this? Until the baby news, he’d only half-invested. Claimed to want her in his life, but he only came around when his work obligations didn’t claim his attention first. Like she was an afterthought. A placeholder even, until his real passion called again.

  Sure, he’d told her he loved her. She’d been waiting forever for him to say the words and she certainly didn’t want to throw them back in his face. But what if he only said them now because he felt like he had to? She had no doubt cared about her, but love? Mark Dunn had probably never said those words to anyone but his mother and she was pretty sure there was a good reason for it: he’d already given his heart to his work.


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