Can't Walk Away

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Can't Walk Away Page 16

by Molly McLain

  “Looks like I lost you, babe. What are you thinking about?” Mark asked before he popped the last bite of toast into his mouth and pushed his plate away.

  “Hmm? Oh, nothing. Just enjoying this very delicious omelet.” She slid her fork between her lips and smiled.

  “Good.” He grinned back. “Let’s talk about our next date then.”

  Another date? She quirked an eyebrow at him while she finished chewing. “You’re taking me out again?” she asked after she swallowed.

  “Yep.” He replaced his hand a little higher on her leg and gave a light squeeze.

  “Doesn’t having breakfast together like this count? I mean, I’m totally cool with you paying for it, if that quantifies it as a date your book.”

  His shoulder bumped hers when he laughed. “If you want it to count, fine. But I still wanna go out again. There’s this place I think you’d like.”

  “Does it involve a bed and sheets?”

  “Didn’t we do that last night?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Oh, we did, but there was far too much actual sleeping going on. I mean—”

  “Nope.” He shook his head and a curl of dark hair fell across his forehead. Paired with his sexy, resolute smile, he was downright devilish. “No bed. Last night was an exception because of your injury.”

  “What?” Surely she hadn’t heard him right. “Are you saying...?”

  That goofy grin lifted one corner of his mouth. “I didn’t want to come out and tell you this, but my plan for the next while involves nothing but spending time together. Going out. Being a couple. In ways we haven’t already thoroughly explored in the past thirteen months.”

  She blinked at him and whispered, “When I said all we did was have sex, I wasn’t actually suggesting we stop.”

  He chuckled and leaned in to steal a kiss. “I know you weren’t. But I want to show you how much I like this...” He tapped her head and then her chest, right above her heart. “And this, too.”

  “Okay,” she laughed. “That’s incredibly sweet, but you do realize I’m hormonal right now, right? And there’s scientific evidence showing that once a woman has a man’s seed growing inside of her, she’s a thousand times more attracted to him. Like, women have been known to become insatiable sex monsters when they’re you know. The only cure is large, repetitive doses of Vitamin C.”

  “Vitamin C?”

  She leaned in close, her lips brushing the shell of his ear as she whispered, “Cock.”

  He choked on air and flashed her a wicked glower. “Don’t taunt me, babe. I’ve got a plan and I’m sticking to it.”

  “Hmm.” She set her empty plate on top of his and reached for her juice. “I guess I’ll have to masturbate more often then.”

  Something akin to a growl rumbled through him. She felt it at every point their bodies touched in the booth, and she gave him until their next date before he gave in. At best.

  The bells on the diner’s front door chimed and her father strolled in with Chauncey Ellis in tow.

  His hand in his back pocket, going for his wallet, Mark froze for a second and muttered. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  She waved at her dad who nudged Chauncey and pointed in her direction. The older man waved and went to talk with Stella, Jose’s wife and this morning’s hostess. Her dad started toward her and Mark.

  “Don’t be like that. He’ll never know,” she said under her breath, while still grinning at her dad.

  Mark frowned. “What?”

  “He’ll never know about you know, so just relax.”

  “It’s not that—”

  “Hi, honey, we missed you at church this morning.” Her dad stopped at the end of table, his narrow-eyed focus on Mark, though he talked to her.

  “I haven’t been to church in weeks, Dad.”

  “I’m aware.”

  Beneath the table, Mark pressed his fist gently against her knee.

  “I also heard there was a bit of an altercation at the pub last night.” Her dad still hadn’t taken his eyes off Mark. “Luke said you almost went fisticuffs with Martin Kelly’s son. What was that about, Sheriff?”

  “Just doing my job, sir.”

  “Dad, it wasn’t that bad. Just a misunderstanding.” She guessed her dad hadn’t heard about her ankle and she preferred to keep it that way.

  “No room for any member of the law, sheriff or not, to have misunderstandings involving fists, on or off duty. Isn’t that right, Mark?”

  “Yep,” he snapped, tossing some money on the table. “So it’s a good thing I didn’t do anything wrong. There’s already an investigation underway and I’m confident nothing will come of it.”

  “Oh, you’re probably right. But it’s your reputation around town that’s probably in the most jeopardy. Ain’t no room for a hot-headed sheriff.”

  Chauncey tapped her dad on the shoulder. “Table’s ready over by the windows. Hey, Ally Cat. Sheriff.”

  Mark tensed, his leg like concrete beside hers. “Chauncey. How’s that hip coming along?”

  “Perfect. Like I’m twenty-one and swinging again.” The former Cameron County deputy snickered. Mark didn’t laugh though. Hell, he didn’t even blink.

  What was this all about now?

  Ally cleared her throat. “You’re looking good, Chaunce.” She smiled at her father’s old friend, who’d coincidentally injured his leg around the same time her dad had injured his. The two men had been friends for years, but their mutually pissy disposition over the prolonged healing period had made them even tighter. “I heard you and Susan had dinner at the farm last weekend.”

  “Yep. Never was able to turn down your mother’s meatloaf.” Chauncey winked at her, then shifted to Mark. “How about you, Sheriff? You had the chance to enjoy that meal at the Barrett’s yet?”

  Ally grimaced. Obviously her father had been talking. Not what Mark needed to hear with last night’s mess still on his mind.

  “Nah, but the next time she makes it for sure. Right, sweetie?” Ally answered for him, before she leaned in and pressed her lips to Mark’s stubbly cheek. “Or maybe I’ll make it for you first,” she purred in his ear.

  Her father frowned. Exactly the reaction she’d hoped for. Mark wasn’t the only one to blame for how their relationship, or lack thereof, had unfolded this past year. He might have big shoulders and want to fix this himself, but no way would she let him take the fall all by himself.

  Her dad and Chauncey finally said their goodbyes and went off to claim their table. She waited for Mark to take care of the bill, then she led the way outside to his truck. Instead of fobbing it open, he followed her to the passenger door and caged her against the cool metal, his big flexing arms on either side of her head.

  “Sweetie?” His blue eyes twinkled, a complete one-eighty from his demeanor inside the diner.

  “You don’t like to be called sweetie?” She bit at her lip and walked her fingers from his stomach to the center of his chest.

  “You’ve never called me anything but sheriff before.” His gaze lowered to her mouth and, when she released her lip, probably all wet and shiny, he groaned.

  “If I’m not mistaken, you like it, don’t you? Me calling you something endearing like that.”

  A softness fell over his expression and he met her eyes again. “Don’t tell anyone, because it might ruin my badass reputation, but I kinda like it when you talk sweet to me.”

  Hmm, maybe she wasn’t the only one who needed to hear how much she was wanted.

  Not a problem. She could love the shit out of him.

  Hell, she already did.


  Ally’s cutesy names weren’t going to ruin him, but Chauncey Ellis might. Especially with the backing of Hank Barrett. The two men had clout in the community and were generally good guys. Mark liked to think he was, too, but Ally’s dad and his former deputy had been around longer, their roots in this town running deep.

  And if Hank supported Chauncey in next year’s reelection
over him, Mark didn’t know what the hell he’d do.

  It was one thing for Hank to be pissed off that Mark hadn’t come to him sooner about his relationship with Ally, but it was something else to put his backing behind another candidate for sheriff. The only thing worse would be for Hank to try and push Ally into the arms of another man.

  Which could very well happen if Mark lost his job and ultimately everything he’d worked so hard to build in River Bend. For himself and, over the course of the last year, for Ally, too.

  He didn’t want Ally to know that seeing her dad with his potential competition damn near gutted him. He’d told Hank he’d do the right thing, but the longer he and Ally kept the baby a secret, the more he risked pissing Hank off for good. And considering he wanted to be in Ally’s life for the long haul...that wouldn’t do.

  They arrived at her apartment a few minutes later and he followed her inside. She hadn’t expressly invited him up for a visit, but it felt like they’d turned a corner at some point in the last eighteen hours. One where they’d be together more than they’d be apart, and one where hanging out on a Sunday afternoon—with clothes on—became something very normal. In short, he wasn’t in a hurry to leave and he hoped like hell she got the hint.

  He kicked his boots off and started a pot of coffee while Ally went to change. His newfound comfort didn’t miss her notice when she returned.

  “You’re looking awfully at home in my kitchen, honey.” She swatted him on the ass when she slid past to retrieve a container of liquid creamer from the fridge.

  She’d put on a pair of cotton pajama bottoms and a tank top—without a bra—and her hair was piled on top of her head, little wisps sticking out all over the place. The best part? She was also wearing her glasses. A cute little pair of cat-eye looking things with dark frames that stood out against her pale, freckled skin. He’d only seen her in them once before when she had some kind of eye infection and couldn’t wear her contact lenses. He’d come to the conclusion that it was just as well, because Ally in her glasses was sexier than fuck. The more she kept that look contained, the better. Especially when other men were around. And as infrequently as possible when they were on a sexual hiatus. Like now.

  “You got a problem with me being here?” he finally asked, putting his back to the counter and crossing his arms while the coffee brewed.

  She mimicked his pose against the opposite counter and their feet bumped. “No, I’m just not sure this place is big enough for the two of us.”

  “The three of us, you mean.”

  A pretty hue of pink seeped into her cheeks, but she never broke eye contact. Not even when a nervous giggle burst from her chest. “You really gonna do this, Mark Dunn? Being a dad is a lot of responsibility. I’m not sure you’re cut out for the job.”

  “The fuck I’m not,” he snapped before he realized she was joking. “I’m good with kids, even if it’s probably been blind luck up until this point.”

  She grinned. “So how are we going to work this, exactly? I mean, are you going to rush over in the middle of the night when I’m craving pickles and ice cream?”

  He shook his head and her eyebrows jumped.

  “No? Why not? I mean, that might be a deal breaker for me.”

  “I’m hoping we’ll already be together. In my bed.”

  “You want me to move in with you?”

  “Haven’t I been telling you that for months?” he asked, sliding his foot a little to the left and nudging her toes with his. This intimacy was nice, but he had a lot more room for a kid at his house. He almost owned the place, too. Four more years and it would be his, free and clear. And then they could buy something bigger and further out of town. Something with a yard large enough for one of those big, swing set jungle gyms.

  She held his gaze for a couple beats before she looked away and sighed. “You’ve got to understand why I’m uneasy about that, right? You’ve never asked me just because you want me there. There’s always been an underlying reason.”

  “Yeah, and that reason is I fucking love you.”

  Ally had never been good at hiding her true feelings, and he saw the impact of his words soften her entire body. Her face, her shoulders, even her breathing.

  He pushed off the counter and pressed the front of his body against hers, his knuckles running down the delicate line of her jaw. “I’ve loved you for a long time, Ally, I just never had the balls to tell you.”

  Her breath hitched again and she was back to biting her lip like she had outside the diner. “Is being in love really such a scary thing for you?”

  Loving Ally wasn’t scary at all. Being enough for her...being what he knew she deserved...that fucking terrified him.

  He lifted her hand and pressed it to his heart. “I’m not afraid of this, but I am worried you’ll wake up one of these days and realize you got the short end of the stick in this relationship.”

  She shook her head, tears shining behind her glasses. “That’s not going to happen.”

  “That’s almost as sweet as calling me honey.” Brushing his nose against hers, he slipped his fingers around the back of her neck. Such smooth, silky skin. Skin he wanted to nibble on, but he’d been at her place less than fifteen minutes and he was still determined to keep his dick in his jeans until she knew for certain this was real between them.

  She put her hands to his chest, not to push him away, but just to touch. “My lease is up in April.”

  “That’s a long time from now. Is there a penalty for moving out early?” He stroked his thumb down the column of her throat and along her collarbone. Maybe just one nibble...

  “I have no idea. I didn’t ask because I didn’t think it would be an issue.”

  “Is it an issue now?” He couldn’t keep the grin from his face. Mostly because he could already see her moving around his house—their house—with her belly all round and perfect.

  “This place isn’t big enough for a baby, and I hate the idea of visitation—”

  “Visitation?” What the fuck was she talking about?

  “If we don’t live together.”

  He laughed, shaking his head. “Ally, we’re going to raise this baby together. There is no alternative.”


  “No. Alternative.” Both of his hands were around her neck now, gently cupping her jaw and debating how much kissing they could do before he’d need more. “I know you’re an independent woman with a modern outlook on life. I respect that. But if we love each other, why shouldn’t we do this together? Under one roof?”

  “I might not be able to work for a while after the baby comes. Hell, I don’t even know when I’ll be able to go back to work now. I don’t want to depend on you. I...” She broke off as the tears began to fall. He wanted to shake her.

  “I make a good living, Ally. I can support our family just fine.”

  Her eyes widened at the same time his heart swelled in his chest. Our family. Holy shit, that sounded incredible.

  “Is that what you want?” she whispered. “A family?”

  He almost said it. Almost asked the question that had danced on the tip of his tongue since he’d found those pregnancy tests in her purse. But he didn’t, because she’d question his motivation again. Soon enough...

  “God, yes, I want a family with you.” He slanted his lips across hers and pulled her tight against him. She could probably feel his heart beating a mile a minute in his chest and he didn’t care. “I know that things are happening out of order for us, but that doesn’t mean we can’t roll with the punches and make it work.”

  She shuddered and he froze.

  “Ally, am I out of line here? Am I making assumptions about how you feel?” He held himself back from her, so he could see her eyes, still wet with emotion. When she shook her head, he damn near hit the floor. Thank Christ.

  “I’ve just...I’ve waited a long time for all of this. Add that to all the hormones racing through my body and it’s a little overwhelming, you know?”
  He did. She might be the one doing the baby baking right now, but he was all in on being a father. There was something very primitive about knowing that, body to body, he and Ally had created life. Some baser part of him wanted to shout it in the streets. Or at the very least, go knock on Nick’s door, point to his own chest, and say, “Me. I fucked her. I got her pregnant. My seed, my woman.”

  Somehow, he didn’t think Ally would appreciate that kind of crudeness and, frankly, he wasn’t that much of a caveman. But the idea was still there, simmering beneath the surface. That pride. That anticipation. That eagerness to clear the air and trample the gossip mills and make it known, without any question, that he and Ally were committed. Nothing was going to come between them ever again. Especially not self-doubt.

  “You’re nine weeks now?” he asked her, his hands gently kneading her upper arms. “Only a little bit longer until we can tell everyone?”

  She nodded. “I thought maybe Christmas, but I don’t want to ruin the holiday for my mom if my dad gets upset.”

  Good point. “If all goes well at your appointment next week, would you consider sitting them down sooner?”

  “At the farm? I think I’d rather do it in public.”

  Another good point, but... “Hank won’t be happy about that.” Not that he’d be happy about any of it.

  “He’s going to ask if we’re getting married.” She spoke the words quietly, almost as a warning to him, but there was also a question buried in that admission.

  A question he wasn’t quite ready to ask.

  “We’ll tell him we’re moving in together and taking it from there. Fair enough?”

  She nodded, but her eyes said she wasn’t convinced. But she would be. The day would come...

  “Let’s grab some coffee and go watch TV. Maybe one of Colton’s shows is on. And, if you ask nicely, I might even rub your feet.” He grinned and she pursed her pretty lips.

  “Oh, I’ll ask real nice, sweetie. Don’t you worry.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Mark showed up on her doorstep Monday night with grocery bags and DVDs in hand. He’d shooed her into the living room and he made her apartment smell so good with rosemary chicken and garlic mashed potatoes that Ruby came up from downstairs to see what the special occasion was. After she sufficiently pinched Mark’s cheeks—and his ass once, too—she excused herself home and Ally and Mark spent the night curled up on the couch.


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