Can't Walk Away

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Can't Walk Away Page 19

by Molly McLain

  He snorted. “Well-nourished and possibly molested.”

  “Yeah, that too.” She slid into the single barstool at the teeny tiny bar. “Listen, I never really got to thank you for all you did the night of the fire. I, uh, also wanted you to know that I appreciate you making sure I got out, but that Mark didn’t get in either.”

  Another grin turned up Nick’s mouth. “I almost had him arrested.”

  “As funny as that might’ve been, I’m glad you didn’t. There’s already so much unnecessary drama...” She trailed off with a sigh. “I’m sorry you got dragged into this.”

  “Honestly, I think the whole thing is hilarious. I mean, we had coffee once. Sorta. And then I gave you a friggin’ ride home. Next thing you know, we’re fucking like rabbits while the sheriff watches.”


  Nick scratched the back of his neck. “I take it you didn’t hear that version.”

  “Oh my God.” Small town people had way too much time on their hands. “Are you serious?”

  “I’m pretty sure the rumor started at the fire station and I put a stop to it as soon as I heard it, so maybe it’s possible it never left the building.” He chuckled. “You gotta admit, that’s a good one though.”

  “It’s funny now because things are straightened out, but I probably would have flipped my shit had I heard it last week.”

  He leaned against the counter and tapped her hand with his empty bottle. “Snazzy rock, by the way.”

  Happy heat slipped into her cheeks. “It is, isn’t it?”

  “Dunn’s not a half bad dude. Then again, any man that would run into a burning building for his woman ranks pretty high on my respect list.”

  “The building wasn’t on fire.”

  Nick shook his head. “He didn’t know that, Ally.”

  Well, damn. “He’s pretty special.”

  “So are you.” Nick held her gaze for longer than was strictly amiable—it was downright brotherly. “He does anything to hurt you and Luke won’t be the only one looking to kick his ass.”

  Good to know. She stood to leave, but hesitated, one question left unanswered. “Thank you for making sure I got my purse that night.”

  He dipped his chin. “It had precious cargo inside. Had to make sure it was returned safely.”

  “But they weren’t—”

  “I’m the one who did the final sweep of the building, Ally. I can’t guarantee one of the guys didn’t see the tests when they were looking for you, but no one’s said anything, so I think your secret’s still safe. Congratulations on that, by the way.” He grinned. “But you should know that means twice the beating if the sheriff messes up.”

  God. Ally laughed, her cheeks warm. “On that note, I should get going. My mom and Jenny are waiting to go, but I wanted to say goodbye.”

  “What, until next week when I come in for a cup of coffee?” He winked and pulled her in for a friendly hug. “Hey, before you go, what can you tell me about Heather from the pub?”

  Nick and Heather? Unexpected, but awesome. “She’s relatively new to town, but from what I gather she’s put up with a lot of shit from even shittier guys.”

  He stepped back and nodded, his brow creased. “That’s what I thought.”

  “Gonna be the hero again, Caliendo? Because I’m sure Jenny wouldn’t mind being swept off her feet either.”

  Just like that, the cocky fireman turned as red as the fire trucks he drove around town. “I plead the fifth.”

  Ally laughed. “I just bet you do.”


  Christmas came and went and though he and Ally and put in their time with her parents, her father made a point to get in every little dig he could about Chauncey. The former deputy had apparently filled his petition with enough signatures to get on the ballot in record time.

  Thankfully, the old man kept his mouth shut about that in front of Ally though, and in the end, the holiday seemed to be at least tolerable for her.

  Mark had made it better when they got home and treated her to not only a foot rub, but a full body massage. One that had left him so achingly hard, he’d taken care of the problem in less than two minutes in the bathroom afterward.

  The whole no sex until their wedding night thing was the worst idea he’d ever had. He was gonna go off like a rocket the second she touched him and it would be the worst sex of her life...if he lasted long enough to even get inside. The only thing that kept him from throwing her down on the bed and making her scream right now was how fucking sexy she looked, squirming in anticipation a little more every day that passed. He’d do his damnedest to make their next time together worth the wait.

  Their flight left in three days, which gave them a nice, long weekend in Sin City. He had a surprise planned for her on their first night in town, and the second night, New Year’s Eve, was when they’d finally say I do. The third and fourth days he planned on doing nothing but making love to his wife in every way imaginable.

  His wife. Jesus, that sounded sweet.

  Grinning, he pulled out his phone and shot a quick text to his cousin Colton: You got everything set for my girl?

  His cousin’s response came immediately: Yep. She must be pretty special.

  The best. Thanks, man.

  He called Parker next. “You ready for the weekend, Sergeant?”

  Parker bit off a bark of laughter. “Better be careful, Sheriff. You might come back on Tuesday to see I’ve taken over your office.”

  “The fuck you will.” His meetings with the investigator from Internal Affairs had gone better than anticipated, thanks in part to a bunch of statements from patrons at McCauley’s who’d seen Jason Kelly getting rough with another woman before he’d set his sights on Ally. As expected, Mark had gotten a simple slap on the wrist for putting his hands on the kid. On the side, however, the investigator had given him kudos for not kicking the little shit’s ass to Denver and back. He’d also commended Mark on stepping back and turning the drug investigation over to Parker. Like he’d hand over the helm this weekend, too. And probably a few days here and there every month from here on out. Ally deserved more of his time and not just what he had left over at the end of the week.

  “Happy for you, man. Just a little disappointed there’s no time for a bachelor party, that’s all,” Parker said on a slightly more serious note.

  Mark grinned. “Reed said the same thing. You two can celebrate for me, how’s that?”

  “That I can do. See ya tomorrow, boss.”

  Dropping the phone to his desk, Mark leaned back in his chair and took a slow look around. He’d lived in this office for going on four years, and if he had it his way, he’d spend the rest of his career behind this desk. But if the people of Cameron County decided he wasn’t the right man for the job next November, he’d step back, knowing he’d given his community all he could.

  The best of him though? He was saving that for Ally and their family.

  He wouldn’t give up this job without a fight though, and if Chauncey Ellis wanted a knock-down, drag-out, he’d get one. But it wouldn’t be a pissing match about whose reputation was better than the other—it’d be about who could do a better job protecting the citizens of Cameron County. There was no doubt in Mark’s mind that he could do—and did do—that better than anyone else.

  A soft knock on the door snapped him out of the introspection and he glanced up to see Ally’s mom poke her head in.

  “You got a minute, Mark?”

  Mark. Not Sheriff or ‘you son of a bitch that impregnated my daughter’. He grinned. “Absolutely. What’s up, Mrs. B.?”

  “Eileen,” she corrected him with a stern finger and an arched eyebrow. “Or Mom would be nice too, but only if it’s okay with Anne.”

  His face went hot and he rubbed a hand around the back of his neck. Anne wouldn’t mind at all, but Hank might. “Thank you.”

  Eileen took a seat in one of the leather chairs on the other side of his desk and smiled. “So the big day is almost he

  “Yep, and I can’t wait.”

  “Good. Now listen, there’s something I want to talk to you about, but you can’t say a word to Ally or my bullheaded husband.”

  He didn’t like the sound of this, but he leaned forward anyway, curious. “What’s on your mind?”

  The older woman’s smile stretched wide. “So I’ve been thinking...”


  “I’m sorry you won’t be there to see my big day,” Ally said to her brother the day before she and Mark would leave on a jet plane to solidify their future together.

  Luke lifted a shoulder and tossed a grease rag onto a bench in his auto shop. “I’m cool to wait for the big shindig you two are planning for the fall. Not to mention, I’m still a little peeved know.”

  “You know what?” She planted her hands on her hips and glared at hips. “That I’m a grown woman who has sex?”

  He shuddered and made a grossed out face. “I’d rather not think about that, thank you very much.”

  “Well, too bad. You think I enjoy knowing who you unzip your pants for? At least Mark and I love each other.”

  “No offense, but love is fucking overrated.” He shot her a smarmy grin that melted away just as soon as he picked up a wrench and went back to work under the open hood of a sedan. “So anyway, you need me to take the dog, right?”

  She nodded. “If you could, that’d be great. Tony would but I don’t want to take him away from Brianna and Nicole, now that she’s back in town.”

  “Sure. Whatever. I can do that.” Crank, crank, crank.

  “I was wondering if you’d talk to Dad, too.”

  He stopped torqueing the tool and shifted a blank look her way. “Ally, I’m not getting in the middle of that shit.”

  “I know you don’t want to, but I’m afraid that if I try, I’ll just make things worse. Dad is being completely unreasonable and I don’t understand why. Mark isn’t any more to blame for what happened between us than I am.”

  Luke stood upright again, his jaw firm. “You’re his only daughter and it ain’t no secret that between the two of us, you’re his favorite.”

  “That’s not true.”

  “It is, but don’t think that’s wounded my pride or anything. It’s just a thing between fathers and their girls. I get that. Unfortunately, I don’t have a vagina, so I’m shit outta luck, ya know?”

  She snorted. “I’m pretty sure that’s the first time you’ve ever said vagina.”

  “You’re right. There are much better, more colorful words to describe female anatomy, in my opinion. But anyway...” He gave a half-laugh. “Dad’s not entirely wrong.”

  No...he was completely wrong. “How can you say that? You know Mark isn’t marrying me for any other reason than he loves me.”

  Luke lifted a hand and a shoulder and let them both drop hard. “Not that long ago, you questioned his priorities, too. Maybe your head is all clouded up with hearts and friggin’ rainbows right now, but I remember your uncertainty clear as day. Dad does, too.”

  Fair enough, but... “I’ve gotten over it. I realize now how wrong I was. How unfair. Why isn’t that enough? It’s my life, Luke.”

  “No one’s saying it isn’t. You don’t see Dad beating down your door, trying to stop this shotgun wedding, do you?”

  “It’s not—”

  “Dammit, Ally, it is. Can you honestly say you’d be getting married in two days if you weren’t pregnant? Maybe you’re the one who’s not doing this for the right reasons, because I’m pretty damn sure if it weren’t for this kid, you’d be making Mark work a hell of a lot harder for a place by your side.”

  “Fortunately that’s not my reality and, frankly, it would have been a waste of my time. The results would still be the same.” She pressed her lips together and shrugged. “I love Mark and that’s all that matters.” She turned toward the exit, but Luke put a reluctant hand on her shoulder.

  “Ally, wait.”

  Reluctantly, she turned back to him and he sighed.

  “Mark’s a good guy. I just wish this would have worked out differently for you. That there was more time...”

  Through her teary-eyed smile, she whispered, “I wouldn’t change a thing.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  They flew into Vegas on Thursday afternoon and hurried through check-in at the hotel, including getting Ally and Jenny settled into one room, while Mark went solo in a suite. For now anyway. After the surprise he had in store for her, Mark suspected Ally might change her mind about the old-fashioned plans she had for their last unmarried night together.

  “When are your friends supposed to be here?” Jenny shifted around like a little gopher, her head popping up and down, trying to see over all the shoulders in the crowded lobby. As soon as the guys arrived, they’d hit up dinner and then head out to Ally’s surprise. “I’m not digging this third wheel BS.”

  Ally laughed softly. “Just don’t forget you promised to stay with me tonight. I don’t care how good looking Mark’s friends might be.”

  Jenny stuck out her tongue. “I love you, but if my dream man happens to walk through those doors, you may be on your own. But don’t worry—I’d make sure to be back well before Elvis pronounces you man and wife tomorrow.”

  From the corner of his eye, Mark spotted Sean waving from outside one of the hotel’s bars. He nodded across the lobby. “Leave it to those bastards to hit the bar before they even check in.”

  Jenny clapped her hands together and damn near sprinted over to Sean, who looked just as eager to meet Jenny as she did him.

  Ally groaned. “Maybe this room situation was a bad idea, because there’s a very good chance I’m going to end up the third wheel in my own dang room.”

  “No worries, babe. You can always sneak in by me. I won’t bite. At least not until tomorrow night.”

  She poked him in the side and he walked her over to meet his Army buddies, who’d bellied up to a tall table off to the side of the upbeat bar. Their luggage was piled up around their feet, and Jenny was already at the bar, ordering drinks.

  After a round of hugs instead of handshakes, because that’s how his buddies rolled, Jenny was back at the table. She handed Mark a beer, Ally something pink and fizzy, and lifted her own beer in a toast.

  “To my best friend, her future hubby, and what is sure to be cutest freaking kid ever.”

  All three of his friends froze, drinks suspended in the air.

  “Dude, is she for real?” Jake gave him a playful shove after the initial moment of shock passed.

  “Shit, Mark, you didn’t tell them?” Jenny’s eyes were as big as the forty-fives decorating the walls.

  Ally squeezed his hand. “I asked him not to. I’m already butting into what was supposed to be their guys-only weekend.”

  “Wait, what exactly are we talking about here?” Sean looked between him and Ally. “I see that big ass ring on your girl’s hand and I heard something about a kid, but...”

  “I need one of you clowns to sign my marriage license tomorrow. That’s what we’re talking about.”

  The three guys roared, lifting halfway out of their seats with an even mix of shock, excitement, and pointed fingers.

  And that’s how the next two hours went, with a shitload of jokes at his expense and even more fawning over Ally that mostly consisted of pity for being stuck with a mofo like him. He didn’t mind. She’d laughed her pretty head off and his buddies loved her just like he knew they would. By the time they’d finished dinner and made it across town to Sam Boyd Stadium, Jake and Russ wouldn’t let her anywhere near him.

  “Wait, what is this?” Ally asked, digging in her heels as soon as they entered the atrium and saw the crowd of people. Mark watched her, waiting for the moment she realized what was about to happen. Her gaze slowed on a big souvenir table, full of motocross memorabilia, and just like that, she got it. “Oh my God, are you for real?” She tore herself away from his friends and launched herself into arms. />
  “Surprise, babe.” He kissed her temple and set her back down on the ground. “I thought you’d like to see a show in person for once.”

  She nodded like an eager little kid and tugged on Jenny’s arm. “Did you know about this?”

  Jenny nodded and hauled her off to the end of the long-ass souvenir line. Just as well, because it kept her busy and gave him time to find Colton for the last minute VIP passes he’d set aside.

  After some secret texting and a white lie about needing to piss, Mark met up with one of Colton’s crew members near the concession stand.

  “Go down to Section 118 and Bria will hook you up with a place down on the floor. Keep an eye out for Bozo with the camera—you’ll know it’s him by his red hair—and do your thing. Make sure your girl’s looking at the jumbo-tron. That’ll be right before intermission. Colton will find you after that.” The kid winked, fist-bumped Mark, and headed back into the crowd. Mark grinned.

  Ally was gonna love this. Right in the heart of the action, a part of the action, and a proclamation of his affection in front of twenty-five-thousand people.

  “Babe, I need you to come with me.” He gave her shoulder a little jostle before she followed Jenny and the guys into their seats.

  “Everything okay?” she asked.

  He held up the lanyards with the passes. “Better than okay. Like VIP better.”

  She clamped a hand over her mouth, squealed, and threw herself at him once again.


  “Holy crap, did you see that?” Ally tugged on Mark’s sleeve when his cousin Colton raced his motocross bike up the ramp and flew through the air, his body lifting from the bike to do a perfect handstand on the seat of the bike before he tucked back into place and landed gracefully at the top of a mountain of dirt. A dozen other freestyle performers had gone before Colton, each of them attempting to defy gravity in the same manner. The acts were the coolest, most terrifying things she’d ever seen. She couldn’t wait for more.

  Mark nodded and pointed back to the middle of the arena where Colton wound up for another run. Rock music blasted from the sound system and the energy in the building sizzled with electricity and adrenaline. She waited, digging her fingernails into her palms as the cobalt blue bike took off again and Colton pulled off another wicked stunt, this one involving a full body twist several feet off the bike. He soared through the air like a bird, smooth and easy. The crowd roared and Ally clapped and whistled, the hum of the music and bikes pulsing through her body.


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