Can't Walk Away

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Can't Walk Away Page 21

by Molly McLain

  His phone went off again and he smiled, relief pulsing through him when he read the message.

  Everything’s set. Just waiting for your sorry ass.

  Mark laughed. Fucking Luke.


  “He’s here. You can breathe now.” Jenny stuck her head into the preparation room tucked off to the side of the chapel. A chapel that, much to Jenny’s dismay, did not feature Elvis at the altar. Instead, the officiant was a nice round man with a warm smile and a white handlebar mustache. He also had a Texan accent and he wore a white Stetson. If Ally had to guess, he probably had a big car with bull horns mounted to the front, too.

  “I’d breathe if I could, but it seems the bean wasn’t thinking about his momma fitting into her wedding dress when he decided to grow.” She held her hand over her burgeoning baby bump and blew out a careful breath. The strapless lace trumpet style still flattered her curves, especially up top, and regardless of how she filled out the middle, Mark would love the dress. Particularly all the tiny buttons running down the middle of her back.

  Jenny smiled and they both pretended there weren’t already tears in their eyes. “You ready to do this?”

  “More than ready. You have Mark’s ring?”

  “Yep.” Her best friend patted the hidden pocket in her own dress, then handed Ally a bouquet of pink roses and calla lilies.

  “Wait, these aren’t mine. I ordered daisies.” She would have loved the prettier bouquet, but it cost three times as much and for something that was just going to die...

  “They’re yours.” Jenny gave a secretive smile and a soft gooey feeling settled in Ally’s stomach.

  “Did Mark do this? You?”

  Jenny shook her head. “Stop asking questions and let’s get you down the aisle already.”

  Still reluctant, she took the flowers and followed Jenny toward the rear part of the chapel. There was a smaller door to the right that led to the main room and, though she couldn’t see Mark or his friends, she could hear them talking quietly and a sudden wave of nervous butterflies set loose in her stomach. She was already emotional, but turning that corner and seeing Mark? God. She was going to cry and it probably wouldn’t be pretty. Thank goodness for waterproof mascara.

  Jenny went to the door, gave someone a thumbs-up, and the music started. Maybe it was cliché, but she’d picked Pachelbel’s Canon in D to walk down the aisle to because it had been part of her princess daydreams as a child. And marrying Mark felt very much like a fairytale. Even if her family wasn’t there to witness it or her dad to give her away...

  With one last smile, Jenny disappeared beyond the door and Ally moved into position, because nothing else mattered except making this promise to Mark. To their family and their future.

  But when she stepped into the open doorway, none of that bravado mattered.

  She saw Mark first, of course, but then her mother and Luke came into view. Mark’s mother was there too, sitting in the pew with Sean, Jake, and Russ. And her dad...he was right by the door, offering his arm with tears in his eyes.

  “You look like a princess, princess.”

  “D-Dad, what are you all doing here?” she whispered, the lump in her throat too big for her speak any louder.

  “It’s a long story and your husband’s to tell. Suffice to say, I was wrong.”

  “Daddy...” There was nothing in the world that could have made this moment any better.

  “A little part of me knew all along he was good for you, sweetheart, but I didn’t want to acknowledge it. I was losing my little girl and it seemed the only thing I could do about it was dig in my heels.”

  She shook her head, warm tears spilling down her cheeks. He wiped them away.

  “He’s a better man than I gave him credit for and he makes you happy. I have no doubt he’d go to the ends of the earth to protect you, too.” He sucked in a shaky breath. “Even from me.”

  She leaned into his arms and he held her close for only a few seconds before he pulled back and dried her face.

  “No more tears, sweetheart,” he murmured. “Your husband is waiting for you.”

  She nodded and a few short steps later, her dad handed her off to Mark, complete with a slap on the back and a couple sniffles.

  Mark’s eyes never left hers and that was fine because she didn’t want to look away from him either. It wasn’t the suit he wore that made him look so good, though he did the classy style very well. Rather, it was the happiness, the rightness, radiating from him that captivated her.

  “You clean up nice, Sheriff.”

  “I got nothing on you, pretty girl. You are, hands down, the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. And the dress is nice, too.”

  A smile tugged at her lips. “Thank you. I’ll be sure to reward you for that compliment later.”

  Her father cleared his throat and everyone in the room laughed.

  The good ol’ boy officiant began his customary spiel and she and Mark took turns repeating their promises to each other. They exchanged rings and something about that silver band on Mark’s hand that made her swoon a bit. She waved a hand in front of her face after she slipped it on and he winked, his thumb stroking over the pretty new band on her finger as well.

  Time seemed to move in slow motion and finally, finally, the cowboy closed his book, grinned, and said the words she’d been waiting to hear. “By the power vested in me by the state of Nevada, it is my pleasure to announce you husband and wife. Mark, you may kiss your beautiful bride.”

  Mark bent her over his arm and kissed her until the room spun. Wolf whistles filled the air and Jenny yelled, “Public indecency, Sheriff!”

  In the end, Luke signed the marriage certificate with Jenny and Ally took the opportunity to slug him in the arm.

  “You knew you’d be here when we talked in your garage the other day, didn’t you?”

  He nodded. “Wasn’t sure I’d be happy about it, but yeah...I planned to be here. For you.”

  “Thank you.” She pushed up and kissed his cheek, and then the next minute Mark swept her out the door and into a limo. It was huge and cush and there was enough room for everyone in the chapel, but Mark closed the door behind them, giving them the privacy she’d ached for all day long.

  “Hope you don’t mind, Ms. Dunn, but I need a little one on one time before we tackle dinner with the family.” He pulled her into his lap and she melted against him, absorbing the strong, unyielding comfort of his big arms. He smelled good too, so she buried her nose in his neck and sighed.

  “I don’t mind at all. In fact, how much time do you think we have? I’m pretty sure I could get this dress up and around my waist...”

  He laughed and squeezed her ass. “Not that much time and when I make love to my wife for the first time, I’d like it to be a little more intimate than this. I’m tempted though, I’ll give you that. White is officially my new favorite color on you. Sexy as fucking hell.”

  She leaned into his ear, her lips skimming the shell, and whispered, “Maybe I should’ve told you before, but...I’m not a virgin.”

  He growled and nipped at her jaw. “Don’t play with me like that, babe, or I’ll cancel dinner and take you straight back our room.”

  She wouldn’t put it past him and she wouldn’t be disappointed either way. But there was something she wanted to know first. “My dad said something about a story. What am I missing? What changed?”

  Mark sighed and shifted her so that they were face to face and eye to eye. His fingers were gentle against her cheek as he brushed her hair back, but not as gentle as his voice. “I’ve known for a long time I wanted to marry you, Ally.”

  “Me too, but...” That didn’t explain what had made her dad change his mind.

  “Remember that conversation I had with your dad?”

  “The one you wouldn’t tell me about?”

  He nodded. “I told him I was serious about us. That someday I’d ask for your hand.”

  Crap. “He told you no, didn’t h


  “He didn’t say anything at all. No, I take that back—he told me I’d better keep you safe. That was the night of the fire.”

  “Oh.” That explained her father’s sudden animosity.

  He lifted her hand and thumbed her engagement ring. “Ally, I bought this ring for you in August.”

  She stared at the diamond a minute before she jerked her gaze to his. “Oh. Oh! But we weren’t even—”

  “Yes, we were, babe. Maybe we hadn’t said the words and maybe hadn’t put a label on what we were doing, but I’d been in love with you for months. Shit, you’ve owned me since our first night together.” He tangled their fingers and traced a finger from the other hand over her lips. Lips that trembled as the full meaning of his confession sank in.

  “Why didn’t you tell me before?” she asked, even though she already knew the answer.

  “I needed you to know how much I loved you first. And honestly, for a while I wasn’t sure offering you a ring would’ve mattered. You’re not the kind of girl who’s swayed by pretty things and I didn’t want to ruin the moment by asking too soon. The timing had to be just right. We had to work through our shit and get to this place and figure out what’s real between us. My job is important to me, Ally, but my life is nothing without you in it.”

  So many emotions bubbled up in her chest and she couldn’t breathe. So she kissed him instead, and let him fill her up with everything she needed, because Mark? He was everything to her. Now he was her husband, too.


  “Thank you for being here, Hank. I know it means a lot to Ally.” Meant a lot to him too, but he and the man were still in the early stages of being civil to one another. Best not to show all his cards, in case Hank decided to change his mind about him.

  “Yeah, well, I couldn’t very well let my only daughter run off and get married without being there to give the groom hell, now could I?” Hank pulled back his shoulders and eyed Mark carefully.

  “Something you want to say to me, sir?”

  “Other than you better treat my little girl like a queen? Not a damn thing.”

  Figured. Clearly Eileen had told Hank about his intentions of proposing all along, but that didn’t seem to matter to the old man. Whatever. At least he’d come to his senses enough to walk Ally down that aisle and put a perma-smile on her face ever since.

  “Lighten up, Sheriff. I’m just yanking your chain.” Hank nudged him with an elbow, then swirled the whiskey around his glass. “You know, if you would’ve just told me back in October that you’d bought the ring, we could have avoided nearly killing each other.”

  “I told you I wanted to marry her, Hank. I—”

  “Yes, but you failed to tell me you’d already put that plan into action. And considering it was the first I’d heard from you on the matter, you’ve gotta understand why I didn’t immediately jump on your bandwagon. Any father would be skeptical of a man suddenly showing up on his doorstep, proclaiming affection for his daughter.”

  Fair enough, but... “I’d like to think I had a little more backing going into that conversation than you give me credit for.”

  Hank chuckled. “Don’t get cocky, boy. Your badge and standing in the community means nothing when it comes to being man enough for my Ally.”

  “But having a ring burning a hole in my pocket did?”

  “Sure, that helped.” The older man nodded. “But you know what really did it?”

  Not a clue. “Afraid I don’t, sir.”

  “The way you held my daughter in my kitchen.”

  Mark frowned. “Pardon?”

  A slow, bittersweet smile turned up the man’s mouth. “She was upset because we were having words and she turned to you and you...” He broke off, giving his head a resigned shake. “You forgot about me for a minute and you just held her. In those few moments, you showed me everything I needed to know.”

  “But you still chewed my ass outside.”

  “Of course, I did. Nothing I said or did was going to change how you two felt about each other, so what the hell did I have to lose? Got to see what the rest of you was made out of, too, so it all worked out.” Hank shrugged. “I gotta hand it to you, Sheriff. When you set your sights on something, you don’t back down.”

  Well, hell. That meant more coming from Hank Barrett than it would ever mean coming from someone else. Mark held his chin high. “Not when it comes to Ally, sir.”

  “Not when it comes to anything, far as I can tell.” Hank took a swig from his glass and sighed. “Chauncey’s gonna give you a run for your money come November, son. You ready for that?”

  “Damn right, I am.”

  “Good.” Ally’s father met his gaze and smiled. “But ready or not, you’ve got my vote, son.”

  Holy shit. “But Chauncey’s your friend...”

  Hank slapped him on the back and gave him a macho side-hug squeeze. “But you’re family now, Mark. That trumps everything else.”

  Mark stared for a moment, then cleared his throat. “I...I don’t know what to say, Hank. Thank you.”

  “There’s nothing more you need to say, son. You said it all when you gave my daughter your name.”


  “I hope we didn’t offend them.” Ally shot a saucy grin over her shoulder as Mark closed the hotel door behind them and turned every lock. One slow, purposeful step at a time, she started toward the bedroom. Dinner had been wonderful and there’d been some kind of bonding between Mark and her dad, but this...this was the part of the night she’d been waiting for.

  “I don’t give a damn if we did.” He was behind her in an instant, his mouth hot and wet on her neck. He took a gentle bite and then licked away the pain, sending goose bumps down her bare arms. “Fuck, I need you out of this dress.”

  “There’s lots of buttons. You’re going to have to be careful and patient.”

  He growled and she laughed. Pressed up against her back, he was hard everywhere and, if he thought for a second that tonight hadn’t been trying for her too, he was crazy. They hadn’t made love in almost a month and all the hungry, promising glances he’d given her tonight only amplified her desire.

  They reached the bedroom and she gasped. The dim glow from a lamp lit up the room just enough to make visible the rose petals spread out over the bed. Soft, bluesy music played, too, and she reached up and threaded her fingers in his hair.

  “You did this?”

  “If you can keep your hands off of me for a minute, I’ll light the candles too,” he murmured in her ear and she nodded.

  It was too much. Too sweet. Too...amazing.

  In awe, she watched him move around the big room, lighting at least a dozen little candles. Then he clicked off the lamp and came at her again, a lopsided grin on his handsome face.

  “Did I do okay? I know it’s not Paris or a secluded beach somewhere...”

  “It’s absolutely perfect.”

  He cupped her face and brushed his lips across hers, his tongue gentle as it slipped inside. She opened for him and met him stroke for tender stroke, consuming him and feeding him at the same time.

  “Let’s get you out of this dress, pretty girl.” His hands were feather soft, skimming down her back, along the delicate row of pearled buttons. She turned and he undid them one by one, placing a kiss on her bare skin every time a new section was revealed. By the time he reached the small of her back, she was breathless, her nerves on fire and her body aching for him.

  With a gentle tug, her dress fell free and he offered his hand to help her step out, groaning when the stockings and garters she wore came into view. He probably appreciated the thong and strapless bra, too. All white satin, so sheer that the fabric hid nothing.

  “Fuck me,” he muttered when she turned and showed him the front, where her nipples already begged for attention and where her panties were wet. When he raked his gaze down and over her curves, settling on the V between her legs, her clit pulsed. But it was more than a throbbing need to simply be caressed
and coaxed until she flew—it was a yearning to touch and be touched on an entirely new level.

  “Come here,” he whispered and she did, her hands smoothing under the panels of his suit jacket and sliding it from his shoulders. It hit the floor like her dress and his shirt and slacks followed.

  “I love how warm you always are.” She pressed soft kisses across his chest, flicking her tongue over a nipple and eliciting a shiver from him, along with his grip tightening on her hips. “It’s...comforting. Makes me feel safe.”

  “You’re always safe with me.” His breath was hot against the side of her face and his fingers light as they coasted over the small of her back. His erection felt like an arrow of scorching heat against her stomach. Could he tell how much her body had already changed there?

  She guessed he had, because suddenly he was on his knees before her, placing open-mouthed kisses on the new curve between her hips. “I still don’t believe this is real,” he murmured. “That I have you and we have this and...” He trailed off, dropping his forehead to her belly. “God, Ally, I love you so much it scares me sometimes.”

  Wasn’t that how love was supposed to go? “I love you too, but, baby...I really don’t want to talk anymore.”

  He glanced up and, in one swift motion, lifted her off the ground and placed her on the bed. The remnants of their clothing disappeared and her skin tingled with awareness and desperation for that connection only he could give her.

  “This is real,” she said, her hand over his heart as he levered above her, breathing hard with his forearms on either side of her head.

  “You’re mine, Ally,” he ground out. “Tell me you’re mine.”

  God, yes. Emotion and need crowded in on her at once and a sob burst from her chest. “I’m yours. All of me. Forever.”

  “Then take me home, pretty girl.”

  She did just that, lifting her hips and guiding him inside. He filled her slowly and thoroughly, making the month-long wait worth every, agonizing second.

  “I love you,” she whispered, her hands in his hair as he loved her.

  “I love you more,” he said before his lips closed around her nipple and the sweet press of his tongue against her flesh made her entire body shudder. When his thumb swept over her clit, she cried out his name, her fingernails digging into his skin.


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