Boyfriend for Hire

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Boyfriend for Hire Page 20

by Gail Chianese


  Like she said, he wasn’t looking for the white picket deal, which didn’t mean he thought of her as an easy hook-up. She meant too much to him. He’d planned to wine and dine her, seduce her over a roaring fire before hauling her up to the king-size bed in the guest room. Roll with the punches, Farber. Who was he to deny this woman anything she wanted, like a moonlight swim and sex on the beach.

  He slipped her dress down her arms and over her hips until it puddled at her feet. At the sight of her lacy black bra that only covered half of her breasts and the tiny scrap of material that passed as panties, he sucked in his breath and held it, afraid he’d wake up any minute from this dream.

  She followed his lead, sliding his slacks down his legs. The back of her hand brushed against him.

  “Are you always this up for swimming?”

  “Not usually. I think it has more to do with this scrap of material you’re wearing.”

  “Hey, this is a fifty-dollar bra, meant to lift and, ah, do things for you.”

  “Yeah? Remind me to send a thank-you note, because it’s working and doing things for me all right.” He pulled her tight against him so she could feel what kind of things it was doing to him and what he wanted to do to her in return. He slanted his mouth across hers and claimed it for his own.

  Tawny wrapped her long, smooth legs around his waist, positioning herself so that the tip of him hit against her clit. Several thoughts ran through his brain, but only two stuck out.

  Wet. Hot.

  Afraid if he tried to walk the thirty feet to the water’s edge he’d lose it before he even got started, he sank to his knees on the blanket. He rocked back to land on his butt, never losing his grip on Tawny. Seated, they were eye to eye, and she snugged closer, grinding herself against him as she closed the space between their bodies.

  “Ooh, this is much better than swimming,” she murmured against his neck.

  “Anything that gets you in my arms is fine with me.”

  She kissed her way up his neck, across his jaw, and bit down on his lower lip. Pain and pleasure shot through him. She was primed and ready to go, the evidence soaking what little material separated them, and as easy as it might have been to plunge into her and have her right there on the beach, Dave didn’t want to rush it. His plan called for wining and dining and slow seduction. To get things back on track he ignored the ache in his groin and concentrated on Tawny’s lush lips and how they felt against his.

  Lost in her arms, their mouths fused together, his pulse beat in rhythm to the pounding waves. One hand held her in place while the other lazily stroked along her spine. She was soft as silk and as fresh as the morning dew. He could stay like this for hours, except, you know, eventually the sun would rise and the vacationing families would come back out to play.

  “Tawny, let’s . . . ow.” Dave jerked his body to the side to see what had caused the sudden pain in his big toe, and in the process he lost his grip on Tawny and she fell off his lap and onto the blanket. “What the hell. Something has my foot.”

  He lifted his leg, trying to get his toe away from whatever, and a dark shadow flew through the air, landing with a thud on the blanket. Dave reached down, grabbed his pants, and pulled his cell phone out of the back pocket. Hitting the flashlight app, he aimed the beam onto the blanket to find a baby blue crab sitting between him and Tawny.

  “Aw, it’s so cute.”

  “It’s a vicious beast. You better stay back.”

  “Dave, seriously. It’s like three inches wide.”

  She was trying not to laugh. He could hear it in her voice and see it on her face. His toe throbbed. A quick glance with the light showed no blood, just a red mark where the creature had tried to take a hunk out of him.

  “It may be little, but it has humongous claws.” It was a good thing the beast only got his toe, considering the other options he had on display. With one eye on the crab he picked his pants up, gave them a quick shake in case Big Blue had a friend, and put them on. “Give me a second and I’ll get rid of him.”

  A gasp had him looking up. “What?”

  “You’re not going to hurt him, are you?”

  Women. “No, I’m not going to hurt the mean, toe-biting crustacean. I’m going to take him down to the water.” Dave reached down. The crab scampered toward him, snapping his claws. “Whoa, down, boy.”

  “I don’t think he likes you.” Tawny laughed from her side of the blanket before shifting her position only to have Big Blue move toward her.

  “I don’t think he likes either of us.” Every time one of them moved, the little guy came after them. “I think our safest bet is for each of us to take two corners and carry him to the water’s edge.”

  After tossing the little bugger into the water, they grabbed Tawny’s dress and headed indoors, where he hoped to be eaten by a hot brunette.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The roaring fire chased away the chill in the air and turned the room soft and seductive. Romantic. Exactly what Tawny hoped to avoid by suggesting a playful frolic in the ocean. This was too perfect, too sweet, too much like a night of making love and not having sex.

  She liked sex. It was fun and uncomplicated, when done right. When done wrong, it led to unrealistic expectations and broken hearts. She’d done the broken-heart thing a couple of times. Not the horrible, shattered into a million pieces experience, but still, she had no desire to repeat it. And not with David, who she feared had the ability to do far more damage than had been done before.

  Lying on her side with the flames dancing before her, she watched the man in question as he refilled their wineglasses and fiddled around in the gourmet kitchen overlooking the water. He left his shirt off. Hallelujah. Really, men built like him should never be allowed to wear shirts. Ever. Well, okay, maybe during winter, but then only tight tees that molded to their bodies. The slacks he wore hugged his butt nicely, but ran a little too loose to showcase his spectacular thighs.

  She really was a lucky woman, or would be if she remembered to guard her heart. Keep it light. Keep it fun.

  “I’ve seen that look before.” David handed her a glass of wine and joined her on the soft throw on the floor. “Big Blue had it when he was coming after me.”

  “Big Blue?”

  “Yeah, our friend from the beach.”

  She had to swallow fast not to spit the wine out at him. It was the first time she’d heard herself compared to a crab. “Maybe she thought you look tasty too. How is your toe?”

  “If I say it hurts, will you kiss it and make it better?”

  “Of course. Was it this one?” She pointed to a random place on his foot and watched his eyes glaze over as she leaned down to kiss the top of his toe. “Anyplace else?”

  David held out his pinkie. “I think she got me here too.”

  Tawny placed a gentle kiss on the tip of his finger before sucking it into her mouth. A soft moan had her looking up right before David slipped his fingers into her hair. Cupping the back of her head, he brought their mouths together. Heat that had nothing to do with the fire scorched her body. Thoughts of fun fled. Nothing this hot could be deemed as fun and games, because he wasn’t devouring her. No, the man was conducting a slow assault, firing up her nerves one by one as he kissed her like his life depended on it.

  She was so screwed.

  He slid her bra straps down her arms without her even being aware that he’d unhooked the darn thing. Rolling her onto her back, he removed the offending piece of material and stared at her.

  “You’re beautiful.”

  “You’re just saying that because I’m lying here ninety-nine percent naked and you’re about to get laid.”

  He shook his head. “No. You took my breath away the first time I saw you and too many times to count since then. You’re an amazing person, Tawny. Razor smart, dedicated, a great friend, and you try to do everything you can to please your family.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “Um, I’m lying h
ere naked. Can we not talk about my family right now? Better yet, less talking, more action?” She walked two fingers up his arm before tracing the muscles down to his waist.

  A quick tug on his pants brought him close enough to kiss while she worked the zipper free and shut him up. She didn’t want to talk, to hear the sweet words that could punch holes in her defenses and make her fall even harder for him. Didn’t want to think about the women who had come before her who heard those words, or the women who would follow. Not that she doubted his sincerity. He meant every word, she knew all the way to her center he wasn’t spouting platitudes to sugarcoat his way. Whether he knew it or not, David was a caregiver. The guy couldn’t help going out of his way to make others smile. The problem was he saw her clearer than anyone ever had. And that could lead to danger.

  David kissed her senseless, driving all thought from her brain until she lay panting on the rug. Bending forward, he sucked one nipple into his warm mouth while he massaged the other. Now this was what she’d been waiting for: hot, hard sex. If only he’d hurry up. Her thoughts must have showed on her face because he wagged a finger in front of her before switching his mouth to the other breast. He licked, he bit, he kissed, and she squirmed closer, trying to bring their bodies together.

  “Darling, you need to learn to slow down and enjoy the journey, otherwise you’ll miss the highlights of the trip. Let me show you.”

  The next thing Tawny knew his mouth had left her breast and claimed her core. All thought ceased to exist. Her world had turned into one giant ball of sensation as he lapped at her center until she screamed his name, which he claimed with a kiss as he drove his shaft deep into her.

  Tawny ticked off her list of to-do items as she parked the Mini in the lot and hustled toward the air-conditioned building. Just another manic Monday, and so worth it. After being thoroughly loved every which way possible and a few ways she hadn’t believed possible before the weekend, she was ready for anything, even running late. She refused to acknowledge she was already looking forward to the next time she saw David, even if her body responded in ways it shouldn’t at the mere thought of his name.

  As she reached for the front door of NE Event Solutions, her phone rang. She smiled as she looked at caller ID and saw Mateo’s name.

  “Hola,” she sang out.

  “Make her stop.”

  “Make who?”

  “Your mother.”

  “Last time I checked she was your mother first.” Tawny stepped away from the entrance and took a seat on the stone bench overlooking the side flower garden. “Okay, tell me, what is she up to now? She’s actually left me alone for a couple of minutes.”

  He let out a heavy sigh. “That’s because she’s driving me crazy. She’s planning my wedding. I’m not even officially engaged yet.”

  “And why aren’t you? Don’t you think you should make an honest man out of Alistair?” Because if he did, that would keep her mom out of Tawny’s business for at least a month or so.

  “Yes, I do, but there’s issues to work out.” Mateo’s voice filled with sorrow, and Tawny wanted to reach through the phone and hug her brother.

  “Is there anything I can do to help?”

  “Quit your job, move back home, and tell Mom you’re going to marry Ivan?”

  “Fat chance. I love my job and my apartment, and I don’t like Ivan. Besides, I’m seeing someone.” Tawny waved at a couple of coworkers exiting the building. She really needed to cut this short and get to work, but Matty had always been there for her when she needed a shoulder.

  “Ooh, you and Dave? Much better choice, not that Ivan isn’t terribly sexy to look at, but he reminded me a bit of George.”

  “Me too, and while I love all of you clowns, I’m not about to marry one of your clones. So what are the issues you need to work out before you can ask the love of your life to marry you?”

  “His family doesn’t know he’s gay.”

  “No way! Just tell them. This isn’t the eighteenth century. If our parents, who are so old-fashioned they were around for the christening of the Mayflower, can accept the relationship, then his parents should too. And if they don’t, who cares. Live your life the way you want, Matty, and with who you want. Even if it means living in sin forever.”

  He laughed. “Thanks. So what do I do about the dinner she’s set up with Father Pat? She wants him to do premarital counseling, even though he can’t marry us.”

  “Give the good father my best.” Tawny stood up and grabbed her purse and briefcase. “Look, I have to go. I’m late already. If you really want to get her off your back, tell her you talked to Dante and he’s dating someone, that it sounds serious.”

  “Is he?”

  “Who knows. Dante never talks about his personal life, but it will get Mom off your back for a couple of days while she grills him.”

  “You are an evil genius, sis. I like that about you.”

  Tawny hung up and headed inside, satisfied that her work for now was done, at least in regard to her family. Her least favorite person, Stacy the receptionist, greeted her.

  “You’re late. Aunt Lu needs you in her office ASAP.”

  Tawny mumbled thanks and hurried toward the elevator. Racking her brain she couldn’t remember having an appointment this morning. Right now, after the bone-melting massage David had started her day off with, she was lucky to remember her name. She bypassed her office and headed straight to the boss’s, only to pull up short at the sight of the man sitting in the visitor chair.

  His eyes met hers. Well, dang, this should be interesting. Mrs. Spinelli turned around and waved her in.

  “Tawny, come in. Mr. Castro and I were discussing their holiday party.”

  Ivan stood and offered his chair. “Ms. Torres, you look radiant today.”

  Did that mean she had looked like crud at the party? Shoving her nasty attitude aside, she thanked him and took the empty chair.

  “Please forgive my unexpected appearance this morning. I had a business meeting nearby and I thought I’d take a chance you would have some free time to talk with me. Luanne has been very kind, putting aside her work to keep me company.” Ivan flashed that same dimpled smile at Mrs. Spinelli that had turned her mom into a smitten girl.

  Much to Tawny’s dismay, Mrs. S joined his fan club.

  “No need to apologize. Our clients are always welcome, especially the charming ones.” Mrs. S rose and clasped Ivan’s hand. “Unfortunately, I do have a meeting to attend. However, I’ll leave you in Tawny’s capable hands. Feel free to use my office, and do come back and see us again, Ivan.”

  “Ivan, I’m—”

  “Please do not apologize for making me wait. I should have called or waited for your call, as promised.” He sat in the vacant chair and took her hand. “I have a confession to make. I did not have a meeting this morning.”


  “No.” He flashed those dimples at her. She waited for the reaction to hit her. Nope, nothing, no sudden urge to turn into a giggling schoolgirl. Thank goodness. “I wanted to see you. I’m afraid we didn’t get much time to talk at the party this weekend. Your friend, Mr. Farber, was quite protective of you. As I would be of my sisters.”

  Tawny glanced down at their joined hands to avoid him seeing the shock and horror on her face. Neat, clean nails. Smooth, soft skin. Warm. Strong, yet gentle as he held her hand. A few months ago, he would have fit the description (at least physically) of the type of man she could see herself with, and probably beneath his outdated attitude toward women lay a kind and loving man. But these days, she preferred one a little less polished, a lot more tolerant, and just as charming.

  “Yes, about David—”

  “No need to explain. Your mama told me he is a school friend of your brothers, and with your best friends marrying, it is only natural that he would want to look out for your best interest. Your mama also said she would talk to Mr. Farber and assure him my intentions toward you are honorable and that I had your parents’ bles
sing in courting you.”

  She what? Tawny didn’t care how horrid she looked in orange. She was going to kill her mother. Slow and painful—well, maybe she’d make it quick, as the deranged woman had given her life.

  “Ivan, I don’t know what to say.” Truly she didn’t, for she feared anything she did say might be used against her.

  “Say you’re as happy as I am with your parents’ blessing. We will have to wait to introduce you to my family, as my parents are on an extended trip at the moment.”

  Thank goodness for small favors. “I’m afraid—”

  “Querida, you need not be afraid any longer. It is understandable that you would be unsure of me, of my feelings. When a woman reaches a certain age without finding a suitable marriage partner, it is normal for her to doubt she ever will. Granted, I was initially looking for a younger woman, one who had a longer breeding cycle and could give me many bebés. After meeting you, I know there is no other woman for me.”

  Breeding cycle? A Certain age? “I’m . . . flattered?” Surely a jury would let her off when they heard she’d been referred to as nothing more than an old broodmare.

  “I think the Fates are in our favor.” He grasped her hands and looked longingly into her eyes.

  “You do?” Tawny eyed the distance to the door. Could she make it out and to the elevator before he caught her?

  “Of course. First, your very smart mama introduces us, and it led to you landing my company’s account, which your lovely employer appeared delighted about. Had we not met, I would have hired the same planners who we’ve used in the past. They are adequate, but come without the benefit of spending time with you.”

  Tawny extracted her hands from his and stood. She used the excuse to grab a bottle of water to put some distance between her and Don Juan. “So if I wasn’t working here, you would have hired another company?”


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